Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

tribendra bisoi

New Member
Feb 17, 2022
Good for the Arjun and India from an export, military, and diplomatic PoV. Bad for Bahrain from a military PoV. There are much better tanks out there like the Leo2 or K2.
Earlier version of Arjun outperformed the T-90 on every crucial parameter in desert of rajastan during testing ... In latest version there has been multiple upgrades ..

Arjun tank outruns, outguns Russian T-90 | Business Standard News (

This tank has survived scores of criticism and attacks .. The covaxin covid vaccine episode should teach us many things ..


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Good for the Arjun and India from an export, military, and diplomatic PoV. Bad for Bahrain from a military PoV. There are much better tanks out there like the Leo2 or K2.
Arjun is specifically designed for Desert. It has a very high degree of protection. T 90 direct hit was unable to Pearce Arjun Mk1 A Honey comb armor. In MK1 A, ERA/NERA is added for additional safety. Mine plough is also added. I specifically remember an article of Israeli expert who had said that its gun will beat Markava gun any day. He had praised Arjun's ride comfort like any thing. Arjun has top class battle field management system developed with Israeli help. Engine retains 1400 hp power but tuned for higher torque without affecting fuel efficiency. It can fire LAHAT missile of Isreal and CLGM of India from its main gun. Those who say that there are much better tanks are available clearly has no idea of what Arjun Mk1 A is. MK1 itself had outclassed T-90 in comparative trial.

Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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Arjun is specifically designed for Desert. It has a very high degree of protection. T 90 direct hit was unable to Pearce Arjun Mk1 A Honey comb armor. In MK1 A, ERA/NERA is added for additional safety. Mine plough is also added. I specifically remember an article of Israeli expert who had said that its gun will beat Markava gun any day. He had praised Arjun's ride comfort like any thing. Arjun has top class battle field management system developed with Israeli help. Engine retains 1400 hp power but tuned for higher torque without affecting fuel efficiency. It can fire LAHAT missile of Isreal and CLGM of India from its main gun. Those who say that there are much better tanks are available clearly has no idea of what Arjun Mk1 A is. MK1 itself had outclassed T-90 in comparative trial.
Didn't the Indian army test use indian armies t90 ammo which I am sure is not upto the standard of the latest Russian ammo.

Wonder if Arjun can take a shot from the latest T90ammo on the front glasic .

Bhartiya Sainik

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Dec 14, 2021
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For the Arjun & T-90/72 guys, the Ukranian war & Syrian war should be a learning lesson.
Urban warfare is very tough, full of ambush zones.
Ukranians have used ATGMs & RPGs against tanks fully covered with ERA bricks & tiles.
The things to learn are -
- the turrets of T-72/90 are just lolypops waiting to be tossed
- block turret is relatively better but Leopard turrets in Syria were also tossed
- skirt armor is very important
- APS has become very important
- crewless turret concept could be better






India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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I think it's just rfi notification nothing much
Even if they are so fool to purchase it then they receive first in 2030


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
New Member
Nov 22, 2020
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I think it's just rfi notification nothing much
Even if they are so fool to purchase it then they receive first in 2030
Why they are so fools? They just asked about the tank that they think can be useful for them and would have sent it to other manufacturers too and the so called experts mocking arjun mk1a "as the worst in the world" amd meming it had a bad time seeing the t80bvm and t72b3 getting their turrets thrown off and exploding like bombs.t80bvm has relikt they say 😂

Dark Sorrow

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Mar 24, 2009
Bahrain seeks MBT, 120mm Arjun Mk II with Israeli ALWACS is an option

The Kingdom of Bahrain is in talks with the Government of India to acquire a major battle tank for the ground forces of the East Asian kingdom, has learned, citing a Tactical Report. This includes the purchase of the Indian 120mm Arjun Mk II tank, which has some major improvements from its old version Arjun MBT, as well as the integration of some custom-made Israeli solutions.


There is no official information on the stage of the talks, but sources say they are at an advanced stage and Bahrain has liked the Indian tank. It is not known how much the Kingdom of Bahrain would buy. reminded that the Kingdom of Bahrain has 180 main battle tanks American production M60A3. These tanks are one of the most popular and used in battle, and according to unofficial information, a total of 15,000 units have been produced in 22 countries. They took an active part in Operation Desert Storm in 1991 during the Gulf Crisis.


Nearly five years ago, the Italian company Leonardo proposed to the kingdom to make a major update, replacing the 105mm cannon with a 120mm cannon, as well as upgrades the engine, software, and hardware, including increasing gun mantle armor protection to 330 mm and increasing turret face protection. 276 mm. Leonardo has a license to perform such an upgrade.

120mm Arjun Mk II

Bahrain’s interest in the Indian 120mm Arjun Mk II is no accident. In recent years, the Indians have managed to seriously reward their old version of the Arjun MBT to get today’s 120mm Arjun Mk II. India unveiled the Arjun Mk II for the first time in 2014 in February during a military parade in the capital, New Delhi.

Arjun Mk II has an integrated 120mm cannon that can fire a very large set of ammunition – FSAPDS [Fin Stabilized Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot], HESH [High-Explosive Squash Head], PCB, TB, and the Israeli laser anti-tank missile [LAHAT]. Interestingly, the cannon is equipped with a thermal sleeve, smoke extractor, and barrel orientation system.

Bahrain seeks MBT, 120mm Arjun Mk II with Israeli ALWACS is an option

The tank is powered by a 10-cylinder V-90 turbocharged diesel engine with charge cooling and water cooling. This engine provides the Arjun Mk II with 1030 kW at 2400 rpm. With a full tank of fuel, the tank can travel up to 500 km, and the maximum speed it reaches is 50 km / h on the road and 40 km / h on cross-country terrain, including off-road.

The armor of the tank is an Indian production type ERA [Explosive Reactive Armor]. Experts believe that it is equivalent to the Russian armor Kontakt-5 with which the Russian T-90 is equipped. Interestingly, the Arjun Mk II has a custom-made laser warning and response system [ALWACS], developed in collaboration with the Israeli company Elbit Systems, which is installed on each side of the dome. In addition, the tank has modern optics and an automatic device for sifting the target.


Dark Sorrow

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Mar 24, 2009
Bahrain has begun talks with India for the procurement of the Indian-made Arjun MK-II Main Battle Tank, according to information released by the “Tactical Report” on March 16, 2022. (MBT). The tank might possibly be outfitted with a laser system co-designed by Israelis and Indians.

Bahrain’s armed forces now have 180 M60A3s built in the United States. In 2017, the Italian company Leonardo suggested upgrading the Bahrain army’s M60A3 with a new 120 mm main gun, a new state-of-the-art fire control system, and a new armour package.

The Arjun MK-II is an improved version of the Arjun MBT’s original iteration (Main Battle Tank). On January 26, 2014, it was unveiled to the public for the first time at a military parade in New Delhi commemorating National Day.

A 120mm rifled cannon with a thermal sleeve, fume extractor, and muzzle reference system is the main armament of the Arjun MK-II major combat tank. FSAPDS (Fin Stabilized Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot), HESH (High-Explosive Squash Head), PCB, TB, and the Israeli Laser Homing Anti-Tank (LAHAT) missile are among the ammunitions that the gun can fire.

The LAHAT, or Laser Homing Attack Missile, is a sophisticated missile designed and manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries’ MBT Division (IAI).

In terms of protection, the Arjun MK-hull II’s and turret have been redesigned, and it is equipped with modern ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) protection that appears to be based on Russian Kontakt-5 technology used on the T-90 and other Russian main battle tanks.

The Arjun MK-II has a traditional design, with the driver at the front, the turret in the middle with the gunner, commander, and loader, and the engine compartment in the back. The tank is powered by a V-90 turbocharged, charge-cooled, water-cooled diesel engine from Germany that produces 1030 kW at 2,400 rpm. It has a maximum road speed of 58 km/h and a cross-country speed of 40 km/h, with a maximum cruise range of 500 km.

The Arjun MK-II also has the most modern optics and fire control system available, including improved thermal imaging and panoramic sights for hunter-killer capability. The gunner sight is equipped with an automatic target tracker, which considerably improves the tank’s target engagement speed and accuracy.

A laser warning and countermeasure system (ALWACS) developed in partnership with the Israeli company Elbit Systems is installed on each side of the turret to improve the Arjun MK-self-protection. II’s



New Member
Oct 20, 2015
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According to information published by the "Tactical Report" on March 16, 2022, Bahrain has launched talks with India for the procurement of the Indian-made Arjun MK-II Main Battle Tank (MBT). The tank could be also equipped with Israeli-Indian co-designed laser system.

Currently, the Bahrain armed forces have a total of 180 American-made M60A3. In 2017, the Italian company Leonardo has proposed an upgrade of the M60A3 used by the Bahrain army fitted with a new 120 mm main gun, a new state-of-the-art fire control system as well as a new armour package.

The Arjun MK-II is an enhanced variant of the first version of the Arjun MBT (Main Battle Tank). It was unveiled for the first time to the public during a military parade for the National Day in New Delhi on 26 January 2014.

The main armament of the Arjun MK-II main battle tank consists of a 120mm rifled gun fitted with a thermal sleeve, fume extractor, and a muzzle reference system. The gun is able to fire a full range of ammunitions including FSAPDS (Fin Stabilized Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot), HESH (High-Explosive Squash Head), PCB, TB, and the Israeli Laser Homing Anti-Tank (LAHAT) missile. Laser Homing Attack Missile, or LAHAT, is an advanced missile developed and manufactured by the MBT Division of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

In terms of protection, the hull and the turret of the Arjun MK-II have a new design and are fitted with new ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) protection which seems to be designed based on Russian Kontakt-5 technology which is mounted on the T-90 and some other Russian main battle tanks.

The design of the Arjun MK-II is conventional with the driver at the front of the hull, turret in the middle with gunner, commander and loader, and engine compartment at the rear. The tank is motorized with a German 10 cylinder, V-90 turbocharged, charge-cooled, water-cooled diesel engine developing 1030 kW at 2,400 rpm. It can run at a maximum road speed of 58 km/h and 40 km/h in cross country with a maximum cruising range of 500 km.

The Arjun MK-II is also equipped with the latest generation of optics and firing control system including advanced thermal imaging and panoramic sights offering hunter-killer capability. The gunner sight is fitted with an automatic target tracker which greatly enhances the speed and accurate target engagement capability of the tank. To increase the self-protection of the Arjun MK-II, a laser warning and countermeasure system (ALWACS) developed in collaboration with the Israeli Company Elbit Systems is mounted on each side of the turret.


New Member
Jul 14, 2017
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Earlier version of Arjun outperformed the T-90 on every crucial parameter in desert of rajastan during testing ... In latest version there has been multiple upgrades ..

Arjun tank outruns, outguns Russian T-90 | Business Standard News (

This tank has survived scores of criticism and attacks .. The covaxin covid vaccine episode should teach us many things ..
Not doubting the Arjun vs T90. Arjun outclasses it. But my comment is with respect to Leo2 and K2. Arjun is a good tank, particularly in Mk1A form. And its important for us. But a foreign customer has better options. Arjun's main gun, Indian APFSDS rounds, and the glaring weak point at the gunner's sights are actually major flaws. Which is why a Mk2 is in the works with Israeli help for the turret. Even Chally is giving up its Rifled 120mm for a Rheinmetall smoothbore beast.


New Member
Jul 14, 2017
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Arjun is specifically designed for Desert. It has a very high degree of protection. T 90 direct hit was unable to Pearce Arjun Mk1 A Honey comb armor. In MK1 A, ERA/NERA is added for additional safety. Mine plough is also added. I specifically remember an article of Israeli expert who had said that its gun will beat Markava gun any day. He had praised Arjun's ride comfort like any thing. Arjun has top class battle field management system developed with Israeli help. Engine retains 1400 hp power but tuned for higher torque without affecting fuel efficiency. It can fire LAHAT missile of Isreal and CLGM of India from its main gun. Those who say that there are much better tanks are available clearly has no idea of what Arjun Mk1 A is. MK1 itself had outclassed T-90 in comparative trial.
Not doubting the Arjun on protection or BMS or anything like that. Its major problems even in Mk1A form will be the 120mm rifled gun, Indian APFSDS rounds, the armor weakness at the gunner's sight. A K2 or Leo2 wont face these problems.

As far as the overall armor is concerned Kanchan is touted as one of the best in the business.


New Member
Apr 23, 2021
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Not doubting the Arjun on protection or BMS or anything like that. Its major problems even in Mk1A form will be the 120mm rifled gun, Indian APFSDS rounds, the armor weakness at the gunner's sight. A K2 or Leo2 wont face these problems.

As far as the overall armor is concerned Kanchan is touted as one of the best in the business.
Not doubting the Arjun vs T90. Arjun outclasses it. But my comment is with respect to Leo2 and K2. Arjun is a good tank, particularly in Mk1A form. And its important for us. But a foreign customer has better options. Arjun's main gun, Indian APFSDS rounds, and the glaring weak point at the gunner's sights are actually major flaws. Which is why a Mk2 is in the works with Israeli help for the turret. Even Chally is giving up its Rifled 120mm for a Rheinmetall smoothbore beast.

We have our own 125mm smoothbore gun, and it is better than ruski one 2A46M-1


