Civil war in Ukraine

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Jul 29, 2014
“Hey Ukrainian Brothers! You Are Suffering? We Did Warn You…” — Russian Blogger
Ukrainians are profoundly disappointed with the way they now live but continue to blame Russians for the choice they made themselves, writes popular Russian blogger Dmitry Mityuinin

Dmitry Mityunin | ( | Russia Insider

This article is reprinted from Publikatsyi. Translated by Vladimir Gavryushin.

“This is an indignant article that will most likely offend the Ukrainians, but I just can’t keep it to myself,” writes Dmitry Mityunin, a popular Russian blogger and industrialist who lives in a small town of Novouralsk near Yekaterinburg.

Two years ago the whole motherland tried to persuade our shortsighted brothers from Ukraine not to support Maidan! Not to sign any integration with the EU! Not to go to the EU at all! We showed them numbers, arguments, expectations…

We urged them to look at the economy of Greece and Bulgaria after their accession to the EU. We reminded them about restitution as a necessary procedure during the euro-integration process. We gave proof, we begged them, we argued with them and we yelled at them. Here, on other websites, on various forums, over the phone, on Skype… How many friends and families have been broken apart because of this damned euro-integration?

And so? Did they even listen to us? I don’t remember any of that. We were berated, laughed at and denigrated. They called us “Asian barbarians” who in actuality envy them! They reminded us of some “stolen history,” they made fun of our president, predicted our downfall. And on and on it went. It was very aggressive, very messy. They were rubbing all our failures and problems in our faces, as if our failures were their doing.

They were happy about our floods, forest fires, car accidents and other calamities. And I don’t even recall a single case when one of these “blood brothers” was being polite, or, at the very least, engaged in a constructive dialogue.

That was more than a year ago. They were galloping on their high horse, viewing us as serfs. Yeah, right! They are an almost-European nation, and we are just a Soviet Union hangover. And nobody, I repeat, NOBODY, agreed with our point of view.

Cue the uprising of the Donbass, Kiev’s anti-terrorist operation, Donbass’ brutal executions… And once again — nobody even spoke their minds about this. Nobody opposed this!

Pop quiz: where did Ukraine get all these “discontented with the regime” people after one year of the revolution? Where?! Here’s another question: where had they been before? What we have There is a collapse of the country thanks to “europeanisation.” It destroyed literally everything. A whole mass of refugees fled to “Stupid Russia” and to “Putin Lovers.” And there’s also that whole bunch of reasonable Ukrainians, who, as it turns out, understood the gravity of the situation even back then!

Now that’s rich! If you’re so smart and reasonable, why did you keep quiet about it? Where have you been? Where did you suddenly get all these “rational” and “reasonable” ideas about recent developments? Why didn’t you say anything when your army was shelling Donbass?

That’s now, a year later, and in Ukraine we have total control over dissidents — but one year ago we didn’t have any of that! What stopped you from being “reasonable” back then? And after a year of your silence (or, rather, silent agreement with everything that was happening around you) this “Kiev junta” got stronger, took the reigns of power in its hands and sent one group of Ukrainians to kill another group of Ukrainians.

And let me tell you why exactly you were keeping quiet all this time, and even argued with us Russkies.

Until the very last moment you all believed that the miracle will happen and you will all start living this posh, pretty and rich European life! Not like us Soviet guys. Here’s this fool’s dream — to instantly change lives by doing nothing! That’s great, but do you actually need to join some organization to change your quality of life?

What stopped you from building an “europeanesque” society with European values in your country before?

Do you really need all those European goods to import? Can’t you start producing them yourselves? Or they have some ancient secret on how to make quality European goods?

You don’t need to join the EU for that, you should just develop and improve your own industry!

Did you really think that you’ll suddenly get European wages and pensions? Europe struggled for decades to reach its current financial state, and you just want to get it all at the drop of the hat? Why should Europe pay you? Do you pay their European taxes? Nope. Have you done anything to improve the state of Europe? Nope. What do you expect, then? That you’re going to be some freeloader? Not likely.

Europe knows its economy. We warned you about the utility tariffs as well — and you laughed in our faces. And now, when everyone has realized that the EU doesn’t want you, your only prospect is unemployment, rising prices, rising utility tariffs… And now suddenly all of you are “reasonable?!”

Now, when we’re making fun of you and your situation, you urge us to be more tolerable, more kind to you. You tell us that you’re suffering and we just add fuel to the fire. Honestly, how dare we!?

And, mind you, we didn’t shell your towns, didn’t burn your houses, didn’t murder your children. You haven’t seen the horrors suffered by Donbass people. We don’t mean that you should relive all these atrocities, god forbid, but it’s good to once in awhile remind you of things that you’ve done. We hold that right dear, to show you the results of your European revolution.

It’s not just Donbass that suffered because you kept quiet a year ago. You betrayed us, your Slavic brothers! No one has suffered more from your “Europeanisation” than us Russians! You didn’t badmouth the Polish, Germans, French and not even Americans — you badmouthed only us, Russkies!

And suddenly, there are so many of you, who disagree with your government. Where have you been until now? I know exactly where. You were the people who badmouthed us, berated us and disrespected our old-fashioned values! You called us cultural barbarians! And now we sympathize with you, we invite your refugees to live with us. You complain about your quality of life and we do understand you.

You get frustrated when we hurt your feelings (and yes, sometimes we do it deliberately). Yeah, you’ve got a lot of problems, but do you think that we have none?! Don’t forget — we have to provide for your refugees now, that requires a lot of money.

We’re not afraid of an angry mob. We’re afraid of an apathetic mob. And with their silent agreement we get atrocities such as these! Now, of course, you understand everything. So what? Donbass is destroyed, people are dead, and you try to complain about your hardships in life? Did we start all this? No. You made the bed, now you lie in it.

You’re like parasites, trying to adapt to new conditions. You’re not going to fight. You’re no Donbass, you don’t have the guts. People who dreamt about European goods are now searching for a job in Russia — that barbaric, Asian and underdeveloped tribe of a country. You’re going to nag and nag and nag some more, but you’re not going to do much else.

And yeah, once again you’re asking us not to lump all Ukrainians together. But that’s now, when all your dreams and hopes have been crushed, that you ask us to treat you differently, but a year ago you were okay with it. I believe that you still hate us. Because we were right. But you will never admit that! You, as it turns out, knew everything back then! Frankly, I didn’t really notice that a year ago.

You say one thing — then you forget it, and then you say another thing - and try to prove that it was the first thing you thought of. But you are quick to forget, while we are not. And you can’t act as if we’re brothers again. Yes, we do talk to you, we do sympathize with you. We have lots of groups and activists who support you — we’re still waging war for you.

But we will never forget the shelled Donbass.

And you will never atone for it.

And you never tried to repent for it, actually. You will always try to point fingers at someone else, it’s been like that since forever. You haven’t changed. And those people who badmouthed us and those who are “reasonable” — you are the exact same people. Those who are born to crawl will spend their life groveling.

P.S. By the way, there aren’t that many “reasonable” Ukrainians. Out of 100 people we can scrape off about 5 or 6 guys. The other 95 are still dragging us through the mud. Us. Not France, not Germany, not even the USA, but Russia — and Russians to boot. You haven’t changed, you’re merely adapting.
Commentary: There is one word that describes Ukraine — “shameless.” I also agree with the author that out of 100 Ukrainians, 5 or 6 are “reasonable.” Even if 30 out of 100 were “reasonable,” Ukraine would not be what it is today.
Damn these articles are boring. Can't Putin hire better propagandists today? Propably not because Troll factory in Piter has gone silenced too...


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Aug 12, 2013
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Damn these articles are boring. Can't Putin hire better propagandists today? Propably not because Troll factory in Piter has gone silenced too...
The Ukrainians have chosen their leader,the REAL Ukrainians,wanted a better future,a new direction,by wanting to integrate UE,we cannot blame them.
It seems Russian people want to be in UE,a lot these days are migrating to our countries.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
The Ukrainians have chosen their leader,the REAL Ukrainians,wanted a better future,a new direction,by wanting to integrate UE,we cannot blame them.
It seems Russian people want to be in UE,a lot these days are migrating to our countries.
They are stupid mammals wanted just free Shengen visas to flee to EU. And they have destroyed our country for this stupid peasents dream.
The cruel irony is that nobody has promised Shengen zone for Ukraine :)

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
The Ukrainians have chosen their leader,the REAL Ukrainians,wanted a better future,a new direction,by wanting to integrate UE,we cannot blame them.
It seems Russian people want to be in UE,a lot these days are migrating to our countries.
Yes, in Russia there are two realities, the reality of Gadeshi and pmaitra where you champion all that looks golden outside but in most cases is rotten inside. The other reality is that the everyday man who just wants good life for his loved ones.

I was in a project, where Finnish part of project was successful and the Russian part fell short totally. Still they kept the big speeches and secretaries were as beautiful as ever: the most important thing was to give outside the impression of success.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Yes, in Russia there are two realities, the reality of Gadeshi and pmaitra where you champion all that looks golden outside but in most cases is rotten inside. The other reality is that the everyday man who just wants good life for his loved ones.

I was in a project, where Finnish part of project was successful and the Russian part fell short totally. Still they kept the big speeches and secretaries were as beautiful as ever: the most important thing was to give outside the impression of success.
There are people who make projects, not countries. There were poor specialists and poor management in your project.
Hovewer, there are lots of examples of successful projects, especially last 5 years, it's stupid to deny them.

And exactly because of human capital quality, everyday Homers Simpsons must not be allowed to rule the country.

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Aug 12, 2013
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They are stupid mammals wanted just free Shengen visas to flee to EU. And they have destroyed our country for this stupid peasents dream.
The cruel irony is that nobody has promised Shengen zone for Ukraine :)

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Do not you think Ukrainians deserve a better life ? Than being puppet of a corrupt semi failed country with dead brains politicians ?
I am sure you'd be one of the first to flee to UE,after all,your kids,family deserve a better,freer future.
BTW,if you love Russia to death,feel free to leave Ukraine for it,i also say this to the hypocrites living in Estonia etc. :peace:


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
There are people who make projects, not countries. There were poor specialists and poor management in your project.
Hovewer, there are lots of examples of successful projects, especially last 5 years, it's stupid to deny them.

And exactly because of human capital quality, everyday Homers Simpsons must not be allowed to rule the country.

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We have many successful projects together, that is true.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Do not you think Ukrainians deserve a better life ? Than being puppet of a corrupt semi failed country with dead brains politicians ?
I am sure you'd be one of the first to flee to UE,after all,your kids,family deserve a better,freer future.
BTW,if you love Russia to death,feel free to leave Ukraine for it,i also say this to the hypocrites living in Estonia etc. [emoji14]eace:
Better life requires a lot of hard work everywhere. But those stupid Western Ukraine peasants just wanted to get "EU values" for free. The only EU values that go for free is phagosy and normal family destruction :)
But those idiots has traded all the country, industries and science for their stupid unreal dreams.
As for me, I am home and don't want to leave from. But I want my children to have the bright future and development, not a stupid stommach dreams. This is not possible in consumers society, especially last years in EU.
So I want justice to be happen and failed project Ukraine to be closed.

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Aug 12, 2013
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Better life requires a lot of hard work everywhere. But those stupid Western Ukraine peasants just wanted to get "EU values" for free. The only EU values that go for free is phagosy and normal family destruction :)
But those idiots has traded all the country, industries and science for their stupid unreal dreams.
As for me, I am home and don't want to leave from. But I want my children to have the bright future and development, not a stupid stommach dreams. This is not possible in consumers society, especially last years in EU.
So I want justice to be happen and failed project Ukraine to be closed.

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EU has better standards of living,people are the richest in the world,someone has higher chance to fail in Russia than Europe etc.. let phagosy and whatsoever elsewhere.
Phagots in our country get beaten. :hippo:
I think (BTW),that we should deport all phagots to Russia,because the phagots in Russia (even if their community is increasing) do not have any rights,so these phagots should fight so their phagot brothers get more rights. :balleballe:


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Aug 12, 2013
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As for the reduction of our army,since what happened in January,it has been decided to increase the fighting force of the army and to stop the cuts in personnels (Hollande asked the army to deploy permanently 7.000 of its soldiers in the streets protecting important sites),the budget will be increased (3,8 billions€ over 4 years),well,it is better than nothing,better than cuts etc. If nothing happened in Paris,be sure that nothing would have changed. (even the crisis in Ukraine)
I hope that our next president could take in consideration the rising threats,and the need for a greater budget,and an army with its size increased.
France literally turned into a warzone for the army. :D
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Do not you think Ukrainians deserve a better life ? Than being puppet of a corrupt semi failed country with dead brains politicians ?
I am sure you'd be one of the first to flee to UE,after all,your kids,family deserve a better,freer future.
BTW,if you love Russia to death,feel free to leave Ukraine for it,i also say this to the hypocrites living in Estonia etc. :peace:
Everybody deserves a good life, but there is no shortcut. One has to work hard to reach a position of prosperity.

This is the point being made in the article.
Did you really think that you’ll suddenly get European wages and pensions? Europe struggled for decades to reach its current financial state, and you just want to get it all at the drop of the hat?Why should Europe pay you? Do you pay their European taxes? Nope. Have you done anything to improve the state of Europe? Nope. What do you expect, then? That you’re going to be some freeloader? Not likely.


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Aug 12, 2013
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Everybody deserves a good life, but there is no shortcut. One has to work hard to reach a position of prosperity.

This is the point being made in the article.
I am pretty sure,Ukrainians aren't unproductive lazy garbage as those coming from the chitholes in Africa,Asia etc.
Though,i agree on this point,i remember seeing a documentary about Afghan migrants on their way to France,they crossed many countries on foot,such as Pakistan,Iran,Turkey etc.... "They said it's hard,but our future will be better,France treats refugees very well,we will have the easy life" etc... Where were they when they arrived in France ? Sleeping in Paris parks with other Afghans that thought the same thing..... one saying i regret having done this.
I agree that you have to work hard to get a better future,our grandfathers,fathers worked so hard so our life could be better,our country well developped,rich etc... And i do not want people coming from chitholes to come and benefit from a system where they didn't contribute.....


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I am pretty sure,Ukrainians aren't unproductive lazy garbage as those coming from the chitholes in Africa,Asia etc.
Though,i agree on this point,i remember seeing a documentary about Afghan migrants on their way to France,they crossed many countries on foot,such as Pakistan,Iran,Turkey etc.... "They said it's hard,but our future will be better,France treats refugees very well,we will have the easy life" etc... Where were they when they arrived in France ? Sleeping in Paris parks with other Afghans that thought the same thing..... one saying i regret having done this.
I agree that you have to work hard to get a better future,our grandfathers,fathers worked so hard so our life could be better,our country well developped,rich etc... And i do not want people coming from chitholes to come and benefit from a system where they didn't contribute.....
Part of the problem is the French people. You have an elected President right? So, he should do what the people of France want. The US takes in thousands of Indians every year. Almost all of them have Bachelor's Degree in Engineering. The US does not give VISA to homeless Indians. The French government should do the same thing. Allow immigrants who contribute.


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Aug 12, 2013
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Part of the problem is the French people. You have an elected President right? So, he should do what the people of France want. The US takes in thousands of Indians every year. Almost all of them have Bachelor's Degree in Engineering. The US does not give VISA to homeless Indians. The French government should do the same thing. Allow immigrants who contribute.
The French were stupid,they had enough of Sarkozy (+500€ billions in debts),the unemploment rate,skryocketed,poverty increased,so they wanted a change,and they thought it would have been better under the socialists,because we can say whatever we want against them,but Hollande sure knew how to give us some hope..... Now,Hollande is the worst president in all the history of France,everyone wants to get ride of him and his party,and that's the fault of the parties of Hollande and Sarkozy if they are making the National Front more popular,some says,we given chance to them,why shouldn't we give a chance to Marine le Pen ? It seems that the cities under her party are more secure,the taxes decreased,they stopped the useless spending ..... Those under the FN cities have better opinions of they mayor,thin they aren't lying and are doing their job. Her party is the first in terms of votes,and if the socialists,and the "republicans" did their jo,then the FN would never have so many votes.
Marine le Pen promises to let only something like 10.000 immigrant/year,and also the most genuine one,not the trash.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
The French were stupid,they had enough of Sarkozy (+500€ billions in debts),the unemploment rate,skryocketed,poverty increased,so they wanted a change,and they thought it would have been better under the socialists,because we can say whatever we want against them,but Hollande sure knew how to give us some hope..... Now,Hollande is the worst president in all the history of France,everyone wants to get ride of him and his party,and that's the fault of the parties of Hollande and Sarkozy if they are making the National Front more popular,some says,we given chance to them,why shouldn't we give a chance to Marine le Pen ? It seems that the cities under her party are more secure,the taxes decreased,they stopped the useless spending ..... Those under the FN cities have better opinions of they mayor,thin they aren't lying and are doing their job. Her party is the first in terms of votes,and if the socialists,and the "republicans" did their jo,then the FN would never have so many votes.
Marine le Pen promises to let only something like 10.000 immigrant/year,and also the most genuine one,not the trash.
Good point. Yes, France should take in only those that contribute towards France.


Jun 14, 2012
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I am pretty sure,Ukrainians aren't unproductive lazy garbage as those coming from the chitholes in Africa,Asia etc.
Though,i agree on this point,i remember seeing a documentary about Afghan migrants on their way to France,they crossed many countries on foot,such as Pakistan,Iran,Turkey etc.... "They said it's hard,but our future will be better,France treats refugees very well,we will have the easy life" etc... Where were they when they arrived in France ? Sleeping in Paris parks with other Afghans that thought the same thing..... one saying i regret having done this.
I agree that you have to work hard to get a better future,our grandfathers,fathers worked so hard so our life could be better,our country well developped,rich etc... And i do not want people coming from chitholes to come and benefit from a system where they didn't contribute.....
Work - we must at home! It works suffice.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Yanukovych also wanted.
Wanted by a bunch of criminals who themselves illegally overthrew a democratically elected president? It's like being wanted by al-Qaida.


Jun 14, 2012
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Wanted by a bunch of criminals who themselves illegally overthrew a democratically elected president? It's like being wanted by al-Qaida.
He shared with you?
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