Al-Khalid MBT And Pakistani Armour


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
old video but interesting nevertheless. layered composite armour during tests,

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Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
On cross terrain tank is moving forward with a speed of 35 and 45 km/h. The increase of the speed - change of tactics all the units (infantry, tanks, artillery). Why such "mad" speed in reverse?
AK is quite a nifty tank, as i see it, most of modern tanks will have a hard time tracking it let alone hitting it.

Mobility is one of the key advantages of this tank.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012

Nozh above, Aorak below, both seem similar, particularly the explosive sheets and dimensions...



Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
AK is quite a nifty tank, as i see it, most of modern tanks will have a hard time tracking it let alone hitting it.

Mobility is one of the key advantages of this tank.
The Russians will say that their tank a nifty , the Germans will say to them, the French, too, the most about her. This opinion is subjective. The tank is not a girl, so that they enjoy on the battlefield. Al-Kh is a priori may not be the most mobile, because it is made up of nodes of different tanks. Can't the Chinese chassis ideally be combined with the Ukrainian engine and transmission.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
The Russians will say that their tank a nifty , the Germans will say to them, the French, too, the most about her. This opinion is subjective. The tank is not a girl, so that they enjoy on the battlefield. Al-Kh is a priori may not be the most mobile, because it is made up of nodes of different tanks. Can't the Chinese chassis ideally be combined with the Ukrainian engine and transmission.
I fail to understand what you are trying to say in the above post?

All i said is its a nifty tank which is a fact, so are almost all modern ones out there, no where did i call it "most nifty" or best of the best :)

My point was merely that engaging a moving tank, while one is on the move, is always difficult. However, modern FCS systems coupled with sophisticated tracking/ datalink algorithms have eased this to a great deal but engaging a moving target @ 35 or 40 kph is still a hard task for ALL mbts including AK.

Regarding your second point, Chinese chassis (MBT 2000/ VT-1A) is sold with Ukrainian engine (6td-2) to Bangladesh and Morocco. AK is NOT Mbt 2000, rather a technological collaboration between China and Pakistan initially, and later Pakistan and Ukraine. Just visit last few pages of this thread.


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2011
My point was merely that engaging a moving tank, while one is on the move, is always difficult. However, modern FCS systems coupled with sophisticated tracking/ datalink algorithms have eased this to a great deal but engaging a moving target @ 35 or 40 kph is still a hard task for ALL mbts including AK.
What is typical avarage fire range in Pakistan condition? Or on Pak-India border? You know -it's very "not simple" problem - IMHO Akim have right and You have right.
Akim have right becouse he was in Ukrianian Tank Corps and propably he lern the same like polish tank crews:
a) maximum fire range in Poland is 1500m in 96% firefight
b) more then 80% firefight is on circa 700m distance.
It's for Poland terrain, for gremany avarage max fire range is 1300m...
So in Europe conditions fire range is mucht smaller -so tank FCS must be able to very fast find and aim target, and shooting to moving 30-45km/h target on given fire distanse wasn't problem even for Leopard-2A4 from 1985.
So im asking about typical or max fire range in (im guest) very diffrent Pak. evirnoments/terrain. If avarage fire range in Pakistan is near 2500-3000m then You have right and mobility can by important on that distanse.
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Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
Learning from historic perspective, battles in Chawinda and Asal uttar (1965), took place at 1000-1500 meters on average. Mostly in desert region where two obstacles are dust, sand dunes that form quickly due to swift wind. In winter, haze prevails heavily in upper punjab, sindh region from Bhawalpur to Thar strip. Otherwise, visibility remains quite good. In this part of sub-continent, extreme heat is the real culprit.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
So in Europe conditions fire range is mucht smaller -so tank FCS must be able to very fast find and aim target, and shooting to moving 30-45km/h target on given fire distanse wasn't problem even for Leopard-2A4 from 1985.

Can Leo-2A4 engage a target at such speeds while itself moving at 30-45kph? If this is the case than it ha one heck of a FCS.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
any source???
Yep! old news though...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Oct 21 (PNS) - A 23-member Royal Saudi Land Forces evaluation team headed by Maj Gen Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Shehri visited Pakistan for evaluation of indigenously manufactured products of Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT).

The evaluation team was warmly welcomed by the Chairman HIT, who gave them an exhaustive briefing on the capability of HIT and its potential for marketing sophisticated weapon systems suiting the dictates of modern warfare.

The Saudi team showed keen interest in state-of-the-art and pride of Pakistan Armour, Al-Khalid tank and APC Saad, and carried out intensive in-house technical evaluation and trials.

During the arduous trials under most inhospitable environments, the roaring Al-Khalid, a marvel of tank technology performed astoundingly well. It is for the first time that a Main Battle tank (Al-Khalid) attained 100% hits at a distance of 4,000 meters and set an unprecedented record in tank technology.

Al-Khalid also fired while moving, on a moving target at various ranges upto a distance of 3,000 meters and achieved 100% results. The lethality and accuracy of the weapon stations of Al-Khalid, its high power to weight ratio and manoeuvrability demonstrated in the most hostile terrain speaks volumes of its agility and combat capability to challenge any tank of the world.

Saudi Master Gunner, Subedar Major Yahya Bin Ahmed Atif achieved the rare feat of hitting a bulls eye at extreme ranges with 100% accuracy and achieved record firing results with a few days training only, indicative of user friendliness of Tank Al-Khalid.

The delegation was highly impressed with the performance of tank Al-Khalid and APC Saad during arduous trials. The new generation, APC Saad of Pakistan Armed forces has also been totally manufactured in Pakistan with a vision to meet the demands of 21st century battlefield.

Pakistan is rightfully proud of its engineers and technicians who envisioned, designed and manufactured such combat multipliers, giving its Armed Forces the power punch and capability to face any challenge to its national security.
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Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012

Government of Ukraine will provide technical co-operation to Pakistan for the modernisation of Al-Khalid, the main battle tank of Pakistan Army, Oleh Shevchenko, ChargA(c) d'affaires Embassy of Ukraine told the Business Recorder during an exclusive talk.
He said a joint-assembly and subsequent up-gradation of Al Khalid has a great export potential. "We will continue co-operation in developing technology for manufacturing military hardware, first of all in shape of Al-Khalid Project," Charge d'affaires maintained.
The Al-Khalid tank was jointly developed by China and Pakistan. In the late 1990s it was marketed for export as the MBT-2000. Pakistan acquired production license of the MBT. The A- Khalid is named after the legendary general of Islamic history, Khalid bin Walid (RA). First delivery of this tank was made in 2002.
The Al-Khalid is currently in service and being used by Pak Army. About 600 tanks were planned to be built by 2007.Oleh Shevchenko further said that the co-operation of both countries in defence and military technology including joint training of officers, technical experts and pilots, supply and joint development of high tech weaponry and equipment for the Army, Navy and Air Force is expanding in all areas.
According to Ukrainian statistical data, annual turnover of both the countries ranges between $170-300 million. "Low turnover is due to global financial meltdown apart from various other factors," he added. Ukraine and Pakistan have been working on the creation of the Ukraine-Pakistan Commission on Trade and Economic Co-operation as well as on the improvement of mechanism for protection of investment on both sides. In this regard, Pak-Ukraine Business Council was established.
"Ukrainian businessmen are interested to participate in the expansion of Pakistan Steel Mills and other projects in case they receive offer from Government of Pakistan," he said. Several years ago the Ukrainian investor took part in the mills respective privatisation tender, he recalled. He said that a plan of direct flight between the two countries for the facilitation of business community was under negotiation with private airliners. "We are sure, if the idea matures it will further boost the trade volume between the two countries," he said.
He said the history of bilateral relations started in the Soviet Union era when Kremlin experts, the vast majority of whom were Ukrainians, assisted in developing the key industries and national economy of Pakistan in 1960-70s. "The Steel Mills in Karachi which is largest in Pakistan and a number of powerful hydro stations like Tarbella were built during this period," he said.
To a question, he said," I think Ukraine and Pakistan have enormous potential for co-operation in energy sector, particularly in the form of thermal and hydro power projects". He said that Energy Company of Ukraine has considerable experience in construction and maintenance of power plants and was ready to share its
experience with the partners.

Article: Modernisation of Al-Khalid tank: Ukraine to provide technical... | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
Turkey shows keen interest in Pakistan-made battle tanks.

Business Recorder | February 07, 2002 | Copyright
ISLAMABAD : Turkey on Wednesday showed keen interest in Al-Khalid and Al-Zarrar, the main battle tanks being manufactured at Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT), during a visit by a high level defence delegation to HIT.
The delegation led by Turkish Defence Minister Sabahattin Cakmakoglu visited the HIT and was given detailed briefings about the projects being undertaken by the factory besides its achievements in the past.
On arrival, the Turkish dignitary and members of his entourage were received by Chairman HIT, Major General Asrar Ahmed Ghumman. The chairman apprised the delegation of the manufacturing of various types of weapons and Tanks in HIT.

Article: Turkey shows keen interest in Pakistan-made battle tanks. | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
(From BBC Monitoring International Reports)
Text of report by Interfax-Ukraine news agency
Kharkiv, 9 August: The Kharkiv-based Malyshev plant, one of the biggest CIS producers of armoured technology, may sign a new contract with Pakistan on delivery of military goods by the end of the year.
The Malyshev plant's general director, Hennadiy Hrytsenko, told Interfax-Ukraine that there are plans to conclude a number of contracts with Pakistan, the first of which will be signed by the end of the year.
However, he said that he would not yet disclose the value of the contracts. "The important thing is that these contracts may exceed in volume the previous contracts," Hrytsenko said, adding that it involved a "large multi-component programme".
Hrytsenko said that they were discussing both the possibility of new deliveries and the modernization of machinery already in service with the Pakistani army, as well as joint re-export of special production. He also added that these contracts would allow "the problem of loading the Malyshev plant's special production capacity to be resolved in principle".
The press service of the Kharkiv regional state administration told the agency that Kharkiv Region governor Arsen Avakov today had a meeting with a Pakistani business delegation headed by Major-General Israr Ahmad Ghumman, which was attended by representatives of the Malyshev plant and a number of associated businesses.
At the end of the meeting, Avakov said that Pakistan is an old and dependable partner of the Malyshev plant. "The visit of the Pakistani delegation may bring a good contract for Malyshev that will continue what was begun by the prime minister," he said. "Yuliya Tymoshenko has done a lot to fill the plant's portfolio of orders. All this will help the plant to emerge from the difficult condition it has been in for many years and will ensure that workers receive good wages and on time."
Pakistan is among Ukraine's biggest partners on the international arms market. Between 1996 and 2000 alone, Ukrainian specialists carried out orders from Pakistan worth around 800m dollars. In particular, Ukraine delivered 320 T-80UD tanks to Pakistan under a contract worth 650m dollars.
In 2002, Malyshev signed a 100m-dollar contract for delivery of motor-transmission units for the project to create the new Pakistani main battle tank Al-Khalid MBT-2000.
Source: Interfax-Ukraine news agency, Kiev, in Russian 1639 gmt 9 Aug 05
BBC Monitoring

Article: Ukrainian tank plant hopes to sign big contract with Pakistan this year. | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2011

Can Leo-2A4 engage a target at such speeds while itself moving at 30-45kph? If this is the case than it ha one heck of a FCS.

In some conditions - yes it's rather at range under 1300m, bu target moving 30-45km/h is not problem for Leopard-2A4 FCS the only diffrences is Leopard-2 speed and terrain - when it is road or field then Leo-2 can move thos 30-35km/h at least. When terrains is more eavy than tank shoud slight slow down to incarease propability. Of course they are "laser rule-1" and "laser rule-2" when gunner is aming using EMES-15 during moving. Late I will post sth more about Leo-2A4 FCS :)


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
can you give your observation on AK armour test pics that i have posted on pg 58?



Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
As per minister of production report from 2009.a total of 300AK were delivered

so we can assume that now we must have 300 BASIC AK and 100 AK1 in service

or a total 400-430 AK in service along with 320 t-80UD

Some 750 Third Gen MBT are more than enough for frontline purpose

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