Burger boys and the India-US Relations

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Apr 13, 2013
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Blacks are a well protected group by dems. For generations they were told that they are the permanent "Victims". All their failures in life is because of other race, specially "The Whiteman". A person can never achive sucess in their life if they don't introspect on their failure and bad decision. Well, as per elite collage educated libbies such introspection is racist. Blacks have no flaws. Whoever sees flaws is Racist.

To be successful, all blacks have to do is fight their imaginary enemy and one day they will be Kangz and Qeenz. Just like movie black panther. No hardwork needed.

This liberal nonsense have destroyed black lives. Their yong have become drug addicts and gang members. Broken families, high abortion rate, highly dependent on state for handouts. This makes blacks frustrated. They constantly feel insecure about themselves hance they resort to violence.

Coming to politics, Democrats are using blacks as their henchmen for political agendas and to threaten average middle class whitey that if they don't fall in line, dems will unleash raging blacks upon their homes and businesses.

Asians, Indians and even Latinos are slowly moving away from nonsensical liberal policies. Many are voting republians or independent. So liberal media is targeting them for being too "privileged", thus putting major target on their head.
in short..dems made pakistanis out of black

This liberal nonsense have destroyed black lives. Their yong have become drug addicts and gang members. Broken families, high abortion rate, highly dependent on state for handouts. This makes blacks frustrated. They constantly feel insecure about themselves hance they resort to violence.

This becomes an assured vote bank which dems use as and when necessary.
make people depend on state for survival .


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Blacks are a well protected group by dems. For generations they were told that they are the permanent "Victims". All their failures in life is because of other race, specially "The Whiteman". A person can never achive sucess in their life if they don't introspect on their failure and bad decision. Well, as per elite collage educated libbies such introspection is racist. Blacks have no flaws. Whoever sees flaws is Racist.

To be successful, all blacks have to do is fight their imaginary enemy and one day they will be Kangz and Qeenz. Just like movie black panther. No hardwork needed.

This liberal nonsense have destroyed black lives. Their yong have become drug addicts and gang members. Broken families, high abortion rate, highly dependent on state for handouts. This makes blacks frustrated. They constantly feel insecure about themselves hance they resort to violence.

Coming to politics, Democrats are using blacks as their henchmen for political agendas and to threaten average middle class whitey that if they don't fall in line, dems will unleash raging blacks upon their homes and businesses.

Asians, Indians and even Latinos are slowly moving away from nonsensical liberal policies. Many are voting republians or independent. So liberal media is targeting them for being too "privileged", thus putting major target on their head.
The failure of blacks in amrekunt society can be traced back to broken homes and large number of out of wedlock births and absence of fathers in African-amreekunt society.

Be it democrats or republicans they have been plundered by all of them.

However there are some current black community leaders like Ben Carson and obama they all singularly want the status quo to prevail and the blm movement to be demonized and eventually dismantled. They are a few privileged nuts in the whole amreekunt system of discrimination, who have a vested interest in keeping the status quo as it is, just like the bunch of few dhimmi elites from certain communities who wanted the britfag to remain in Bharat because they were benefiting from being cucked out coolies .

Do note that the odds have always been stacked against Blacks in a systemic manner in the subhuman discriminatory system of amerimutts. Every time there is an uprising, the establishment used underhanded tactics to suppress it.

They either carry out false flag attacks to malign the entire movement or take the case of assassinations of black leaders like Malcom X and other opinion makers during the 1950-2000 period. Civil rights activist Medgar Evers was assassinated by Byro Beckwith, Then that Fred Hampton, a leader for the Black Panther Party in Chicago was killed in his apartment during a police raid while sleeping, unarmed in 1968.

Harry and Hariette Moore were a husband and wife team of civil rights activists and teachers who founded the Naacp in, Florida. In 1950s also , the couple’s house was bombed and both of them were murdered. Martin Luther King was the face and voice of the civil rights movement and would serve as a martyr for the movement after he was killed in Memphis in late sixtees. This is endless list.

It does not seem that Blacks are going to get any justice there any time soon. So there is a natural progression to the Black Liver Matter movement, and it grows bigger and bigger every time and insanely violent. And it is now biting very painfully to these coomers who have plundered them all these years.

The question should rather be forged that is amreeka now ready for the peoples revolution ?

We must strive to use this blm momentum to Bharat's advantage .

There is huge black presence in amreeka . You might have noticed those coomers never miss a chance to put their fingers in any open wound in attempt to bleed us. This is the first time such an option is available to us to pay them back in their same with compound interest literally added. init.

I am sure the responsible office holders within Mea of BHARAT are well aware of it.

The hour is to promote the idea of black victimhood and marginalization and keep amping the shit out of it.

The intel agents of Russia and China and cair are having a field day making contacts with so many dissident blacks, which they would later exploit within decaying amreekunts for their own advantage as deep assets .

We should hurry.
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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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in short..dems made pakistanis out of black

This liberal nonsense have destroyed black lives. Their yong have become drug addicts and gang members. Broken families, high abortion rate, highly dependent on state for handouts. This makes blacks frustrated. They constantly feel insecure about themselves hance they resort to violence.

This becomes an assured vote bank which dems use as and when necessary.
make people depend on state for survival .
Ever wondered why black movement is not reduced to twitter hashtags ?

Because , the mooslame clerics in amreeka are now already urging black citizens to convert en masse to shitlame and continue their struggle against the amreekunt government with international backing, instead of staying as sub class citizens.

Thats cair in bed with amreekunt marxshits.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2020
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Ever wondered why black movement is not reduced to twitter hashtags ?

Because , the mooslame clerics in amreeka are now already urging black citizens to convert en masse to shitlame and continue their struggle against the amreekunt government with international backing, instead of staying as sub class citizens.

Thats cair in bed with amreekunt marxshits.
It is a weird cocktail. Muslims & Marxists. Divided by religion, United by Violence


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Ever wondered why black movement is not reduced to twitter hashtags ?

Because , the mooslame clerics in amreeka are now already urging black citizens to convert en masse to shitlame and continue their struggle against the amreekunt government with international backing, instead of staying as sub class citizens.

Thats cair in bed with amreekunt marxshits.
Its jihadis and they always know how to use the fault line with Taqiya!


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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It is a weird cocktail. Muslims & Marxists. Divided by religion, United by Violence
Actually western conservatives believed that marxshit leftists can be defeated by economics and making people rich.

Its a huge blunder as ...

This Marx was a cultural critic and not an economist in the actual sense of the word. Thus most of his work has dealt with subverting society using the cultural agenda rather than just use the economic agenda.

They are united by the hostility against amreekunt system.

It absolutely doesnt matters if you are black or not or asian or whatever your religion is.

All this is very consistent with the agenda to advance marxshit goals of a strong and intrusive state which has more power over the individual than the individual themselves. Today more than 70% of black children are born to single women. 14 million black babies have been aborted since 1974- that’s what feminism & planned parenthood has done to their society. Look at any black dominated city and its overflowing with crime . This is breeding ground for next generation angry marxshit.

Then combined with shitlame and cair it become very lethal violent combination for them amreekunts who plundered blacks. Its revenge emotions as well.

Its jihadis and they always know how to use the fault line with Taqiya!
Its not jihadis my fren. Its Marxism - jihadis as usual are only their useful condoms.
One has to understand that Communism arose in the west and has deep Judeo-Christian roots, the faiths which have subverted large number of local cultures and religions across the world. So given their historical experience, the marxshit knows it very well that if they have to implement their agenda, they need to estrange the people from their local traditions just like their imperial religions did in the past. Once it is achieved, only then it is possible to defeat the bourgeois and usher in a new revolution and social order.

They will go after every organisation in there and infest it compromise it and pump out retardation in the amreekunt masses. Thats already achieved.

Soon these marxshits will come for the moslame clerics also after marxshits goal have been achieved. You already know whats happening with uighurs in China.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2020
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Actually western conservatives believed that marxshit leftists can be defeated by economics and making people rich.

Its a huge blunder as ...

This Marx was a cultural critic and not an economist in the actual sense of the word. Thus most of his work has dealt with subverting society using the cultural agenda rather than just use the economic agenda.

They are united by the hostility against amreekunt system.

It absolutely doesnt matters if you are black or not or asian or whatever your religion is.

All this is very consistent with the agenda to advance marxshit goals of a strong and intrusive state which has more power over the individual than the individual themselves. Today more than 70% of black children are born to single women. 14 million black babies have been aborted since 1974- that’s what feminism & planned parenthood has done to their society. Look at any black dominated city and its overflowing with crime . This is breeding ground for next generation angry marxshit.
Its their culture. They have every opportunity but ...

I think this was Russian KGB style plan, which was farming the american universities & schools since last 30 years. Now we are seeing the harvest.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Its their culture. They have every opportunity but ...

I think this was Russian KGB style plan, which was farming the american universities & schools since last 30 years. Now we are seeing the harvest.
Yes Soviets had a history of igniting black community tensions. They leveraged this fault line very well during the Cold War when they would send forged letters purporting to be from black people, addressed to the heads of armed white trash militias, which would then invariably trigger insane tensions .


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2020
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Yes Soviets had a history of igniting black community tensions. They leveraged this fault line very well during the Cold War when they would send forged letters purporting to be from black people, addressed to the heads of armed white trash militias, which would then invariably trigger insane tensions .
The left played along with BLM because its their voter base but right after coming into power their first move was against Russia. May be the deep state caught in deep sleep letting Russia have free time to meddle in other countries & most importantly US. So they start with the opposition leader riots in moscow, which failed, now they want to use Ukraine as fodder to keep Russia busy & burning.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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The left played along with BLM because its their voter base but right after coming into power their first move was against Russia. May be the deep state caught in deep sleep letting Russia have free time to meddle in other countries & most importantly US. So they start with the opposition leader riots in moscow, which failed, now they want to use Ukraine as fodder to keep Russia busy & burning.
Putin is shitting hard on them. China has already pumped billion of yuans in amreeekunt and continues to do so. Those are highly compromised organs of amreekunt state now. I dont think ukraine is any big issues for russians. They know from the experience of handling chernobyl afterall.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Aarpa) document leaked to Politico titled "Extremism and Insider Threat in the DoD" finally answers the question.

According to it, patriots, white advocates, christians, and "anti-feminists" all qualify as extremists subject to punishment and expulsion. Anarchists, environmentalists, animal welfare activists -- but not Black Lives Matter -- are also on the list.

The guidelines describe patriot "domestic extremists" as holding an ideology that states "the amreekunt government has become corrupt, has overstepped its constitutional boundaries or is no longer capable of protecting the people against foreign threats."

It's safe to say that under these rules, the majority of amreekunts -- and thus servicemen -- are domestic extremists that need to be purged.

See - https://national-justice.com/leaked-document-shows-who-pentagon-wants-purge-military


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2020
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Putin is shitting hard on them. China has already pumped billion of yuans in amreeekunt and continues to do so. Those are highly compromised organs of amreekunt state now.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Aarpa) document leaked to Politico titled "Extremism and Insider Threat in the DoD" finally answers the question.

According to it, patriots, white advocates, christians, and "anti-feminists" all qualify as extremists subject to punishment and expulsion. Anarchists, environmentalists, animal welfare activists -- but not Black Lives Matter -- are also on the list.

The guidelines describe patriot "domestic extremists" as holding an ideology that states "the amreekunt government has become corrupt, has overstepped its constitutional boundaries or is no longer capable of protecting the people against foreign threats."

It's safe to say that under these rules, the majority of amreekunts -- and thus servicemen -- are domestic extremists that need to be purged.

See - https://national-justice.com/leaked-document-shows-who-pentagon-wants-purge-military
The same fate awaits us.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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I mean when the left comes to the power, thats what happened in the past & present. When there is historical data to rely upon, i cant be a optimistic guy or else i have to stop believing in science.
When exactly do you believe that Bharat was ever safe after 7th Ad onwards? The fact that Bharat is safe because there are people who work hard to keep it safe and the Vedic Vigour always lit. And they continue to do so.

We had our share of causalities but that doesnt mean we capitulated. Romans capitulated , Egyptians , Mesopotamians all of them capitulated either to abrhamic cults or some other bs.

Because they were not complex. Simplicity comes with its own disadvantages my fren. On the other Hand us Bhartiyas happened to be a very consciouss or organised 'mess'. . It is because of this organic nature of our existence that invaders, who came in waves through the last millennium, did not know how to deal with us.
They managed to rule us for few hundred years but never were able to capitulate us.

Those are fake nations illegal. They are not civilisational states. They came into existence out of stealing plundering and genocide all canonized into a mofocking paper shit.

Do you believe it is the government or the law or the infrastructure thats keeping Bharat safe ? Hell there was no constitution or mailaards or law back then . It came only after 1947 viz goverment of India act copypasta in constitution.

Be it marxshits or anybody else foreign company .People who think in a structured manner cannot understand the possibility of the chaos -those abrhamic monotheists wala lmao.

One who is the product of a manicured garden would think the forest is chaotic. Dharma is chaotic far from anything simpler. A better analogy would be that of a garden needs constant tending. If you do not tend to it for a few months, it’s gone. But a forest has been there for millions of years, and it will continue to be there. Same for us Dharmics. History is a testimony to this.

It took us about 500 years to obliterate moghals , about 200 years to defeat britfags and full 7 decades to defeat the secular constitution and we got our first decolonised PM = Modi.

And guess what our moment to shine has not even come yet !!!!!

Those who had harbored delusional beliefs that Bharat gonna break themselves ended up as bankrupted colonies of others today.

When britfags sneaked into Bharat, Marathas were already banging the shit out of moghals left right and centre. Mumbai jitna chota sa rule the initially Marathas ka and yet moghal empire were totally bankrupted in and aurangzeb was like 'dimag ka bhosda' untill he finally died. Another few decades and Marathas would have had the entire subcontinent. Even that single one Ahom tribes alone from North east bharat defeated those moghals 17 times ! They never fell to moghals . They endured . In the end it was moghal who tasted crushing defeat.

You win some you lose same. Thats the natural law. Its matter of enduring and the ability of rising up . How quickly you reorganise and digest losses. Downfall and rise are same aspects of Kaal Chakras.

In this light, the only country in the world that can be called a civilisation is Sanatana Bharata which at its core still retains the soft luminance that gave selfless light to the whole world for countless years. This luminance could be eclipsed at worst but every eclipse is fleeting .

Left will never come to power here. The fact that little bit of communism managed to survive in Bharat till date was more to owe to cucksgress than to the ideology itself. ;)

Today cucksgress itself is cucked. How cucksgress used to laugh back then when BJP had only 2 Mps lmao...

You forget that this marxshit cannot and does not hold true for countries such as BHARAT where DHARMA and KARMA are the key factors governing the social order.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2020
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When exactly do you believe that Bharat was ever safe after 7th Ad onwards? The fact that Bharat is safe because there are people who work hard to keep it safe and the Vedic Vigour always lit. And they continue to do so.

We had our share of causalities but that doesnt mean we capitulated. Romans capitulated , Egyptians , Mesopotamians all of them capitulated either to abrhamic cults or some other bs.

Because they were not complex. Simplicity comes with its own disadvantages my fren. On the other Hand us Bhartiyas happened to be a very consciouss or organised 'mess'. . It is because of this organic nature of our existence that invaders, who came in waves through the last millennium, did not know how to deal with us.
They managed to rule us for few hundred years but never were able to capitulate us.

Those are fake nations illegal. They are not civilisational states. They came into existence out of stealing plundering and genocide all canonized into a mofocking paper shit.

Do you believe it is the government or the law or the infrastructure thats keeping Bharat safe ? Hell there was no constitution or mailaards or law back then . It came only after 1947 viz goverment of India act copypasta in constitution.

Be it marxshits or anybody else foreign company .People who think in a structured manner cannot understand the possibility of the chaos -those abrhamic monotheists wala lmao.

One who is the product of a manicured garden would think the forest is chaotic. Dharma is chaotic far from anything simpler. A better analogy would be that of a garden needs constant tending. If you do not tend to it for a few months, it’s gone. But a forest has been there for millions of years, and it will continue to be there. Same for us Dharmics. History is a testimony to this.

It took us about 500 years to obliterate moghals , about 200 years to defeat britfags and full 7 decades to defeat the secular constitution and we got our first decolonised PM = Modi.

And guess what our moment to shine has not even come yet !!!!!

Those who had harbored delusional beliefs that Bharat gonna break themselves ended up as bankrupted colonies of others today.

When britfags sneaked into Bharat, Marathas were already banging the shit out of moghals left right and centre. Mumbai jitna chota sa rule the initially Marathas ka and yet moghal empire were totally bankrupted in and aurangzeb was like 'dimag ka bhosda' untill he finally died. Another few decades and Marathas would have had the entire subcontinent. Even that single one Ahom tribes alone from North east bharat defeated those moghals 17 times ! They never fell to moghals . They endured . In the end it was moghal who tasted crushing defeat.

You win some you lose same. Thats the natural law. Its matter of enduring and the ability of rising up . How quickly you reorganise and digest losses. Downfall and rise are same aspects of Kaal Chakras.

In this light, the only country in the world that can be called a civilisation is Sanatana Bharata which at its core still retains the soft luminance that gave selfless light to the whole world for countless years. This luminance could be eclipsed at worst but every eclipse is fleeting .

Left will never come to power here. The fact that little bit of communism managed to survive in Bharat till date was more to owe to cucksgress than to the ideology itself. ;)

Today cucksgress itself is cucked. How cucksgress used to laugh back then when BJP had only 2 Mps lmao...

You forget that this marxshit cannot and does not hold true for countries such as BHARAT where DHARMA and KARMA are the key factors governing the social order.
All i will ask for is, if any of the forum members know someone close to BJP, please start asking them to protect the content creators who work for national interests. These content creators are the ones that can penetrate through the echo chamber the majority population is living in. They are the historians & guardians against the upcoming woke wave.:pray:


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Ecosystem firing all cylinders :



Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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This is Copium production for Modi's Bengal victory.
People need to understand that we have a hostile US Govt. in power. This entity understands that winning elections via proxies in India to promote 'sub-national diplomacy' is difficult.

So by invoking Defence Production Act, they intend to cripple India's vaccination effort during a surge to force a lockdown. This is nothing short of economic sabotage.

@Yusuf bro open your eyes. G2 (US-China) is the enemy until atleast 2024.
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