C-17 Globemaster III (IAF)


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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If Pakistan is successful in getting block 70/72 along with PAC 3 is there any chance this Globe Master beast thing too falling in their hands???
Is there any chance that the C17 will start flying in pixie dust? Seems about as plausible as the crap you’ve written.

What don’t you get? Pakistan is a bankrupt better of a nation that is one wrong move away from a total economic collapse. Don’t bring your Zarvan style delusions over here. Just because low IQ inbred morons on PDF love to have mental orgasms over these fantasies doesn’t make them true.


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Mar 27, 2019
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There was no international China. Japan had conquered significant parts of China and Chinese empire had collapsed.

But, yes, as I said, Aksai Chin was no-man's-land and hence China can't claim ownership on it. But that doesn't automatically make it Indian territory. There can be territory which is no-man's-land too.
It is and will be a part of the republic of India.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2018
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There was no international China. Japan had conquered significant parts of China and Chinese empire had collapsed.

But, yes, as I said, Aksai Chin was no-man's-land and hence China can't claim ownership on it. But that doesn't automatwarically make it Indian territory. There can be territory which is no-man's-land too.
I would like to differ. The 1962 war was a reality. We can bury our head in the sand and pretend there is no problem. I agree that our chances of getting back Aksai Chin look very remote at present, China being very powerful but we should not lose hope. Sometimes one has to wait for the right time and circumstances. Our aim should be to get back all of POK and Aksai Chin. Our claim is justified.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Can you tell me how you will capture Aksai Chin and hold on to it? Aksai Chin is as hostile as Siachen and it can't be accessed except in Summer. Holding on to such hostile territory is unfeasible for anyone with practical mind.
I would like to differ. The 1962 war was a reality. We can bury our head in the sand and pretend there is no problem. I agree that our chances of getting back Aksai Chin look very remote at present, China being very powerful but we should not lose hope. Sometimes one has to wait for the right time and circumstances. Our aim should be to get back all of POK and Aksai Chin. Our claim is justified.
We are holding to Siachen by supplying goods from helicopters. We can't even take planes like C130 or even smaller An32 planes into Siachen. Now, extending this to a big territory like Aksai Chin will be too big a task


Regular Member
Jun 23, 2019
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Can you tell me how you will capture Aksai Chin and hold on to it? Aksai Chin is as hostile as Siachen and it can't be accessed except in Summer. Holding on to such hostile territory is unfeasible for anyone with practical mind.

We are holding to Siachen by supplying goods from helicopters. We can't even take planes like C130 or even smaller An32 planes into Siachen. Now, extending this to a big territory like Aksai Chin will be too big a task
Suppose China gets in a war with America. Suppose China starts losing. It'll be our chance to reclaim our land.

Consider in a few years that their idiotic over child policy will lead to a massive retiree population and not enough workers. That too is an opportunity. Our soldiers can enter it's been done in the past.

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Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Suppose China gets in a war with America. Suppose China starts losing. It'll be our chance to reclaim our land.

Consider in a few years that their idiotic over child policy will lead to a massive retiree population and not enough workers. That too is an opportunity. Our soldiers can enter it's been done in the past.

Sent from my SM-G973U1 using Tapatalk
Actually, if China loses war against USA, USA will become too dominant and will spread its Abrahamic ideology like wildfire. So, it is important to ensure USA loses. Secondly, all useful land under dispute can be settled relatively easily. India can pretend to give away Aksai Chin and China giving away all other land pieces in Ladakh and other areas.

The thorn here is Dalai Lama and Tibet issue. Until this issue is decisively resolved, China won't accept any offer. Nevertheless, China will accept reasonable offer in return for settling Dalai Lama & Tibet issue. This dispute of border with China is only temporary and is solely because of Tibet issue hoisted by India since 1959. China doesn't need the minor border areas with India as it has limited value.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2018
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Can you tell me how you will capture Aksai Chin and hold on to it? Aksai Chin is as hostile as Siachen and it can't be accessed except in Summer. Holding on to such hostile territory is unfeasible for anyone with practical mind.

We are holding to Siachen by supplying goods from helicopters. We can't even take planes like C130 or even smaller An32 planes into Siachen. Now, extending this to a big territory like Aksai Chin will be too big a task
I would like to assume that there is a topographical difference between Siachen and Aksai Chin. If any one has evidence to the contrary please share it. We should plan for the future. The Arctic which was considered a frozen wasteland is becoming accessible and supposedly has large oil and other mineral resources. Tibet is being actively explored for minerals by China. Fifty years back it was also considered a wasteful territory. So who knows?. Aksai Chin can maybe have something useful and valuable. As far as taking back Aksai Chin now I agree it is a pipe dream but who can predict the future. Holding onto Aksai Chin in case we manage to capture it should not be a gigantic problem as both new technologies and climate change may make it feasible.


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Aug 10, 2012
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What if US decided to design a superior version of C-17 and manufactured 200 of them specially for Pakistan and gave them away for free...

Along with all those f-16 block 70s (or 80s), F-35s, and Nimitz class carriers that are on their way.
If USA gets Afghanistan exit as per her wish then Pakistan getting all above stuff can actually be a reality. .


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Ah what could’ve been..... IAF wanted 16 minimum but as many as 22-24 of these beasts and will only ever be able to get 11 (unless that line gets restarted).

This saga should be a lesson in how inept and unresponsive the MOD is, Boeing were crying for new orders for years and informed IAF they would keep production line open only if they got orders by a certain date. MOD sat idle. Boeing took the initiative to build 10 “whitetail” C17s with no confirmed customers for any of them to keep production open another few months and then MOD sat idle as every single one of them bar 1 was snapped up by foreign airforces.


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Oct 20, 2015
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IAF watching ? Pentagon to Move Forward With Palletized Munition Program for C-17 Transport Plane

The US Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin a contract to ready its C-17 Globemaster III transport planes for launching cruise missiles using a “palletized munition” deployment method tested on several aircraft earlier this year. The defense contracting giant announced last week it had received a $25 million contract from the US Air Force Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation (SDPE) Office to further develop the Palletized Munitions Experimentation Campaign. According to a company news release, the contract aims for a system-level demonstration in 2021 to really flesh out what’s possible with this novel weapon-launching design. “Despite the Palletized Munitions program being relatively new, it’s moving very quickly” Lockheed Martin Advanced Strike Systems Director Scott Callaway said in the release. In May, the Air Force Research Lab tested the palletized munition concept for the first time by rolling a modified cargo pallet out the back of an MC-130J Hercules transport aircraft carrying what observers estimated to be two simulated AGM-154 Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW) glide bombs. A second test in September saw a pallet carrying at least one simulated AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) cruise missile launched out the back of a C-17 Globemaster III transport, the plane now chosen as the base on which to expand the program. The palletized munition concept is an attempt at keeping existing airframes relevant while getting around the need to spend years of effort and billions of dollars either designing or ordering more bombers. However, the effort to find what has variously been called a “missileer,” “arsenal plane” and “bomb truck” was also tried out on existing bombers, and both the B-1B Lancer and B-52 Stratofortress are slated to carry some of the new generation of long-range missiles being developed by the Pentagon. “A Palletized Munitions capability could enable various airlift aircraft to employ a range of weapons en masse via a self-contained, roll-on/roll-off palletized system, and may offer an alternative way for the Air Force to bring more mass to the fight,” Dr. Dean Evans, the SDPE’s Palletized Munitions Experimentation program manager, said in September. This won’t be the first time a cargo plane has been modified to sport offensive capabilities: the US military operates several versions of the C-130 Hercules that can fire machine guns, rotary cannons and even a 105-millimeter howitzer at ground targets. Before that was the AC-47 Spooky, a modified C-47 transport plane with similar weapons.

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