Burger boys and the India-US Relations

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Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Are We Getting Invaded?’ U.S. Boats Faced Russian Aggression Near Alaska

Russia has escalated its provocative encounters in the North Pacific this year, harassing boats in U.S. fishing waters and sending bombers toward Alaska’s shores.

ANCHORAGE — The crew of the Bristol Leader was laying out its long cod-catching line well within U.S. fishing territory in the Bering Sea when a voice crackled over the VHF radio and began issuing commands: The ship was in danger, it said, and needed to move.

The warnings, coming in a mixture of Russian and accented English from a plane buzzing overhead, grew more specific and more urgent. There was a submarine nearby, the voice said. Missiles were being fired. Leave the area.

Other U.S. fishing vessels that were scattered over 100 miles of open sea were getting similar messages. Capt. Steve Elliott stood dumbfounded on the trawler Vesteraalen as three Russian warships came barreling through, barking orders of their own. On the ship Blue North, commands from a Russian plane led Capt. David Anderson to contact the U.S. Coast Guard, wondering how to protect his crew of 27.

“It was frightening, to say the least,” Captain Anderson said. “The Coast Guard’s response was: Just do what they say.”

The Russian military operations in August inside the U.S. economic zone off the coast of Alaska were the latest in a series of escalated encounters across the North Pacific and the Arctic, where the retreat of polar ice continues to draw new commercial and military traffic. This year, the Russian military has driven a new nuclear-powered icebreaker straight to the North Pole, dropped paratroopers into a high-Arctic archipelago to perform a mock battle and repeatedly flown bombers to the edge of U.S. airspace.

As seas warmed by climate change open new opportunities for oil exploration and trade routes, the U.S. Coast Guard now finds itself monitoring a range of new activity: cruise ships promising a voyage through waters few have ever seen, research vessels trying to understand the changing landscape, tankers carrying new gas riches, and shipping vessels testing new passageways that sailors of centuries past could only dream of.

Russia’s operations in the Arctic have meant a growing military presence at America’s northern door. Rear Adm. Matthew T. Bell Jr., the commander of the Coast Guard district that oversees Alaska, said it was not a surprise to see Russian forces operating in the Bering Sea over the summer, but “the surprise was how aggressive they got on our side of the maritime boundary line.”

In the air, U.S. jets in Alaska typically scramble to intercept about a half-dozen approaching Russian aircraft a year, outliers on the long-range nuclear bomber patrols that Russia resumed in 2007. But this year that number has risen to 14 — on pace to set a record since the Cold War era. In the most recent case, last month, the United States responded to the approach of two Russian bombers and two Russian fighters that came within 30 nautical miles of Alaskan shores.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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To placate China, US violates Indian waters – A grave mistake

By Sohil Sinha

The US Navy carried out a Freedom of Navigation Operation (FOPNOP) near India’s Lakshadweep Islands on April 7th. About 130 nautical miles west of the Lakshadweep Islands, the USS John Paul Jones, an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, claimed navigational rights and freedoms.

India has been exercising control of its EEZ since its independence. Therefore, the actions of the Biden administration to intrude into Indian sovereign territory is a huge mistake and could create huge problems for the Quad. While it should be noted that the United States, even during the Trump administration, had been exercising the FONOP’s inside Indian territorial waters, however, the timing of the action and scrutinising India’s claim has been unprecedented. The US navy immediately put out a statement that can cause a diplomatic row between New Delhi and Washington. However, it seems that this is exactly what the Biden administration aims to do.

The sudden urge to highlight an existing yet generally downplayed disagreement with India on ‘Freedom of Navigation’ in Indian waters has sinister connotations. It weakens the Quad, weakens India’s position to resist China and more importantly vindicates China’s position in the South China Sea as Washington has carried out the same manoeuvre in Indian territorial waters. This either means, Indian claims in the Indian ocean are disputed or the US is a belligerent power, either way, the Biden administration has sailed itself right into China’s port.


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Apr 9, 2021
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To placate China, US violates Indian waters – A grave mistake

By Sohil Sinha

The US Navy carried out a Freedom of Navigation Operation (FOPNOP) near India’s Lakshadweep Islands on April 7th. About 130 nautical miles west of the Lakshadweep Islands, the USS John Paul Jones, an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, claimed navigational rights and freedoms.

India has been exercising control of its EEZ since its independence. Therefore, the actions of the Biden administration to intrude into Indian sovereign territory is a huge mistake and could create huge problems for the Quad. While it should be noted that the United States, even during the Trump administration, had been exercising the FONOP’s inside Indian territorial waters, however, the timing of the action and scrutinising India’s claim has been unprecedented. The US navy immediately put out a statement that can cause a diplomatic row between New Delhi and Washington. However, it seems that this is exactly what the Biden administration aims to do.

The sudden urge to highlight an existing yet generally downplayed disagreement with India on ‘Freedom of Navigation’ in Indian waters has sinister connotations. It weakens the Quad, weakens India’s position to resist China and more importantly vindicates China’s position in the South China Sea as Washington has carried out the same manoeuvre in Indian territorial waters. This either means, Indian claims in the Indian ocean are disputed or the US is a belligerent power, either way, the Biden administration has sailed itself right into China’s port.
Booden wants India-Us relations to go downhill, ccp will be happy.


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Feb 28, 2016
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my 2 cents on this incident is read along the US + Russian Minister visits &
  • Russia accepts India's request, won't supply arms to Pakistan - Sep 2020
  • Russia pledges to provide more weapons to Pakistan, despite unease in India - few days back

>Chinks being Chinks
>Pakis being Pakis
>Ruskies turning into dalals
>Americunts showing us that they have the biggest D on the block

Ye kya ho raha hai bhai?


Are we like post Boxer Rebellion China ?



Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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>Chinks being Chinks
>Pakis being Pakis
>Ruskies turning into dalals
>Americunts showing us that they have the biggest D on the block

Ye kya ho raha hai bhai?

View attachment 84601

Are we like post Boxer Rebellion China ?

View attachment 84602
There are rumor's that eleven's love for Taiwan is going to explode anywhere ....Ruskies going to Ukraine... and ukrain inturn provoking ruskies ....

Rest u can connect dots... Joe need allies at the moment... NATO Is dead and cucked..

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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No one is indias ally , like a porki analyst said once , thande dil o dimag se faisle lene chaiye .
usa alliancce is like a buffet.there is a fixed cost of admission,but the end result of whether a country has profited from it or have incurred losses depends upon how much utilization the country has taken of usa during the period of alliance.i have told from the start of this the value of this alliance depends upon the smartness of the indian people and its leaders.this is not a fixed deposit that will come into indian bank even if india does not do anythinf from it own part.it must actively haggle and take away all things not pinned down on the table like how chinese and pakis act in a buffet before the americans inevitably move away.
Feb 16, 2009
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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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Originally posted by @tarunraju

There goes the QUAD Le Seven Nation Army bluepill.
Don't think so untill joe had his brain in freezer. I suspect this was sanctioned by WH per se but US needs QUAD more than anyone else....


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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There are rumor's that eleven's love for Taiwan is going to explode anywhere ....Ruskies going to Ukraine... and ukrain inturn provoking ruskies ....

Rest u can connect dots... Joe need allies at the moment... NATO Is dead and cucked..
Lol kya allies, by ungli-ing us like this he expects us to be allies?
No, I think this is some Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of the modern day, we will have a Two Front War, but one front will not be manned by the ☪ usual suspects ☪ as we taught.

These are all co-operative schemes to throw out the sadhu baba, even in his weakness and im-a-tired-old-man schtick, they still see him as a threat lmao.

They have already co-operated to throw out Trump and getting in the Democrats so that things can go back to the old profitable normal.

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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umricunts probing indian resolve to appease chinese masters.
umerican action coinciding with the visit of Russian FM while in India.

Umricunts probably want to see how we are going to balance it out and with what.
We should fast track our SSN and ssbn program to "balance" thing's out and if everyone is willing to push us aside then we should also test 12k km + nuclear missiles.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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actually most of the cards are on indian side as they cannot have a cedible quaad without us,the only wild card is the actions of our polity and leaders.other than that there are ways to get back that cannot be reliably countered.buy rafale and s400 and increase indigenous content in everything from military to commercial items across the board.strengthen non woke stuff in our country because we know that usa is the unofficial patron state of wokes everywhere.more than enough here to give them back.this eez navigation thing is not that much of an issue as theyy have been doing this to the chinese multiple times and despite that the chinese get on with their plans in the sea area.we just have to focus on ours and dont get exasperated or distracted.
Feb 16, 2009
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Call for US probe into Hindu right-wing groups getting COVID fund
Following an Al Jazeera report, US-based Coalition to Stop Genocide in India demands investigation into federal funds given to ‘sponsor hate’.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Originally posted by @tarunraju

There goes the QUAD Le Seven Nation Army bluepill.
Looks like biden white slave is playing the spoiler to dismantle the Quad to favor china.
Any teething trouble for Quad in the incubation stage sets back the process and will take time to heal.

The usual USA dance of one step forward two steps back which we have seen during the Obma era.
Despite the Austin guy visiting India a month back hasnt gotten the clarity to India US relations when it comes to defence and sensitivity on matters concerning to each other.

Just cuz India is in Quad doesnt mean Umricunts ca push around the others in quad nations.
This incident has put out the US intentions very clear..

well!! India should never depend upon USA for any big ticket deals like fighter jets etc..this means we are putting ourselves at a high risk and which is USA which is sort of similar to china when it comes to behavior.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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actually most of the cards are on indian side as they cannot have a cedible quaad without us,the only wild card is the actions of our polity and leaders.other than that there are ways to get back that cannot be reliably countered.buy rafale and s400 and increase indigenous content in everything from military to commercial items across the board.strengthen non woke stuff in our country because we know that usa is the unofficial patron state of wokes everywhere.more than enough here to give them back.this eez navigation thing is not that much of an issue as theyy have been doing this to the chinese multiple times and despite that the chinese get on with their plans in the sea area.we just have to focus on ours and dont get exasperated or distracted.
You assume they are serious about countering China and all this drama of Quad etc, is not just a smokescreen to swindle the plebs when anti-China sentiment is at an all time high, while (((profitable activities))) can take place in the background, till the effects of the Kung Flu fade away.

tbh only two countries in the quad have actual skin in the game, one being us and the other being the Japanese.
Australia is happy being the randiya of the Chinkies, and Americunts are here just to flex their superpower hegemon muscle, but they can too happily cede most of Asia to the Chinks just as they ceded global manufacturing capacity and other sectors to Chinks for 40 years now.
Feb 16, 2009
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Looks like biden white slave is playing the spoiler to dismantle the Quad to favor china.
Any teething trouble for Quad in the incubation stage sets back the process and will take time to heal.

The usual USA dance of one step forward two steps back which we have seen during the Obma era.
Despite the Austin guy visiting India a month back hasnt gotten the clarity to India US relations when it comes to defence and sensitivity on matters concerning to each other.

Just cuz India is in Quad doesnt mean Umricunts ca push around the others in quad nations.
This incident has put out the US intentions very clear..

well!! India should never depend upon USA for any big ticket deals like fighter jets etc..this means we are putting ourselves at a high risk and which is USA which is sort of similar to china when it comes to behavior.
Without any formal agreements Quad was not going anywhere.
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