500,1000 Rs Note no longer legal tender!!

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Dec 25, 2015
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मिसाल: नोटबंदी से परेशान विदेशियों को लाए घर, खूब किया सत्कार

नोटबंदी के कारण परेशान 6 विदेशी नागरिकों और उनके एक साथी का घर पर आदर सत्कार कर पिथौरागढ़ के पाठक परिवार ने अतिथि देवो भव: की उक्ति को साकार किया है।

सत्कार देख विदेशी भी हुए अभिभूत
मेहमानों को घी के साथ मडुवे की रोटी, धनियां का नमक, झोली-भात और भटिया (भट का बना विशेष व्यंजन) परोसा गया। यही नहीं उन्हें दक्षिणा देकर घर से विदा किया गया। स्वागत सत्कार से अभिभूत विदेशी मेहमानों ने दिल से पाठक परिवार का शुक्रिया अदा किया।

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Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Man, u're being evasive. Address the iron in the fire, instead of trying to derail the thread, or divert attention.

Learn something from history, man. u wrote "fate of Soviets and bite the dust", but u seem not learning a lesson from their fiasco.

There's a thing called "Legal Tender" then respect it! And laws of a market economy, respect them. GoI is no exception. Don't rush to defend all that with BS like "transparent checks are balances with INdian system" blah blah. This case works totally contrary to your platitudes. Or r u just joking around?

Or u just did copy/paste of big words "transparent", "check" "balance" to scare me off :bounce::biggrin2: Ooops how are they evidenced in this demonetization case of India?

I really don't understand where your arrogance comes from. Then u really need to get "Le Education" man.
Are you an idiot? Who authorizes legal tender? Hint its GOI! And GOI has authority to cancel the legal tender status of a denomination and replace it with other currency. Sorry "Checks and balances enabling transparency in Indian economic" - statement is not defence that is called in your face factual slap.:megusta:. I can understand your fear, since "Transparency " is something Chinese Govt runs away from, like a diseased dog runs away from bath. So that concept may sound bizzare and out of world to you :rotfl:


Regular Member
Dec 3, 2015
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Man, u're being evasive. Address the iron in the fire, instead of trying to derail the thread, or divert attention.
Communism or no communism, or whatever -ism u worship, following quote is valid --
Our entire monetary system depends on trust. A banknote is a piece of paper that says the RBI will give the bearer another similar piece of paper, or make an entry in an electronic ledger for that amount. The system works because everybody believes that those pieces of paper will be accepted by everybody else and therefore, money serves as an useful medium of exchange. This move has shaken that trust.

U can continue to defy the gravity.
Can you give instances where 10/20/50/100 rupee notes were not accepted? Or even the new notes for that matter? The trust of the average Indian is still intact.

What you say might have made sense if it had been the people who had decided to devalue the currency at random. That is not the case.
A notice was given regarding the demonetization; a window is given to exchange the old notes. All it has "shaken" is the trust and arrogance of the few traitors who believe that they can betray this country and nothing will happen to them. Not much else.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Are you an idiot? Who authorizes legal tender? Hint its GOI! And GOI has authority to cancel the legal tender status of a denomination and replace it with other currency. Sorry "Checks and balances enabling transparency in Indian economic" - statement is not defence that is called in your face factual slap.:megusta:. I can understand your fear, since "Transparency " is something Chinese Govt runs away from, like a diseased dog runs away from bath. So that concept may sound bizzare and out of world to you :rotfl:
Hahaha Indian mindset - interesting. Rush to defend the indefensible in India by diverting to other things.

Well versed in big talks but logic just doesnt add up. GoI is obligated to honor the legal tender period.

Show some decency and clean your month in Ganges of transparency LOL


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Hahaha Indian mindset - interesting. Rush to defend the indefensible in India by diverting to other things.

Well versed in big talks but logic just doesnt add up. GoI is obligated to honor the legal tender period.

Show some decency and clean your month in Ganges of transparency LOL
hahaa Chinese mindset tilting at the windmills, while riding a wooden horse. Show them the mirror and they cry MaoMao. Your inane logic paints a very sorry picture about intelligence level of 50 centers. Youl Chinese Govt should re-tlain yu! And fol few days please avoid consuming chinese eggs, milk and minelal watel from wenzhou , it has leally affected yu intelligence level(its down to naught)
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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Hahaha Indian mindset - interesting. Rush to defend the indefensible in India by diverting to other things.

Well versed in big talks but logic just doesnt add up. GoI is obligated to honor the legal tender period.

Show some decency and clean your month in Ganges of transparency LOL
Government is answerable to the electorate and nobody else. Adverse media reports don't matter, neither do the expert opinion as long as the general public supports the decision. India is a sovereign state and we are not bound by any rules or laws which we haven't enacted ourselves.

I know that this might be a scary sight our enemies who never thought that a heterogeneous country like India can unite for a common cause.

India is a functional democracy, and when our government calls for our help we unite and stand firmly by it's side.:india:


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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India is a functional democracy, and when our government calls for our help we unite and stand firmly by it's side.:india:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
na na na na....dont speak for all! hope you dont wish to see some illustrious examples of those who get a nose uplift done when the Govt. or even the 'country' calls for/needs some help.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
just watch old Chinese films ............Full of Kung -Fu
I used to watch chinese kung fu movies a lot when Star tv introduced in india.
Most of the time I came to know who's hero and who's villain at the end of the movie when villain dies, as all looked same.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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I used to watch chinese kung fu movies a lot when Star tv introduced in india.
Most of the time I came to know who's hero and who's villain at the end of the movie when villain dies, as all looked same.
You see all tigers will look the same, likewise all leopards and so on.
But the keepers in the zoo will be able to distinguish them.
Watch more chinise movies and familiarize yourself w/ mongoloids and soon you'll be able to distinguish them too.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
You see all tigers will look the same, likewise all leopards and so on.
But the keepers in the zoo will be able to distinguish them.
Watch more chinise movies and familiarize yourself w/ mongoloids and soon you'll be able to distinguish them too.
I was talking about when I was a kid and there was little pun intended.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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How demonetisation was wrongly blamed for some unfortunate deaths

I’m embarrassed that I even have to write a piece like this but sadly what I’m about to analyse reflects the pathetic state of the media in India. In particular I’m reacting to a bizarre and ludicrous piece of propaganda alleging a relationship between currency demonetisation and deaths of individuals.

The piece by Deputy Editor of Huffington Post India, Shivam Vij, claims that “there have already been 33 deaths due to demonetisation in 6 days”. The author is thus asserting a causal relationship between the government’s demonetisation of high denomination notes and these deaths.

Vij goes on to cite thirty three cases which allegedly support his claim but it doesn’t take much to figure out, that one can’t establish in any credible way a causal relationship between demonetisation and an individual’s death in so many of these cases.

Start with one of the most ludicrous cases where a “businessman” in Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh allegedly felt chest pains and died soon after watching Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement of demonetisation on November 8. Are we supposed to believe that it was what he was watching that led to his death? So for example, if he were watching Star Wars, would we blame Darth Vader for his death?

Take the case of a 96-year-old man in Udupi, Karnataka who died allegedly waiting in a long queue in a bank. Guess what? The man’s son says his father’s death had nothing to do with waiting in queue at the bank. So this one is at best poor fact checking or poor attempt at propaganda by the author.

Up next, a 45-year-old man in Kerala dies while falling from a construction area in the bank branch where he was depositing money. He had already successfully deposited money the previous day at the same bank. At best, you could blame lack of barricades that would have saved him falling but it’s more than a stretch to blame Modi and demonetisation.

It only gets bizarre from here. An elderly woman in Kanpur died apparently counting currency notes. Tragic, but had she died while reading the newspaper, presumably this intrepid journalist would blame the newspaper for her death?

How about an elderly person who didn’t even have to wait in a queue but collapsed of a heart attack upon reaching the bank? If he’d collapsed outside a movie theatre would this journalist blame the movie that was screened for his death? And even here, the man’s two sons say he had a pre-existing medical condition, wasn’t even standing in line and his death had nothing to do with demonetisation. The family has also expressed anger that their father’s death has been wrongly linked to demonetisation by the media.

Or how about a 45-year-old cashier in Bhopal who collapsed while working at the bank. The spin is he died overworked because of demonetisation but not a shred of evidence is offered to back this up.

A 17-year-old, son of a Border Security Force jawan allegedly commits suicide because his mother wouldn’t give him small denomination notes. There’s almost no limit to the implausible connections this writer can draw.

A couple have already been debunked. Consider where a doctor says she had to turn away parents of a sick baby not because they were carrying demonetised notes but she just didn’t have the right equipment to treat the baby. As it happens this doctor is now the subject of a First Information Report.

In another case a wife is allegedly taunted by her husband for her “inability” to stand in a queue at an ATM. She apparently commits suicide and her husband is now the subject of an investigation in abetting her suicide. So let’s get this straight. A possibly abusive husband taunts his wife for not waiting in queue at the mandi, is the vendor now the cause of what played out subsequently?

You get the idea. In each of these cases, someone dies, shortly after demonetisation but there’s no credible causal link between the two events. Also many of these stories have only a single source suggesting perhaps the version of the stories presented didn’t seem entirely credible even to other news organisations.

As I remarked at the outset, it’s embarrassing that one even needs to debunk such tripe. Any death is tragic but it’s shameful and scandalous that they’re wrongly linked to demonetisation, no less than from an international media house like Huffington Post.

That the Huffington Post does not like demonetisation is clear from pieces on the subject such as “Why the demonetisation drive violates our fundamental right to life” as shown below.

So Supreme Court refused to intervene is something that was unconstitutional?

This is clearly not journalism nor is it even good propaganda. But that’s the Indian media scene for you.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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@Nicky G huffington post are the ones who started the whole "people are dying due to demonetization" narrative.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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@ezsasa yup but since that doesn't seem to be working, the opposition is shifting tactics: legal challenges. Until, this clears, I have grave doubts given the judiciary we have.

Well, aside for the Kerji and Mamta side show.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Telecom minister is trolling Kejriwal....:pound::pound::hippo::hehe:

Ravi Shankar PrasadVerified account‏@rsprasad
This may help Arvind Kejriwal- Neil Armstrong was also sent by Modi Ji to the moon to perhaps to hide black money of the industrialists!

Ravi Shankar PrasadVerified account‏@rsprasad
Mangalyaan may be used to hide black money of the corrupt on Mars. We hope Kejriwal Ji soon personally inspects Mars and uncovers the scam.

Ravi Shankar PrasadVerified account‏@rsprasad
We have been great fans of detective abilities of Kejriwal Ji. We also urge him to soon start his version of ‘CID’ on TV.

Ravi Shankar PrasadVerified account‏@rsprasad
We are still in awe of how Kejriwal Ji presented 370 pages of proof against Sheila Diskhit Ji.

Ravi Shankar PrasadVerified account‏@rsprasad
We also remember how accurately Kejriwal Ji unraveled a big scam of how Modi ji was going to raise price of gas to $16.

Ravi Shankar PrasadVerified account‏@rsprasad
We r also fans of mathematical abilities of Kejriwal Ji. How accurately he predicted that a one way ticket of bullet train will cost Rs75000

Ravi Shankar PrasadVerified account‏@rsprasad
It is sad to see the evolution of Kejriwal Ji from the Chief Minister of Delhi to Chief Rumour Monger of Delhi!


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Way back in the beginning of this post I pointed out always small guys got hurt, not those big shots who have the means to circumvent... See? GoI did this the 4th time - I bet it cited "anti-corruption" as a lofty goal in the last 3 times too.

And much to my surprise when I learned 500 and 1000 stand for 80% notes in circulation, not as big denomination (rps1000=usd7 only) as I was once led to assume.

Aside from questioning its effectiveness to target "black money" I also have great doubt about its "legitimacy" as far as "LEGAL TENDER" is concerned (I use "common sense" though not sure about Indian laws).

What's on media is all like this --->>> reportedly 48 dead in the "conversion" chaos.

I'm instinctively against such a "blitzrieg", not really justified IMO.

That "anti-corruption" cover-up doesn't add up...
well you seem more worried about the move, Well 90% of india is happy with the move and support it. so what's your problem ?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@amoy, I doubt the demonetization drive in the USSR contributed to its collapse. It certainly brings in a lot of inconveniences, and probably some short term economic difficulties, but in the long run, it will curb the tendency amongst some people to hoard cash earned through unlawful transactions.

With a lot of the old currency bills being trashed all over the country, ostensibly by people who had earned them via dishonest means, we will now have less currency bills vis-à-vis our reserves, so, the net effect is that each currency unit, aka the Rupee, shall command more value than it did earlier. To put it in simple term, inflation will be lowered.

One sector that is to be hit the hardest is the small businesses sector. Many people from the mercantile communities will be hurt, and there is no reason to believe that their businesses are illegal. It is just that some time will be needed before everyone adjusts to the new system.

This is the third time demonetization was done. It was done in 1946 and 1978. While there is no guarantee that the black money economy will not resurface again, it might actually encourage more people to begin keeping money in banks and not at their homes.

As to how this plays out, we shall have to wait and see.
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