British Armed Forces Thread

HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
Re: British & American special forces in lightning mission to Mount Si

1815 private soldier, Battle of Waterloo

Kit issued to soldiers fighting in the Battle of Waterloo included a pewter tankard and a draughts set.

1854 private soldier, Rifle Brigade, Battle of Alma

Each picture depicts the bandages, bayonets and bullets of survival, and the hooks on which humanity hangs: letter paper, prayer books and Bibles.

1916 private soldier, Battle of the Somme

While the First World War was the first modern war, as the Somme kit illustrates, it was also primitive. Along with his gas mask a private would be issued with a spiked 'trench club' – almost identical to medieval weapons.

1944 lance corporal, Parachute Brigade, Battle of Arnhem

Each photograph shows a soldier's world condensed into a pared-down manifest of defences, provisions and distractions. There is the formal (as issued by the quartermaster and armourer) and the personal (timepieces, crucifixes, combs and shaving brushes).

1982 Royal Marine Commando, Falklands conflict

From the cumbersome armour worn by a Yorkist man-at-arms in 1485 to the packs yomped into Port Stanley on the backs of Royal Marines five centuries later, the literal burden of a soldier's endeavour is on view.

2014 close-support sapper, Royal Engineers, Helmland Province

The evolution of technology that emerges from the series is a process that has accelerated over the past century. The pocket watch of 1916 is today a waterproof digital wristwatch; the bolt-action Lee-Enfield rifle has been replaced by laser-sighted light assault carbines; and lightweight camouflage Kevlar vests take the place of khaki woollen Pattern service tunics.

Inventories of war: soldiers' kit from 1066 to 2014 - Imgur

HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
Typhoon - a ride with the best.

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HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
Voyager taking off from RAF Akrotiri. Mid air-refuelling with Tornado GR4's involved in last night's humanitarian mission to Northern Iraq

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HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
First Sea Lord: Royal Navy Going Through a 'Maritime Renaissance'

The chief of the British Royal Navy (RN) praised the service's strategic relationship with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps and is pursuing increased interoperability as it goes through a modernization that will restore carrier aviation and introduce ballistic-missile defense to the Royal Navy.

"We see that as a rebirth of a carrier strike capability "¦ as we rediscover the art of fast jets at sea," Zambellas said.

Zambellas listed five other programs that, in addition to the carrier, are enabling the RN to "punch above its weight."

The Type 45 destroyers are now integrated as part of U.S. carrier strike groups in the Persian Gulf, and will be the platform for a ballistic-missile defense capability. The Type 26 frigate — also known as the global combat ship — will replace the Type 23 frigate and have an aft flight deck capable of landing a Chinook helicopter.

The Astute-class submarine, which Zambellas called "the most advanced submarine in the world," has been completed. Four new ballistic-missile submarines are being built, equipped with the Common Missile Compartment that also will be installed on the U.S. Navy's Ohio Replacement ballistic-missile submarine. He praised the commonality as an example of the practical relationship between the two navies.
SEAPOWER Magazine Online

HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
RAF - RC-135W Rivet Joint deployed in Iraq.

RC-135 is a family of large reconnaissance aircraft built used by the United States Air Force and Royal Air Force to support theatre and national level intelligence consumers with near real-time on-scene collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities. Its sensor suite allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite.

Royal Air Force Tornado jets, RC-135 Rivet Joint signals intelligent plane, Chinook helicopters, C-130J and C-17 Globe Master III transport aircraft are now in Cyprus ahead of carrying out humanitarian aid in northern Iraq, where hundreds of thousands of Yazidi are stranded on mountains to avoid being slaughtered by Islamic State (IS).

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HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
F-35 Lightning II Flight Test Update

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HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
UK to launch commercial spaceport by 2018

The U.K. government is laying the groundwork for its first spaceport in anticipation of a growing space tourism demand and a growing space plane industry by 2030, according to a new timetable. Government officials also envision orbital launches from that country within the next 15 years.

According to the new timetable, unveiled at the Farnborough International Airshow last month, the U.K. is planning to build $85.5 million spaceport and anticipates a space tourism market worth $65 million each year, as well as a space plane industry worth $33.9 billion by 2030.

The timetable lays out a number of other specific dates: The spaceport could be operational from 2016; the first suborbital flight would occur in 2018; the first sub-orbital space plane satellite launch from the spaceport would take place in 2020; rocket engine testing for the orbital space plane would occur in 2026, and that space plane would be operational four years later.

The rocket-engine testing refers to hybrid engines, which are used by the Skylon space plane, manufactured by U.K. company Reaction Engines.

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HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
A prototype active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar developed to meet specific British Royal Air Force requirements is to be flight-trialed on a Eurofighter Typhoon jet as part of a £72 million (US $123 million) deal awarded to BAE Systems by the Ministry of Defence. The deal with the British involves a number of work packages including a Typhoon flight test of a prototype radar as well as ground testing at BAE's electronic warfare test facility at Warton in UK. Eurofighter officials said the radar could be in operational service on the Typhoon within three years.


HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
This is a portrait of a member of the RAF Regiment Band taken whilst on parade at RAFC Cranwell.Each year, stunning photographs are published following the RAF Photographic Competition and the winning military and civilian photographers are named.The Royal Air Force Photographic Competition judging has recently taken place at the RAF Museum, Hendon. The judges were; Alan Sparrow, Chairman of the Picture Editors Guild and Executive Picture Editor of the Metro; David Clapp the renowned landscape and travel photographer; and Paul Hudson from the RAF Museum.

Soldiers belonging to The Highlanders, 4th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland (4 SCOTS) prepare to enter a compound as part of a simunition practice range inside Camp Bastion, Afghanistan. The soldiers went through several scenarios that they could be faced with to hone their skills for the patrols and operations during their tour.

Officer cadets from the Afghan National Army take part in an assault course designed to test their fitness and endurance, as part of the Kandak 1 training exercise at Kabul Military Training Centre (KMTC).

A Royal Air Force Chinook helicopter rear door gunner looks out over Afghanistan during a mission to Patrol Base Sterga.

British soldiers patrol through a wheat field in Yakchal, Afghanistan, during the heat of the day. The patrol maintained the security of a major transit route that allowed British, US and Afghan convoys to pass through without incident.

A medic on the DART (Deployable Aeromedical Response Team) from the Tactical Medical Wing radios for support as a 47 Squadron Hercules C130J returns to the Deployed Operating Base at RAF Leeming with 'refugees' during Exercise CAPABLE EAGLE. This exercise is the latest in a series designed to further improve the interoperability and effectiveness of Anglo-French military co-operation and includes RAF Typhoons from 1(F) Sqn and Mirage 2000N aircraft from the Escadron de Chasse 2/4 La Fayette.Sgt Ralph Merry is an RAF Photographer on the RAF Mobile News Team and deploys with the RAF all over the world to capture images of current events. He is currently based at RAF High Wycombe.

A newly painted BBMF (Battle of Britain Memorial Flight) Spitfire at RAF Coningsby following its maiden flight in specially painted 'D-Day Invasion Stripes'.

An RAF Typhoon appears like a shark from the depths. This photograph was taken from the back of a transport aircraft over a lake in the Baltic region where the Typhoons are currently deployed in the NATO Baltic Air Policing Role. Typhoons also secure the skies over the UK and the Falkland Islands to protect the Nation's airspace. In order to do this they maintain a constant 24/7 QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) force. RAF Typhoons were also deployed in support of Op ELLAMY over Libya.Sqn Ldr John Eklund is an RAF Reservist and in his military role he works for 7644(VR) Media and Communications Squadron based at RAF High Wycombe.

HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
Images of aircraft arriving and departing the helicopter flight line in Camp Bastion, Afghanistan.

Images of one of the last flights of the SeaKing in Afganistan took place today over Mount Juno, Just outside Camp Bastion. The SeaKing is being re-tasked to the Royal Air Force in the next few months, where they will use the aircraft in its new role.

Images taken as a Merlin helicopter gets delivered to Afghanistan via C-17 Aircraft.The Merlin, which recently left the UK, was packed, very cleverly, into the C-17 aircraft with only inches to spare.The helicopter, which will be in service very soon, was stripped of all its propellors, and carefully loaded into the enormous aircraft.

A JOINT Operation between Royal Engineers and troops from the Danish Army will ensure that the Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) can take over from the Danish troops in the NES (N) area of Helmand, Afghanistan.

Pictured - A mechanical front end loader moves soil into the Hesco.
Soldiers from 37(Three Seven) Armoured Engineer squadron, part of 35(Three Five) Engineer Regiment construct ColPro which is improvised hard cover made from Hesco . The Colpro protects against IDF(Indirect Fire). The Soldiers are based at CP(check Point) Baray in the District of Burma.

Seven Troop, 37 Armoured Engineer Squadron (AES), 35 Engineer Regiment based in Paderborn, Germany are on Herrick 15. Together with Danish engineers and infantry they have replaced a Medium Girder Bridge (MGB) to enable freedom of movement for International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) and Local nationals going about their daily business.

Images are of the ROC drill in preparation for the Operation Kapcha Zhrandagaray (OP KZ) to clear Kopak, in the green zone of its insurgency. The drill formulated and presented by the 5 Rifles Battle group will be actioned by ISAF forces together with the Afghan National Army, Afghan National Police, Afghan Uniform Police and the Locally recruited Afghan Local Police. As the intensity of Afghan led operations increases, the local communities are getting a real sense of the intent and determination to rid the region of the insurgency. As a result there is a real feel on the ground of an increasing support for the ANSF and are more and more readily willing to provide the much needed local intelligence.

HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
Up to 1000 troops and equipment have become airborne in the past few weeks as the Army tests its rapid reaction capability - to ensure the UK is ready for anything in the world at five days' notice.

A significant offensive operation, which takes the independence and self-sufficiency of British-trained Afghan forces to a new level, has begun in central Helmand.

Gurkhas from C Company 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles cross a ditch during a mission from Patrol Base 2 in the Nahr-e Saraj region of Helmand province, Afghan. The patrol was conducted with soldiers from the Afghan National Army (ANA) during Operation Moshtarak.

Prince of Wales makes surprise visit to British troops in Afghanistan. HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales, has made a surprise visit to British troops in Afghanistan. He is the most senior member of the royal family to visit Afghanistan and the only one in living memory to visit Kabul.

The Cockpit of a Royal Air Force C17 taking troops for the final leg of their journey to Afghanistan.Sergeant(Sgt) Lee Cutting, a member of the Royal Logistic Corps (RLC), serving with Head Quarters 16 Air Assault Brigade (16 AA Bde), said good by to his family today and started his 6 month tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Four E-3D Sentry aircraft of 8 Sqn Royal Air Force sit on the apron while a fifth Sentry lands on the runway nearby.The aircraft are operated by the RAF (Royal Air Force) in the airborne surveillance and command-and-control role.Whilst primarily procured as an airborne early warning aircraft, the E-3D has been extensively employed in the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) role. The Sentry's roles include air and sea surveillance, airborne command and control, and weapons control.

A Royal Air Force Sea King helicopter flew over RAF St. Mawgan to get an aerial view of not only the camp, but of the area being used by the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps for a large-scale training exercise. Members of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, 16 Air Assault Brigade, JFC-Naples and various other elements of NATO Forces came together for Exercise Noble Ledger to certify that the ARRC is capable and ready to assume command of the NATO Response Force mission throughout 2013. Taking command of NRF means that the ARRC will be rapidly deployable and could be called upon at any moment to deploy worldwide in support of combat or humanitarian relief efforts.


HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
Tornados will join hunt for girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria

Britain is preparing to send three warplanes to Nigeria to help in the hunt for hundreds of schoolgirls who are still missing more than four months after being kidnapped by Islamist militants, The Times has learnt.The Tornado GR4 fast jets, fitted with surveillance pods rather than missiles, are expected to conduct reconnaissance flights over the northeast of the country to gather intelligence on Boko Haram's heartlands. This deployment would mean that the RAF fast jets are being used in operations in six areas around the world.

British Tornados will join hunt for girls kidnapped by Boko Haram | The Times


HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
On Thursday, 26 June, 216 troops and 7 police officers were awarded the United Nations Peacekeeping Medal during a moving ceremony at Nicosia International Airport that also paid tribute to 50 years of UN peacekeeping in Cyprus. Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Hervé Ladsous, attended the Parade and presented outgoing UNFICYP Force Commander Major General Chao Liu with his medal as part of proceedings.

The 490 personnel on parade were made up of a Royal Guard from 42 Commando Royal Marines and all five Royal Marines Massed Bands – Portsmouth, Plymouth, Collingwood, Scotland and the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, along with their colleagues from the Royal Marines Band Service Corps of Drums and Fanfare team.

Canada Day 2014


HMS Astute

Regular Member
Jul 26, 2014
RAF Sentinel Could Go Maritime

Monday's announcement by Prime Minister David Cameron that the RAF's Raytheon Sentinel R1 fleet will be extended in service until at least 2018 has breathed new life into the program, and sparked real interest in further development.

One of the key features that could be added is a greater maritime capability. While the RAF is quick to stress that a maritime-capable Sentinel is not a maritime patroller, it could be used as a gap-filler in certain scenarios, and has considerable applications in littoral operations, such as amphibious landings or humanitarian missions.

Raytheon Sentinel Could Go Maritime | Aviation International News

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