Battle of Ten Kings


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Jun 6, 2018
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Rig Veda 7.18

Translated by
Ralph T.H. Griffith

1. ALL is with thee, O Indra, all the treasures which erst our fathers won who sang thy praises.
With thee are milch-kine good to milk, and horses: best winner thou of riches for the pious.

2. For like a King among his wives thou dwellest: with glories, as a Sage, surround and help us.
Make us, thy servants, strong for wealth, and honour our songs wirth kine and steeds and decoration.

3. Here these our holy hymns with joy and gladness in pious emulation have approached thee.
Hitherward come thy path that leads to riches: may we find shelter in thy favour, Indra.

4. Vasistha hath poured forth his prayers, desiring to milk thee like a cow in goodly pasture.
All these my people call thee Lord of cattle: may Indra. come unto the prayer we offer.

5. What though the floods spread widely, Indra made them shallow and easy for Sudas to traverse.
He, worthy of our praises, caused the Simyu, foe of our hymn, to curse the rivers' fury.

6. Eager for spoil was Turvasa Purodas, fain to win wealth, like fishes urged by hunger.
The Bhrgus and the Druhyus quickly listened: friend rescued friend mid the two distant peoples.

7. Together came the Pakthas, the Bhalanas, the Alinas, the Sivas, the Visanins.
Yet to the Trtsus came the Arya's Comrade, through love of spoil and heroes' war, to lead them.

8. Fools, in their folly fain to waste her waters, they parted inexhaustible Parusni.
Lord of the Earth, he with his might repressed them: still lay the herd and the affrighted herdsman.

9. As to their goal they sped to their destruetion: they sought Parusni; e'en the swift returned not.
Indra abandoned, to Sudas the manly, the swiftly flying foes, unmanly babblers.

10. They went like kine unherded from the pasture, each clinging to a friend as chance directed.
They who drive spotted steeds, sent down by Prsni, gave ear, the Warriors and the harnessed horses.

11. The King who scattered one-and-twenty people of both Vaikarna tribes through lust of glory-
As the skilled priest clips grass within the chamber, so hath the Hero Indra, wrought their downfall.

12. Thou, thunder-armed, o'erwhelmedst in the waters famed ancient Kavasa and then the Druhyu.
Others here claiming friendship to their friendship, devoted unto thee, in thee were joyful.

13. Indra at once with conquering might demolished all their strong places and their seven castles.
The goods of Anu's son he gave to Trtsu. May we in sacrifice conquer scorned Puru.

14. The Anavas and Druhyus, seeking booty, have slept, the sixty hundred, yea, six thousand,
And six-and-sixty heroes. For the pious were all these mighty exploits done by Indra.

15. These Trtsus under Indra's careful guidance came speeding like loosed waters rushing downward.
The foemen, measuring exceeding closely, abandoned to Sudas all their provisions.

16. The hero's side who drank the dressed oblation, Indra's denier, far o'er earth he scattered.
Indra brought down the fierce destroyer's fury. He gave them various roads, the path's Controller.

17. E'en with the weak he wrought this matchless exploit: e'en with a goat he did to death a lion.
He pared the pillar's angles with a needle. Thus to Sudas Indra gave all provisions.

18. To thee have all thine enemies submitted: e'en the fierce Bheda hast thou made thy subject.
Cast down thy sharpened thunderbolt, O Indra, on him who harms the men who sing thy praises.

19. Yamuna and the Trtsus aided Indra. There he stripped Bheda bare of all his treasures.
The Ajas and the Sigrus and the Yaksus brought in to him as tribute heads of horses.

20. Not to be scorned, but like Dawns past and recent, O Indra, are thy favours and thy riches.
Devaka, Manyamana's son, thou slewest, and smotest Sambara from the lofty mountain.

21. They who, from home, have gladdened thee, thy servants Parasara, Vasistha, Satayatu,
Will not forget thy friendship, liberal Giver. So shall the days dawn prosperous for the princes.

22. Priest-like, with praise, I move around the altar, earning Paijavana's reward, O Agni,
Two hundred cows from Devavan's descendant, two chariots from Sudas with mares to draw them.

23. Gift of Paijavana, four horses bear me in foremost place, trained steeds with pearl to deck them.
Sudas's brown steeds, firmly-stepping, carry me and my son for progeny and glory.

24. Him whose fame spreads between wide earth and heaven, who, as dispenser, gives each chief his portion,
Seven flowing Rivers glorify like Indra. He slew Yudhyamadhi in close encounter.

25. Attend on him O ye heroic Maruts as on Sudas's father Divodasa.
Further Paijavana's desire with favour. Guard faithfully his lasting firm dominion.


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Jun 6, 2018
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Rig Veda 7.19

1. HE like a bull with sharpened horns, terrific, singly excites and agitates all the people:
Thou givest him who largely pours libations his goods who pours not, for his own possession.

2. Thou, verily, Indra, gavest help to Kutsa, willingly giving car to him in battle,
When, aiding Arjuneya, thou subduedst to him both Kuyava and the Dasa Susna.

3. O Bold One, thou with all thine aids hast boldly holpen Sudas whose offerings were accepted,
Puru in winning land and slaying foemen, and Trasadasyu son of Purukutsa.

4. At the Gods' banquet, hero-souled! with Heroes, Lord of Bay Steeds, thou slewest many foemen.
Thou sentest in swift death to sleep the Dasyu, both Cumuri and Dhuni, for Dabhiti.

5. These were thy mighty powers that, Thunder-wielder, thou swiftly crushedst nine-and-ninety castles:
Thou capturedst the hundredth in thine onslaught; thou slewest Namuci, thou slewest Vrtra.

6. Old are the blessings, Indra, which thou gavest Sudas the worshipper who brought oblations.
For thee, the Strong, I yoke thy strong Bay Horses: may our prayers reach thee and win strength, Most Mighty!

7. Give us not up, Lord of Bay Horses, Victor, in this thine own assembly, to the wicked.
Deliver us with true and faithful succours: dear may we be to thee among the princes.

8. May we men, Maghavan, the friends thou lovest, near thee be joyful under thy protection.
Fain to fulfil the wish of Atithigva humble. the pride of Turvasa and Yadva.

9. Swiftly, in truth, O Maghavan, about thee men skilled in hymning sing their songs and praises. '
Elect us also into their assembly who by their calls on thee despoiled the niggards.

10. Thine are these lauds, O manliest of heroes, lauds which revert to us and give us riches.
Favour these, Indra, when they fight with faemen, as Friend and Hero and the heroes' Helper.

11. Now, lauded for thine aid, Heroic Indra, sped by our prayer, wax mighty in thy body.
Apportion to us strength and habitations. Ye Gods, protect us evermore with blessings.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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@Indo-Aryan make sure you post translations of native Indologists as well.

western Indologists have created enough confusions with their mistranslations that we have not fully untied some of those knots even after centuries and decades.

As for OP, are these the verses that Sanjeev sanyal refers to as origin of “Bharata” as a concept. which I suppose he will be writing about at a later stage in a book which deals with “amalgamation of local native cultures” vs “conquest” theory.


Regular Member
Jun 6, 2018
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@Indo-Aryan make sure you post translations of native Indologists as well.

western Indologists have created enough confusions with their mistranslations that we have not fully untied some of those knots even after centuries and decades.

As for OP, are these the verses that Sanjeev sanyal refers to as origin of “Bharata” as a concept. which I suppose he will be writing about at a later stage in a book which deals with “amalgamation of local native cultures” vs “conquest” theory.
OK 😚


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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@Indo-Aryan make sure you post translations of native Indologists as well.

western Indologists have created enough confusions with their mistranslations that we have not fully untied some of those knots even after centuries and decades.

As for OP, are these the verses that Sanjeev sanyal refers to as origin of “Bharata” as a concept. which I suppose he will be writing about at a later stage in a book which deals with “amalgamation of local native cultures” vs “conquest” theory.
We have a comprehensive coverage already.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Belligerents in DasRajna are Bhāratam janam. Bharata the main group from whom the name is derived and identity proclaimed by Viśvāmitra in विश्वामित्रस्य रक्षति ब्रह्मेदम भारतं जनम


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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The only known ally of Sudas in this war were Trutsu people (Ikshvakus).Long before Ramayana, there lived a descendent of India’s eponymous king, Bharata, named Sudas. Sudas was the 16th generation descendant of Emperor Bharata, whom India is named after. Sudas was the grandson of the powerful king Divodas Atithigva (who had his empire in the regions of Punjab and was married to Madhavi) and he was the son of King Pijavana.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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@ezsasa Indian history books were written by the coomers using the same fraud concept of linear timing. Modi must fix this as soon as feasible otherwise we are following the same old rot till this day! Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek history have been updated with latest discoveries. Even though contradictions and overlapping were there in different Kings’ lists found in different places they have been reconciled.


This is a fatal vulnerability the consequence of which are of epic proportions when coomers attempt to insert horseshiet into magnificient Itihas of Bharata using retarded abrhamic concept of biblical time hoax.

If Nandha dynasty started in the fifth century bc even with most marxshiet dating, what happened for 1200 years before them? Another 60 to 80 kings must have ruled from one capital city alone. Ancient India had at least 16 Janapadas or 56 Desams. Thousands of kings must have ruled before Buddha’s period. Mahabharata and Tamil Sangam anthology ‘Purananuru’ compare the number of kings in the world (India) to ‘stars in the sky’ or the ‘sand particles on sea shore’ or the ‘rain drops’. That means innumerable, uncountable and numberless. What were their names? Can there be a vacuum for2000 years? Was India ruled by mysterious people? Ofcourse not.
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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Even look at megasthanese visit to India in 3rd century bce said that India was ruled by 143 generations before his time but coomer britfags with syphilis eyes did not pay attention to it.
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