Blasts in Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Some of these groups specially the Bodu Bala Sena is allegedly a proxy operated by some weastern embassy. They have openly acknowledged there links with Norwegians and Tamil diaspora. Maybe they want to create a anti-Muslim sentiment in SL to further alienate SL in UN and join the two hostile communities of Tamils and Muslims against a common enemy.
Provide Source ..otherwise Just a Propaganda


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2010
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This may the effect on ongoing violence in Myanmar or may be a chinese hand to send a warning to HISHOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA, that the chinese can attack him...


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Provide Source ..otherwise Just a Propaganda
General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera has admitted that a delegation of BBS including him met with some of the members of the Tamil Diaspora in the US and the meeting was initiated by Norway.

The Thera also said the movement's US tour took place with the blessings of the Ministry of Defense and Urban Planning. He said the delegation met many Sri Lankans in the US who expressed their support to the development activities taking place in the country with the support of the Tamil brethren.
BBS admits its US tour to meet Tamil Diaspora funded by Norway

Norway denies any financial, moral or ideological support to Bodu Bala Sena | Asian Tribune


Ultra Nationalist
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Mar 22, 2012
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दिग्विजय सिंह ने बोधगया के धमाकों से पहले मोदी का कनेक्शन जोड़ा। फिर बीजेपी को इस मामले पर राजनीति न करने की सलाह दी। दुनिया में कम ही जीव ऐसे हैं जो अपना हगा भी खा सकते हैं।

This is what Dogvijay Singh is......


Troll Soldier
Senior Member
Oct 26, 2010
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दिग्विजय सिंह ने बोधगया के धमाकों से पहले मोदी का कनेक्शन जोड़ा। फिर बीजेपी को इस मामले पर राजनीति न करने की सलाह दी। दुनिया में कम ही जीव ऐसे हैं जो अपना हगा भी खा सकते हैं।

This is what Dogvijay Singh is......
Guess what I'm not surprised at all. Congress is stooping low day after day anyway. Wish aam janata give them tight reply in 2014.

I read the tweets of Diggy and I wonder how come he got elected in MP before with this sick mentality of his. This is what Congress gonna do from now until 2014 elections, watch how they blame everything on Modi. That's how they scared of one person.
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Ankit Purohit

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Jun 20, 2012
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दिग्विजय सिंह ने बोधगया के धमाकों से पहले मोदी का कनेक्शन जोड़ा। फिर बीजेपी को इस मामले पर राजनीति न करने की सलाह दी। दुनिया में कम ही जीव ऐसे हैं जो अपना हगा भी खा सकते हैं।

This is what Dogvijay Singh is......

Aur Kitna Niche Gire ga Digi boy


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2011
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No this is not only about Diggi raja. Also tells how Ramvilas Paswan, Lallu Prasad and now NiKu are playing the minority card.

India's Most Communal Politician

It started with a report of 5 blasts on the morning of Sunday, July 7. The number changed to 7 blasts, then 9 and at last count it seems 13 bombs were placed at the Mahabodhi temple complex in Bihar. Other TV news reports stated that the bombs weren't crude but sophisticated IEDs. A few days ago when Nitish Kumar and JDU claimed Ishrat was "Bihar ki Beti" little would he have imagined that he and Bihar would get such a rude awakening. In the normal course any sensible politician would stay far away from anyone even remotely tagged as a terrorist but such is the clamour for Muslim votes that our 'sickular' politicians don't think twice before making silly statements when it comes to Muslims accused of terrorism. Bihar seems to have suddenly become a safe haven for all kinds of criminals from rapists to terrorists. That's not me saying it but a TOI report clearly points out the systematic penetration of Bihar by potential terrorists and terror suspects to make it a Jihadi hub. From this hub the spokes reach Hyderabad, Delhi and other places for terror attacks. How did Bihar get here?

It's not just Nitish Kumar but in the last decade every major politician from Bihar has been like a 'Terrorist-wife'. Like a Mafia-wife! From Lalu Prasad to Ram Vilas Paswan they seem to believe the only way to electoral success is flaunting a terrorist. And like jealous mafia-wives they competed to prove who is better in the race. In return, they want people to vote for them. Take a look at this image from The Telegraph, May 2011:

Pawan paraded an Osama Bin Laden look-alike in 2005 for his election campaign. The guy, Khalid Noor, even had a permanent seat in Paswan's chopper. Jealous little Lalu couldn't take it. He stole Osama from Paswan it seems and proudly proclaimed "Paswanji ka Osama Bin Laden mere pas aa gaya". In a newer version of 'Deewar' Amitabh Bachchan could have been given the line: "Tere pas maa hai, mere pas Osama hai'. When CMs and MPs flaunt an internationally wanted terrorist as their mascot it definitely sends a signal to other potential terrorists: "You are welcome here". Since their break-up with the BJP and to combat Lalu and Paswan for Muslim votes the JDU and Nitish Kumar are sending similar messages with Ishrat Jahan as the mascot. Still, despite the extraordinary credentials of these men, they don't come anywhere near Digvijaya Singh.

The first time I heard much about Diggy was in the 2003 MP elections. He made a grand, arrogant statement that "election victories are managed". There is no link available for this statement but I state it from memory. In short, Diggy was suggesting that it wasn't performance but elections were about "managing". Oh well, he took the people of MP for fools because they dumped him pretty convincingly. Since then, Diggy has been taking the whole nation for fools. After every terror attack Diggy has regularly thrown a spanner in the works of every terror attack with his stupid statements. The worst has to be his endorsement of 26/11 being an RSS conspiracy with some stupid writer. There is the Batla House encounter which he termed as fake even as it claimed the life of a cop. There isn't a single terror attack after which he hasn't pointed fingers at RSS, BJP (Particularly Narendra Modi) and has gone to the extent of claiming RSS was running bomb-making factories.

Of course, our media is no less a mafia-wife. In the many interviews that they frequently have with Diggy, not once have they questioned him on why none of his claims and accusations has ever been backed up with evidence. This guy is a typical shoot and scoot operator. There is his famous screw up of wanting an honourable funeral for "Osamaji". All his nonsensical utterances have now become legendary jokes. While Diggy (and his party too) goes around calling every opponent communal, fascist and so on I wonder why the media doesn't call his bluff. His string of glorious BS had to finally come undone. There was nobody screwing him either, he did it himself. After the BodhGaya bomb blasts on July 7 here are some moronic tweets Diggy sent out:

On July 8 Diggy was floating around all TV channels "clarifying" the stupidity in his tweets above. He thought as head of the Congress "dirty tricks department" he could get away with his nonsense again. First tweet: I do not recall media or BJP raking up Myanmar it was done by some "sickular" politicians. Next he drags in Amit Shah and Ram Temple and implies BodhGaya blasts were a consequence of Modi asking Bihar to "teach Nitish a lesson". Ever heard of a bigger moron with such filthy imagination? And then he asks if there is a connect between Modi's speech and the blasts. So Diggy was airing sermons like a Mullah but wasn't "politicising" the terror attack. But his biggest piece of moronery was saved for his second tweet (the one in bottom at left).

"Aren't they suggesting a Muslim involvement"¦" asks Diggy! Who did? All media reports, based on initial indications and footprints pointed to the Indian Mujahideen. On what basis was he suggesting Amit Shah, Modi etc. were connected to the blasts without any investigation? Never mind! The bigger blunder of Diggy was to equate the IM with all Muslims. So while he and the entire Congress and the 'sickular' claim all Muslims are not terrorists, Diggy is the one equating the IM to all Muslims. This was the tweet I sent out on July 8:

I can't claim my tweet influenced him but sure as hell the hate-monger-in-chief did a complete U-turn and started sermonising in the media that he wanted everyone to hold their horses till the NIA completed its investigations. Well then, what was the haste for him to rush and blame Modi and everyone else or scream "don't blame Muslims" when nobody was blaming them? One thing seems clear from the experience of the last decade. For the Congress and Diggy regardless of whether the group is IM, LeT, JuD or any other, it shouldn't be mentioned because it has Muslim members. This is how both Diggy and his party prove hurdles to any serious investigation and closure of any terror case.

Since the last one week Diggy has been going around warning non-BJP states to be alert for communal riots. I have stated in a recent post that India's history shows that it's the Congress that has a record of 'engineering' communal riots for political gains. Considering general elections are around the corner I estimate the pitch on communal riots is going to grow louder. But the threat is from the Congress party and not from others. Diggy fools nobody but himself and his bosses. The tweet on the left is from Retributions. Rohit Pradhan is a lot more sympathetic to Congress than I am and he rates Diggy to be among the most communal politicians in India. I will just go ahead and make a small correction to the tweet. Diggy is not "among the most" communal politicians. He IS the MOST communal politician in India and his dirty tricks are the ones that people and states should watch out for.

Footnote: TimesNow reported yesterday that an IB alert on a possible terror attack was sent to Bihar govt as far back as October 2012. These were not even generic alerts but specific alerts. What alert was the "Bihar ki Beti" guy watching all the time? The pic below by Satish Acharya says it all. It's not just Nitish, this is the same fear that haunts Diggy, Sonia and the entire sickular clan.

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Senior Member
Oct 15, 2011
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Bodhgaya blasts- Wanted brothers
July 9, 2013

The police are hot on the trail of two operatives by the name Sahidur Rehman and Saifur Rehman in connection with the Bodhgaya blasts case. The sketches of the two have been released by the Bihar police based on the CCTV footage that they managed to obtain.

Sahidur and Saifur Rehman are brothers and their original place of residence was Scotland and Saudi Arabia before they landed in Bihar. The police and the National Investigation Agency managed to get this information based on Intelligence Dossiers on the two persons. Following the alert issued in 2011, the agencies have been on their trail and it was learnt through investigation that they were residing at Scotland and Saudi Arabia.

According to the investigators, Sahidur arrived in Bihar on May 6th and joined a team of youth in Darabanga who were plotting this attack. Saifur came into India on June 7th according to the police and joined his brother. It appears that they were called in specifically for this attack. An officer part of the investigation tells that they had two plans in mind. The first was to carry out a major attack in Patna. However on discussing the plan it was decided that they would carry out the attack on Bodhgaya. Patna was a difficult target as there was not enough planning. However in the case of Bodhgaya there was already data available since the place had been surveyed.

During the past two months Sahidur is said to have surveyed the Mahabodhi several times along with his accomplices. After being joined by his brother he continued with the planning. There were some members of the local modules also part of the planning. A day before the blast they did a dry run of the place. While planting the bombs, they were accompanied by several other persons and all through they oversaw the operation and ensured that there was no let up.

Intelligence Bureau officials say that the two are part of the Indian Mujahideen. The data base on them shows that they are inclined towards this outfit. However they have not been active members and have been roped in for this attack. Saifur was in Saudi Arabia and was in touch with some of the operatives from the Darabanga module and this is how the information regarding him and his brother came out. Moreover those interrogated by the Delhi police also had mentioned Saifur.

Meanwhile the agencies are also interrogating a person by the name Vinod whose identification card was found at the premises. The interrogation of the Kolkata based Anwar Mullick who has been detained is also underway. NIA officials say that he has not said anything new as yet. He confirms what the Delhi police had already said on the basis of their investigation in the year 2011. We are interrogating him further and are hopeful of new leads coming out, the NIA official also pointed out.


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2011
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Were Gaya bombers employed as temple staff?

New Delhi, July 9: Were the Bodh Gaya bombers employed with the temple committee? The authorities in bomb blast investigations have spotted six people including a woman in CCTV footage at Bodh Gaya's Mahabodhi temple in Bihar. And, the police have issued a look-out notice for six people who had been working with the Bodh Gaya's Mahabodhi Temple Management Committee for the last six months and are absconding after the serial bomb blasts. The investigating agencies officials strongly feel that some of them are the suspects spotted in the CCTV footage. If the bombers were employees of the temple committee then they had ample time to Study their target areas. It also gave them access to areas which others would not be allowed. The six were spotted close to the temple gate and wall, hours before the blasts. According to police officials, the CCTV footage shows three people entered the temple premises through unspecified entry points and two others stood near the gate close to the car they came in. One of them, who is the tallest, carried a bag on his shoulder.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
There is no doubt that it is incorrect and wrong to stereotype Muslims and insinuate that the whole community is complacent to terrorism being perpetuated by cross border Islamists or by home grown ones duly indoctrinated by these elements.

However, the world wide terrorism perpetrated by terrorist ex Pakistan worldwide and the vitriol spewed against all communities but Islam by self appointed conscience keepers of Islam i.e. the Mullahs and so called 'scholars' who head various Islamic institution and Ulemas and TV debating stars like Kamal Amrohi or whatever, does rankle since much of what they claim and say are illogical and utterly stupid in the contemporary world.

And no Muslim is ready to take these self proclaimed Ulema and other idiots to task!

On the other hand, when the Hinduvta chaps, to include a Colonel, were arrested and cases launched, how many Hindus raised a clamour? And India has a huge majority of Hindus.

How many Hindus support Togadias and their ilk? In fact, a large majority condemn him and his ilk openly! How many Hindus support the idea of building a Ram Mandir at Ayodhya. If the majority of Hindus did, then the Mandir would have come up. But then it has not and most feel it is a dead issue best left to fade away.

That apart, add to that when India suffers because of problems of Muslims across the world with no connection to India, namely the Rohingya issue. as was seen in Mumbai and now in Bodhgaya, people wonder what have they done wrong to suffer this? This add to the resentment against the Muslims, more so, when no cognisable condemnation (except some pious platitude without blaming or condemnation are trotted out to be politically correct).

Even all this is still acceptable to the vast majority of India since one is rational and gives the leeway that the Muslims have some reasons to complain, as in the treating of Myanmarese to the Rohingya, even though not the illogical mayhem by some terrorists and misguided element (as in Mumbai).

However, what really hardens the stance is the illogical, asinine and senseless lunatic rantings like that one hears from the clown of Indian politics, Digvijay Singh, where he attributes the Bodhgaya incident to Hinduvta characters, and that too without any logic or facts to indicate why so, given.

And what is even worse is the Congress, which is in Govt and is responsible for India's security, looks the other side and thus indicate tactic agreement with the perennial clown Digvijay!

Now, why should there be a tacit agreement?

If indeed it is the Hinduvta chaps, then go and get them.

If it is the BJP, then ban the BJP.

In short, quit bringing religion and pretend the heart bleeds. Quit talking through the wrong orifice as Digvijay Singh does. Just go after the terrorists, take them to task and bring them to book and don't care a damn what their religion maybe!

Indians, of all hues, are suffering because religion is being misused to win brownies while terrorism run amuck!

And quit sympathising or living in denial just because the perpetrators is of one's religion!

A terrorist is just a terrorist and a skunk!
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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
No this is not only about Diggi raja. Also tells how Ramvilas Paswan, Lallu Prasad and now NiKu are playing the minority card.

India's Most Communal Politician

Exactly. Since last 2 decades, majority of the political class has been falling over each other to prove themselves to be the biggest sickularist of all.

Dogvision Singh is not an exception but the norm in this wretched clowns' race.


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2011
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There is no doubt that it is incorrect and wrong to stereotype Muslims and insinuate that the whole community is complacent to terrorism being perpetuated by cross border Islamists or by home grown ones duly indoctrinated by these elements.

However, the world wide terrorism perpetrated by terrorist ex Pakistan worldwide and the vitriol spewed against all communities but Islam by self appointed conscience keepers of Islam i.e. the Mullahs and so called 'scholars' who head various Islamic institution and Ulemas and TV debating stars like Kamal Amrohi or whatever, does rankle since much of what they claim and say are illogical and utterly stupid in the contemporary world.

And no Muslim is ready to take these self proclaimed Ulema and other idiots to task!

On the other hand, when the Hinduvta chaps, to include a Colonel, were arrested and cases launched, how many Hindus raised a clamour? And India has a huge majority of Hindus.

How many Hindus support Togadias and their ilk? In fact, a large majority condemn him and his ilk openly! How many Hindus support the idea of building a Ram Mandir at Ayodhya. If the majority of Hindus did, then the Mandir would have come up. But then it has not and most feel it is a dead issue best left to fade away.

That apart, add to that when India suffers because of problems of Muslims across the world with no connection to India, namely the Rohingya issue. as was seen in Mumbai and now in Bodhgaya, people wonder what have they done wrong to suffer this? This add to the resentment against the Muslims, more so, when no cognisable condemnation (except some pious platitude without blaming or condemnation are trotted out to be politically correct).

Even all this is still acceptable to the vast majority of India since one is rational and gives the leeway that the Muslims have some reasons to complain, as in the treating of Myanmarese to the Rohingya, even though not the illogical mayhem by some terrorists and misguided element (as in Mumbai).

However, what really hardens the stance is the illogical, asinine and senseless lunatic rantings like that one hears from the clown of Indian politics, Digvijay Singh, where he attributes the Bodhgaya incident to Hinduvta characters, and that too without any logic or facts to indicate why so, given.

And what is even worse is the Congress, which is in Govt and is responsible for India's security, looks the other side and thus indicate tactic agreement with the perennial clown Digvijay!

Now, why should there be a tacit agreement?

If indeed it is the Hinduvta chaps, then go and get them.

If it is the BJP, then ban the BJP.

In short, quit bringing religion and pretend the heart bleeds. Quit talking through the wrong orifice as Digvijay Singh does. Just go after the terrorists, take them to task and bring them to book and don't care a damn what their religion maybe!

Indians, of all hues, are suffering because religion is being misused to win brownies while terrorism run amuck!

And quit sympathising or living in denial just because the perpetrators is of one's religion!

A terrorist is just a terrorist and a skunk!
Well said sir, likes of Diggi raja, Lallu prasad etc assume Indian Mujahidin and Osama Bin Laden represents Indian Muslims.

Diggi Singh went and declared the Bathla House encounter as faked in which one police inspector was killed in firing by the `innocent` young men. IIRC the family of the slain inspector was so insulted they returned the award money of Rs 10 lakhs.

Ramvilas Paswan and Lallu Prasad vied with each other in having a Osama bin Laden look alike as a campaign prop.

And the great Nitish Kumar proclaimed Ishrat Jahan as `Bihar ki beti` recently (Ishrat Jahan's family were Bihari migrants in Mumbai).
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
And digvijay saying Osamaji and Hafeez Saed saheb

I have not used any strong or foul words on the forum but this man is really testing my politeness.
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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
And digvijay saying Osamaji and Hafeez Saed saheb

I have not used any strong or foul words on the forum but this man is really testing my politeness.
I am restlessly waiting for the day when Indian military leadership looses its patience with this kleptocracy that the civilian leadership has enforced.

But being "mango" people in a banana republic, one can only hope.


Ultra Nationalist
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2012
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I am restlessly waiting for the day when Indian military leadership looses its patience with this kleptocracy that the civilian leadership has enforced.

But being "mango" people in a banana republic, one can only hope.
People will support such dictatorship than these idiots ranting about communal politics and doing nothing for public.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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And digvijay saying Osamaji and Hafeez Saed saheb

I have not used any strong or foul words on the forum but this man is really testing my politeness.
PigVijay is a TERRORIST.
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