Barbaric Paper Dragon People's Republic of China: Idiotic Musings.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Hinduism tied to India’s geopolitical standing
By Ding Gang Source:Global Times Published: 2017/8/30 18:03:39
GObar Times appeasing the majority Indian market with a propaganda article to save the market after the doklam.
Gobar Times should know that Indians have really good memory and they dont forget things that easy.
Next time Gobar times should choose the audience before it does the phenomenal fart on the world stage.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Chinese fire drills against India were propaganda: Western military experts

In the last week of August, Chinese media was replete with stories of military exercises taking place to the north and south of India. Official media happily broadcast images of live fire drills in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and, astoundingly, in the western part of the Indian Ocean.

In commentary after commentary emanating from China, both these events were linked to the then ongoing standoff between India and China on the Doklam Plateau in the tri-junction between India, China and Bhutan.

:pound::rofl:Western military experts closely monitoring the People's Liberation Army (PLA) drills have revealed for the first time that Chinese soldiers were using "blanks" and had no plan other than to "fire blanks for the propaganda arms of the Chinese Government " like the Global Times, China Central Television and even the official Chinese news agency, Xinhua.:rofl::pound:

The nub of their arguments was that India had dared to stand up to Chinese activities in Doklam, and should therefore, be made to pay the price.

The amusing thing is that yet again, China was only firing blanks. Furthermore, analysis of the so-called exercises in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) makes it very clear that these were unprofessional 'cut and paste' jobs dating back many years from across China.

The weapons shown, the canisters for missiles, and their launch positions do not even remotely match those of the missiles actually deployed in Tibet. There is no shortage of vast open lands with mountainous background in China.

:rofl:The exercises shown have some elements of Tibet in them, but are also significantly taken from exercises in the Northern Theatre Command (NTC) bordering Mongolia and parts of the Western Theatre Command (WTC) bordering the Central Asian Republics.:rofl:

Similarly, all the coverage about Chinese Navy ships having carried out strikes against 'enemy surface ships' needs to be located within reality. The scale of the so-called exercises was so small that the standard procedure of informing neighbouring countries about an impending exercise was not taken by China

As standard practice, when a significant exercise takes place, commercial traffic within the area of exercise and around it is warned of such an exercise. In this case, total silence! Moreover, 'enemy surface ships' are unlikely to come within small arms shooting distance of the PLA Navy, which was all that the 'exercise' involved.

:rofl:The Chinese naval exercise, therefore, was the equivalent of using a peashooter toy gun and claiming that it was an AK-47.:pound: Western strategic affairs experts, as well as some based in Pakistan, have confirmed that the so- called naval exercise was a routine matter for most navies in the world and, therefore, should not even have registered in the consciousness of the PLA, except, of course, as a propaganda item.

Amazingly, the PLA claims the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was dealing with its Indian counterparts to reach a peaceful mutual disengagement at Doklam.:rofl:

While Doklam has been resolved for now, recent media coverage from China exposes the hollowness of its military 'exercise' claims. Photoshop would seem to be one of the most widely pirated soft wares in Chinese government circles:pound::pound:


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
wtf is this. Both the woman and police are so stupid.
If this would have happened in india, crowds would have made police run. But police would have back off already rather than quarreling with a woman carrying kid.
to me china is a more of a army state then a communist state ......
if we go by history , Lenin was the first to introduce equal rights & respect to women at workplaces , socity & in politics...


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
The Dark Side of China's Tech Boom

China’s tech giants are helping the state build a digital panopticon.

Chinese smartphone users have the world at their fingertips. With a few taps, they can order food, message their friends, send money, read the news, play games, hail a taxi, pay off utility bills, and more through a single app like WeChat.

But there’s a catch. All this convenience comes with a heavy price: their freedom and privacy.

Thanks to China’s Internet giants – Baidu, Tencent, and Alibaba – the authoritarian regime now has the means to monitor a user’s every action, purchase, thought, and location in real-time. The Chinese government has long sought the means to more closely keep tabs on its citizens, but with smartphones, people are voluntarily logging their every move for the government in a single, convenient place.

China’s Tech Giants

While tech titans like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have become essential to the daily lives of many Americans, their reach pales in comparison to their Chinese counterparts.

This year, 79.1 percent of all smartphone users in China are expected to use WeChat, a messaging app, with nearly 500 million people using it at least once a month. To put that in perspective, that’s more than the entire population of the United States, Canada, and Mexico combined.

But what makes WeChat’s use so significant is how deeply integrated it is with a person’s daily life. Far more than just a messaging app, WeChat is a hub through which Chinese smartphone users access the Internet and other services.

In addition to its basic communication functions, WeChat enables users to order wine, check in for a flight, make a doctor’s appointment, get banking statements, search for books at their local library, donate to charity, pay for things offline, and more. An American venture capitalist described WeChat as being “at every point of your daily contact with the world, from morning until night.”

Meanwhile, Alibaba China’s equivalent of Amazon, delivers an average of 30 million packages a day, more than the U.S. Postal Service on its busiest day in history. In 2014, 86 percent of all shopping done on smartphones in China was through Alibaba.

Building the Digital Surveillance State

A byproduct from all this heavy use is a torrent of rich data that reveal highly-detailed specifics about each individual user. But unlike the United States, which has laws – imperfect as they may be – about when and how the government can access this type of data, no such prohibitions exist in China. Tech companies routinely hand their data to the government which has made no secret about its efforts to integrate that data into its surveillance apparatus.

With the help of a mobile phone company, police in the city of Guiyang are tracking the movements of migrant workers in real-time. And as part of its anti-corruption crackdown, officials are monitoring social media accounts to trace spending on wine and luxury goods.

China’s censors already meticulously monitor social media for taboo topics like :pound:criticizing the government:pound: or:pound: promoting democracy:pound:, and now they are going even further. The Chinese Ministry of Education has suggested cataloging the individual :rofl:political sentiments of university students.:rofl: By pulling data from library records, surveys, and social media posts they hope to create a political ideology database.:rofl:

But perhaps the most worrying development is the government’s plan to create a “social credit” rating system. An individual’s score will be determined by social, financial, and political behaviors that are drawn from a variety of databases. Infractions would include falling behind on bills, jaywalking, and :rofl:violating family-planning rules.:rofl:

Those with low scores will have a harder time travelling, securing loans and insurance, and would be barred from privileges likes staying in a luxury hotel. Meanwhile, individuals like lawyers and journalists will be more closely monitored:rofl: According to government planning documents, the system will “allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step.”:bounce:

The rating system is currently being tested in 40 towns and cities across China with plans to expand it nation-wide by 2020.

Personal Files

The elaborate social rating system envisioned by the Chinese government can be traced to the dang’an. Created under Chairman Mao, the dang’an, or personal file, contains an individual’s grades, employment record, and reports on how they interact with others, their religious affiliations, psychological problems, and potential political liabilities.

But the proposed rating system would take the dang’an to another level. The government can now add every purchase an individual makes online as well as their search history to their digital file. Purchasing certain products could potentially affect a person’s score. In a controversial move, Alibaba’s rating system Sesame Credit, which functions like eBay seller ratings, takes into account what a user buys online.

“Someone who plays video games for 10 hours a day, for example, would be considered an idle person, and someone who frequently buys diapers would be considered as probably a parent, who on balance is more likely to have a sense of responsibility,” said Li Yingyun, Sesame’s technology director.

Beyond online shopping, a person’s Sesame credit can shape their romantic lives. A Chinese dating website has taken to factoring in a person’s Sesame rating and prominently featuring those with high scores.

These developments are problematic as “negative” behavior from one part of an individual’s life could soon have far-ranging consequences. Under the new social credit system it is a distinct possibility that failure to pay a parking ticket could keep an individual from booking a train ticket or receiving a bank loan. :laugh:Watching banned Western TV shows like “The Big Bang Theory” and making politically-charged social media posts could result in a travel ban.:rofl:

The government has already established this precedent, publicly blacklisting nearly 7 million people who failed to make loan repayments and barred them from buying airplane tickets.

The authoritarian regime has also shown its willingness to regulate and punish individuals for personal choices. In addition to the long-standing One Child Policy, under the Elder Care Law of 2013, all adult children are required to visit parents over 60 “often” otherwise they can be fined or even face jail time.

Public-Private Partnerships

China’s ruling party is on the cusp of exercising unprecedented control over its citizens, and it’s been made possible with the cooperation of tech companies.

“The line between private companies and state institutions is often quite blurred,” said Maya Wang, a researcher from Human Rights Watch. “In theory, there are protections on citizens’ data, but in practice there are no controls about how this data may be used.”

But it’s not just Chinese companies that do this. In order to operate in China’s lucrative market, American companies have capitulated to the demands of the regime. In the hopes of regaining access to China, Facebook has created a censorship tool that would allow officials to keep posts from appearing on people’s news feeds in specific geographic areas.

A new cybersecurity law requires that all foreign companies operating in China must store their data within the nation. Major American companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM have all complied with the government’s order, raising fears about the security of user data.

The tools and technologies that once promised freedom and openness are instead creating the very dystopian reality we feared most. Far from science fiction, the pieces are already in place – the databases, the technology, the policies, and the precedent.

In a vicious twist, each time Chinese users sign in to WeChat, order something from Alibaba, or search using Baidu, they are tightening the Communist Party’s grip over their lives.

Eugene K. Chow writes on foreign policy and military affairs. He has been published in The Week, Huffington Post, and The Diplomat.
Next think belongs to this article

Real life "Project Insight" is in happening.....CCP after video game training of soldiers taking US comic theams too seriously


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
Hinduism tied to India’s geopolitical standing
By Ding Gang Source:Global Times Published: 2017/8/30 18:03:39

Remind me of our "Banned" comrade @Ding Dong.....anybody knows how long his ban is ? Alas he get banned before I join this forum , his "swastika" shall always live here


Sep 7, 2015
Country flag
Chinese fire drills against India were propaganda: Western military experts

In the last week of August, Chinese media was replete with stories of military exercises taking place to the north and south of India. Official media happily broadcast images of live fire drills in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and, astoundingly, in the western part of the Indian Ocean.

In commentary after commentary emanating from China, both these events were linked to the then ongoing standoff between India and China on the Doklam Plateau in the tri-junction between India, China and Bhutan.

:pound::rofl:Western military experts closely monitoring the People's Liberation Army (PLA) drills have revealed for the first time that Chinese soldiers were using "blanks" and had no plan other than to "fire blanks for the propaganda arms of the Chinese Government " like the Global Times, China Central Television and even the official Chinese news agency, Xinhua.:rofl::pound:

The nub of their arguments was that India had dared to stand up to Chinese activities in Doklam, and should therefore, be made to pay the price.

The amusing thing is that yet again, China was only firing blanks. Furthermore, analysis of the so-called exercises in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) makes it very clear that these were unprofessional 'cut and paste' jobs dating back many years from across China.

The weapons shown, the canisters for missiles, and their launch positions do not even remotely match those of the missiles actually deployed in Tibet. There is no shortage of vast open lands with mountainous background in China.

:rofl:The exercises shown have some elements of Tibet in them, but are also significantly taken from exercises in the Northern Theatre Command (NTC) bordering Mongolia and parts of the Western Theatre Command (WTC) bordering the Central Asian Republics.:rofl:

Similarly, all the coverage about Chinese Navy ships having carried out strikes against 'enemy surface ships' needs to be located within reality. The scale of the so-called exercises was so small that the standard procedure of informing neighbouring countries about an impending exercise was not taken by China

As standard practice, when a significant exercise takes place, commercial traffic within the area of exercise and around it is warned of such an exercise. In this case, total silence! Moreover, 'enemy surface ships' are unlikely to come within small arms shooting distance of the PLA Navy, which was all that the 'exercise' involved.

:rofl:The Chinese naval exercise, therefore, was the equivalent of using a peashooter toy gun and claiming that it was an AK-47.:pound: Western strategic affairs experts, as well as some based in Pakistan, have confirmed that the so- called naval exercise was a routine matter for most navies in the world and, therefore, should not even have registered in the consciousness of the PLA, except, of course, as a propaganda item.

Amazingly, the PLA claims the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was dealing with its Indian counterparts to reach a peaceful mutual disengagement at Doklam.:rofl:

While Doklam has been resolved for now, recent media coverage from China exposes the hollowness of its military 'exercise' claims. Photoshop would seem to be one of the most widely pirated soft wares in Chinese government circles:pound::pound:
Wow! Even their exercises were fake! These Chicoms are nothing but frikin faking, phony forgers!! The only thing real was their silly propaganda which fell flat as a pancake and made them the world's laughing stock! No one's gonna take them seriously anymore after their Doklam fiasco. India has cut them to size zero!!


Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
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wtf is this. Both the woman and police are so stupid.
If this would have happened in india, crowds would have made police run. But police would have back off already rather than quarreling with a woman carrying kid.
If this would have happened in India I swear to god people would have beat the hell out of those policeman.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
Watched a video on youtube about doklam issue, there were few interesting comments

"Islamist terrorist state to the north west , Communist scum to the north east and more crazy Islamists to the east and back stabbing traitors down south. India is truly the Israel of Asia."

"May the guys with the bigger dicks win"

Here's a big comment , someone has spent lot of time to write this comment.
China is the SPIDER-MAN, Who spreads his web by occupying other's territories
China is the BAT MAN, who hangs on his surroundings neighbor nations
China is the SPIDER-MAN, Who imagine he is superpower
China is the WATER MAN, who claims South
China is the IRON MAN, who sells cheap spiked up fake steels in Europe
China is the EGG MAN, who sells plastic eggs which causes diorehea
China is the FISHER MAN, who illegaly steal fishes from Indian Ocean
China is the HE-MAN, who can't grow beard still called he instead of she
China is the AIR MAN, who illegaly flies aircraft in other countries airspace
China is the GRAB MAN, who grabs other countries land illegally
China is the GARBAGE MAN, who buys other countries garbage to make electricity
China is the TAILOR MAN, who sew it's own citizens mouth if they speak against them
China is the STEAL MAN, who steal USA’S drones to copy those drones
China is the CROSS MAN, who crosses neighbor countries land and claim them
China is the TERROR MAN, who supports and fund terrorists groups in Pakistan
China is the TERRORIST MAN, who saves lashkar terrorist MASOOD AZHAR
China is the BURGLAR MAN, who makes CPEC projects in other's land
China is the DOG MAN, who routinely barks at S. Korea, Japan, India, Philippines, Indonesia
China is the CAVE MAN, who's 30 million citizens live in caves and called ‘ CAVE DWELLERS ‘
China is the DICTATOR MAN, who dictates and kills its opposition in
China is the BETRAY MAN, who betrayed its own people now living in independent Taiwan
China is the COWARD MAN, who couldn't save themselves in 1937 Nanking from Japan
China is the PET MAN, who never bites directly but sends its 2 dogs N. Korea /Pakistan to bite
China is the INVADE MAN, who invaded and killed Tibetans and called Dalai lama a terrorist
China is the DWARF MAN, who includes 4 feet dwarfs in its funny PLA army
China is the SHADOW MAN, who never fights like men but engage in proxy wars
China is the LIAR MAN, who lies false propaganda to its own citizens to keep CCP in power
China is the HUNGRY MAN, who eats lizard, snake, mosquito, cockroach, spider, dog, cat
China is the DEAF MAN, who acts deaf on other countries statements about him
China is the DUMB MAN, who intentionally ignores international laws of UNO*
China is the BLAST MAN, who's cheap phone's batteries explode as crackers
China is the STEAL MAN, who steals national data from USA’S government computers
China is the TOOL MAN, who uses TOOL to match other countries soldier's height
China is the CON MAN, who cons small countries by giving loan 1st then grab their country
China is the SECURITY MAN, who build WALL for security from outside world's democracy
China is the MAD MAN, from whom HONK KONG and TAIWAN separated themself
China is the PIRATE MAN, who wants to steal SINKAKU ISLAND from peaceful Japanese
China IS the KILLER MAN, who kills Philippines fishermen to eat their balls with noodles
China is the EVIL MAN, who's government runs organ smuggling and trafficking trading
China is the PENIS MAN, who's now copying BIG BLACK COCKS from Africans
China is the INCOMPLETE MAN, who is born without EYES, BRAIN, and TESTICLES
China is the SCARED MAN, who in fear made racist video against SIKH Indians on doklam issue
China is the THREAT MAN, who in fear has given 47 in total with 17’ LAST’ warnings to India
China is the THREATENED MAN in 1st time in its history India has shattered
China's confidence CHINESE BREAKFAST - one lizard Boiled with cockroach soup CHINESE LUNCH- one cat roasted with lime juice, mosquito fried in sewage oil
CHINESE DINNER - whole dog with vegetables, spider sauce with lamb urine

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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China: Beating People’s Dogs To Death
China: Beating People’s Dogs To Death

Dog owners are left sobbing on the ground, in pools of their pet dog’s blood as official ‘dog beaters’ laugh in their face. Dogs are usually thrown onto a corpse-lorry of bloodied dog corpses, or tossed into pits in the ground, where many of the dogs are still alive, groaning in pain. Distraught pet owners are often met with violence from the official ‘dog beaters’ known as the Chengguan. Pet cats and rabbits are also targeted.

China does not have animal protection laws. Members of the Chengguan across China are vehemently against China implementing animal protection laws because their line of work would be outlawed. Officially called the City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau, the Chengguan operate in every community across China.

Grief and shock is etched on this young girl’s face after her dear pet was forcibly removed and brutally killed.

On August 4, 2016, the Alum Town government of Padang village, ordered a dog killing team to go door to door and kill every pet dog they could get hold of, after a local man died of rabies days earlier. The air was filled with the screams from helpless pet owner’s as their dogs were forcibly removed and bludgeoned in front of them. Children wept uncontrollably.

One young girl (pictured above), refused to let go of her loved pet, but it was ripped from her clutches, as she buckled in grief watching her dog’s head caved in from a government official swinging an iron bar. Some of the 26 dogs massacred were captured alive and tied into jute sacks and burned alive, as their screams rang out through the town.

Smaller pet dogs were captured, put into sacks and burned alive in a pit dug in the ground.

If your a dog owner in Beijing or Shanghai you MUST carry your pet registration dog license and be able to produce it IMMEDIATELY when asked – no excuses! Authorities known as “Chengguan” have the power to demand your dog’s license and if you take too long to show it or it has expired or you forget to carry it, you will lose your dog on the spo

Pet owners have been forced to the ground and held down as their dog is beaten to death on the spot with a bamboo pole, then tossed onto the corpse wagon and carted away as street trash. It does not matter if you are Chinese or a foreigner, the rule applies across the board.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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China: Beating People’s Dogs To Death
China: Beating People’s Dogs To Death

Dog owners are left sobbing on the ground, in pools of their pet dog’s blood as official ‘dog beaters’ laugh in their face. Dogs are usually thrown onto a corpse-lorry of bloodied dog corpses, or tossed into pits in the ground, where many of the dogs are still alive, groaning in pain. Distraught pet owners are often met with violence from the official ‘dog beaters’ known as the Chengguan. Pet cats and rabbits are also targeted.

China does not have animal protection laws. Members of the Chengguan across China are vehemently against China implementing animal protection laws because their line of work would be outlawed. Officially called the City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau, the Chengguan operate in every community across China.

Grief and shock is etched on this young girl’s face after her dear pet was forcibly removed and brutally killed.

On August 4, 2016, the Alum Town government of Padang village, ordered a dog killing team to go door to door and kill every pet dog they could get hold of, after a local man died of rabies days earlier. The air was filled with the screams from helpless pet owner’s as their dogs were forcibly removed and bludgeoned in front of them. Children wept uncontrollably.

One young girl (pictured above), refused to let go of her loved pet, but it was ripped from her clutches, as she buckled in grief watching her dog’s head caved in from a government official swinging an iron bar. Some of the 26 dogs massacred were captured alive and tied into jute sacks and burned alive, as their screams rang out through the town.

Smaller pet dogs were captured, put into sacks and burned alive in a pit dug in the ground.

If your a dog owner in Beijing or Shanghai you MUST carry your pet registration dog license and be able to produce it IMMEDIATELY when asked – no excuses! Authorities known as “Chengguan” have the power to demand your dog’s license and if you take too long to show it or it has expired or you forget to carry it, you will lose your dog on the spo

Pet owners have been forced to the ground and held down as their dog is beaten to death on the spot with a bamboo pole, then tossed onto the corpse wagon and carted away as street trash. It does not matter if you are Chinese or a foreigner, the rule applies across the board.
Bloody chinese . They should be treated in the similar manner.:rage:


Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
Country flag
China: Beating People’s Dogs To Death
China: Beating People’s Dogs To Death

Dog owners are left sobbing on the ground, in pools of their pet dog’s blood as official ‘dog beaters’ laugh in their face. Dogs are usually thrown onto a corpse-lorry of bloodied dog corpses, or tossed into pits in the ground, where many of the dogs are still alive, groaning in pain. Distraught pet owners are often met with violence from the official ‘dog beaters’ known as the Chengguan. Pet cats and rabbits are also targeted.

China does not have animal protection laws. Members of the Chengguan across China are vehemently against China implementing animal protection laws because their line of work would be outlawed. Officially called the City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau, the Chengguan operate in every community across China.

Grief and shock is etched on this young girl’s face after her dear pet was forcibly removed and brutally killed.

On August 4, 2016, the Alum Town government of Padang village, ordered a dog killing team to go door to door and kill every pet dog they could get hold of, after a local man died of rabies days earlier. The air was filled with the screams from helpless pet owner’s as their dogs were forcibly removed and bludgeoned in front of them. Children wept uncontrollably.

One young girl (pictured above), refused to let go of her loved pet, but it was ripped from her clutches, as she buckled in grief watching her dog’s head caved in from a government official swinging an iron bar. Some of the 26 dogs massacred were captured alive and tied into jute sacks and burned alive, as their screams rang out through the town.

Smaller pet dogs were captured, put into sacks and burned alive in a pit dug in the ground.

If your a dog owner in Beijing or Shanghai you MUST carry your pet registration dog license and be able to produce it IMMEDIATELY when asked – no excuses! Authorities known as “Chengguan” have the power to demand your dog’s license and if you take too long to show it or it has expired or you forget to carry it, you will lose your dog on the spo

Pet owners have been forced to the ground and held down as their dog is beaten to death on the spot with a bamboo pole, then tossed onto the corpse wagon and carted away as street trash. It does not matter if you are Chinese or a foreigner, the rule applies across the board.
I've a pet labrador b*tch and if anybody lays a finger on her, he/she dies. That being said maybe Nanking was the perfect punishment for these a&&hole chinese.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I've a pet labrador b*tch and if anybody lays a finger on her, he/she dies. That being said maybe Nanking was the perfect punishment for these a&&hole chinese.
Same here buddy, my German Shepherd is part of the family. I had to get her out of her crate and give her a hug after reading that article. :frown:


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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View attachment 20017

@Chinese DFI'ers : Look, dinner! Early lizard gets the dog.
True story.
Setting: hostel days.
A friend of mine used to live in a hostel block that had plenty of Chinese students.
One night there was loud wailing from one of the Chinese rooms.
So they called the security guards and entered and there was a dog there, one of the stray dogs that roamed the hostel compound streets.
We're pretty sure they were not going to take turns to cuddle the dog all night.
We saved him.
Few days later those Chinese dumped a bag of salt in front of my friend's room. :wtf: :lol:

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
Country flag
True story.
Setting hostel days.
A friend of mine used to live in a hostel block that had plenty of Chinese students.
One night there was loud wailing from one of the Chinese rooms.
So they called the security guards and entered and there was a dog there, one of the stray dogs that roamed the hostel compound streets.
We're pretty sure they were not going to take turns to cuddle the dog all night.
We saved him.
Few days later those Chinese dumped a bag of salt in front of my friend's room. :wtf: :lol:
:eek1: Yeah, I'm going to need a drink after that. Who the crap eats scavengers which dogs are? What else? Vultures? :frog:


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
Country flag
:eek1: Yeah, I'm going to need a drink after that. Who the crap eats scavengers which dogs are? What else? Vultures? :frog:
Maybe their mom emailed them a new Chinese dog recipe and they wanted to try it out.
Snakes, they like snakes more than dogs. More manly, apparently.

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