Civil war in Ukraine

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Mar 21, 2009
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Video from Aleksey Zhuravko.

"Dissatisfied power in Kherson more. Dissatisfied with the ruling Ukrainian regime Kherson residents came to hold a meeting. In the Kherson region the situation is on the brink of disaster because of the so-called "blockade", and also because of the supporters of the Kiev power of local officials. The total market to 85 percent of the implemented products in Russia, Rostov, Crimea, Donbass. Now, Kherson region lost the sale of goods the place. Drunken Adventure APU in the Urals took off to the sidelines.
Posted by ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Alexei Zhuravko:
"In Kherson on the street. Decembrists, drunken fighters APU by car Ural with anti-aircraft flew to the side of the road and knocked down a road sign. According to witnesses the incident - two pedestrians crossing the road at that moment, a miracle had time to react and jump aside.



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Mar 21, 2009
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It also became known that the driver of the Urals behaved inappropriately, rude and citizens from it, as well as from other soldiers were on the accident scene, smelled of alcohol. The incident took place around 9:00 o'clock in the morning.



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Mar 21, 2009
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"Maryana Naumova visited ORB SPARTA. I have competition on a bar press among a battalion of soldiers. Just Mariana visited Donetsk airport. January 18 Honored Master of Sports of the DNI Maryana Naumova, accompanied by soldiers CNM DNR visited Donetsk airport and was able to witness the places that have become legendary fights.Also famous athlete examined dedicated graffiti action # 101, in memory of the one hundred who died during the war child. "



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Mar 21, 2009
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"The soldiers of the armed forces of the DNI was carried out search operation to identify the bodies of the dead Marines APU, who died during an attempt to penetrate into the territory of the NPT through the enemy lines to commit acts of sabotage. The detected body marines APU were transferred to the Ukrainian side as a gesture of goodwill. Ukrainian command not despite the numerous losses ceases to send its troops to the slaughter. "'



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Mar 21, 2009
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"Donetsk blacksmith created a monument to Dr. Lisa. In Donetsk, is a monument to a member of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC), the head of the charity fund" Fair Aid "Elizaveta Glinka, who died tragically in a plane crash 25 December 2016 in the Black the sea.Donetsk blacksmith Viktor Mikhalev said: "In my works I perpetuate the memory of the war." Smith, a master of contemporary applied art Viktor Mikhalev - personality, famous not only in the Donetsk People's Republic, but also far beyond its borders. Donchanin known for creating their works of shells, shell fragments, mines and grenades. In his deadly invention of mankind hands turn into true masterpieces. Viktor Mikhalev able to transform the fragments of shells in Ukrainian roses, sculpture, candlesticks and even the crown of the Russian Empire. As a true Master, faithfully serving the arts, Victor did not take money for their work. Exhibition of masterpieces Mikhalev called "Donbass, scorched by fire" already took place in Moscow, planned a series of exhibitions in other Russian cities. In the meantime, the master works in Donetsk. We talked with him about art, war and plans for the future.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Video from Ukrainian propagandists.

"I will bitis to smertі" - 70 rіchny polіtv'yazen pіshov volunteer in the ATO.
69-year-old gunman AQL "Right Sector" * nicknamed "Gray" at war in the Donbass in 2015, shared with Ukrainian reporters details of his biography. "I come from Stryi, and when he met with his wife, he moved to Luhansk region. Just started the initial stage of the war ", - he said. According to him, his father was in the SS Division "Galicia", for which he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. "My father was in the SS Division" Galicia "and spent 15 years in the camps. When I was 4 years we have with her mother deported to Siberia in Irkutsk region, where we stayed for 30 years without the right to return in three areas - Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil, "- says the old Punisher".



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Mar 21, 2009
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"Brilliant: how to make the world recognize Crimea as part of Russia!
We Dnepropetrovsk partisan "detachment named AB Brain ', would like to offer the President of Russia VV Putin to solve "Crimean issue", and in the case of the event of success - and Dnepropetrovchanam help in the difficult struggle for the independence of the People's Republic of Dnepropetrovsk!
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, and Russian state officials of a lower order! You see, the modern Great ukry Bandera and build its ideology, and very often just warm your soul, save your mind the following three pillars:
1). Sooner or later the Crimea will still be Ukrainian. Do not we ourselves, as Europe and the US will help us with it;
2). Sooner or later, we'll send Muscovites to the light, and will return to the Donbass of Ukraine. Do not do so personally, NATO and the US will help us with it;
3). We can do what we want: to use aircraft and artillery on his own people, and for us it will be nothing. We just call it "TAU". And if anyone out there from Vatnikov and Muscovites yapping about the court - then we, if not for yourself, then by applying the NATO and US personally return all full circle.
Thus, if the knock at least one whale from under the feet of Ukrainian fascism and Nazism - and gradually to undermine the collapse and two other whales, which means freedom DpNR - is not far off.
And as all the same, you can make the whole world recognize the native Russian Crimean land LEGALLY Russian, ie, how to recognize the Russian Crimea?
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Transfer please Crimea legal address at least all three Russian companies, "Roscosmos", "Rosatom" and "KLA"! It does not produce and plants, but simply the legal corporate data addresses!
PS For those who are not as smart as the President of Russia and did not understand the first time - to view videos is required. It details all tell and show. "


Jun 14, 2012
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I will not be surprised if they will flood or crack and then flood...
BTR-70 hull is rather fragile...

Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
Why are you so stupid? Hatred blinds. You think everyone's an idiot. And Indonesians in particular. Because I do not see that tested.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Why are you so stupid? Hatred blinds. You think everyone's an idiot. And Indonesians in particular. Because I do not see that tested.
So thst's why do they still test long time ago purchased machines? :)
I don't think everybody are stupid.
I thinknk Ukrainian manufacturers are impotents and frauds (not all of them but most cases) trying to sell old shit as new marvel.

Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk


Jun 14, 2012
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So thst's why do they still test long time ago purchased machines? :)
I don't think everybody are stupid.
I thinknk Ukrainian manufacturers are impotents and frauds (not all of them but most cases) trying to sell old shit as new marvel.

Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
I've already said many times: it all depends on cost. You can buy a new case, to reduce the cost and to remodel the old. You can put the engine Deutz or Mercedes can be cheaper - Ukrainian 3TD. you can even from Soviet stocks of UTD-20.
По Сеньке и одёжка.


New Member
Jan 21, 2017
What? These are the very people that brought about a regime change! These are the very people who were fed cookies by Her Highness Victoria Nuland! How can one evict them? Is their utility over now?


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Mar 21, 2009
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Virtual Peremohy under Debaltsevo!!!

yesterday of Ukrainian sots.setey media learned of a stuffing Mysyagina, who said that the APU for 2 years reduced the distance to the Debaltsevo from 25 to 5 kilometers and is about to ...
In fact, here we have a classic virtual Peremoga.
After the Battle of Debaltsevo in early March 2015, the front is stabilized and formed the so-called Svetlodarsk arc.
MAT positions were located before Svetlodarsk and Lugansk. BCH positions were located on the line-Kalinovka-Logvinova Sanzharovka that covered Uglegorsk and Debaltsevo.



Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Ukrainian army shells hospital and residential areas in the neibourghood:
More presents for children from Texas:


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Mar 21, 2009
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'Why Does the UK Support Ukrainian Shelling?' - Ukraine / UK 25-year event in Westminster

"What really drove Phillips of the British Parliament. British journalist and war correspondent Graham Phillips was expelled from the event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the UK and Ukraine. The meeting was held in the British Parliament building. Expulsion uncomfortable journalist - a manifestation of the so-called political orthodoxy, which is struggling with the "Russian propaganda", said political analyst Kirill Benedict.

According to the journalist, who, incidentally, has published a video recorded on a meeting in your account on the video hosting Youtube, the reason for his expulsion have become very uncomfortable questions regarding the Donbass.

Mr. Phillips asked Gerald Howarth speaking Parliament member, will tell the audience about the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine the territory of Donbass and killings of civilians. At this point, the event guests attacked the journalist, shouting, "Get out!" "Liar!" And demanded that he "get out immediately."

When the degree of tension has reached a critical level, the approaching guards escorted Graham Phillips to the exit. It is noteworthy that a short video with the removal of the journalist from the British Parliament hall on his Twitter microblogging published Ukrainian Embassy in the UK.

"Awkward questions - these are the issues that, for whatever reasons, are not discussed. For a long time the Western media exist in a very rigid framework, which is just the Financial Times at the time quite successfully called political orthodoxy. It is expected that all media should adhere to the same course, the same line. In the Soviet Union it would be called the party line, but because it is not a party, namely, a common line, the more correct to call it a political orthodoxy. All that stands out beyond the line, either ignored or stigmatized as a screen and a Russian or pro-Russian propaganda. That is why there is a struggle with such news agencies as RT, and so on. They are just so and called Russia's propaganda tools, "- says political consultant.

According to Cyril Benediktova, now you can see how all the Western media are relentless media war not only with the "Russian propaganda", but even with the new US president Donald Trump.

"He gets only because it allows itself to go beyond this political orthodoxy. Here, even we can not say that this is all coming from a certain center, the so-called Washington Regional Committee, we are talking about the fact that over the decades evolved certain ideological scheme, which, as blinders, closing eyes and reporters and analysts, and politicians. These blinders do not allow them to see what is happening in reality ", - continued political analyst.

Expert FAN sure of the circumstances, is possible and necessary to fight and journalists such as Graham Phillips, are fighters ideological front, who are trying to ruin the situation.

"Sooner or later, of course, work. But do not expect that everything will change in the near future. Just here is the fight against RT or "Sputnik" conducted including because in recent years, the number of citizens of Western countries, including Britain, that they are listened to and get some kind of alternative information, is constantly growing. You could say that this political disillusionment with orthodox and mainstream media, more and more increasing. Accordingly, there is a request to alternative information channels, and, of course, that such statements, like Phillips, will find their responses. And the more they will be, the better for truth and objectivity ", - concluded the Benedictine".
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