Cyber:War in the fifth domain


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Oct 5, 2009

War in the fifth domain
Are the mouse and keyboard the new weapons of conflict?

AT THE height of the cold war, in June 1982, an American early-warning satellite detected a large blast in Siberia. A missile being fired? A nuclear test? It was, it seems, an explosion on a Soviet gas pipeline. The cause was a malfunction in the computer-control system that Soviet spies had stolen from a firm in Canada. They did not know that the CIA had tampered with the software so that it would "go haywire, after a decent interval, to reset pump speeds and valve settings to produce pressures far beyond those acceptable to pipeline joints and welds," according to the memoirs of Thomas Reed, a former air force secretary. The result, he said, "was the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space."

This was one of the earliest demonstrations of the power of a "logic bomb". Three decades later, with more and more vital computer systems linked up to the internet, could enemies use logic bombs to, say, turn off the electricity from the other side of the world? Could terrorists or hackers cause financial chaos by tampering with Wall Street's computerised trading systems? And given that computer chips and software are produced globally, could a foreign power infect high-tech military equipment with computer bugs? "It scares me to death," says one senior military source. "The destructive potential is so great."

After land, sea, air and space, warfare has entered the fifth domain: cyberspace. President Barack Obama has declared America's digital infrastructure to be a "strategic national asset" and appointed Howard Schmidt, the former head of security at Microsoft, as his cyber-security tsar. In May the Pentagon set up its new Cyber Command (Cybercom) headed by General Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency (NSA). His mandate is to conduct "full-spectrum" operations—to defend American military networks and attack other countries' systems. Precisely how, and by what rules, is secret.

Britain, too, has set up a cyber-security policy outfit, and an "operations centre" based in GCHQ, the British equivalent of the NSA. China talks of "winning informationised wars by the mid-21st century". Many other countries are organising for cyberwar, among them Russia, Israel and North Korea. Iran boasts of having the world's second-largest cyber-army.

What will cyberwar look like? In a new book Richard Clarke, a former White House staffer in charge of counter-terrorism and cyber-security, envisages a catastrophic breakdown within 15 minutes. Computer bugs bring down military e-mail systems; oil refineries and pipelines explode; air-traffic-control systems collapse; freight and metro trains derail; financial data are scrambled; the electrical grid goes down in the eastern United States; orbiting satellites spin out of control. Society soon breaks down as food becomes scarce and money runs out. Worst of all, the identity of the attacker may remain a mystery.

In the view of Mike McConnell, a former spy chief, the effects of full-blown cyberwar are much like nuclear attack. Cyberwar has already started, he says, "and we are losing it." Not so, retorts Mr Schmidt. There is no cyberwar. Bruce Schneier, an IT industry security guru, accuses securocrats like Mr Clarke of scaremongering. Cyberspace will certainly be part of any future war, he says, but an apocalyptic attack on America is both difficult to achieve technically ("movie-script stuff") and implausible except in the context of a real war, in which case the perpetrator is likely to be obvious.

For the top brass, computer technology is both a blessing and a curse. Bombs are guided by GPS satellites; drones are piloted remotely from across the world; fighter planes and warships are now huge data-processing centres; even the ordinary foot-soldier is being wired up. Yet growing connectivity over an insecure internet multiplies the avenues for e-attack; and growing dependence on computers increases the harm they can cause.

By breaking up data and sending it over multiple routes, the internet can survive the loss of large parts of the network. Yet some of the global digital infrastructure is more fragile. More than nine-tenths of internet traffic travels through undersea fibre-optic cables, and these are dangerously bunched up in a few choke-points, for instance around New York, the Red Sea or the Luzon Strait in the Philippines (see map). Internet traffic is directed by just 13 clusters of potentially vulnerable domain-name servers. Other dangers are coming: weakly governed swathes of Africa are being connected up to fibre-optic cables, potentially creating new havens for cyber-criminals. And the spread of mobile internet will bring new means of attack.

The internet was designed for convenience and reliability, not security. Yet in wiring together the globe, it has merged the garden and the wilderness. No passport is required in cyberspace. And although police are constrained by national borders, criminals roam freely. Enemy states are no longer on the other side of the ocean, but just behind the firewall. The ill-intentioned can mask their identity and location, impersonate others and con their way into the buildings that hold the digitised wealth of the electronic age: money, personal data and intellectual property.

Mr Obama has quoted a figure of $1 trillion lost last year to cybercrime—a bigger underworld than the drugs trade, though such figures are disputed. Banks and other companies do not like to admit how much data they lose. In 2008 alone Verizon, a telecoms company, recorded the loss of 285m personal-data records, including credit-card and bank-account details, in investigations conducted for clients.

About nine-tenths of the 140 billion e-mails sent daily are spam; of these about 16% contain moneymaking scams (see chart 1), including "phishing" attacks that seek to dupe recipients into giving out passwords or bank details, according to Symantec, a security-software vendor. The amount of information now available online about individuals makes it ever easier to attack a computer by crafting a personalised e-mail that is more likely to be trusted and opened. This is known as "spear-phishing".

The ostentatious hackers and virus-writers who once wrecked computers for fun are all but gone, replaced by criminal gangs seeking to harvest data. "Hacking used to be about making noise. Now it's about staying silent," says Greg Day of McAfee, a vendor of IT security products. Hackers have become wholesale providers of malware—viruses, worms and Trojans that infect computers—for others to use. Websites are now the favoured means of spreading malware, partly because the unwary are directed to them through spam or links posted on social-networking sites. And poorly designed websites often provide a window into valuable databases.

Malware is exploding (see chart 2). It is typically used to steal passwords and other data, or to open a "back door" to a computer so that it can be taken over by outsiders. Such "zombie" machines can be linked up to thousands, if not millions, of others around the world to create a "botnet". Estimates for the number of infected machines range up to 100m (see map for global distribution of infections). Botnets are used to send spam, spread malware or launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which seek to bring down a targeted computer by overloading it with countless bogus requests.

The spy who spammed me

Criminals usually look for easy prey. But states can combine the criminal hacker's tricks, such as spear-phishing, with the intelligence apparatus to reconnoitre a target, the computing power to break codes and passwords, and the patience to probe a system until it finds a weakness—usually a fallible human being. Steven Chabinsky, a senior FBI official responsible for cyber- security, recently said that "given enough time, motivation and funding, a determined adversary will always—always—be able to penetrate a targeted system."

Traditional human spies risk arrest or execution by trying to smuggle out copies of documents. But those in the cyberworld face no such risks. "A spy might once have been able to take out a few books' worth of material," says one senior American military source, "Now they take the whole library. And if you restock the shelves, they will steal it again."

China, in particular, is accused of wholesale espionage, attacking the computers of major Western defence contractors and reputedly taking classified details of the F-35 fighter, the mainstay of future American air power. At the end of 2009 it appears to have targeted Google and more than a score of other IT companies. Experts at a cyber-test-range built in Maryland by Lockheed Martin, a defence contractor (which denies losing the F-35 data), say "advanced persistent threats" are hard to fend off amid the countless minor probing of its networks. Sometimes attackers try to slip information out slowly, hidden in ordinary internet traffic. At other times they have tried to break in by leaving infected memory-sticks in the car park, hoping somebody would plug them into the network. Even unclassified e-mails can contain a wealth of useful information about projects under development.

"Cyber-espionage is the biggest intelligence disaster since the loss of the nuclear secrets [in the late 1940s]," says Jim Lewis of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a think-tank in Washington, DC. Spying probably presents the most immediate danger to the West: the loss of high-tech know-how that could erode its economic lead or, if it ever came to a shooting war, blunt its military edge.

Western spooks think China deploys the most assiduous, and most shameless, cyberspies, but Russian ones are probably more skilled and subtle. Top of the league, say the spooks, are still America's NSA and Britain's GCHQ, which may explain why Western countries have until recently been reluctant to complain too loudly about computer snooping.

The next step after penetrating networks to steal data is to disrupt or manipulate them. If military targeting information could be attacked, for example, ballistic missiles would be useless. Those who play war games speak of being able to "change the red and blue dots": make friendly (blue) forces appear to be the enemy (red), and vice versa.

General Alexander says the Pentagon and NSA started co-operating on cyberwarfare in late 2008 after "a serious intrusion into our classified networks". Mr Lewis says this refers to the penetration of Central Command, which oversees the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, through an infected thumb-drive. It took a week to winkle out the intruder. Nobody knows what, if any, damage was caused. But the thought of an enemy lurking in battle-fighting systems alarms the top brass.

That said, an attacker might prefer to go after unclassified military logistics supply systems, or even the civilian infrastructure. A loss of confidence in financial data and electronic transfers could cause economic upheaval. An even bigger worry is an attack on the power grid. Power companies tend not to keep many spares of expensive generator parts, which can take months to replace. Emergency diesel generators cannot make up for the loss of the grid, and cannot operate indefinitely. Without electricity and other critical services, communications systems and cash-dispensers cease to work. A loss of power lasting just a few days, reckon some, starts to cause a cascade of economic damage.

Experts disagree about the vulnerability of systems that run industrial plants, known as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). But more and more of these are being connected to the internet, raising the risk of remote attack. "Smart" grids", which relay information about energy use to the utilities, are promoted as ways of reducing energy waste. But they also increase security worries about both crime (eg, allowing bills to be falsified) and exposing SCADA networks to attack.

General Alexander has spoken of "hints that some penetrations are targeting systems for remote sabotage". But precisely what is happening is unclear: are outsiders probing SCADA systems only for reconnaissance, or to open "back doors" for future use? One senior American military source said that if any country were found to be planting logic bombs on the grid, it would provoke the equivalent of the Cuban missile crisis.

Estonia, Georgia and WWI

Important thinking about the tactical and legal concepts of cyber-warfare is taking place in a former Soviet barracks in Estonia, now home to NATO's "centre of excellence" for cyber-defence. It was established in response to what has become known as "Web War 1", a concerted denial-of-service attack on Estonian government, media and bank web servers that was precipitated by the decision to move a Soviet-era war memorial in central Tallinn in 2007. This was more a cyber-riot than a war, but it forced Estonia more or less to cut itself off from the internet.

Similar attacks during Russia's war with Georgia the next year looked more ominous, because they seemed to be co-ordinated with the advance of Russian military columns. Government and media websites went down and telephone lines were jammed, crippling Georgia's ability to present its case abroad. President Mikheil Saakashvili's website had to be moved to an American server better able to fight off the attack. Estonian experts were dispatched to Georgia to help out.

Many assume that both these attacks were instigated by the Kremlin. But investigations traced them only to Russian "hacktivists" and criminal botnets; many of the attacking computers were in Western countries. There are wider issues: did the cyber-attack on Estonia, a member of NATO, count as an armed attack, and should the alliance have defended it? And did Estonia's assistance to Georgia, which is not in NATO, risk drawing Estonia into the war, and NATO along with it?

Such questions permeate discussions of NATO's new "strategic concept", to be adopted later this year. A panel of experts headed by Madeleine Albright, a former American secretary of state, reported in May that cyber-attacks are among the three most likely threats to the alliance. The next significant attack, it said, "may well come down a fibre-optic cable" and may be serious enough to merit a response under the mutual-defence provisions of Article 5.

During his confirmation hearing, senators sent General Alexander several questions. Would he have "significant" offensive cyber-weapons? Might these encourage others to follow suit? How sure would he need to be about the identity of an attacker to "fire back"? Answers to these were restricted to a classified supplement. In public the general said that the president would be the judge of what constituted cyberwar; if America responded with force in cyberspace it would be in keeping with the rules of war and the "principles of military necessity, discrimination, and proportionality".

General Alexander's seven-month confirmation process is a sign of the qualms senators felt at the merging of military and espionage functions, the militarisation of cyberspace and the fear that it may undermine Americans' right to privacy. Cybercommand will protect only the military ".mil" domain. The government domain, ".gov", and the corporate infrastructure, ".com" will be the responsibility respectively of the Department of Homeland Security and private companies, with support from Cybercom.

One senior military official says General Alexander's priority will be to improve the defences of military networks. Another bigwig casts some doubt on cyber-offence. "It's hard to do it at a specific time," he says. "If a cyber-attack is used as a military weapon, you want a predictable time and effect. If you are using it for espionage it does not matter; you can wait." He implies that cyber-weapons would be used mainly as an adjunct to conventional operations in a narrow theatre.

The Chinese may be thinking the same way. A report on China's cyber-warfare doctrine, written for the congressionally mandated US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, envisages China using cyber-weapons not to defeat America, but to disrupt and slow down its forces long enough for China to seize Taiwan without having to fight a shooting war.

Apocalypse or asymmetry?

Deterrence in cyber-warfare is more uncertain than, say, in nuclear strategy: there is no mutually assured destruction, the dividing line between criminality and war is blurred and identifying attacking computers, let alone the fingers on the keyboards, is difficult. Retaliation need not be confined to cyberspace; the one system that is certainly not linked to the public internet is America's nuclear firing chain. Still, the more likely use of cyber-weapons is probably not to bring about electronic apocalypse, but as tools of limited warfare.

Cyber-weapons are most effective in the hands of big states. But because they are cheap, they may be most useful to the comparatively weak. They may well suit terrorists. Fortunately, perhaps, the likes of al-Qaeda have mostly used the internet for propaganda and communication. It may be that jihadists lack the ability to, say, induce a refinery to blow itself up. Or it may be that they prefer the gory theatre of suicide-bombings to the anonymity of computer sabotage—for now.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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where does india stand in all these because there has been cases recently where India assets where attacked and but even Indian government did made and huge cry of it. plus i do not see anybody raising fingers against India/Indian as a hacker .where do we stand as we have a strong flourishing I.T industry


New Member
May 10, 2010
where does india stand in all these because there has been cases recently where India assets where attacked and but even Indian government did made and huge cry of it. plus i do not see anybody raising fingers against India/Indian as a hacker .where do we stand as we have a strong flourishing I.T industry
We are strong in IT industry but we donot have enough money to dedicate to cyber security. It requires a lot of investments and skilled manpower to secure which we lack at the moment. In cyber field its easier to attack but Defence is very difficult. May be with time we will be able to spare money for this kind of defence.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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We are strong in IT industry but we donot have enough money to dedicate to cyber security. It requires a lot of investments and skilled manpower to secure which we lack at the moment. In cyber field its easier to attack but Defence is very difficult. May be with time we will be able to spare money for this kind of defence.
i do n`t think we should buy time in this matter . in future cyber security is all important because non- state actors (in tactic support with state) can create havoc and still we would not be able to trace /track and/or level acquisition against attacker. So for the better of tomorrow we must soe the seed(of secqurity) today


New Member
May 10, 2010
Secureworks "World Cup of cyber security" finds India the safest nation
SecureWorks, the information security service provider, have revealed their findings for what they have dubbed the "World Cup" of cyber security. Mining information on their 2,800 clients, they've compiled a list of which countries are most vulnerable to online attacks.

Users in the USA were found to be most at risk; of 265,700,000 active PCs there were 441,003,516 attempted cyber attacks, or 1,660 attacks per 1,000 computers. India fared best however; with 48,100,000 active PCs, they only experienced 2,516,341 attempted cyber attacks, or a mere 52 per 1,000 PCs.

"The statistics show that a substantial number of vulnerable computers in countries worldwide have been compromised and are being used as bots to launch cyber attacks." said Jon Ramsey, CTO for SecureWorks. "Overall, the study shows that not only are organisations and individuals putting themselves at risk by not securing them, but they are actually providing cyber criminals with a platform to compromise other computers."

"The reasons for the difference in number of attempted attacks per country could comprise many things - this ranges from the overall Internet speeds in a country and how proactive the ISPs are in protecting their clients to general user education on security. The ratio of Windows, Mac and Linux users in a country will also make a big difference," continued Ramsey.

So, at least England fare a little better in this "World Cup" than in the real deal, placing 6th with just 107 attempted cyber attacks per 1,000 PCs. It's also unlikely that you'll ever here the words "India" and "World Cup champions" in the same sentence ever again, but at least I know what country I'll be safest to shop online in the next time I'm abroad.

The full chart of findings can be viewed below.

SecureWorks worldcup chart.jpg


New Member
May 10, 2010
US aerospace major Boeing Thursday announced an agreement to acquire Narus Networks Private Limited, a leading provider of real-time network traffic and analytics software used to protect against cyber attacks and persistent threats aimed at large Internet Protocol networks.

The acquisition follows a successful partnership between the two companies and advances Boeing's strategy to offer world-class, scalable, state-of-the-art cyber security solutions, a Boeing statement said.

Narus is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, and has a strong presence in Bangalore.

'This acquisition is another step forward in our strategy to develop integrated solutions for better network visibility, threat detection, and cybersecurity,' said Roger Krone, president of Boeing Network & Space Systems, a business within the Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS) operating unit.

'Narus' India team and their unique capabilities to secure complex networks will be a significant benefit to Boeing and our customers,' Krone added.

In addition to supporting cyber activities within Boeing Network & Space Systems, Narus' network-centric technology also will be applied to Boeing's smart grid energy work, the secure networking of Boeing's ground, air and space products, and the defense of the Boeing network, the company said.

'In recent years, the need for cyber security has dramatically increased across the world and in India,' said Dinesh Keskar, Boeing India president.

'Cyberspace is an increasingly crucial battlefield in which governments and businesses alike must defend themselves. Combining the modeling and simulation capabilities Boeing has here in India with Narus' technical capabilities demonstrates our commitment to designing and securing customer networks in order to protect vital information.

'With this acquisition, we have further diversified and strengthened our portfolio here, which makes this yet another milestone in Boeing's deepening engagement in India,' Keskar added.

Last year, Boeing announced the opening of its Boeing Research & Technology-India centre in Bangalore as well as the joint development with Bharat Electronics Limited of an analysis and experimentation center in India.

Narus' Bangalore office, located five km from Boeing's Bangalore centre, provides a base of operations for its employees, many of whom bring diverse experience from leading technology companies.

'Our team is dedicated to meeting the Indian government's requirements for visibility of IP traffic across networks that span the country,' said Yogi Mistry, Narus senior vice president of Worldwide Engineering.

The acquisition is expected to close during the third quarter of 2010.


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Electronic Warfare: Controlling the Spectrum

Information technology is critical to military operations, and the battle for control of the electromagnetic spectrum is becoming increasingly intense, as Anthony Beachey reports.

The growing importance of electronic warfare (EW) was underlined at NATO's November annual summit, when the organisation placed it alongside insurgency and terrorism as one of the main threats facing members in the coming decade. There are already 100 cyber attacks (a growing branch of EW) on NATO every day, according to NATO's Cyber Defence and Countermeasures Branch.

The vulnerability of NATO's IT systems was highlighted in 1999, when Serbs flooded the organisation with thousands of emails to protest the alliance's bombing campaign in Kosovo.

But a more recent war is having a major influence on the US army, which is seeking to learn lessons from the 2008 conflict between Russia and Georgia. The army says that the campaign demonstrated that cyber and electronic warfare precede an armed attack on a country. However, while the US military says it is good at developing countermeasures against the armed forces of other countries, it is much harder to mount a defence against terrorist or criminal organisations. How, for example, do you interrupt the command and control systems used by Somali pirates, which are based on secure but readily available IT systems?

Jamming in Iraq and Afghanistan

The military has for some time successfully been using EW to counter one of the most lethal terrorist weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan, namely the improvised explosive device (IED). Counter radio-controlled electronic warfare (CREW) devices are mounted on vehicles and use jamming to prevent remote controls from detonating roadside bombs.

Coalition forces have had the most success in Iraq, where electronics can be used to scan for remote-controlled bombs and jam their frequencies. In Afghanistan, however, roadside bombs tend to lack the circuitry that makes them easier to detect and thwart. Afghan bombs are remarkably less sophisticated, officials say, typically relying on fertilizer and diesel fuel.

Furthermore, in March 2010 it was reported that Afghan insurgents had obtained details of several of the US systems (known as Warlocks) the military uses to jam the signals that detonate IEDs. According to a private report from the Army Counterintelligence Center, published on March 18, 2008: "It is possible that Warlock systems captured in Afghanistan were sent to Iran for reverse engineering and for use in developing countermeasures to Warlock."

While the use of jammers in Iraq and Afghanistan has undoubtedly saved many lives, it has had unwelcome side effects.

By March 2010, for example, the deployment of jammers and other EQ systems had polluted the airwaves at Afghanistan's main air base, Bagram, to such an extent that more than 200 systems reportedly couldn't communicate with one another.

The so-called problems of 'electronic fratricide' earlier appeared in Iraq, where jammers made it difficult to control drones and ground robots. In 2008, for example, the US Navy complained that its Silver Hawk UAVs were disabled by interference from other military electronics. However, the problem was first noted during the 1990 campaign to liberate Kuwait.

One solution could be to develop jammers with a synchronisation subsystem connected to the time-synchronised cryptography of the friendly communications net. As a result, the jammer is aware, on a real-time basis, of the frequencies to which the friendly communications network will next be hopping. The jammer's awareness of these future frequencies will allow those frequencies to be 'locked out' of the jammer's transmission band.

EDO Corp., a division of ITT Corp., developed the Warlock jammers, and the US Army spent $469 million to acquire them in fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2010. The service plans to spend another $711 million on the systems between fiscal 2011 and fiscal 2015.

China's growing EW threat

The US is also concerned about the emphasis China is placing on EW. Alarmingly, a US Congress policy review panel in November 2008 found that: "China is aggressively developing its power to wage cyber warfare and is now in a position to delay or disrupt the deployment of America's military forces around the world, potentially giving it the upper hand in any conflict."

In response, the US has established a cyber command employing up to 1,100 people. Other Western governments are also placing an increasing emphasis on cyber warfare. The UK, for example, is devoting more energy to understanding and developing 'weaponry' for cyber warfare than any other military area, the armed forces chief general David Richards said in November.

Despite large defence cuts in other areas, Britain announced in October it would spend an extra £650 million on cyber security after a new National Security Strategy highlighted the area as one of the top threats the country faced.

The issue came to prominence in September, when security experts suggested that the Stuxnet computer worm could have been created by a state to attack nuclear facilities in Iran. The experts said that Stuxnet was intended to wreck the centrifuges used to concentrate uranium – a key part of the nuclear power generation process. Reports suggest that Iran has taken thousands of centrifuges offline in recent months and its nuclear programme is known to have suffered significant delays.

In September, the head of Britain's communications spy agency confirmed that countries were already using cyber techniques to attack each other.

"I often say to people, even today you might take out a country's infrastructure by bombing the hell out of it. Within no time at all you'll do it through cyber attack," Richards was quoted as saying. "It's a huge area of risk."

EW is perhaps the most dynamic area of warfare today. The US has already made huge progress as a result of its experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the rapid pace of technological progress means that new threats appear constantly. Thus, spending on EW is likely to grow at an exponential rate in the coming years.


The southern Man
Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
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36 government sites hacked by 'Indian Cyber Army'

At least 36 government websites were hacked on Tuesday by online hackers going by the name 'Indian Cyber Army'.
The 36 websites were reportedly hosted on the same server.
According to Express 24/7 correspondent Sabur Ali Syed, some of the websites belong to the Pakistan Army and the others belong to different ministries, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Pakistan Computer Bureau, Nadra and Council of Islamic Ideology etc.
So far, no official statement has come from the government on the cyber attack.
Some of the websites have been made inaccessible while others are partially damaged, reports Sabur. The attackers have reportedly inserted a page on the websites that indicates that the servers have been rooted.
The message on the websites says the attack is related to the Mumbai attacks. The following message can be seen on the page:
Rest In Peace
The Hero's of 26/11 Who Laid their precious life for the country people
Pakistan's Main Gov Server 0wned? r00ted? Hell Yes It iS ;)
Everything is in our hands now .
Cyber attacks of a similar nature have been going on since 2001. Messages have been left on official Pakistani and Indian websites in the past.
A couple of months ago, two college students from Kohat were taken into custody by the FIA on accusations of hacking certain Indian websites.
Following is the list of hacked websites:

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