Forgotten stories of Indian soldiers during World War I

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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Heartwarming stories, including romantic ones, about Indian soldiers who fought in the First World War as part of the British Army, culled from archives and personal testimonies, feature in a new documentary. The upcoming feature-length film Mademoiselle France Pleure (Miss France is in Tears) attempts to piece together the lesser known fact about the 1.4 million Indian soldiers and civilian workers who came to France and Belgium to defend France's freedom against invasion. "The soldiers faced various hardships, casualties and diseases in the war. The feature-length documentary attempts to show their specific situations within the British Army and hospitals," says Vijay Singh, an Indian filmmaker and novelist based in Paris. Mr. Singh, who has shot critically acclaimed feature films such as Jaya Ganga and One Dollar Curry in the past was in New Delhi recently to announce the project and firm up plans to shoot in countries including India, France, Austria and Belgium. "Everybody remembers India's freedom struggle, but very few or in fact nobody would remember the contribution made by Indian soldiers during the World War I about the role played by Indian soldiers during the World War I," says Mr. Singh. The filmmaker attempts to show various tragicomic situations faced by the French and the British while feeding Indian soldiers according to their strict religious beliefs and the hospitality of French hostesses, which won the hearts of Indian soldiers during their convalescence in French barns.

Read more here:
Forgotten stories of Indian soldiers during World War I - The Hindu


Devil's Advocate
New Member
Apr 21, 2009
Who gives a shit? These were mercenaries who fought for a foreign country in a war which helped consolidate British control over India. We are supposed to shed tears for them? A bunch of these same so-called "soldiers" massacred thousands of their own countrymen in cold blood on the orders of their white master at Jallianwala Bagh. We should be ashamed, not proud of their deeds.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
There is something wrong with the title of this thread.

Indian soldiers?

More like Indians at the service of the Empire.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
As were millions of Indians working for the Raj Govt services and manufacturing, working as khalasi.on British merchant ships, stokers in the railways etc.

Indians thus were all mercenaries since they were selling their souls for thirty pieces of silver?

I would rather see the achievements they achieved inspite of being forced to sell their souls for thirty pieces of silver since they had no other options, their freedom having been sold to the British by their ancestors, who squabbled amongst themselves fighting for their own Kingdom and nothing beyond.

The similar way, the right wing will write history, in which India slavishly soldiered on under the Congress govts, which falsely claimed to be the sole custodians and engineers of India freedom and which led them into greater pecuniary day by day.

While the Left wing historians will claim that India sold it secular souls to the Hinduvta communalist for their pieces of silver.

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New Member
Jun 2, 2013
Same with those -----ing NRIs that worked slavishly for their masters, contributing to the economy of countries that were backing and funding Pakistani terror since Independence.


New Member
May 14, 2014
Same with those -----ing NRIs that worked slavishly for their masters, contributing to the economy of countries that were backing and funding Pakistani terror since Independence.
Me and Ajesh no NRI's. :truestory:

At least Indian workers of railway etc did not beat poor people and neither they killed poor people mercilessly like BIA.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Me and Ajesh no NRI's. :truestory:

At least Indian workers of railway etc did not beat poor people and neither they killed poor people mercilessly like BIA.
That was not their job.

The stokers were doing their job as the others were.

And all were thus mercenaries, right?

The soldiers fighting the Germans were not beating any Indian, right?

The valour is only being recognised.


New Member
May 14, 2014
That was not their job.

The stokers were doing their job as the others were.

And all were thus mercenaries, right?

The soldiers fighting the Germans were not beating any Indian, right?

The valour is only being recognised.
If British respected valor why BIA was under paid? What about Millions of Indians who died from starvation in famines intended to keep British super power?

British should also accept the sacrifice of Millions of Indians who perished because of malnutrition because of British policy to keep British superpower.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
If British respected valor why BIA was under paid? What about Millions of Indians who died from starvation in famines intended to keep British super power?

British should also accept the sacrifice of Millions of Indians who perished because of malnutrition because of British policy to keep British superpower.
Please let us know the the rates of pay for Indian troops and the British troops in India. That will help.

Millions died in famine is right. Is that a fault of the Indian troops?

Movement of food supplies is the task of bureaucrats and not soldiers, in case you did not know that.

In fact, the grains that were coming from Australia was directed elsewhere. And Churchill has been blamed.

You have real convoluted J'Accuses to purvey.


New Member
May 14, 2014
Please let us know the the rates of pay for Indian troops and the British troops in India. That will help.
During 1942's Singapore Battle BIA soldiers were given Rs 25 per month. And British Royal Army was given RS 75. Discrimination.

1946 Navy revolt- 1 main reason was low payment of Indian sailors. 1857 Revolt, Sepoys were mercilessly poorly paid.

You said I need ocean of knowledge, yet you dont know this.

Millions died in famine is right. Is that a fault of the Indian troops?
Those Indian soldiers in return of monthly payment, were fighting to keep running such Government which cared very little about Indians. So yes, indirect fault.

Movement of food supplies is the task of bureaucrats and not soldiers, in case you did not know that.
Same as above.

In fact, the grains that were coming from Australia was directed elsewhere. And Churchill has been blamed.

You have real convoluted J'Accuses to purvey.
BS. Bengal had no shortage of grain. Armatya Sen proved this. Even if it had still not terrible. British simply did not care about Indians, so policies were poorly planned. What about 1770 Famine? 1874 famine? And others?

Churchill was not saint, he said Indians "Race of beggars" etc. He was clearly racist.

Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust

Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust

i went to IEPER, Belgium where this war memorial is , i paid my respect. there is indian flag with ashok chakra 4 lion statue also flying .
:facepalm: :facepalm:


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
New Member
Sep 28, 2011
There is something wrong with the title of this thread.

Indian soldiers?

More like Indians at the service of the Empire.
This from a person who has not served his country in uniform and never will. Your disrespect is a disgrace to DFI and to India.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
New Member
Sep 28, 2011

See how quickly post #12 is deleted by a person who can't handle the truth.
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Turning into a frog
New Member
Mar 30, 2009
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During 1942's Singapore Battle BIA soldiers were given Rs 25 per month. And British Royal Army was given RS 75. Discrimination.

1946 Navy revolt- 1 main reason was low payment of Indian sailors. 1857 Revolt, Sepoys were mercilessly poorly paid.

You said I need ocean of knowledge, yet you dont know this.

Those Indian soldiers in return of monthly payment, were fighting to keep running such Government which cared very little about Indians. So yes, indirect fault.

Same as above.

BS. Bengal had no shortage of grain. Armatya Sen proved this. Even if it had still not terrible. British simply did not care about Indians, so policies were poorly planned. What about 1770 Famine? 1874 famine? And others?

Churchill was not saint, he said Indians "Race of beggars" etc. He was clearly racist.

Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust

Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust

:facepalm: :facepalm:

So, you call the sepoys of 1757 mutiny patriots and WWII disgrace?!

Churchil was racist, that is know by everyone who cared to know. But how is it the fault of the soldiers who fought?

No govt. - the rajas or nawabs - cared excessively but for exception, for common people before the Britishers came or during the British rules and as it have been proved quite a few decades after the Britishers were gone. So, what was new to those soldiers, but earning living for their families?

Yes, Bengal famine was a fact. But, I have learnt little how valiantly the Congress party fought to help? Where were those fathers and mothers and brothers of the nation. Weren't they first issued statements providing support for the British empire in WWII?

You have not served in uniform ever, that is clear. With your mentality you certainly would not serve in uniform ever, either. However, you may try to learn one thing that Soldiers are trained to follow orders - and orders only. They were ordered to go and fight in Europe and they fought - fought valiantly. Respect their courage, if nothing else.

You want to bet how many of those unpatriotic soldier's descendants are in our present army now?


New Member
May 14, 2014
So, you call the sepoys of 1757 mutiny patriots and WWII disgrace?!
Yes, they were patriots, they were fighting to expel British from India. Those Sepoys too were people of our country. I respect Mughals who ruled our country in fact by 1857 Mughals were our legitimate rulers. Is not intention to be ruled by native kings instead of foreigners sign of patriotism?

I dont give a damn to any one who worked for empire, specially Indian soldiers, police who beat Indian public to death.

Churchil was racist, that is know by everyone who cared to know. But how is it the fault of the soldiers who fought?
Those soldiers involvement in war helped a Government to stay in running position which was headed by imperialists. So indirect fault. Read my post again.

No govt. - the rajas or nawabs - cared excessively but for exception, for common people before the Britishers came or during the British rules and as it have been proved quite a few decades after the Britishers were gone. So, what was new to those soldiers, but earning living for their families?
:facepalm: Why dont you study history instead of ranting? If British took care of people why so many famines occured? Dont forget former Rajas and Newabs had no rail way system or teligraph etc to help people. Can you give ration to starving people by slow moving carts effectively? But british had Railways, still they let Indians die.

famines were quite common in medieval age because of lack scientific technology, treatment and transport system, in medieval age even Europe was not free from famines. But in modern era when every thing we had?

Yes, Bengal famine was a fact. But, I have learnt little how valiantly the Congress party fought to help? Where were those fathers and mothers and brothers of the nation. Weren't they first issued statements providing support for the British empire in WWII?
Dont think Congress was holier than thou. Congress was dominated always by English man in Indian skin. Congress in fact weakened Indian people's fighting spirit. If we had a Communist revolution(sadly Indian communists too are English in Indian skin) it would be better. Gandhiji actually did not know what he really want.

You have not served in uniform ever, that is clear. With your mentality you certainly would not serve in uniform ever, either. However, you may try to learn one thing that Soldiers are trained to follow orders - and orders only. They were ordered to go and fight in Europe and they fought - fought valiantly. Respect their courage, if nothing else.
I better respect at first and demand British to respect extreme sign of sacrifice that Indian people did, who were starved to death by British to keep British super power, are only soldiers brave? Those Indians who worked hard on low salary, died of starvation, were not they brave? I respect them first.

Soldier always responsible to namak.

BIA was not valorous at all, their loyalty was to $$$ not to British. That's why 45,000 BIA(plus 40,000 British) in Singapore surrendered to 35,000 Japanese. In WW2 BIA only put stiff resistance when Rommel's North Afrika Corps got low on supply, in SE Asia BIA did not have stance against Japanese attack, only when Japanese diverted their war machine to Americans then being supported regularly from India, BIA attacked Japanese in Burma who were low on man power, little to Zero air cover and low on supply.

In WW1 they fought mainly against Turks, who were never industrially developed country, plus Arab Guerrillas were very active behind Turkish lines.

Not much valor.

You want to bet how many of those unpatriotic soldier's descendants are in our present army now?
BIA soldiers were never Wannabe British, most joined BIA because India was poor and had no chance of employment, they joined for $$$. If you read the book From Redcoats to Olive Green you will understand how BIA was happy when India got freedom in 1947 some even said for first time finally we are serving our country, not only working for money.

I know Indian army's Colonial heritage.

Indian army in fact never became People's Liberation Army like China.

You respect valor very well, ask British also to recognize sacrifice of Millions of Indians who died to keep British super power.

PS. Maoists too are brave, as they are fighting against much organized state force, please respect them also. :tsk:
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New Member
Mar 10, 2009
As were millions of Indians working for the Raj Govt services and manufacturing, working as khalasi.on British merchant ships, stokers in the railways etc.

Indians thus were all mercenaries since they were selling their souls for thirty pieces of silver?
A mercenary will necessarily be a combatant who fights for money.

Stoking the fire of a steam locomotive in the days of the Raj does not make one a mercenary, however, certainly a servant of the Empire.

I have a problem equating the British Army (British Indian Army or whatever nomenclature one wishes to use), with the Indian Army and Paramilitaries. In my perception, that is sacrilege. @Known_Unknown gave a very good example of Jalliwanwalla Bagh. I stand by what I said. Those soldiers should never be called "Indian soldiers." The term "mercenary" is appropriate.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2013
Doesn't matter what NRIs think of BIA soldiers, or pakis pretending to be Indians on DFI think of them.

What matters is what the Indian Army thinks of them.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Doesn't matter what NRIs think of BIA soldiers, or pakis pretending to be Indians on DFI think of them.

What matters is what the Indian Army thinks of them.
I agree, Pakis pretending to be Indians should not be bothered to pontificate about Servants of the Empire. It is a known fact that Pakis and the Brits were bedfellows at one point.

