Astrological predictions thread!!!


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Thanks for the translation . Lets see Natural calamities are very much predicted by everyone for this year . Especially northern india will face its coldest winter season with rain and snow hampering most parts of the himalayan region

Iam just telling what's written in that pics I posted .
It's from thakur panchang


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Iam just telling what's written in that pics I posted .
It's from thakur panchang
Thanks for the effort. Looks like we are still not out of the ditch. Everyone predictions is saying the same. I am kind of worried about the death of a eminent political personality that everyone is predicting. All this may not be accurate but I think a short bloody war is in the offering with all the build-up that's going on in the west and above.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Till April 2022 there is going to be no relief from protest natural calamities and possible border tensions . so we have another 15 months of stressful days ahead .

Thanks for the effort. Looks like we are still not out of the ditch. Everyone predictions is saying the same. I am kind of worried about the death of a eminent political personality that everyone is predicting. All this may not be accurate but I think a short bloody war is in the offering with all the build-up that's going on in the west and above.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Narsimha Rao's prediction dated 01 Nov 2020 on US election :-

As my video on 2020 US election was too technical, some non-astrologer friends requested me to summarize my expectations. Here they are.

Though Joe Biden has a bigger lead over Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton did in 2016 and will be clearly ahead in nationwide popular vote, things will be somewhat closer in "battleground states". Though I expect Biden to be ahead in enough battleground states, based on daily charts of Nov 3 and 4, it will seem close enough to Trump keep fighting!!

I expect Trump to fight at 3 levels: (1) Go to courts on the results from some states and counties (including efforts to convince courts to throw out votes in some unfavorable areas in key states), (2) Promote unrest from his supporters and try to create chaos, (3) Break some norms of electoral politics always taken for granted and honored (e.g. try to pressurize and manipulate "electors" from some states that voted for Biden to go against the will of people, when they meet in December to cast votes).

Overall, I expect Biden's win to be apparent in early November itself (and any other opponent would have conceded in the situation), but I expect Trump to drag this on till mid-December. I expect chaos on streets and in courts. I expect Trump to try leveraging the incumbency to secure a second term, like nobody has ever done before.

However, I expect him to fail and fall in the end and make way for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to take charge of a nation in chaos and strife.

Trump's fall may be sudden, chaotic and very ugly. And, some unusual and extreme steps may have to be taken by other authorities to facilitate that.

May God bless America and the world!


A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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On protests :-

Some friends asked for my view on whether Modi can weather the storm of farmers' protests against agricultural reforms enacted by Modi government. These protests are in their third week now!

I will leave the politics out, as I have not paid close attention to the details. Some say that these laws are a sell out to corporate interests and harm farmers in the long run. Some say that these laws are good for farmers and the opposition parties are provoking farmers with lies and misinformation.

I have no opinion and will just look at things astrologically, purely based on Modi's chart.

* * *

Long-term Prediction

I see no risk to Modi government at all. I stand by what I predicted many years back - that Modi will win 3 terms and retire in the middle of the third term (we are in the middle of the second term now). He will not only survive this growing threat, but also win again in 2024.

Short-term Prediction

This IS a tense time for Modi. But Modi will handle this deftly and not let this boil over and become a major catastrophe for his government. Nor will he compromise on things he really wants. He will use time and his good will currency with Indian populace dexterously.

There should be some relief after Dec 30, though some headache will continue for Modi. And, it may intensify again between Feb 15 and Apr 13.

April 13-June 5 should resolve this to a large extent and there will be positive limelight and success for Modi. Particularly, last week of April and early May is awesome for Modi.

By his birthday in September 2021, this should be well-settled. The next year (2020-21) will be a great year for Modi with fewer setbacks and some landmark successes.

* * *

Astrological Reasoning

Current time is problematic for him. See the Tajaka annual solar return chart of 2020-21. It is for 2020 Sept 16, 8:20 am (IST), Vadnagar, India. In D-10 (career), Ge rises with Saturn and Rahu in it. Moon and Ketu are in 7th. Being afflicted 2nd lord in 7th, Moon is a maraka.

The best dasa in this annual D-10 is Tara dasa from Rahu.

Protests started in Moon dasa (2020 Sept 16-Oct 16). In Rahu dasa (Nov 6-Dec 30), protests strengthened and the pressure on Modi increased. Jupiter dasa (Dec 30-Feb 15) should bring some relief, as Jupiter is the dispositor of Moon and Ketu and aspects them. But Jupiter is also the 10th lord in marana karaka sthana and so the period will be mixed. Then Saturn dasa runs Feb 15-Apr 13. Saturn is 8th lord in lagna with Rahu and aspecting 2nd lord Moon.

Mercury dasa runs Apr 13-June 5. Mercury lagna and 4th lord in 2nd (resources) with 5th lord Venus and giving a nice raja yoga that shows happiness and relief (4th) and success and fame (5th). In particular, Mercury-Venus antardasa runs Apr 23-May 2.

In D-10 (career) of 2021-22 Tajaka annual solar return chart, Ar rises. Lagna lord Mars is well-placed in 9th (Sg). The 10th house has nice raja yogas between 9th lord Jupiter, 10th lord Saturn and 7th lord Venus! Exalted Moon and Mercury in 2nd is also very good.


A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Shri Krishna Janmbhumi issue :-


A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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hasn’t this guy been wrong so many times lately?
Yeah, but he was spot on on Ram Mandir issue, hence I posted this. 😁


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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Just posting it here in case more such earthquake comes.


Psychopathic Neighbour
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2021
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Here he goes again :-
:shock: :troll:

He is either asshole or more bigger asshole , prediction about country change with leader , in democracy it is always not the prime minister but the ideological head .

He us throwing bullshit , once afgan settlement is done ,we will heckle Pakistan more , they will either be yemen like or balkanized , ghar vapsi can be started in parts of them and our country ,once hindutva take central ground and we are rich.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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He is either asshole or more bigger asshole , prediction about country change with leader , in democracy it is always not the prime minister but the ideological head .

He us throwing bullshit , once afgan settlement is done ,we will heckle Pakistan more , they will either be yemen like or balkanized , ghar vapsi can be started in parts of them and our country ,once hindutva take central ground and we are rich.

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