Britain: How ignorant a country's population can ever get


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Britain in a mess, using international events in India to distract their masses from the trouble back home. The whole idea seems to be to drive home the point "'re facing some minor inconveniences due to Brexit, but look at Kashmir, at least we're not that bad.."


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Britain in a mess, using international events in India to distract their masses from the trouble back home. The whole idea seems to be to drive home the point "'re facing some minor inconveniences due to Brexit, but look at Kashmir, at least we're not that bad.."
British economy shrinks for the first time since 2012. Let's hope they go into prolonged recession. What do you think are the chances of that now?


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Britain in a mess, using international events in India to distract their masses from the trouble back home. The whole idea seems to be to drive home the point "'re facing some minor inconveniences due to Brexit, but look at Kashmir, at least we're not that bad.."
This is one instance where you can't fully blame the politicians. Its the population that voted for a divorce from Europe. The reason is possibly in the title of the thread.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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British Brexit Mess and Their Embarrassment

Great Briton specifically for the last five years (probably about 70 years in all) has been making fun of India no matter how smartly India conducts itself. They on the outside give an appearance of the friendliest former colonial overlord, but in fact are encouraging its media and a lot of its hostile population to verbally abuse or break the windows of India’s High Commission. These deeds are always overlooked to favor Pakistan. No media man has ever come out in Briton to compliment India for its fine economic management. They simply wish to report negative news and analysis. Has any media person condemned attack on the Indian High Commission.

Today it is India’s turn to make fun of Briton of its own economic mess in its divorce from Europe. It was Conservative PM Edward Heath in the 1970s and also other former PMs which literally begged the European Common Market to let them get into the trade grouping. After reservations, Germany and France let Briton in. British economic gains were good, but none were spectacular. Both Germany and France stayed as the masters which was to the dislike of Briton. By and by a host of other countries joined the grouping and its charter included the free movement of goods, services, capital and citizens. All other conditions did not bother Britons much except the liberal movement of labor. Suddenly Britons found that they are neighbors of Romanians or other non English speaking nationalities. That didn't sit well with them, although a similar number of Britons had travelled to Europe seeking better prospects which they did like. Since then a host of other issues have cropped up which they did not like.

A few years back, movement to leave European Market began. It caught steam soon and the British Parliament became a big party to all these discussions. Prime Ministers came and went, but could not get a favorable formula for the divorce. The current PM made plans to leave on October 31st but was unable to persuade the Parliament for a favorable vote. Instead, he found his powers substantially curtailed when the House voted to take away the PM’s power for a un-negotiated divorce. It was partly a few of his own party MPs who voted against going away without a deal. Prior to that a big sticking point had emerged as to where about will the land border with Europe would be set. The only place for it to begin seemed to be Ireland. Untold custom and excise issues emerged, and no understanding could be reached. That is fun, same kind they are critical of India.

Mavericks in the PM’s Party had a large economic concern as they calculated that $16 billion Trade loss (or call it a shock) would be forthcoming, if a Briton leaves without a deal. Future years' losses could be higher. Hence, the only option left is a new government, a new snap poll, a bitter campaign to re-look at the issue. That is all fun. We must enjoy this British stupidity and remind them that how they laugh at other people’s difficulties.

Today let us sweep aside all above facts and start making fun of them as they have been making fun of India’s economic mess under Gandhi’s. The latter are gone, Indian economic management is better and today India is close to $3 trillion economy. But the Britons never stopped making fun of India or being critical of India trying to attain a super power status of its own (unlike China without US and Europe FDI investment to the tune of nearly one trillion dollars since 1997).

How are the Britons doing today - really poorly. How will they fare in the future - very poorly for 3 to 5 years. Who will bail them out - most likely countries like India, US and so forth with a large consumption centers, provided a proper trade deal is struck.

Then why this anti Indian attitude on the left oriented British Media against India is rife. But in the last six weeks the British media is in an overdrive to criticize India about Jammu and Kashmir re-organization. That overdrive has led to the demonstration outside Indian High Commission and breaking of its windows. This is purely India’s internal matter. India has been never critical of the Britons military occupation for more than twenty years of Northern Ireland. India always supported caution to the warring parties which Briton is unable to do to the Kashmiris.

Well, coming back to Brexit, the outcome could be that by hook or by crook Briton will crash out of Europe and then it will go searching for trade deals elsewhere. India may or may not oblige until Briton drops its anti Indian attitude.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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^^Unlike Hindus they have name for it .............It should be labeled as anti-Muslim CRUSADES by Indian media.

Most effected people right now Yellows,Whites and then M-E islamic scums....
Well islamists tend to be more in groups than other people because of their religious mandates. That should theoretically lead to easier spread in those clusters than the other clusters.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Reviving an old thread.

Explained: Who was Sarah Everard and why are the British angry at their police force?
Earlier this month, Everard disappeared while walking home to Brixton after visiting a friend in Clapham–both are 50 minutes away from each other on foot.

Public anger against the police

As the case progressed through the week, women across the UK inundated social media with posts describing their own experiences of walking the streets, with many recording incidents when they had been catcalled, followed, harassed, followed and exposed to.

On Saturday, several hundred people gathered at the Clapham Common to mourn Everard, despite a planned vigil being cancelled after the police cited Covid-19 restrictions. Some of the signs at the rally read, “She was just walking home” and “We are the 97 percent”– referring to a recent survey that found that almost all women in Britain had endured harassment.


97% !!! unbelievable....


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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The Conspiracy Theory part of my brain is saying: Maybe the British are using this #WuhanVirus as a way to eliminate their islamic invaders? Not to mention have it spread in the ME too .
Are Muslims dying in huge numbers from Covid? nope. It seems to affect old Catholics worst.
like mad comics...Spy vs Spy or like a Chess board...those wooden/stone pieces are all black or white. Catholics white hat. Israelis/Arabs/Koreans black hats all pieces on the chess board.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Are Muslims dying in huge numbers from Covid? nope. It seems to affect old Catholics worst.
like mad comics...Spy vs Spy or like a Chess board...those wooden/stone pieces are all black or white. Catholics white hat. Israelis/Arabs/Koreans black hats all pieces on the chess board.
Just FYI, you quoted a post from a year back.


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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Reviving an old thread.

Explained: Who was Sarah Everard and why are the British angry at their police force?
Earlier this month, Everard disappeared while walking home to Brixton after visiting a friend in Clapham–both are 50 minutes away from each other on foot.

Public anger against the police

As the case progressed through the week, women across the UK inundated social media with posts describing their own experiences of walking the streets, with many recording incidents when they had been catcalled, followed, harassed, followed and exposed to.

On Saturday, several hundred people gathered at the Clapham Common to mourn Everard, despite a planned vigil being cancelled after the police cited Covid-19 restrictions. Some of the signs at the rally read, “She was just walking home” and “We are the 97 percent”– referring to a recent survey that found that almost all women in Britain had endured harassment.


97% !!! unbelievable....
It's not 97%
If you think average Brits are jackasses, their smug, middle class, brimming with entitlement and false victimhood, feminist class are 100x worse.

They are the ones who shout down criticism of islamic rape gangs by shrieking "racism" while calling Indians rapists
97% sexual harassment includes everything including staring or even asking for an unwanted date.
The only reason it's not 100% is because the 3% hardcore feminazis are that ugly.

And of course they claim women are the same as men, exactly, while expecting to be treated with kid gloves by police because they are, er, women...

No other group beats them ar hypocrisy.


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2021
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It's not 97%
If you think average Brits are jackasses, their smug, middle class, brimming with entitlement and false victimhood, feminist class are 100x worse.

They are the ones who shout down criticism of islamic rape gangs by shrieking "racism" while calling Indians rapists
97% sexual harassment includes everything including staring or even asking for an unwanted date.
The only reason it's not 100% is because the 3% hardcore feminazis are that ugly.

And of course they claim women are the same as men, exactly, while expecting to be treated with kid gloves by police because they are, er, women...

No other group beats them ar hypocrisy.
We attach too much importance to the Brits. I hate them just as much as the next guy, but we should focus on our own country first. When we get a stronger economy, a stronger military and more global clout, reverse colonize the Brits and give em payback. Whatever else they do now shouldn't matter. The only thing we should do is conduct regular debates in our Parliament on their internal matters, ban the BBC, spread anti-Brit propaganda, help the Scots and the Irish for independence, and ensure they don't join the QUAD. A nation with a shrinking economy, which just kicked off its biggest trade partner, and only has 2 AC's(not great ones at that) are only going to drag the QUAD down. France, Indonesia and Vietnam are countries we should focus more on. These countries are important for us.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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We attach too much importance to the Brits. I hate them just as much as the next guy, but we should focus on our own country first. When we get a stronger economy, a stronger military and more global clout, reverse colonize the Brits and give em payback. Whatever else they do now shouldn't matter. The only thing we should do is conduct regular debates in our Parliament on their internal matters, ban the BBC, spread anti-Brit propaganda, help the Scots and the Irish for independence, and ensure they don't join the QUAD. A nation with a shrinking economy, which just kicked off its biggest trade partner, and only has 2 AC's(not great ones at that) are only going to drag the QUAD down. France, Indonesia and Vietnam are countries we should focus more on. These countries are important for us.
UK has pretty much nothing, like no resources, besides some low quality fish and a few smart people they got jack. Why would you want to colonize it?

Why not go and get the oil from those goat herder "I am big man now that Americans have given me money and I have had Indians labor to build my cities" Arabs that lock dozens of your people in tiny rooms and treat them like garbage?

Use that true size of map. See how pathetic some countries actually are. Do the Netherlands vs Taiwan.


Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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We attach too much importance to the Brits. I hate them just as much as the next guy, but we should focus on our own country first. When we get a stronger economy, a stronger military and more global clout, reverse colonize the Brits and give em payback.
Actually Britain doesn't hold any importance in Indian minds or any significant power in the world except themselves what actually makes them frustrated. Their sense of self importance doesn't match with their ground realities. For them, they "created" countries like US and India and somewhat built modern techo industrial landscape of the world (they didn't really invent anything significant, neither 3 centuries ago, nor now either).

Unlike in UK where India is, "v civilized em, v controled em", England is a forgiven and forgotten enemy in India no one even cares about. And this isn't a recent phenomenon, UK has lost relevance in Indian affairs long ago. Congress only passed on lip jobs about cooperating with Brits but never truly cared about them, BJP even more openly snubs and ignore UK until Boris took some pro India positions.
Communist PM IK Gujral even called UK "a third rate power not even worth cultivating" which made entire British media cry like b*ches.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Actually Britain doesn't hold any importance in Indian minds or any significant power in the world except themselves what actually makes them frustrated. Their sense of self importance doesn't match with their ground realities. For them, they "created" countries like US and India and somewhat built modern techo industrial landscape of the world (they didn't really invent anything significant, neither 3 centuries ago, nor now either).

Unlike in UK where India is, "v civilized em, v controled em", England is a forgiven and forgotten enemy in India no one even cares about. And this isn't a recent phenomenon, UK has lost relevance in Indian affairs long ago. Congress only passed on lip jobs about cooperating with Brits but never truly cared about them, BJP even more openly snubs and ignore UK until Boris took some pro India positions.
Communist PM IK Gujral even called UK "a third rate power not even worth cultivating" which made entire British media cry like b*ches.
So true..... I agree. Please do read my write up elsewhere on this forum.


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