Chinese Navy Destroyers


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Oct 20, 2011
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Pakistan is literally another Chinese base ... A rogue nuclear state just like communist Korea .

They have done similar in srilanka and other countries which are their overseas base.

So stop saying that it's all for peace when china have captured and destroyed Tibet etc like peace loving countries. Atleast Western nation are coming out of their colonial past but you are still doing worse.

And most American base are there to protect those small asian nations from China. If you weren't a known military threat to the world there would have been no need for such.
Do you people READ?

Most of those US bases date back to before the Korean War! How or who was threatened by Chinese invasion?

The Pacific has been the playground of Imperialist European and American misadventures for centuries. The death toll from the Phillipines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea AND China has been in the MILLIONS. Regime changes, land grabs, Japanese Empire massacres, etc etc.

For people who claim China is a land of propaganda, you swallow US and Euro propaganda like coolaid.

US bases are there to maintain US hegemony. US troops in Japan have been there for decades to maintain control over JAPAN, not "protect it from China". Phillipines was a US colony and suffered greatly for it. Millions dead. Read a book.

China doesn't need to fight anyone in the Pacific to maintain its growth. Its been pulling millions out of poverty since the 70's just fine without a powerful Navy.

The US has nothing to compete with China with other than military hardware, so China HAS TO react. Simple.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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China doesn't need to fight anyone in the Pacific to maintain its growth.
Interesting choice of words.
India China border is NOT in the Pacific. Indian ocean is NOT the Pacific.

To maintain growth China does need more fresh water and electricity.

Adm Kenobi

Regular Member
Nov 25, 2021
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A shocker chart

Showcases how the reopening of the PRC/Chinese market leads to slightly more growth within PRC & a very small increase in GDP growth for other countries (compared to earlier forecast).

That too is <0.3%, for just 1 quarter, for 1 country (PRC, Q2 2023)
<0.05% difference for any other country.

Adm Kenobi

Regular Member
Nov 25, 2021
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Some people often bring "How would the US feel if PRC had a military base in Canada"

This is a stupid what-about, Canada as a country does not feel threatened by the US in this period.
Different cases for countries like Venezuela/Cuba (etc), which are still suffering because of US actions.

Countries like Japan, South Korea & Philippines (& many more) do feel threatened by PRC, PLAN & CG have been violating their exclusive economic zones and harassing their fishermen/vessels. A very recent example of this is the "China Coast Guard (CCG) ship with bow number 5205 illuminating a green light twice towards the BRP Malapascua, causing temporary blindness to crew members on duty"
This incident happened in the West Philippines Sea, inside PH's own EEZ, a similar incident happened with an Aussie MPA.

Such immature behaviour leads these countries to seek partnerships with other like-minded countries, the US is just 1 of them.

About the case of military presence/bases in foreign countries.
PLA has a presence in Myanmar, Tanzania, Cambodia & several other countries.

PRCs' exaggerated territorial claims make several of its neighbours uncomfortable.

These include but are not limited to India, Tibet, Mongolia, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, and South Korea...

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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Do you people READ?

Most of those US bases date back to before the Korean War! How or who was threatened by Chinese invasion?

The Pacific has been the playground of Imperialist European and American misadventures for centuries. The death toll from the Phillipines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea AND China has been in the MILLIONS. Regime changes, land grabs, Japanese Empire massacres, etc etc.

For people who claim China is a land of propaganda, you swallow US and Euro propaganda like coolaid.

US bases are there to maintain US hegemony. US troops in Japan have been there for decades to maintain control over JAPAN, not "protect it from China". Phillipines was a US colony and suffered greatly for it. Millions dead. Read a book.

China doesn't need to fight anyone in the Pacific to maintain its growth. Its been pulling millions out of poverty since the 70's just fine without a powerful Navy.

The US has nothing to compete with China with other than military hardware, so China HAS TO react. Simple.
Not so simple...

Tibet was an American base ?

Xinxiang ?

India ?

And Many more...

Your excessive territorial claims are the reason your neighbour have provided base to America.

And Americans literally saved you from Japan.... So much for the thank you note.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Not so simple...

Tibet was an American base ?

Xinxiang ?

India ?

And Many more...

Your excessive territorial claims are the reason your neighbour have provided base to America.

And Americans literally saved you from Japan.... So much for the thank you note.
It was actually the Soviets that saved China from Japan. They routed and kicked the Japanese out in the Manchuria campaign. Of course the Chinese helped by tying the largest portion of the Japanese Army. And of course the USN killed the IJN which meant that Imperial Japanese's LOCs were being destroyed and left the IJA stranded in China with no reinforcements or resupply.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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And Americans literally saved you from Japan.... So much for the thank you note.

US and others armed and industrialized Japan. Perry 1853
US going along with Imperialist (or drug dealer) allies like the UK, Spain, Japan and Russia attacked and looted China. 1900
There was that Opium war earlier.

doubt they owe the US, UK or Europe any favors.

Angel of War

Senior Member
Nov 14, 2021
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Tibet doesn't have an army because they were a province under Ching ;)

You can wait for a war to prove yourself right, though. Chances are you won't live to see the day -- the more China builds up its military, the less possibility of war :D
Considering china's expansionist goals the effect is pretty much the opposite. China doesn't know how to behave like a responsible power. What's even more pathetic is the way it justifies it's mistakes even when it's caught it the act. Covid cover-up is something which will definitely go down in history as one of the worst scandals of all time. China today is increasing the chances of war as each day passes , do you think that the chances of war today are lower than they were in 1994 or 2001 when china was less militarised. If you say yes, the you're being delusional. When you ask the question - Why china militarised itself ? There's a simple answer - To recover the territories they supposedly lost during the century of humiliation and civil war, but the problem is there's no solid evidence to back up china's claims on most of these territories which have at some point of time been away from china's sphere of influence and the opposing sides too have very strong counterclaims on these places which in many cases outweighs china's argument through the sheer amount of evidence present. Now to seize these territories china needs to wage war, without war there's no scope of seizing them. So as china militarises itself more and more the chances of actually taking control of these disputed areas also increases which directly brings them into a military confrontation with opposing sides and ultimately war.
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Angel of War

Senior Member
Nov 14, 2021
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US and others armed and industrialized Japan. Perry 1853
US going along with Imperialist (or drug dealer) allies like the UK, Spain, Japan and Russia attacked and looted China. 1900
There was that Opium war earlier.

doubt they owe the US, UK or Europe any favors.
They industrialised you too. China was industrialised through foriegn investments and trade with the west just like Japan


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Interesting choice of words.
India China border is NOT in the Pacific. Indian ocean is NOT the Pacific.

To maintain growth China does need more fresh water and electricity.
India and China have a border dispute over a border literally arbitrarily drawn by a British imperialist on a stroll through the Himalayas.

You're just proving my point.

The water you're referring to is ri ers that flow FROM the heights of China's province of Tibet, not from within India


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Tibet ? Noth Korea? Vietnam? Spratley islands?
Tibet has been a Chinese province from before the formation of the USA.

North Korea was saved from complete defeat by US invasion BY CHINA in the Korean War.

Vietnam survived US invasion in the 70s because of supplies, training and support FROM CHINA.

If China had the imperialist urges of your Euro and American beasties, it would have taken the small islands controlled by the Philipines and Malaysia years ago. Look at the imbalance in naval power. Yet, no such actions have been taken. The PRC literally developed its own islands and reefs into liveable spaces. Just as Vietnam and others used land reclamation to grow their own claimed territories.

Now tell me about the overthrow of Gaddafi by NATO, where Lybia has become a failed state with literal slave markets, or the destruction of Afghanistan, or the million dead Iraqis because of Bush and Blair or the support for Sukarno, or the genocides in Laos and Cambodia, where kids are still being blown up by American mines and unexploded bombs, or the invasion of the tiny island country of Grenada, or the regime changes in Africa by the French, or the occupation of Northern Syria where US companies are drilling and extracting oil.

Show me 1 example of Chinese invasion of any other country in the last 30 years?... I'll wait.

The US has military power. They will use that military power to make China subservient to its Pacific empire. Whether its by instigating a conflict over Taiwan, a Chinese province as recognised by almost ALL the UN member States AND the US itself, or some bullshit over the South China Sea.

Read a book and stop sucking off western narratives from CNN, or the BBC, or MSNBC - which are just department outlets; they supported the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Libya and all the others.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Burma & Cambodia (Khymer Rouge) I think. Don't forget Mongolia & even USSR (the border incidents in 1968)
Henry Kissinger was the architect t of the massacres in Cambodia under the Khymer Rouge. You're literally proving my point.

Corvus Splendens

Senior Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Show me 1 example of Chinese invasion of any other country in the last 30 years?... I'll wait. 🤡



waaah we don't invade others, but when we do it's actually our land, it says right here on this 5000 year old map made by some heavenly chronic wanker emperor from the xXx_dragonwanker_xXx dynasty waah :crying:



these artificial reefs in another country's SEZ were there for 6,000 years as said in the memoirs of heavenly communist emperor smol wong :crying:


what do you mean South America? our great great great ancestors have heavenly claims to the waters of 20 countries. Our little blue men work hard day and night to bring righteous glory to our heavenly land sir :crying:


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Some people often bring "How would the US feel if PRC had a military base in Canada"

This is a stupid what-about, Canada as a country does not feel threatened by the US in this period.
Different cases for countries like Venezuela/Cuba (etc), which are still suffering because of US actions.

Countries like Japan, South Korea & Philippines (& many more) do feel threatened by PRC, PLAN & CG have been violating their exclusive economic zones and harassing their fishermen/vessels. A very recent example of this is the "China Coast Guard (CCG) ship with bow number 5205 illuminating a green light twice towards the BRP Malapascua, causing temporary blindness to crew members on duty"
This incident happened in the West Philippines Sea, inside PH's own EEZ, a similar incident happened with an Aussie MPA.

Such immature behaviour leads these countries to seek partnerships with other like-minded countries, the US is just 1 of them.

About the case of military presence/bases in foreign countries.
PLA has a presence in Myanmar, Tanzania, Cambodia & several other countries.

PRCs' exaggerated territorial claims make several of its neighbours uncomfortable.

These include but are not limited to India, Tibet, Mongolia, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, and South Korea...
How many territorial disputes does India have with its neighbors? Does that mean India "is about to INVADE"?

Stupid ass narratives.

China has only 1 overseas military base. Show me this base in Tanzania or Myanmar?...

South Korea is not threatened by China... China is their biggest trading partner.

Tibet is not a neighbour of China. Its been a Chinese territory for centuries, as recognised by even the Indian government and all UN member states.

If you have any knowledge of the Pacific, you will know that the US set up and kept most of its Pacific air, army and Naval bases around China to contain China. It supported a KMT stronghold in Taiwan after the Chinese civil war with the express intent to overthrow the PRC on the mainland. The PRC was only granted its UNSC seat over the RoC decades after the PRC won the war.

The US only considers its own interests. You are just parroting imperialist lines, forgetting the actual human cost of US interventions, coups, wars and regime changes perpetuated to preserve US global dominance.

They literally bombed German infrastructure (Nordstream 1 and 2) to make Europe dependent on US LNG instead of cheap Russian gas just a year ago.

Natalie Bennet confirmed that the US sabotaged the Minsk agreements to ensure Russian and Ukraine conflict as a proxy war.

Tens of thousands dead IN EUROPE, (a continent that hadn't seen major conflict in decades) just to weaken Russia.

The US won't tolerate a mutlipolar world. It NEEDS to feed its military industrial complex and their shareholders. If India ever rose to a level were the country was rich enough and militarily powerful enough to buck US interested in the Indian Ocean, bet that the US state department and its UK and Australian lackies would turn on y'all in a New York minute.

But idiots come here to talk about "Chinese Imperialism"🙄

Ask @bonwhat the French have been doing to its African colonies since their independence? Ask him about the French foreign legion and its "work" in Africa. Or the French history in the the Pacific. Why did Vietnam kick them out? Why did Britain steal TRILLIONS from India? Did China do that?🤦‍♂️

Read more history, watch western mainstream media less.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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View attachment 194158
View attachment 194159
View attachment 194160

waaah we don't invade others, but when we do it's actually our land, it says right here on this 5000 year old map made by some heavenly chronic wanker emperor from the xXx_dragonwanker_xXx dynasty waah :crying:

View attachment 194162
View attachment 194163
these artificial reefs in another country's SEZ were there for 6,000 years as said in the memoirs of heavenly communist emperor smol wong :crying:

View attachment 194164
what do you mean South America? our great great great ancestors have heavenly claims to the waters of 20 countries. Our little blue men work hard day and night to bring righteous glory to our heavenly land sir :crying:
This isn't the thread to discuss this... but, recognise that many of the international border disputes around the world eminaye from the Imperial actions of countries oceans and thousands of miles away.

The Macmohan line was drawn up by a British general in the 1910's on behalf of "British India" in the age of colonialism signed by the British and Tibetan authorities. The Republic of China govt of the time did not recognise it, nor does its descendents in RoC (ie Taiwan) today; look at RoC maps today.

Spratley islands disputes eminate from French colonial escapades in the 1900's. Chinese and French colonial claims were deliniated in 1887 yet were disputed in the 1930's when France claimed the Spratelys; where post colonial Vietnam claims originate.

Even then, China of today did not take the Sprately islands occupied by Vietnam or Malaysia but developed its own reefs and small islands occupied in the 70's as part of claims supported by the preceding RoC and Qing govts. Even Taiwanese maps today still mark all those islands as Chinese from claims dating back to the Qing govt.

The international territory disputes in Asia go back to Western colonial/ imperialist times. Yet geniuses here would rather go on Western media BS and blame China vs the Euro and US Colonialists who started this all.

Why do you contest Chinese claims yet are happy to parrot French claims to Pacific territories more than 5000 miles away or US claims more than 4000miles away from the US mainland.

France and the UK claim territory in the Pacific, caribean, Indian ocean and even Antarctic territory. Yet somehow China is the imperialist for territory it claimed and controlled in and before the 1800's in the South CHINA Sea.

Read a history book and realise what real Imperialism is.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Considering china's expansionist goals the effect is pretty much the opposite. China doesn't know how to behave like a responsible power. What's even more pathetic is the way it justifies it's mistakes even when it's caught it the act. Covid cover-up is something which will definitely go down in history as one of the worst scandals of all time. China today is increasing the chances of war as each day passes , do you think that the chances of war today are lower than they were in 1994 or 2001 when china was less militarised. If you say yes, the you're being delusional. When you ask the question - Why china militarised itself ? There's a simple answer - To recover the territories they supposedly lost during the century of humiliation and civil war, but the problem is there's no solid evidence to back up china's claims on most of these territories which have at some point of time been away from china's sphere of influence and the opposing sides too have very strong counterclaims on these places which in many cases outweighs china's argument through the sheer amount of evidence present. Now to seize these territories china needs to wage war, without war there's no scope of seizing them. So as china militarises itself more and more the chances of actually taking control of these disputed areas also increases which directly brings them into a military confrontation with opposing sides and ultimately war.
I recently watched a documentary on the Australian govt that threatened to remove US access to the Pine Gap surveilance facility in the Australian heartland during the Vietnam war... Guess what happened to that regime.

A soft coup that removed the prime minister through CIA networks in its political framework.

Why didn't the German govt take more action or even investigate the bombing of Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines? Because US pressure on their political system would not allow it.

It's clear that the US intelligence, military and political base do not allow any kind of dissent to US commercial interests. Now or since the cold War. Even youtube videos by democracy now! on Seymor Herche's expose on the US's bombing of Nordstream pipeline are not tolerated. You get a warning before you can watch them.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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US and others armed and industrialized Japan. Perry 1853
US going along with Imperialist (or drug dealer) allies like the UK, Spain, Japan and Russia attacked and looted China. 1900
There was that Opium war earlier.

doubt they owe the US, UK or Europe any favors.
There were two wars for opium... But that's what they were.... China also expanded its territory by war during that time.

Later when Japan went with their sphere strategy and attacked china. If it wasn't for Americans having decisive victory against Japanese there would have been no china left .

They want apology from Japan but never show the same courtesy to what they still do in Tibet xinxiang and other nation. Infact Japan did nothing compared to what china did.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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How many territorial disputes does India have with its neighbors? Does that mean India "is about to INVADE"?

Stupid ass narratives.

China has only 1 overseas military base. Show me this base in Tanzania or Myanmar?...

South Korea is not threatened by China... China is their biggest trading partner.

Tibet is not a neighbour of China. Its been a Chinese territory for centuries, as recognised by even the Indian government and all UN member states.

If you have any knowledge of the Pacific, you will know that the US set up and kept most of its Pacific air, army and Naval bases around China to contain China. It supported a KMT stronghold in Taiwan after the Chinese civil war with the express intent to overthrow the PRC on the mainland. The PRC was only granted its UNSC seat over the RoC decades after the PRC won the war.

The US only considers its own interests. You are just parroting imperialist lines, forgetting the actual human cost of US interventions, coups, wars and regime changes perpetuated to preserve US global dominance.

They literally bombed German infrastructure (Nordstream 1 and 2) to make Europe dependent on US LNG instead of cheap Russian gas just a year ago.

Natalie Bennet confirmed that the US sabotaged the Minsk agreements to ensure Russian and Ukraine conflict as a proxy war.

Tens of thousands dead IN EUROPE, (a continent that hadn't seen major conflict in decades) just to weaken Russia.

The US won't tolerate a mutlipolar world. It NEEDS to feed its military industrial complex and their shareholders. If India ever rose to a level were the country was rich enough and militarily powerful enough to buck US interested in the Indian Ocean, bet that the US state department and its UK and Australian lackies would turn on y'all in a New York minute.

But idiots come here to talk about "Chinese Imperialism"🙄

Ask @bonwhat the French have been doing to its African colonies since their independence? Ask him about the French foreign legion and its "work" in Africa. Or the French history in the the Pacific. Why did Vietnam kick them out? Why did Britain steal TRILLIONS from India? Did China do that?🤦‍♂️

Read more history, watch western mainstream media less.
India don't have any dispute...

Infact we gave up our land to sort the dispute. It is chinese Bat -Manchurians who have illegally occupied Indian territory along with Porks.

And we don't recognise Tibet as your territory you have just captured it and bully others .

The Kailash Mansarovar Region for example have been part of Hindu religious texts as territory of bharatvarsha. No Hindu king ever attacked that region and always kept it open for religious yatra.

By what logic you are claiming it as Chinese one.

You claim Bhutan Nepal Myanmar Russia Japanese Phillipines viet and what not.

China is the same evil we saw in British and European colonisation and did nothing about it. But this is time people take these bully by horn and break them up .
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