Europe should convert to Islam: Gaddafi


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2009
Islam in Europe

This article deals with the history and evolution of the Islamic religion in Europe. According to the German Central Institute Islam Archive, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2007 was about 53 million, including 16 million in the European Union.

Early history
Islam came to Eastern Europe in various ways, including through conquest. New research has uncovered a possible Muslim community in 12th century Hungary with roots in Muslim merchants in commerce with Asia over the Silk Road. In addition, there are reports of an Islamic community worshipping in wooden Mosques near Vilnius in the 1500s, under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Eastern Europe

Muslim Arabs fought the Byzantine Empire soon after the establishment of Islam. The then Christian Syrian, Egyptian and North African provinces of the Byzantine Empire were overrun. Soon after, Constantinople was besieged twice, once in a long blockade between 674 and 678, and once again between 717 and 718. However, the Byzantines successfully defended Constantinople and were able to re-establish control over much of Anatolia. This blocked further expansion of the Arab Caliphate towards Eastern Europe.
The Arab armies also conquered much of the Caucasus from the Turkic Khazars during the Khazar–Arab Wars, but the instability of the Umayyad Caliphate made a permanent occupation impossible. The Arab armies withdrew and Khazar independence was re-asserted. This also prevented expansion into Eastern Europe for some time.
In 824 CE, Byzantine Crete fell to Arabs, who established an emirate on the island (see Al-Hakam I). In 960, Nicephorus Phocas reconquered Crete for the Byzantines.
In the early 10th century, in what is now part of European Russia, the Volga Bulgarians under Almış accepted Islam as the state religion. Ibn Fadlan was dispatched by the Abbasid Caliph al-Muqtadir in 922/3 to establish relations and bring qadis and teachers of Islamic law (sharia) to Volga Bulgaria, as well as to help build a fort and a mosque.
There are accounts of the trade connections between the Muslims and the Rus, apparently Vikings who made their way East towards current day Russia. On his way to Volga Bulgaria, Ibn Fadlan brought detailed reports of the Rus, claiming that some had converted to Islam. "They are very fond of pork and many of them who have assumed the path of Islam miss it very much." The Rus also relished their nabidh, a fermented drink Ibn Fadlan often mentioned as part of their daily fare.[2]
The Golden Horde began its conquest of present day Russia and Ukraine in the 13th century. Despite the fact that they were not Muslim at the time, the western Mongols adopted Islam as their state religion in the early 14th century. More than half[3] of the European portion of Russia and Ukraine, were under suzerainty of Muslim Tatars and Turks from the 13th century to the 15th century. The Crimean Khanate became a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire in 1475 and subjugated what remained of the Great Horde by 1502. The Khanate of Kazan was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in 1552.

Balkans during the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire began its expansion into Europe by taking the European portions of the Byzantine Empire in the 14th-15th centuries up until the 1453 capture of Constantinople, establishing Islam as the state religion in the region. The Ottoman Empire continued to stretch northwards, taking Hungary in the 16th century, and reaching as far north as the Podolia in the mid-17th century (Peace of Buczacz), by which time most of Eastern Europe was under Ottoman control. Ottoman expansion in Europe ended with their defeat in the Great Turkish War. In the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), the Ottoman Empire lost most of its conquests in Central Europe. The Crimean Khanate was later annexed by Russia in 1783.[4] Over the centuries, the Ottoman Empire gradually lost almost all of its European territories, until its collapse in 1922, when the former empire was transformed into the nation of Turkey.
Between 1304 (when the Ottomans crossed into Europe at Gallipolli) and 1526, the Empire had conquered the territory of present day Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, the former Yugoslavia, and Hungary. The Empire laid siege to Vienna in 1683. The intervention of the Polish King broke the siege, and from then afterwards the Ottomans battled the Habsburg Emperors until 1699, when the Treaty of Karlowitz forced them to surrender Hungary, Croatia, and portions of present day Slovenia and Serbia. From 1699 to 1913, wars and insurrections pushed the Ottoman Empire further back until it reached the current European border of present-day Turkey.
For most of this period, the Ottoman retreats were accompanied by Muslim refugees from these province (in almost all cases converts from the previous subject populations), leaving few Muslim inhabitants in Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, and the Transylvania region of present day Romania.
Bulgaria remained under Ottoman rule until around 1878, and currently its population includes about 131,000 Muslims (2001 Census) (see Pomaks).
Bosnia was conquered by the Ottomans in 1463, and a large portion of the population converted to Islam in the first 200 years of Ottoman domination. By the time Austia-Hungary occupied Bosnia in 1878, the Habsburgs had shed the desire to re-Christianize new provinces. As a result, a sizable Muslim population in Bosnia survived into the 20th century.
Albania and the Kosova area remained under Ottoman rule until 1913. Previous to the Ottoman conquest, the northern Albanians were Roman Catholic and the southern Albanians were Christian Orthodox, but by 1913 the majority were Muslim. Apart from the effect of a lengthy period under Ottoman domination, many of the subject population were converted to Islam as a result of a deliberate move by the Ottomans as part of a policy of ensuring the loyalty of the population against a potential Venetian invasion.

Western Europe


Muslim forays into Western Europe began shortly after the religion's inception, with a short lived invasion of Byzantine Sicily by a small Arab and Berber force that landed in 652. Islam gained its first foothold in Europe from 711 onward, with the Umayyad conquest of Hispania. The invaders named their land Al-Andalus, which expanded to include what is now Portugal and Spain except for the northern highlands of Asturias. Al-Andalus has been estimated to have had a Muslim majority by the 10th century.[5]:42 This coincided with the La Convivencia period of the Iberian Peninsula as well as the Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain. Pelayo, King of Asturias began the Christian counter-offensive known as the Reconquista after the Battle of Covadonga in 722. Slowly, Spanish Christian forces regained control of the peninsula. By 1236, practically all that remained of Muslim Spain was the southern province of Granada.
[edit]Southern France
In the eighth century, Muslim forces pushed beyond Spain into Aquitaine, in southern France, but suffered a temporary setback when defeated by Eudes (Duke of Aquitaine), at the Battle of Toulouse (721). In 725 Muslim forces captured Autun in France. The town would be the easternmost point of expansion of Umayyad forces into Europe; just seven years later in 732, the Umayyads would be forced to begin their withdrawal to al-Andalus after facing defeat at the Battle of Tours by Frankish King Charles Martel. The last Muslim forces were driven from France in 759, but maintained a presence all the way into Switzerland until the 10th c.[6] At the same time, Muslim forces managed to capture Sicily and portions of southern Italy, and even sacked Rome in 846 and later sacked Pisa in 1004.


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2009
Islam in Europe—Beginning of the Backlash?

Over the past decade, the Trumpet has tracked a progressive right-wing swing in the European electorate. Present indications are that this trend is accelerating, even spreading across the Atlantic to America.

Our regular readers are aware that the Trumpet has been monitoring the increasing penetration by pan-Islamism into European and Anglo-Saxon society. This was always destined to end in what Samuel P. Huntington described in his 1996 bestselling book of the same title as the clash of civilizations.

Islam and Christianity are incompatible forms of religion. At source each is imperialist, globalist, universalist in its mission. The two have been on a course toward inevitable clash since the postwar revival of Islam, especially in its most extreme form of pan-Islamism.

At heart, as demonstrated by their respective histories, neither Roman Catholicism, mother of the world's form of Christianity, nor Islam are peaceful religions. Each has a crusading past. Only since the end of World War ii has the Roman church appeared benign and, at least on the surface, unaffiliated with any political power bent on global domination. As to Islam, following the end of the Ottoman Empire, the Allies having gained victory over Turkey and Germany in World War i, little was seen of its militant form until the rise of Islamist terror in the 1970s. That Islam is not a peaceful religion has become most apparent through the impact of its most extremist forms on Western society since that time.

With minarets increasingly spiking city skylines and the call of the muezzin to prayer rising incessantly across the cities of the West, the cry of "enough" is increasingly going up from Western traditionalists. From Denmark to France and Holland, electorates are responding by voting in referenda or local elections—or by government regulation in the case of France—to stem the onward march of non-assimilative Islam across their respective cultures.

People are awakening to the reality that just as London is the banking house for the support of Islamist extremism and terror, Germany is its training ground in weapons of mass destruction and the human instruments of their delivery.

In the meantime, two recent cases in Europe—one in Germany, the other in the Netherlands—demonstrate just how extreme the tension between Christian and Muslim is becoming on the Continent.

Last week, reported, "The far-right politician Geert Wilders is poised to become the next Dutch prime minister after making major gains in regional elections." And the reason for the sudden rise to popularity of Geert Wilders? His stance against the spread of Islamic influence in his country. "Mr. Wilders has called Islam a backward religion, wants a ban on headscarves in public life and has compared the Koran to Hitler's Mein Kampf" (March 4).

Following further local elections on Sunday, an update by Reuters mentioned that "The Freedom Party (pvv) of anti-immigrant leader Geert Wilders moved three seats ahead of its rivals in a new Dutch election poll on Sunday, as support for the Christian Democrats (cda) of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende continued to slip" (March 7). It is difficult to draw anything other than a conclusion that Wilders's popularity is mainly a reflection of the Dutch expressing their desire that Islamist impact on their society be curtailed.

Next door, Germany demonstrated that not only is its secret service, the bnd, intent on tracking down extremist Islamist cells which for years have used that nation as a training ground, but Germany's courts are intent on publicizing their intent to place such miscreants behind bars. Associated Press reported that "Islamist terrorists planned to blow up U.S. air base in Germany" and the "Attacks could have equaled London and Madrid bombings." "The four men, operating as a German cell of the radical Islamic Jihad Union, had plotted bombing attacks against American citizens and facilities, including the U.S. Air Force's Ramstein air base in Germany, the Düsseldorf state court found" (March 4).

The German court found that the terrorists' goal "was not only to attack Americans—for example at bars, discos and other public places—but also to influence a German parliamentary vote in October 2007 on extending the country's military deployment in Afghanistan "¦. As part of the judgment, the four were also found guilty of attempting to coerce parliament" (ibid.).

The publicity given to the conclusion to this two-year trial in Germany has come at a time when certain German elites are seeking to sway public opinion in favor of a more aggressive role by German troops in Afghanistan.

It is intriguing to note that while London, the mecca for Islamist terrorist bankers, has suffered from Islamic terrorist attack, Germany's cities have not yet suffered one Islamist terrorist attack, save that directed at Jewish Olympians at the Munich games in 1972. It is interesting to consider that fact in relation to the deep involvement of German industry in Iran, Islamic terror's greatest sponsor. Additionally, until quite recently, German troops have been largely spared aggressive attack from the Islamist Taliban in Afghanistan. However, as tensions have mounted between Tehran and Berlin over the past year, Taliban attacks on the Bundeswehr have increased.

That there should be rising tension between Germany and Iran is not surprising to students of Bible prophecy, for the prophecies foretell of a moment in history when a "king of the south" will push at a "king of the north." We have regularly identified Iran as that king of the south and Germany as the prophesied leader of a rising imperial northern power. Simply put, the conservative stance of Pope Benedict xvi and the increasingly anti-Muslim expressions of the European community, of which Iran perceives Germany as leader, are just too reminiscent of the combined anti-Islam stance of both throughout history. In particular, the history of the Crusades of the Holy Roman Empire, led spiritually by the pope and militarily by Germany.

In reality, it is not so much Islamist terrorism of which the Anglo-Saxon nations should be fearful. It is the power that is prophesied to blow the Islamist "king of the south" away like a whirlwind—a whirlwind that has its source in the north, the biblical "king of the north"! And that whirlwind is stimulated by Islamic extremism provoking a reaction from this "king of the north" by its incessant, kamikaze poking and pushing at the overwhelmingly more powerful king of the north (read our booklet The King of the South for details on this).

The trends in Europe are right on target in terms of fulfilling, right on time, an over-arching plan that was laid out millennia ago and prophesied in your Bible.

What are the specific trends that irrefutably prove this?

They are patently obvious for any clear-thinking realist to grasp: a newly assertive Germany which dominates Europe financially, economically, industrially and politically; a developing Continental crisis that is destined to shatter the present form of European union into 10 distinct regions under 10 dominant leaders, all yielding to the political direction of an imperial dictator and the spiritual direction of Rome; the hiving off of Europe's weakest economies to become vassals of the future union of 10; the drive to create a new raison d'être for nato in tandem with a pan-European defense force under leadership of a significantly German High Command; the retooling of European industry to a common standard for the combined production of armaments to empower the European defense force (our booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? identifies the prophecies relevant to these current events).

The current year is developing as the time when the EU will reconsolidate financially and economically. Following the nato summit slated for the end of this year, watch for 2011 to become the year when the EU will rapidly rise to the fore as a global power in terms of nuclear-armed military force, with the prospect of the merging of nato with the EU defense apparatus.

As all this develops, watch for the U.S. and Britain to be increasingly marginalized from North Atlantic affairs.

Writing for the New American, Charles Scaliger observed: "When—not if—the euro collapses, and with it the meticulously and disingenuously crafted European economic union, the world economic and financial order will be shaken to its core. But the inevitable result—the breakup or severe curtailment of European political union—will be a severe blow to the dreams of generations of internationalist world government partisans. In the short term, the demise of the House That Maastricht Built will be painful. But in the long run, European nations will probably recover their long-lost economic and political sovereignty" (February 26).

Mr. Scaliger may well be right with the first part of his prognostication. However, he definitely runs askew in his conclusion. The revamping of the EU, far from leading to any prospect of any of its present member nations recovering "their long-lost economic and political sovereignty," will actually lead to the reverse—the consolidation of tyrannical power by Berlin and Rome over the lesser states in Europe, and the Slavic servitude of the 10 to those two powers!


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2009
Sweden: what happens when islam start to take over!

YouTube - Sweden: what happens when islam start to take over!!

Muslims In UK Openly Call For Murder Of Dutch Politician Geert Wilders On Public Street In London!

YouTube - Muslims In UK Openly Call For Murder Of Dutch Politician Geert Wilders On Public Street In London!

Islamic controversy plagues Austria

YouTube - Islamic controversy plagues Austria

Muslims Are Taking Over The World at an ALARMING Rate - MUSLIM IMMIGRATION

YouTube - Muslims Are Taking Over The World at an ALARMING Rate - MUSLIM IMMIGRATION


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Actually there is nothing wrong about conversion so long as it is from the heart of the one who is converting.

It is obvious that the good points of a religion have to be explained so that the person feels that switching will be spiritually beneficial.

Evangelism is as old as the Abrahamic religions itself. Therefore, it is quite in line of the religious theory.

To answer your question of Islam in the US, Russia, China and India, maybe this would help you on your way:
Tablighi Jamaat: Recipe for an Islamic State

Claimed to be from Website of Maulana Tariq Jamil of Tablighi Jamaat .

Many such websites are available. However, one has to sift the wheat from the chaff. I have posted just one to satiate your curiosity and line of questioning.

What is one man's 'truth' can be another man's 'propaganda' or disinformation.

One must tread religious news with care!
This shows expansionism, dear. When no one invites Arabs to become Buddhists or Hindus or Jews or Christians, I think morons like Gaddafi and so called maulanas who strut around the streets and on TV abusing other religions and showing their own in bright limelight, should also not make an attempt to invite people. Arab expansionism is seen best from here. Turkey despite being an anchor of Ottoman empire doesn't send maulanas around. Wonder why Arabs and their eager beaver radicalized followers do so.

If some non-Muslim cleric invites Arabs or other Islamic community in general to convert to that religion in a Muslim country, he would be tried of 'blasphemy' and executed. Hypocrisy at its best. :emot117:


Oct 8, 2009
Gaddafi and his antics. If anyone knows his history, people will know that this is nothing but a politcal stunt.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
He is like paris hilton...attention seeking fool.


Oct 8, 2009
Actually there is nothing wrong about conversion so long as it is from the heart of the one who is converting.

It is obvious that the good points of a religion have to be explained so that the person feels that switching will be spiritually beneficial.

Evangelism is as old as the Abrahamic religions itself. Therefore, it is quite in line of the religious theory.

To answer your question of Islam in the US, Russia, China and India, maybe this would help you on your way:
Tablighi Jamaat: Recipe for an Islamic State

Claimed to be from Website of Maulana Tariq Jamil of Tablighi Jamaat .

Many such websites are available. However, one has to sift the wheat from the chaff. I have posted just one to satiate your curiosity and line of questioning.

What is one man's 'truth' can be another man's 'propaganda' or disinformation.

One must tread religious news with care!

I am glad that you mentioned that there is a lot of propaganda out there. Espicially the article here does not provide a link to the website. I could do a complete post mortem of the article but I think overall there is hardly anything correct here so I would be just redoing the entire article.

The one basic thing that is very fundamental is that this "effort" or "movement" is only within muslims and does not aim for conversion of muslims i.e. making muslims good muslims. And it is completely apolitical and holds know politcal ambitions. Infact, some of their leaders have asked to have good realtions with Israel as well and to work with the muslims living in Israel. And have been explicit in being against the so called Jihad in Afghanistan or Kashmir because they were basically politcal in nature.

There are many people who have do some academic works like Yoginder Sikand and Barbara Metcalfe are pretty authentic as they actually spent time with the group.

In this case, Gaddafi is nothing but trying to do his political upmanship


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2009
Rome: Models convert during Gaddafi lecture on Islam

Via Al-Arabia:

Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi gave a lesson on Islam and copies of the Quran to a few hundred young Italian women Sunday as he arrived in Rome for his fourth visit in a year.

It was the second time the Libyan leader - who travels with female bodyguards and fancies himself a self-styled feminist - had staged such an event for Italian women, who were recruited by a modeling agency and paid an undisclosed sum to attend.

Michela, who asked that her last name not be used, told Associated Press Television News that three of the participants converted to Islam on the spot.

"It was a really beautiful meeting and went very well," she said. "He is very easygoing and he gave us a copy of the Quran. Three girls converted themselves to Islam during the ceremony. It was a beautiful event."

Other participants, though, identifying themselves as Roman Catholics in this overwhelmingly Catholic country, said Gaddafi had urged others to convert and had dismissed Christianity as unimportant.
Between 200 and 500 young women attended, arriving 10 buses at the Libyan ambassador's residence just as Gaddafi 's plane was landing at Rome's Ciampino airport at the start of a two-day visit.

The visit, amid steadily improving business ties between Libya and its former colonial ruler, also marks the second anniversary of a friendship treaty in which Italy agreed to pay Libya $5 billion as compensation for its 30-year occupation, which ended in 1943.

When Gaddafi was in Italy in November for a U.N. food summit, he hosted 200 young Italian women who had been recruited and paid €50 (about $75) by the same modeling agency to attend. Then, too, he gave a lecture on Islam and handed out copies of the Quran.

This time around, the women wouldn't say how much they had been paid, only that they had received a small "reimbursement."

During his first visit to Italy in June, 2009, Gaddafi invited 700 prominent Italian businesswomen and female politicians to listen to a lecture in which he criticized Islam's treatment of women but also suggested male relatives should decide if a woman can drive.

As part of the friendship treaty anniversary celebrations, some 30 Libyan horses were arriving in Rome to take part in a joint demonstration with Italy's carabinieri equestrian forces on Monday, news reports said.

New era

Gaddafi made his first visit to Italy in June, proclaiming a new era in relations following the friendship treaty. But that first visit also was marked by a symbolic demonstration that the wounds of colonialism still ran deep: He arrived wearing a black-and-white photo pinned to his military uniform of a Libyan national hero killed by Italian colonial authorities.

Gaddafi sported no such photo upon arrival Sunday at Ciampino, where he was greeted by Foreign Minister Franco Frattini.

Despite the colonial past, Italy and Libya have long had good ties, and major Italian corporations such as oil giant Eni have invested heavily in the oil-and-gas rich country.

Libya's central bank, meanwhile, has a 4 percent share in Italy's largest bank UniCredit, which earlier this month won the first international license to operate in the North African country.

Reference :

Middle East News | Gadhafi gives lesson on Islam to young Italians



Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
Country flag
Rome: Models convert during Gaddafi lecture on Islam

Via Al-Arabia:

Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi gave a lesson on Islam and copies of the Quran to a few hundred young Italian women Sunday as he arrived in Rome for his fourth visit in a year.

It was the second time the Libyan leader - who travels with female bodyguards and fancies himself a self-styled feminist - had staged such an event for Italian women, who were recruited by a modeling agency and paid an undisclosed sum to attend.

Michela, who asked that her last name not be used, told Associated Press Television News that three of the participants converted to Islam on the spot.

"It was a really beautiful meeting and went very well," she said. "He is very easygoing and he gave us a copy of the Quran. Three girls converted themselves to Islam during the ceremony. It was a beautiful event."

Other participants, though, identifying themselves as Roman Catholics in this overwhelmingly Catholic country, said Gaddafi had urged others to convert and had dismissed Christianity as unimportant.
Between 200 and 500 young women attended, arriving 10 buses at the Libyan ambassador's residence just as Gaddafi 's plane was landing at Rome's Ciampino airport at the start of a two-day visit.

The visit, amid steadily improving business ties between Libya and its former colonial ruler, also marks the second anniversary of a friendship treaty in which Italy agreed to pay Libya $5 billion as compensation for its 30-year occupation, which ended in 1943.

When Gaddafi was in Italy in November for a U.N. food summit, he hosted 200 young Italian women who had been recruited and paid €50 (about $75) by the same modeling agency to attend. Then, too, he gave a lecture on Islam and handed out copies of the Quran.

This time around, the women wouldn't say how much they had been paid, only that they had received a small "reimbursement."

During his first visit to Italy in June, 2009, Gaddafi invited 700 prominent Italian businesswomen and female politicians to listen to a lecture in which he criticized Islam's treatment of women but also suggested male relatives should decide if a woman can drive.

As part of the friendship treaty anniversary celebrations, some 30 Libyan horses were arriving in Rome to take part in a joint demonstration with Italy's carabinieri equestrian forces on Monday, news reports said.

New era

Gaddafi made his first visit to Italy in June, proclaiming a new era in relations following the friendship treaty. But that first visit also was marked by a symbolic demonstration that the wounds of colonialism still ran deep: He arrived wearing a black-and-white photo pinned to his military uniform of a Libyan national hero killed by Italian colonial authorities.

Gaddafi sported no such photo upon arrival Sunday at Ciampino, where he was greeted by Foreign Minister Franco Frattini.

Despite the colonial past, Italy and Libya have long had good ties, and major Italian corporations such as oil giant Eni have invested heavily in the oil-and-gas rich country.

Libya's central bank, meanwhile, has a 4 percent share in Italy's largest bank UniCredit, which earlier this month won the first international license to operate in the North African country.

Reference :

Middle East News | Gadhafi gives lesson on Islam to young Italians

Models converting? These celebrities are one day one religion and another day another. How many of them have claimed to be following one and converting to another? There was once a rumour that Michael Jackson had become a Buddhist and just before his death, he converted to Islam as well. This is hilarious! the pic shows a model holding the religious book like a magazine for publicity, which is not technically the way I've seen Muslims holding their book.

But for all we know, this might be a publicity stunt of "conversion" by Gaddafi to regain confidence from his Arab compatriots on how "religious" he is. :emot15:


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
Gaddafi is pathetic! Model Converting!!! He just wanted to see some good looking/hot girls and talk to them, and I guess he used Religion as a pretext for it! We have terrorists on one hand using Islam to kill people, and we Have Gaddafi on the other hand Using Islam to get laid!!! Forgive me, If I am wrong, But I feel, nothing else for this stunt by this man! A Hypocrite!!

And about The Girls holding the Quran like Promotional Pamphlets, that says it all hahaha :)


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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What is this then?

Yugoslavia and its breakup.

Why do these westerner day dream even when they create such divisions?
It is what is left after the death of 2 million Muslims. Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, and Serbia are majority Christian. Missionaries are in Albania, Bosnia, and Macedonia converting thousands per year. I don't see any growing of Islam, the other way around it is the secularisation and conversion of European Muslims. 20,000-30,000 Muslims in France convert to Christianity every year. Most of the Muslims I know don't even practice, much like the Catholics.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2009
It is what is left after the death of 2 million Muslims. Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, and Serbia are majority Christian. Missionaries are in Albania, Bosnia, and Macedonia converting thousands per year. I don't see any growing of Islam, the other way around it is the secularisation and conversion of European Muslims. 20,000-30,000 Muslims in France convert to Christianity every year. Most of the Muslims I know don't even practice, much like the Catholics.
It wont take the European to get into another messy Inquisition. So no worry about this non-sense


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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It wont take the European to get into another messy Inquisition. So no worry about this non-sense
It is pretty silly how far the governments are taking it. Just because a thousand muslim women in a country wear a veil doesn't mean the country is going Islamic. 1,000 out of 23,000,000 women. Muslims in France are so desperate to fit in they renounce Islam and get baptised. I was suprised we deported the Roma first and not the illegal Muslims. I guess that will be next on Sarko's agenda.


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2009
Do You Think Muslims Can That Easily Leave Their Religion? Apostacy in even Moderate Societies can Yield Death Punishment. :S


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Do You Think Muslims Can That Easily Leave Their Religion? Apostacy in even Moderate Societies can Yield Death Punishment. :S
They do it all the time. Honour killings only drive more secular Muslims away from Islam, especially in a place where cathedrals are on every block. There are many churches of hundreds who are almost all converts, pastors who are converts themselves. The conversion of North Africans is huge.

In the basements of churches are refuge for tens of thousands at any time. Their community does not help them, it is the church that provides refuge and salvation. A few will convert for a cot and a hot meal.
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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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not only Europe , but US also is converting....

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year !

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Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
not only Europe , but US also is converting....

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year !

And do these guys convert to Islam, due to the cash, security, job opportunities offered? Or are they Genuine Conversions? And How many Convert to Christianity?

Why is there a sudden talk of Conversion to Islam? I mean, if someone genuinely wants to convert, let them! Its not like every new convert to Islam is a Terrorist!
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Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
I dont see anything wrong with Gaddafi's comment. He is a devout muslim and he has just expressed his desire to see the religion he believes in spreading into Europe also. Whats wrong with that desire?

But one thing, why are those gals accompanying Gaddafi in that picture not wearing a veil? Also, could anyone reveal which sect does Gaddafi belong?

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