China`s Human Rights Violations

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
China activist Huang Qi sentenced to three years

By Michael Bristow
BBC News, Beijing

Chinese activist Huang Qi has been sentenced to three years in prison for "illegally holding state secrets". Mr Huang was arrested after helping families whose children died during the earthquake in Sichuan in May last year.
The activist's wife, Zeng Li, said the verdict was "revenge" for his involvement in the earthquake cases.
Amnesty International said Mr Huang was a victim of China's "vague" state secrets laws and should be released immediately.
The verdict was delivered at a 10-minute hearing at Wuhou District People's Court in the city of Chengdu - although there were few details given about the charge.
School buildings collapsed
The activist's wife and mother were allowed to enter the court to hear the sentence, the maximum jail term for this crime.
Zeng Li said: "This is clearly revenge because he helped parents who lost their children during the Sichuan earthquake."
She said any government information that her husband had was freely available to the public.
Mr Huang was taken by the police in Chengdu in June 2008 and has been held in custody ever since.
He was giving advice to the families of five dead children who wanted to bring a legal case against the local authorities following the earthquake.
In some places schools were the only buildings to collapse and many believe this was because they were shoddily built. China's central government denies the accusation.
This is clearly revenge because he helped parents who lost their children during the Sichaun earthquake

Activist's wife Zeng Li

"The Chinese government is penalising someone who is trying to help the victims of the Sichuan earthquake," said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International's Asia Pacific director.

"Huang Qi should be treated as a model citizen, committed to the rule of law, but instead he has fallen victim to China's vague state secrets legislation."
Amnesty said the activist had been treated badly while in custody and denied proper medical help.
"According to local sources, the police interrogated Huang Qi for many hours at a time, sometimes depriving him of sleep," said the rights group.
Huang Qi has championed the rights of ordinary people for a decade and has been previously been prosecuted.
He served a five-year sentence for "inciting the subversion of state power" in connection with material published on his website.
He is not the only activist to investigate the Sichuan schools issue - and not the only one to be prosecuted for his efforts.
Tan Zuoren called for volunteers to travel to Sichuan to compile a list of pupils who died when their schools fell down. He was tried in August and is awaiting the verdict.

How long will this continue? Anyone who says or doys something against the state CPC will go to jail.
And for what? This guy was helping the parents of the children who had died in the earthquake due to poor construction of schools.

Do the people of China want to live like this? Like insects and pets, doing what the state wants and not doing what the state dislikes, or be butchered? No say, no voice, no freedom.

I want our Chinese members including Koji to comment on this.
Views of Indian members are also welcome.


Member of The Month JANUARY 2010
Regular Member
Aug 14, 2009
That's the main reason why communism doesn't explode; it implodes! Too many secrets i guess lol

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Shanghai Petitioner, Beaten, Writes Letter to President Obama

November 16, 2009

Shanghai-based petitioner Mao Hengfeng (毛恒风) has asked Human Rights in China (HRIC) to publish a letter she wrote to U.S. President Barack Obama. According to sources, around 11:00 p.m., Sunday, November 15, just as President Obama was arriving in Shanghai, Mao and her husband, Wu Xuewei (吴雪伟), were dragged from their home onto a vehicle by approximately a dozen men, including policemen from Pudong New Area Daqiao Police Substation and other security personnel. The couple were then taken to the Daqiao neighborhood committee office and severely beaten. Earlier that day, policemen from the same police substation had warned the couple not to leave their home, telling them, “Obama's coming to Shanghai today. You aren’t allowed to leave home.” They were released at around 8:00 p.m. on Monday, November 16.
In her letter, Mao appeals to President Obama to ask Chinese president Hu Jintao to allow a protest zone to be set up in Shanghai during the time of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai (May 1 to October 31, 2010). Mao also details the torture and mistreatment she suffered over the years, particularly her Reeducation-Through-Labor (RTL) sentence and her imprisonment.
Mao has been an activist and petitioner since 1988, after she was detained in a psychiatric hospital because she refused to abort a pregnancy that contravened China’s one-child policy. Over the past 20 years, she was detained multiple times, and served a one-and-a-half-year Reeducation-Through-Labor sentence and a two-and-a-half-year prison term. She was released from prison in November 2008.
The following is Mao’s letter in Chinese.


您到中国来访问参观,中国人民都表示热烈欢迎。您会带来一股清新的空气,会对我国人权进步的改善起到推 动作用。因为您是一位基督徒,是上帝的儿女!并且是上帝特别祝福的儿女!您不仅是民主、自由、人权,一个有爱心,关注全人类民生与发展,在世界上有好口碑 的大国——美国人民民选的总统!还光荣的成为诺贝尔和平奖得主!说明您一定会为全世界人类民主、自由、人权的发展,为公义、和平、正义作出贡献。

您 在2008年竞选美国总统期间,我正被蒙冤关在上海女子监狱里遭受酷刑,通过不懈的抗争,最后争取到可以让我听新闻。当从新闻中听到您是一位基督徒,感到 非常欣慰,心想这是上帝拣选的!听到您胜选当天,您早晨去教堂敬拜上帝!参加青年聚会。我想您一定会是上帝所喜悦,祝福的美国总统!这是我在监狱生活中不 能忘怀的一件事。这也正值奥运会在中国举行,我与上海好几名维权人士被关进监狱,受尽酷刑、摧残,九死一生。其中在我2004年至2005年一年半劳教期 间,为我公民代理诉讼的陈小明,不仅自己维权还帮助其他人维权,被政府以莫须有的罪名,关进监狱,折磨惨死;之前维权人士段惠民被恶警等人殴打致死;还有 2005年12月26、27日参加我们上海维权人士在中办、国办,人大信访接待处,信访无果;第二天到中组部请愿、表荊诉求,无果;两天600多人,走上 街头的人行道上边走,边抗议示威,呼口号:“反对腐败!要民主、自由、人权!”等口号。全部被抓回上海后,我被关进黑监狱,遭到男公安警察侮辱、殴打;参 加游行示威的蔡文君被判劳教;杜荣林被政府关进宾馆的黑监狱里打死。这三人悲惨致死时,我已被关进黑监狱直至判刑坐牢,听被打死人的家属说,非常的凄惨, 我感同身受。因为我抗日烈属的母亲2000年7月27日被政府用药虐杀致死,讨不到说法,遗体至今都保存在宝兴殡仪馆。我们维权人士每次遇到国内有什么会 议、节点等活动,大多数维权人士都会被关进政府、公安私设的“黑监狱”,殴打、折磨,失去人身自由;有的被关进精神病院,上访被关进精神病院的除本人以外 还有刘新娟、颜芬兰、虞春香等多人;在奥运前被关进精神病院的孙红筝
、洪玲玲至今未放,被判刑坐牢的杜阳明、田宝成还有被劳教的张翠萍受尽了酷 刑。上海郑恩宠律师为公民房屋拆迁代理诉讼,被莫须有的罪名判刑坐牢,释放后至今被软禁在家;去北京上访维权王水珍抓回上海被判刑坐牢;为代理诉讼的公民 代理人许正清被无中生有、捏造的罪名判刑坐牢;去北京上访维权被抓回来的谈兰英、马亚莲、杜阳明、田宝成、张翠萍、蔡文君、朱冬辉、陈恩娟、龚浩民、刘华 琳、孙健、王颖、石萍、李惠芳、徐兆兰、杨新民等人。我每次去北京上访被公安警察强制带回上海,都遭到公安警察侮辱、殴打;曹义宝眼睛差点被警察打瞎,骨 头被打断的时有发生。现在世博会前夕,被欲加之罪判刑坐牢的有段春芳;被判劳教的有吕龙珍、邵满根等人。世博会前被抓进北京劳教所的辽宁省维权人士朱桂芹 正遭受着酷刑,
全国各地被抓、失去人身自由的,遭受酷刑的不计其数;有的被毒害脑神经的毒药害死,如我母亲抗日烈属沈桂珍和陈小明、承森、周明珠 等。我在2004年劳教一年半期间,饭中拌有损害脑神经的毒药,使我头痛欲裂、血压升高,被“四马分尸”,日夜被捆绑在铁架床上,丝毫不能动弹,不让大小 便,有十六天之久,逼迫认错,我不屈服,遭到劳教所的殴打、辱骂;第二次被“四马分尸”捆绑在铁架床上八天,再次逼迫我认罪,我始终不屈服并且大声抗议, 劳教所用口罩与毛巾塞住我的口鼻,使我昏死过去。感谢美国国会为我开了两次听证会和联合国为我呼吁及国际上爱好和平的人们不断关注、呼吁、帮助,劳教所才 有所收敛,我捡回一条命,使我活着出来。再次向国际上爱好和平、关注人权并且帮助我的人们与美国人民表示由衷的,深深皍

由 于我继续积极维权,不断揭露政府迫害维权人士,并且与国际上爱好和平及关注人权的人们见面、通电话,又正值奥运会召开前夕,2006年我被公安机关制造的 伪证判刑坐牢二年半,奥运会结束后刑满释放。在关押期间监狱对我的摧残、酷刑,迫害了二年半没有停止过一天。是上帝的极大恩典救了我!在摧残得生不如死的 痛苦境况下,给我求生的勇气!国际上爱好和平的人们不断呼吁、帮助;大赦国际的帮助,信件似雪片寄到女子监狱与家中,送来关爱。奥运会自行车运动健将的冠 军得主为我呼吁。虽然本人收不到这些信件,但是却救了我的命。监狱里下的毒药没有让我死在监狱里,活着出来。虽然现在头脑还不能多思考,经常头痛欲裂,身 体还未康复好,但国际上爱好和平的人们的关爱,温暖了我的心,使我难以忘怀。

因我无罪,被政府诬陷、冤枉判刑两年半,关在杨浦看守所期间 被关了一年3平米阴暗潮湿的禁闭室,用污浊的大小便不停折磨我,不时从顶上泻下来,在吃饭、睡觉时,泻满我全身,或从地上翻出来,让我整个人在大小便的污 水中生活、吃饭、睡觉,事后只能用双手清洁;饭中拌有老鼠屎,并不让我买看守所可以买的食品吃,每顿只能吃拌有老鼠屎的米饭;看守所警察用诱人的香味食品 将老鼠引进关我的禁闭室,几十个老鼠窜进来咬我,钻进我睡觉的被里;看守所用尽各式各样的方法折磨我,企图使我精神崩溃,看守所警察还装鬼吓我,关我的禁 闭间昏暗、潮湿,恐怖、阴森,没有人与我说话也没有人的声音近一年,却有女警半夜装鬼吓我的恐怖声。昏暗中不经意真得被装鬼的两个女警察吓得我灵魂出窍, 好长时间回不过神来,但我内心捊知,祈求上帝救我!我不停地祈祷上帝救我!使我回转过来,慢慢安下心来,才不怕装鬼的女警吓我的下流手段。看守所用刺鼻的 涂满药物的门罩封闭禁闭室的铁门,不让我透气,不一会儿我就昏死过去,被拖出去吸气后不停呕吐,才缓过气来。在关到监狱途中,被男看守警察人身侮辱,不让 我穿上内衣,衣服全被翻起,反拗双手,头着地,用黑头套罩着我的头,难以呼吸;反吊反拗双手在车窗上,一路还不停侮辱、殴打、辱骂我。我丝毫不屈服。

到 了女子监狱,又遭到殴打折磨,强制剪发,我反抗,被关进3平方米不到的禁闭间,不让喝水与用水,睡在水泥地上,饭中拌有损害脑神经的药物,我绝食抗议三天 后,浑身无力还被警察派的五六个囚犯拳打脚踢,掐住我的头颈,将头往墙上撞。监狱医生用塑料管子插进我的鼻孔,戳我内脏,向不同的方向,抽进抽出,折磨 我,威胁、逼迫我屈服,我忍着疼痛,不屈服,被戳的内脏鲜血淋漓;对我强制灌毒药,使人浑身燃烧般难受,头痛欲裂,又不让喝水,在水泥地上打滚,难以承 受。是国际上爱好和平的人们对我的呼吁、帮助才使我从禁闭间关了四个月走出来。因我没有犯罪,被诬陷、冤枉坐牢,因此我不肯穿囚服,赤身挨冻了几个月,消 息传出,国际上呼吁,才让我在囚室内穿上自己的衣服。不穿囚服就不让我与家属见面,一年多未䍊家属见过面,两年半不让与家属通信;期间七个月家属不知道我 任何信息,受尽酷刑摧残,家属、外人无人知晓,难以呼吁;直至出监狱前五个月,每月只能通30分钟电话。不让我集体排队盛饭菜,灌开水;单独开水、饭菜送 进监室,拌有损害脑神经的药物,我抗议不吃,要吃自己或家属在监狱超市买的包装食品,不准;也不准我用小的热水器烧的开水。在监室内用塑料管子多次灌毒 药,并在插管之时用尽方法不停折磨我,使我难受,从鼻孔中穿进,再从喉咙里穿出,让我硬生生地再设法吞进去,否则不停地让塑料管子穿出喉咙,更难吞下去, 就这样百般地折磨我,一次松了我的手,我抓住管子的两头猛拽,当时也不想活了,用力过猛,一头塑料管子滑落,口喷鲜血。监狱医生一边折磨我一边还叫嚣: “屈服不屈服?只要一屈服我们就停歍
”。我坚决不屈服,灌下的毒药使我浑身火烧般难受,头痛欲裂后,人麻木,像傻子般不能动,凭上帝给我的毅力, 我大量喝水排毒,等恢复知觉后又火烧火烤般得难受。我大声抗议:“打倒共产党!共产党是恐怖主义!是法西斯流氓!”新的一轮折磨又开始。监狱又强制把我送 到监狱医院,双手、双脚、胸前五根绳索全身捆绑着,强制输毒药后不让我喝水,我绝食抗议才让我喝几杯规定的水,所以毒性至今都未退去,不能思考,头经常头 痛欲裂;内脏肺部、肾脏器官损坏,至今不能恢复。监狱每次输毒药、抽血,我都抗议,虽然被捆绑着,但肌肉不停抖动,监狱医院的医生就用粗大针挑我的脚筋, 手筋,挑得血管都坏了,血管萎缩,抽搐,四肢紫肿,监狱医院用粗大的定型管都输不进去,等一段时间养好一点再强送监狱医院强制抽血、辍
毒药,我抗 议再遭挑筋摧残,反反复复折磨了一年,使得我双手,双脚至今都无力,经常抽搐,神经疼痛。被捆绑在监狱病床上,监狱让十几个女囚犯轮流殴打我,拳击我的头 部,打我的脸颊,全身被打得紫肿,她们觉得打得还不够尽兴,索性剥光我的衣服,扭我,掐我下身隐秘处,摄像头对着我,我反抗,就用衣服塞住我的口、鼻,不 让我透气,门口站着好几名女警察、男警察,被侮辱殴打得十分凄惨,有个男警察看着都摇头。记得近40°C的大热天,门、窗都关紧,电风扇也不开,用厚厚的 棉被,用铁架支撑着,遮住我的全身,使我捆绑着的双手、双脚,头部都碰不到,不能呼吸。我只要一清醒就用尽力气,大声抗议:“打倒共产党!”。最后无法呼 吸,昏死过去。上帝大能的恩典给我求生欲望,被捆绑的双手还有手指可动,拼命用手指

因 我不肯穿囚服,在从监狱医院到女子监狱时,在大庭广众之下剥光我的衣服赤露身体,围观者有男警察和加工衣服、玩具的男送货员及男驾驶员,使我受尽了侮辱, 摧残。到了出监狱的最后五个月才让家属每月通30分钟电话和让家属买监狱超市的包装食品,这时我体重从140斤折磨到70斤,不让我与家属见面。也不让我 集体排队盛饭菜、灌开水。我抗议,坚决拒绝吃拌有损害脑神经的饭菜和开水,让家属买热水壶我自己烧开水喝,监狱也不准,并且对我进行侮辱,不堪忍受,最后 出监狱的四天,我还是继续绝食抗议,没有进一点食物。受尽了酷刑折磨。长期以来我所遭受到的损害和迫害一言难尽,罄竹难书!

监狱与法院剥 夺了我遭受酷刑的诉讼权利,在监狱里写的遭受酷刑的诉讼状至今没有下文,冤屈得不到昭雪。但我是幸运的!在上帝的大爱与国际上爱好和平的人们呼吁帮助下我 活着出来了!还有好多被毒药,酷刑害死的失去了生命,没有了声音,例如:我抗日母亲沈桂珍,陈小明、承森、周明珠,被打死的是段惠明、杜荣林等。


您 来了,上海维权人士金月花、裘美丽、张兆林等上海维权人士及全国各地的维权人士都失去人身自由,被关进黑监狱,我被关在家里不准出门,要出门就被殴打。总 统先生下次您到中国来,是否事先与我国领导人谈妥让人们不再失去自由,有欢迎、表达诉求的自由,像我国领导人到各国访问受到欢迎与表达诉求的自由。

恳 请您与我国领导人胡锦涛主席见面时,让我们上海在世博会展区旁设立人权展示区域,有了这个平台,使世界上经济上先进的展览,使我们的人权状况也可以展示在 媒体的灯光下,展示在全世界面前,让全世界人们讨论、判断。期望全世界爱好和平的人们关注我们的悲惨境遇,全世界的媒体关注我们并为我们呼吁,在世博会期 间不要限制我们的人身自由、被判刑坐牢、劳教、关精神病院、关黑监狱。要加大对我们进行声援,帮助,使我们受害人脱离苦海,对世界的和平起到真正的促进作 用!

欧巴玛总统先生你得到诺贝尔和平奖,是上帝对你的祝福!是全世界人民对你的厚望!您年轻有为,有拓展创新精神,上帝赐给你聪明智慧能 力,您不但为美国人民带来福祉,还为全世界和平贡献力量!请您为联合国进行改革出力,使联合国消灭法西斯!消灭恐怖主义!成为世界和平、祥和的大家庭。我 从全家三代人所遭受的迫害以及从小所见所闻的苦难经历中深刻领悟出:强烈的一定要得到法律上的公正!因为在一个独裁,腐败的国家难以做到,联合国就要起作 用,实现联合国的宗旨:“世界上人人平等!”设立国际人权法庭,对长期受损害的个案进行审理,判断。让许多国家都知道某个国家的人权状况怎样?有威慑作 用,就会改进。这个国家的领导人为了在国际上有话语权就会改进人权状况向世界证明。如果这个世界让每个人在和平皍
环境中生活,不怕受欺压,受到迫 害就起来抗争!并且知道全世界人们都在帮助他,声援他,就有勇气抗争到底!人有了盼望,增加了信心,就消灭恐怖主义在萌芽之中,世界就会和平!“愿上帝的 旨意,行在地上如同行在天上”!期望世界上爱好和平的人们为公义,和平,正义而努力!使全世界的人们真正逐步形成民众当家做主的一天,不为老百姓谋利益、 欺压老百姓的会得到全世界人民共同谴责,就会孤立无市场,世界真正的和平、公义、正直战胜邪恶!我急切期望联合国能成立国际法庭审理个案的愿望!期望得到 全世界爱好和平的人们关注与帮助与各国爱好和平的领导人的支持与帮助,期待美国欧巴玛总统先生的支持与帮助!我祈求上帝的祝福!让我美好的愿望得到实现! 阿们!

毛恒凤 敬呈

HRIC | ????


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
Country flag
Google Translation of the block of Chinese text in the above post:
Dear Mr. President Barack Obama: Hello!

Your visit to China to visit, the Chinese people have expressed a warm welcome. You will bring a breath of fresh air, would be the improvement of China's progress in human rights play a catalytic role. Because you are a Christian, is God's children! And is a special blessing of God's children! You are not only democracy, freedom, human rights and a caring concern for people's livelihood and development of mankind, have a good reputation in the world's great powers - the American people elected President! Is also a glorious winner of the Nobel Peace Prize! Description You'll be for the world of human democracy, freedom, human rights, development, justice, peace, justice and contribute.

You are the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, I am being wronged held in the Shanghai Women's Prison where subjected to torture, through the unremitting struggle and eventually agreed to let me listen to the news. When heard from the news you are a Christian, am very pleased, thinking this is God's chosen! To hear from you victory that day, the morning you go to church to worship God! To participate in youth meetings. I think you will definitely be God joy, blessings U.S. President! This is my life in prison can not forget one thing. This also coincides with the Olympic Games held in China, I am with Shanghai Several human rights defenders are in prison, suffered torture, violence, Nine Lives. Among these I from 2004 to 2005 during the year and a half re-education for my civic agency proceedings, Chen Xiaoming, not only their own rights protection has also helped others to safeguard their rights by the Government's trumped-up charges, imprisoned, tortured, died; paragraph before the Human Rights Defenders Huimin, who was beaten to death by cop; there in December 2005 26,27 Japan to participate in our Shanghai Office of Human Rights Defenders in the State Office, the National People's Congress reception letters, Petition no avail; the following day to the Central Organization Department petition, the table Jing demands, no fruit; two days more than 600 people, took to the streets to go above the sidewalk, while protest demonstrations, shouting slogans: "anti-corruption! want democracy, freedom and human rights!" and other slogans. All were recaptured from Shanghai, I was off into the dark prison, was an insult to men and public security police, assault; to participate in demonstrations Cai Wenjun was sentenced to reeducation through labor; Du forest by the government locked in a hotel killed the black prison. The three tragic death, I have been locked in jail until sentencing in jail black, listening to the families of people have been killed, said, very miserable, I share her feelings. Because I am the mother of the anti-Japanese martyrs July 27, 2000 by government agents murder and death, given no argument, the remains have so far kept in Baoxing Funeral Parlor. Domestic human rights activist that whenever we have any meetings, nodes and other activities, the majority of human rights defenders will be off into the government, public security or secret "black prisons", beatings, torture, loss of personal freedom; some were confined to a mental hospital , petitioners were confined to a mental hospital other than himself, except there is Juan Liu, Yan Finland, Yuchun Xiang, and many others; in the Olympic Games were confined to a mental hospital before the SUN Zheng
, Hong Lingling has yet to release, was sentenced to prison Du Yang-ming, ZHANG Cui-Ping Tian Baocheng have been re-education suffered torture. Shanghai lawyer Zheng Enchong demolition agent for civil litigation, jail sentences have been trumped-up charges, has been under house arrest after release; go to Beijing to appeal for Wang Shuizhen recaptured Shanghai activist was sentenced to jail; for representative actions in the civil agent Xu Zhengqing has been fabricated, trumped-up offense sentenced to jail; go to Beijing to appeal for activists of being caught talking about Lanying, Maya Lin, Du Yang Ming, Tian Baocheng, ZHANG Cui-Ping, Cai Wenjun, Zhu Dong-hui, Chen Enjuan, GONG Hao-min, Liu Hua-lin, Sun Jian, Wang Ying, Shi Ping, LI Hui-fang, Xu Zhaolan, Yang Xinmin and others. Every time I go to Beijing to appeal for the public security police forced back to Shanghai, and were subject to public security police insulted, beaten; CAO Bao Da Xia eyes came close to being the police, and broken bones occur when. Now on the eve of the World Expo, was arbitrary and sentenced to prison have had some Chun-fang; sentenced to reeducation through labor are Luron Zhen, Shao Man-gen and others. Expo will be arrested and brought into pre-Beijing labor camp in Liaoning province is suffering from a human rights activist Zhu Guiqin torture,
Across the country were arrested, lost their personal freedom, and subjected to torture countless; some were poisoned by nerve poison killed, as my mother's anti-Japanese martyrs Guizhen and CHEN Xiao-Ming Shen, Cheng-Sen, Zhou pearl and so on. I re-education in 2004, a year and a half period, the rice in the mix there is damage to brain poison, so I have a splitting headache, high blood pressure, was the "four horses cut into pieces", day and night in the metal framework was tied in bed, did not move, allow feces and urine, there are 16 days old, forced to admit, I do not yield re-education camp were beaten, verbally abused; second occasion on which the "four horses cut into pieces," tied to the bed metal framework for eight days, once again I am forced to plead guilty I just do not yield, and loud protests from labor camp masks plugged my nose and mouth with a towel so that I fainted. Grateful to the U.S. Congress I have had two hearings and I call on the United Nations and international peace-loving people are constantly concerned about the call for help, only the convergence of labor camp, which saved my life, made me alive. Again to the international peace-loving, concerned about human rights and to help my people and the American people, heartfelt, and deeply Ji

As I continue to actively safeguard their rights, and constantly exposing the government persecution of human rights defenders, and with the international human rights, peace-loving and concerned people to meet, the phone also comes on the eve of the Olympic Games, public security organs in 2006 I was sentenced to jail perjury made two and a half the Olympic Games after released from prison. Prison, in custody of my destruction, torture, persecution has not stopped two and a half a day. A great grace of God saved me! In destroying the pain of the situation was rather die than live under, give me the courage to survive! The international peace-loving people continue to call for help; the help of Amnesty International, letters may be sent to women's prisons and the snowflake home, sent care. Olympic cycling champion masters call for me. While I have not received these letters, but it saved my life. Prison under the poison did not let me die in prison, alive. While it is more than mind can not think, often a splitting headache, body not recovered well, but the international peace-loving people of the love, warm my heart, so that I can not forget.

Because I am innocent, framed by the government, injustice sentenced to two years and a half, locked up in the Yangpu Detention Center was closed for a year during the three square dark, dank confinement room, with dirty toilet non-stop torture me, and from time to time from the top of the diarrhea down In eating, sleeping, diarrhea over my whole body, or from the ground turned out, let me in the bathroom sewage whole person to live to eat, sleep, and afterwards only with their hands clean; rice in the mix there are criminals, not so I bought a detention center can buy food to eat, eat only tonne of rice mixed with mouse droppings; detention center by police officers with an attractive aroma of food the mice were introduced off my confinement room, dozens of rats inroads bite me, drilling me sleep was Lane; detention center to exhaust a variety of ways tortured me in an attempt to make me a nervous breakdown, the detention center police also installed ghost scared me off of my confinement between the dark, dank, horror, dark, and no one to speak with me also No one's voice for nearly a year, there policewoman middle of the night I loaded a ghost scared voice of terror. Casually really get dark ghosts were attached to two of policewomen so scared I SOUL, a long time back, but to God, but my heart Fu know, ask God to help me! I pray that God help me! Made me turn over, slowly Yasushita thought to be afraid of ghosts mounted policewoman scared of my dirty means. Detention Center plastered with pungent drugs, confinement room door cover closed gates, and let me breathe, I soon fainted, dragged out to stop breathing after vomiting, before pressure of cross-breath. Off to prison in the way, was male guards the police personal insults, let me put on underwear, clothes were all reveal, anti-bend hands, head and touch the ground with my head covered with black cover, it is difficult breathing; anti-lift anti-break in your hands In the windows, the way is also constantly insulted, beaten, verbally abused me. I have no yield.

To the women's prison, but also beaten tortured, forced haircut, I resist being locked up less than 3 square meters of closed rooms, to prevent water and water, sleep on a concrete floor, rice in the mix of drugs are harmful to brain I hunger strike three days later, whole body is also able to send five or six prisoners, police officers kicked and punched, grabbed my neck and hit his head against the wall. Prison doctor with plastic tubes inserted into my nostrils, stamp my internal organs, in different directions, drawn into the out, tortured me, threatening to force me to yield, I have endured pain, not to surrender, was poke bloody viscera; told me mandatory irrigation poison, makes whole body burning as hard for me a splitting headache, but also to prevent water in the cement rolling on the ground, unbearable. Is the international peace-loving people on my call for help it make me move from a closed off a four-month inter-emerge. Because I committed no crime, was falsely accused, wrongly imprisoned, so I refused to wear prison uniform, naked exposure to cold for a few months, news, international calls, only let me wear his clothes inside the cell. Do not wear a prison uniform and their families would not allow me to meet the families of more than a year has not 䍊 met, two and a half to prevent communication with their families; during the seven months of the families do not know me any other information, suffered torture, violence, family members, outsiders unknown, it is difficult appeal; until the first five months out of the prison, the monthly 30-minute call can only pass. Will not let me group queue Sheng food, irrigation water; separate water, and food sent to prison cells and the drug mixed with brain damage, I protest eat, eat themselves or their relatives in prison, the supermarket to buy packaged foods are not allowed; also not let me burn with a small water heater. Was in prison several times indoors with plastic irrigation tubes poison, and the time of intubation every possible means to stop torturing me, makes me uncomfortable, from the nostrils to wear into, and then from the throat piercing, let me try again abruptly to swallow into, or kept for plastic tubes piercing his throat, more difficult to swallow, it is so in every possible way to torture me, once loose in my hand, I grabbed the tube two fierce drag, at that time want to live, and too much force , a plastic tube slide Koupen blood. The prison doctor while torture me while still shouting: "Yield not to yield? As long as we yield to a stopped Wu
. "I firmly refused to yield, irrigation under the poison so I felt like a painful burning, splitting headache, the people numb, like a fool could not move like that, with perseverance that God gave me, I have a large number of water detoxification, re-gaining consciousness, etc. fire roasted like a very sick again. I loudly protested: "Down with the Communist Party! Communist Party is terrorism! Fascist hooligans! "The new round of torture began. Prison, then forced to send me to prison hospital, hands, feet, chest five body tied ropes to force the input after the poison will not let me drink, I drink that gave me a hunger strike to protest provided a few glasses of water, so none of toxicity has receded and can not think, the first regular splitting headache; internal organs lungs, kidneys, organ damage, still can not recover. prison, lose each poison, blood, and I have to protest, though tied forward, but the muscle non-stop dithering, the prison doctors make use of coarse needles picked my hamstring, tesujis pick may have broken blood vessels, blood vessel contraction, convulsion, limb purple swollen the prison hospital with a thick tube shape are not lost in, wait a while raising a little better and then strong force sent to a prison hospital a blood sample, cease
Poison, I suffered another protest against the destruction of tendons, and repeatedly tortured for a year, making my hands and feet still are able to, often convulsions, nerve pain. Being tied in a prison bed, prison for more than a dozen female inmates take turns beating me, punching my head, hit my cheek, body beaten purple swollen, they feel that not enough enjoying to play, simply stripped my clothes , twisted me, pinch my lower body hidden office, camera at me, I resist, you use clothes plugged into my mouth, nose and will not let me breathe, the door stood a good few female officers, male police officers, was an insult to beat too very sad, there's men and the police looked all shook their heads. I remember a hot day near 40 ° C, doors, windows shut tight, electric fans do not open, with a thick quilt, using formwork supports, cover my whole body, so I tied the hands, feet, the head is touched, and can not breathe. As soon as I awake to the exhaustion of strength, loudly protested: "Down with the Communist Party!." An inability to breathe, fainted. The grace of God almighty for giving me the desire to survive, was also tied the hands of the movable finger, struggled with her fingers
To dig holes and pull thick quilt, dig the hole with your fingers to make themselves come through the air. Police and prison inmates have asked me: "Do you where's the effort?" They do not believe, again quilt binding, I'm struggling again, repeated several times, such a hot body so that the skin ulcers. I asked the prison hospital police: "If this time I have been suffocated, and how do you explain me the families?" Replied: "Yes cerebral hemorrhage die."

Is because I refused to wear prison uniform and women from the prison hospital to a prison, in the numerous people stripped of my clothes and bare under the body, the onlookers, there are boys and processing of police clothing, toys, male porters and male drivers, so that I suffered humiliation, destruction. To the last five months out of prison a month before allowing family members to pass 30 minutes of calls and the families of the prison supermarket to buy packaged food, when my weight from 140 kilograms to 70 kilograms afflicted, let me meet with their families. Would not let me group queue Sheng food, irrigation water. I protest, firmly refused to eat meals mixed with brain damage, and boiling water, let the families buy kettles boil my own water to drink, prisons are not allowed, and my humiliation, unable to bear, finally out of prison four days, I am or to continue a hunger strike, without entering some food. Suffered from the torture. For a long time I have been subjected to untold damage and persecution, too numerous to mention!

Prison and court deprived me of the procedural rights of torture, written in prison being tortured like so far do not follow the proceedings, grievances are not redressed. But I was lucky! In God's love with international peace-loving people called for help I came out alive! There was a lot of poison, torture, had killed lost their lives, without the sound, for example: I am the anti-Japanese mother, Shen Gui-zhen, CHEN Xiao-Ming, Cheng-Sen, Zhou Pearl, was killed in the segment Hui-ming, Du Lin and so on.

As my activist, my mother, the anti-Japanese martyrs from July 27, 2000 have been slaughtered to death, given no argument, the body has stored in the Baoxing Funeral Parlor; three daughters, twin daughters from the sixth grade in 2000, the small daughter, four grade damage to, life can not be guaranteed, suspension at home, the future damage, so that three daughters were very physical and psychological harm, hard to describe.

You came, Shanghai human rights activist Jin Yue-Hua, Qiu beautiful, Zhang Zhao-lin, etc. Shanghai human rights activist and human rights activists across the country who have lost their personal freedom and thrown into the black jail, I was shut up at home are not allowed to go out, to go out on being beaten . Mr. President, next time you come to China, if negotiated in advance with our national leaders to let people lose their freedom, there are welcome to express their demands of freedom of visits to countries such as China's leaders are welcome to express their demands of freedom.

Urge you to meet President Hu Jintao, China's leaders, let us set up Shanghai Expo pavilion next to the display area of human rights, with this platform, so that the advanced economies in the world of exhibitions, so that our human rights situation can also be displayed in the media, lighting to demonstrate before the world, so that people around the world to discuss and judge. Hope that peace-loving people around the world concerned with our plight, the world's media attention we have for our call during the Expo period not to limit our personal freedom, was sentenced to jail, detention, Guan psychiatric hospital, off the black prison. To increase solidarity with us and help make our victims from misery, the world play a real role in promoting peace!

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Controls on Expressions and Associations

The PRC detains individuals for exercising their rights to freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of expression, including the right to impart and receive information, and other basic rights. The total number of persons in China detained without charge, sentenced administratively to reeducation or reform camps, or held by other means, solely for peacefully exercising these rights is unknown. However, that figure is estimated to be far in excess of the approximately 3,000 individuals that the PRC currently acknowledges imprisoning for "counter-revolutionary" or political crimes. Many of those detained are held under circumstances that constitute clear violations of due process. Such violations include lengthy detention without charge or trial and depriving defendants of access to legal counsel.

Restrictions on Independent Organizing: Although the Chinese Constitution guarantees freedom of association and assembly, national regulations severely limit association and give the authorities absolute discretion to deny applications for public gatherings or demonstrations. In practice, only organizations that are approved by the authorities are permitted to exist, and any organization that is not registered is considered "illegal." In this manner, independent advocacy on labor, human rights, environmental, development or political issues is effectively outlawed. The CCP-controlled labor union and women and youth organizations are the only permitted avenues for organizing in these areas. Unofficial labor groups have been a particular target for suppression. In December 1994, the Beijing Intermediate People's Court imposed severe sentences of between 15 and 20 years' imprisonment on three prisoners of conscience, convicted of "leading counter-revolutionary organizations." The sentences, based on the defendants' alleged formation of non-government-approved organizations, were the harshest delivered to political dissidents in recent years.
On 4 June, 1994, the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, China promulgated new implementing regulations for the 1993 State Security Law. The repressive new measures threaten the few legal means of operation left to democracy and human rights activists, independent religious adherents and other independent voices, by criminalizing: contact with and funding from foreign organizations defined as "hostile"; the publication or dissemination of "written or verbal speeches" or "using religion" to carry out activities "which endanger state security;" and the creation of "national disputes." The regulations also give state security officials virtually unlimited power to detain individuals, confiscate property and determine what constitutes a "hostile" organization.

Restrictions on Free Speech and the Media: Although the PRC's 1982 Constitution guarantees citizens freedom of expression and of the press, its preamble mandates adherence to "four basic principles"-- the CCP's leadership, socialism, dictatorship of the proletariat and Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought. In practice, the PRC employs a wide range of controls that violate the right to free expression and interfere with independent media. These include severe restrictions on contact between foreign news media and Chinese viewed by the government as critical of the regime. An extensive censorship bureaucracy licenses all media outlets and publishing houses and must approve all books before publication.
The primary mechanism of control over the news media and publishing is self-censorship. Chinese journalists, editors and publishers are expected to make the information they disseminate conform to CCP Propaganda Department guidelines. For example, news coverage is required to be "80% positive and 20% negative." Sanctions for infringements range from official criticism of the coverage to the demotion, firing or imprisonment of the individuals responsible and the closing or banning of the offending publication.
Dissidents who make their opinions known to the foreign media are often subject to threats, detention, harassment, intensive surveillance or imprisonment. During 1994, at least 20 Chinese writers, journalists, editors and publishers were persecuted in connection with their work. Also during the year, foreign correspondents from the British Broadcasting Corporation, Newsweek, Reuters, United Press International, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, U.S. television networks (NBC, CBS) and other foreign media outfits were detained and interrogated by PRC police regarding their work as journalists, including the interviewing of Chinese dissidents and students and filming in Tiananmen Square. Police also banned broadcasts of CNN in Beijing hotels for five days surrounding the fifth anniversary of the 4 June 1989 military crackdown on democracy demonstrators.

Suppression of Religious Freedom: The PRC prohibits all religious activities outside establishments registered under the official branches of four state-recognized religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Islam), established by the PRC government during the 1950s, through which Chinese and Tibetan religious adherents are required to practice their faith. Individuals conducting or participating in public worship without government authorization, including Catholics loyal to the Vatican and Protestants who worship in house churches, have been arrested, detained, placed under close police surveillance or internal exile, fined and, in some cases, tortured. PRC police have also confiscated religious literature and church property, and human rights organizations have documented the closure of hundreds of house churches since 1989.
China's laws restricting contact with foreign coreligionists, prohibiting parents from exposing children under the age of 18 to religion, and outlawing nongovernment-controlled churches violate the UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. In January 1994, the PRC government increased restrictions on religious practice by foreigners in China through State Council Decrees 144 and 145. Decree 144 states that foreign nationals may bring in religious materials only "for their own use," and bans materials deemed "harmful to the public interest." The decree also prohibits evangelizing, establishing religious schools and other missionary activities. Decree 145 gives authorities substantial leeway in restricting religious activities deemed harmful to "national unity" or "social stability," and limits the practice of religion by foreign nationals to state-sanctioned places of worship.


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
Country flag
Barack Obama, Mr President, you get the Nobel Peace Prize, is God's blessing for you! Yes people around the world to your expectations! You are young and promising, there are expanding innovative capacity of God give you wisdom, you will not only bring about well-being of the American people, but also for world peace and contribute! Please contribute to United Nations reform, the United Nations to eradicate fascism! Eradication of terrorism! A world of peace, harmony and family. I have suffered from a family of three generations of persecution and the plight of small saw and heard a experiences a profound insight: a strong law must be fair! Because in a dictatorship, corruption, countries can not do it, the United Nations should work to achieve the purposes of the United Nations: "everyone is equal in the world!" International Human Rights Tribunal cases of long-term damage to trial, judge. So many countries are aware of how the human rights situation in a country? Have a deterrent effect, it will improve. The country's leaders to have a voice in the international community to improve the human rights situation will be proved to the world. If the world so that everyone in the peace Ji
Live in an environment without fear of the oppressed, persecuted on the up and fight! And know that people all over the world to help him, and solidarity with him, the courage to fight in the end! He who has hope, an increase of confidence in the elimination of terrorism in the bud into the world will be at peace! "God's will, done on earth as in heaven"! Hope that the world's peace-loving people for justice, peace, justice and efforts! So that people around the world the true masters of the day, and gradually form the public, not for the benefit of the people, oppressed people of the common people around the world will be condemned, will be isolated and have no market in the world of genuine peace, justice, integrity and defeat evil! I eagerly look forward to the United Nations to establish an international tribunal to hear cases of desire! Expect to be peace-loving people throughout the world attention and assistance and peace-loving leaders of the countries in the support and help, expect the United States Barack Obama, Mr President, the support and help! I pray God's blessing! Let me good wishes be fulfilled! Amen!

Mao Hengfeng Jing Cheng
Must say, that is one huge letter for an American president to read. Sadly, the US has pretty much decided not to displease China. We've seen overtones of that in today's speeches, and that the US has recently lost a huge leverage it build over China in the early 20th century.

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Torture and Ill-Treatment of Prisoners

Torture of detainees is endemic in Chinese detention centers and prisons. Although China became party to the UN Convention Against Torture in 1988, the government has not taken effective measures to diminish the risk of prisoners being tortured or ill-treated. Despite strong evidence of torture in several cases of death in custody, state prosecutors have refused to release autopsy results to families or to initiate investigations. In many detention centers, beatings, inadequate food and poor hygiene appear to be a routine part of the process of eliciting confessions and compliance from detainees. Such treatment is applied to ordinary prisoners as well as political detainees.
According to prisoner reports, methods commonly used by guards include: beatings using electric batons; rubber truncheons on hands and feet; long periods in handcuffs and/or leg irons, often tightened so as to cause pain; restriction of food to starvation levels; and long periods in solitary confinement. Furthermore, corrupt authorities at detention centers, prisons and labor camps have extorted large sums of money from families of detainees for the state's provision of "daily supplies" and "medical expenses."
Despite continuing efforts by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations, PRC officials have not agreed to allow open and unannounced visits to prisoners. PRC authorities acknowledge that there are some 1.2 million prisoners and detainees in China.

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Must say, that is one huge letter for an American president to read. Sadly, the US has pretty much decided not to displease China. We've seen overtones of that in today's speeches, and that the US has recently lost a huge leverage it build over China in the early 20th century.
Yes, and true to their colors, the US wanted to free the Iraqi people from their dictator but they sing in the same tune as the Chinese dictators.

I really wonder how the people in China live in such conditions knowing that even if they are wronged, harassed or falsely implicated in any wrongdoing, they cannot do anything.

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Lack of Judicial Independance and Due Process

Few legal safeguards exist in China to ensure fair trials, and the judicial system is controlled at every level by CCP political-legal committees that may determine the outcome of cases before the court hears evidence presented at trial. Legal scholars within China have called for an end to this widespread practice of "verdict first, trial second." With the political-legal committees exercising extensive control, detainees are highly unlikely to receive fair, impartial hearings that are free from official manipulation.
China's Criminal Procedure Law provides for detainees to have access to lawyers no later than one week before trial. However, even this minimal protection is not always observed. Prisoners typically cannot call witnesses for the defense or question witnesses against them. In politically sensitive cases, lawyers have been instructed that they may enter a not-guilty plea only if they get approval from the judicial administration. Even in death-penalty cases, appeals are usually cursory, and defendants may have only several days to file an appeal.

Arbitrary Detention: In addition to judicial convictions, PRC authorities consistently use administrative procedures to detain hundreds of thousands of Chinese and Tibetans each year.
Individuals sentenced administratively by police are not charged or brought before a judge, thereby denying them access to a lawyer and the right to defend themselves. The majority of these individuals are ordinary people, but democracy and human rights activists, independent religious adherents and worker-rights advocates are also frequently detained in this way.
The most common forms of administrative detention are:
1) "reeducation through labor," under which police, without trial, can send individuals to labor camps for up to four years; and
2) "shelter and investigation," under which police can detain people without charge or trial for up to three months, a time limit that is routinely ignored.
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has determined that the practice of "reeducation through labor" is "inherently arbitrary" when intended for "political and cultural rehabilitation." According to PRC government sources, 100,000 people are sent to "reeducation through labor" camps and one million are "sheltered" each year.

Conditional Releases with Continued Deprivation of Rights: The PRC infrequently has released political prisoners of conscience before the completion of their sentences, predominantly as a result of international pressure. However, those released have been forced into exile, subjected to continuing police surveillance and harassment or, in some cases, detained again for alleged violations of the restrictive conditions of parole or new "crimes" of free expression. Many former prisoners of conscience are not granted the identity cards necessary to gain employment or travel without express official permission.

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009

The Chinese Constitution and other laws provide equal rights for men and women in all spheres of life, including ownership of property, inheritance and educational opportunities. Equality between the sexes has been a part of the CCP's agenda from its early days, and women's rights are perceived to be in a separate category from human rights. Therefore, women's organizations in China, even though they remain under CCP control, are able to advocate effectively on some issues involving abuses of women's human rights. However, when women's rights or interests conflict with Party or government policy, the latter takes precedence. This means, for example, that abuses related to the family planning policy are not reported in the media or discussed publicly. Information about other issues, such as the extent of domestic violence, trafficking in women or abuses directed at lesbians, is effectively prevented by the CCP's injunction that most news should be positive. Thus, the controls on freedom of expression and association, which so affect democracy and human rights activists, have a strong impact on women's human rights as well.

Violence Against Women: According to some researchers, spousal abuse is far too common and, in many parts of the country, still socially acceptable. However, comprehensive statistics about the extent of domestic violence are not available or have not been made public. The official All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) has been studying this problem and seeking solutions.
Few battered women have the opportunity to escape abuse, because shelters and other resources are not available. Women are under considerable social pressure to keep families together regardless of the circumstances. Legal action is not taken against batterers unless the victim initiates it, and if she withdraws her testimony, the proceedings are ended.

Abduction and Trafficking of Women: Trafficking and sale of women as brides or into prostitution is a serious problem in certain parts of China, and Chinese women have been sold into brothels in Southeast Asia. The PRC government has enacted various laws to combat the sale of women, but the statistics released by the government do not reliably indicate the scale of the problem. PRC officials stated that there were 15,000 cases of kidnapping and trafficking in women and children in 1993. Yet according to one estimate, 10,000 women were abducted and sold in 1992 in Sichuan Province alone.
Until recently, the authorities have not prosecuted men who purchase women as wives; thus, the trade has continued unabated. Official action to rescue victims of trafficking is generally initiated only if a complaint is made by the woman or her family. Local officials often turn a blind eye, even formally registering marriages into which the woman has been sold.

Discrimination in Employment and Education: The PRC ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women in 1980 and enacted the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests in 1992. However, open discrimination against women in China has continued to grow during the period of reform of the last 15 years.
According to PRC government surveys, women's salaries have been found to average 77% of men's, and most women employed in industry work in low-skill and low-paying jobs. An estimated 70 to 80% of workers laid off as a result of downsizing in factories have been women, and, although women make up 38% of the work force, they are 60% of the unemployed. At job fairs, employers openly advertise positions for men only, and university campus recruiters often state that they will not hire women. Employers justify such discrimination by saying that they cannot afford the benefits they are required to provide for pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants.
The proportion of women to men declines at each educational tier, with women comprising some 25% of undergraduates in universities. Institutions of higher education that have a large proportion of female applicants, such as foreign language institutes, have been known to require higher entrance exam grades from women.
Although China has a law mandating compulsory primary education, increasing numbers of rural girls are not being sent to school. Rural parents often do not want to "waste" money on school fees for girls who will "belong" to another family when they marry. According to official statistics, about 70% of illiterates in China are female.

Violations Resulting from Family Planning Policy: The Chinese Constitution mandates the duty of couples to practice family planning. Since 1979, the central government has attempted to implement a family planning policy in China and Tibet that the government states is "intended to control population quantity and improve its quality." Central to this initiative is the "one child per couple" policy. Central authorities have verbally condemned the use of physical force in implementing the one-child policy; however, its implementation is left to local laws and regulations.
To enforce compliance, local authorities employ incentives such as medical, educational and housing benefits, and punishments including fines, confiscation of property, salary cuts or even dismissal. Officials also may refuse to issue residence cards to "out of plan" children, thereby denying them education and other state benefits.
Methods employed to ensure compliance have also included the forced use of contraceptives, primarily the I.U.D., and forced abortion for pregnant women who already have one child. In Zheijang Province, for example, the family planning ordinance states that "fertile couples must use reliable birth control according to the provisions. In case of pregnancies in default of the plan, measures must be taken to terminate them." As an official "minority", Tibetans are legally allowed to have more than one child. However, there have been reports of forced abortions and sterilizations of Tibetan women who have had only one child. There are also reports of widespread sterilization of certain categories of women, including those suffering from mental illness, retardation and communicable or hereditary diseases. Under previous local regulations superseded by the 1994 Maternal and Infant Health Care Law, such sterilization was mandatory in certain provinces. Under the new law, certain categories of people still may be prevented from bearing children.

Violations Against Female Children: The one-child policy, in conjunction with the traditional preference for male children, has led to a resurgence of practices like female infanticide, concealment of female births and abandonment of female infants. Female children whose births are not registered do not have any legal existence and therefore may have difficulty going to school or receiving medical care or other state services. The overwhelming majority of children in orphanages are female and/or mentally or physically handicapped.
The one-child policy has also contributed to the practice of prenatal sex identification resulting in the abortion of female fetuses. Although the government has outlawed the use of ultrasound machines for this purpose, physicians continue the practice, especially in rural areas. Thus, while the average worldwide ratio of male to female newborns is 105/100, Chinese government statistics show that the ratio in the PRC is 114/100 and may be higher in some areas.

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
I would really like to hear the views of our chinese members about all this.


DFI Technocrat
Oct 10, 2009
Country flag
quake activist jailed

China quake activist jailed for three years
By Chris Buckley
Monday, November 23, 2009 1:18 AM

BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese dissident who tried to help victims of last year's Sichuan earthquake was jailed for three years on Monday on charges of illegally possessing state secrets, his wife said, decrying the sentence as "revenge."

The court decision is another sign that China is in no mood to ease political controls after last week's visit by U.S. President Barack Obama, who pressed the government on human rights.

Huang Qi was convicted by a court in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province in the nation's southwest where the earthquake on May 12 last year killed at least 80,000 people, including children crushed in schools that collapsed.

A veteran human rights activist, Huang was detained in June last year after offering to help parents protesting that schools which fell in the quake were vulnerable due to shoddy and corrupt building practices. The government has said that 5,335 schoolchildren died in the earthquake or remain missing.

Huang's wife, Zeng Li, who attended the hearing, said he received the maximum sentence for charges of illegally possessing state secrets, but the judge and prosecutors did not say in the courtroom what secrets he was accused of holding.

"They still won't say what the specific charge is, not even at the verdict. They just spoke of documents related to a certain matter," Zeng told Reuters by telephone.

"I think it was revenge for the earthquake and his other work. But the court would not even give me a copy of the verdict."

China's secrets and subversion laws are vaguely worded, giving authorities much scope for defining actions critical of the ruling Communist Party as crimes. The courts run by the Party rarely reject prosecutors' cases.

Obama last week pressed broad hopes for improved human rights in China. But the Party appears set against concessions, even with pressure from the West.

Amnesty International, the rights advocacy group, said Huang was sentenced over two city government documents found in his home.

"Huang Qi should be treated as a model citizen, committed to the rule of law, but instead he has fallen victim to China's vague state secrets legislation," Sam Zarifi, the Asia-Pacific Director for Amnesty International, said in an emailed comment.

Last week, Zhou Yongjun, a student leader of China's 1989 pro-democracy movement who has long lived in the United States, was tried on fraud charges, which his family said were concocted.

Huang, 46, embraced many causes that riled Party officials. He ran his own Tianwang Human Rights Center and a website ( critical of restrictions on political rights.

He was jailed in 2003 for "inciting subversion" over criticism of the suppression of pro-democracy protests centered on Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989, and released in 2005.

Huang would appeal against the sentence, said his lawyer, Ding Xikui, who said the court was legally obliged to give the written verdict to Huang's family and attorneys.

An official in the Wuhou District Court in Chengdu, which delivered the verdict, refused to comment on the case.

Supporters of Huang were barred from the courtroom, said Zeng, who has not been allowed to visit her husband.

"I shouted out that we wanted to appeal, but they didn't allow him to say anything and dragged him away," she said.

(Editing by Ken Wills and Nick Macfie)


no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
Country flag
I really wonder how the people in China live in such conditions knowing that even if they are wronged, harassed or falsely implicated in any wrongdoing, they cannot do anything.
Just as we chinese wonder how the people in India still enjoy the life when they are sleeping on the street, they don't do anything.

It is as simple as the choice: you choose the political right first, we choose the economic right first. You don't mind your children starving to death, we can't. We would sacrfice anthing for their hope.


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
Country flag
I would really like to hear the views of our chinese members about all this.
Kommunist, since you have done so much research on the status of Chinese women, and you are familiar with the status of Indian women. Would you please do a comparison between them. I believe both Chinese members and Indian members here are looking forward to reading that.


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Kommunist, since you have done so much research on the status of Chinese women, and you are familiar with the status of Indian women. Would you please do a comparison between them. I believe both Chinese members and Indian members here are looking forward to reading that.
Why everything has to endup in comparison of China and India. Stick to the topic of the thread "Human Rights Violations by China".


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
Just as we chinese wonder how the people in India still enjoy the life when they are sleeping on the street, they don't do anything.

It is as simple as the choice: you choose the political right first, we choose the economic right first. You don't mind your children starving to death, we can't. We would sacrfice anthing for their hope.
This thread is about "Human rights in China" it is not about comparison so stick to topic

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Just as we chinese wonder how the people in India still enjoy the life when they are sleeping on the street, they don't do anything.

It is as simple as the choice: you choose the political right first, we choose the economic right first. You don't mind your children starving to death, we can't. We would sacrfice anthing for their hope.
Indian government does not destroy the homes of the slum-dwellers in India just because the country is hosting Olympics/some other game, which China does. Which means that the country's false image to the outside world is more important to the Chinese leaders and bureaucrats than the welfare and lives of the people.

Well mate, its not as if everybody in China is a rich man. An unemployment rate of 4% exists (n yeah I know you will say that it is 6.8, but then we don't claim to be industrial leaders of the world). So, for that much, I think giving up your free way of life and living like zombies is too much.

If you tell me that I can have the freedom to choose my way of life, to say what I want, to choose who represents us, to have as many kids as I want and I will be paid $1000, I will rather take that than the choice where I don't have my freedom to express myself, freedom to have more than one kid if I want, freedom to choose the government, and earn $1500.

Money can buy most things but not satisfaction, contentment and happiness and most of all, money cannot buy freedom. Look at Russia, the state is gradually strengthening its grip over the major industries and industrialists.

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Just as we chinese wonder how the people in India still enjoy the life when they are sleeping on the street, they don't do anything.

It is as simple as the choice: you choose the political right first, we choose the economic right first. You don't mind your children starving to death, we can't. We would sacrfice anthing for their hope.
And BTW, hoping is good, but I have highlighted enough articles above to show the kind of life that awaits your children.

The children who died in the earthquake do not have justice and those who want justice against the corrupt officials are jailed on some false pretext.

Oh wait, I forgot - you are willing to sacrifice a few children's lives for your economic freedom.

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