2016 US Presidential Elections


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016

Will the reign of God Emperor Trump, as he’s referred to on a pro-Trump Facebook meme page, usher in a mini-Golden Age, a brief respite from the most degenerate aspects of the Kali Yuga? It depends on how you define a Golden Age, but the writings of Julius Evola are clear that a swing toward nationalism and the rule of the merchant class is better than a complete descent into a Shudra society.

Traditionalist philosophy states that Golden Age societies were ruled by a “Sacred King.” Power then passed to the warrior-monarch caste (varna), then to the merchants, and finally to the Shudra caste, the slaves or workers.

A Return to the Vaishya Caste and the Reemergence of Leisure
Today’s America hangs in a delicate balance between being a Vaishya (merchant) nation and a Shudra nation. Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton will further the degradation of American society, putting us firmly in the realm of slave rule. As Evola states in A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism:

Finally, the crisis of bourgeois society, the proletarian revolt, and the despotism of the masses that is established as purely collective, economic, and international entities forecast the final collapse, through which power passes to the last caste — the caste of those without names or faces, with the resulting reduction of every standard of living to the level of matter and number.

All of this represents man moving toward the collective, and a further sublimation of the interests of the higher castes to those of the lower castes. As stated in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana, describing the Kali Yuga: “For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will be present on earth. After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna, Outcaste.”

While Donald Trump doesn’t have all the characteristics of a sacred king, his brand of nationalism puts the swing decidedly back in the right direction. Granted, Trump represents the economic man whose mission is to work. Yet at the same time, Trump values the warrior caste more highly than any other presidential candidate. And though it’s doubtful anyone believes Christianity forms an integral part of his life philosophy, he supports traditional religion. Meanwhile, Sanders and Clinton denigrate religious interests outside of exoteric Islam, and Ted Cruz’s cross-country tent-revival tour has some in the Sanatana Dharma community saying a “potential Cruz administration would see all non-Christian religions actively suppressed in America.”

Taking a broad view, Trump’s economic policies can be seen to have a spiritual and creative aspect: By providing Americans with better, higher-paying jobs, taxing them less, and lowering their health care costs, Trump’s policies pave the way toward resuming an aspect of leisure among the middle classes of America. And as Joseph Pieper has stated, it is time for leisure that paves the way for the development of high culture, high art, and the contemplation of God.

In contrast, Clinton’s policies, and especially Sanders’, will provide a free ride to the most degenerate aspects of the country, at the expense of higher-IQ, more disciplined, and harder-working Americans.

This is what Evola meant when speaking of a “restorative nationalism”:

In the context of a restorative nationalism we are dealing with the following: first of all, giving a formal order to everything that corresponds to the bodily, vital, or animal part of a human organism in the social whole, and that represents dominion over the two inferior classes: work, economy, and political organisation in the strict sense, creating an ‘economic peace’ that will bring about ‘unwinding’ and allow energies of a higher type to liberate themselves and act on a higher plane. Then men can begin reconstructing the second caste, which is that of the warrior aristocracy, with the monarch as the first of aristocrats. It is a pure aristocracy in which the ideal of the higher formation of the personality can be realized.

In addition, almost every leader of the Far Right in Europe has stated their support for Trump, in part because a Trump presidency in America will set a great “tone” for Europe to be able to follow, in terms of taking action against immigration and political correctness, according to BuzzFeed. Even without a presidential win, Trump has done wonders for widening the limits of popular discourse. The example he’s set for standing one’s ground against SJWs and cry-bullies will have a lasting impact.

As he says himself, Donald Trump is “unpredictable,” but if he does become president it will certainly move American society toward more of a “Golden Age” in terms of economic stabilization, national security, and a nationalist agenda than any other candidate. His most difficult task will likely be ensuring his policy changes outlast his time in office.

[MOD Edit: Add link.]

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Donald Trump wins the Washington State Republican Primary:


He is less than a 100 delegates short of the first ballot nomination.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Donald Trump clinches Republican nomination. His speech:

Donald Trump FULL Press Conference After Reaching 1,237 Delegates (5-26-16)


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
Country flag
Not entirely related to this thread but shows the american general knowledge. No wonder why they are so ignorant. This video should probably be in hypothetical thread "American idiotic musings".

Country that starts with U - Utah, Yugoslavia

Religion of Israel - Israeli, Islam

What religion are budhist monks? - No idea

Vietnam war - Don't know who won

Who is Fidel Castro? - Singer

How many sides in a triangle? - 4 / 1 / No sides

Currency of UK - American money / Queen elizabeth's money.

Haven't seen the world map. Don't know Tony blair. AND MANY MORE

@Navnit Kundu No wonder obama got elected twice with the same lies.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag
Not entirely related to this thread but shows the american general knowledge. No wonder why they are so ignorant. This video should probably be in hypothetical thread "American idiotic musings".

Country that starts with U - Utah, Yugoslavia

Religion of Israel - Israeli, Islam

What religion are budhist monks? - No idea

Vietnam war - Don't know who won

Who is Fidel Castro? - Singer

How many sides in a triangle? - 4 / 1 / No sides

Currency of UK - American money / Queen elizabeth's money.

Haven't seen the world map. Don't know Tony blair. AND MANY MORE

@Navnit Kundu No wonder obama got elected twice with the same lies.
Why only Americans we also have such gems in our midst in india. Try asking such questions to people from Non-IT industries, IT guys pick up general knowledge when they are on bench and no work to do.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
Country flag
Why only Americans we also have such gems in our midst in india. Try asking such questions to people from Non-IT industries, IT guys pick up general knowledge when they are on bench and no work to do.
I'm pretty sure that if I ask anyone to name a country that starts with "I", they will give me a right answer.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Sep 2, 2014
904. Birds of a feather flock together (5/19/2016)

In "901. Donald Trump is a candidate of the Feds." I said Trump is a S.S.G., that this election campaign is full of S.S.G. rally comic show.

Two weeks ago, Trump revealed something.

Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin


Donald Trump on Tuesday alleged that Ted Cruz’s father was with John F. Kennedy’s assassin shortly before he murdered the president, parroting a National Enquirer story claiming that Rafael Cruz was pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963.

“I mean, what was he doing ?what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting??Trump continued. “It’s horrible.?


1. It proves President Kennedy was assassinated by organized plot. Many S.S.G. activated to guarantee the success of the assassination - either to cover up or to be "reliable witness.

2. In last message, I talked about the case that father and son all work as informant for the government. Like father like son. So are Ted Cruze and his father. Anyone to win this comic show will be a S.S.G. after all.

Ted Cruze drops out the campaign just because he represents Republican Party. The GOP doesn't want their fame to be hurt by the ugly work done by the next President.

rockey 71

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2015
People will vote Trump by default. Hillary is considered all B/S by a lot of people. Some consider her plain wicked. However, it is to be noted that the Establishment has a lot of influence in these elections. USA cannot be called democratic really. There is no direct voting or one man one vote system. A large population - mostly black, remains outside the franchise, some day be design.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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See this one if TRUMP becomes Prez... :rofl:

Trump's first day at the Oval Office. First briefing by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI:

Trump: We must destroy ISIS immediately.

CIA: We cannot do that, sir. We created them along with Russia, Iran&Israel.
Trump: The Democrats created them.
CIA: We created ISIS, sir. You need them or else you would lose funding
from the natural gas lobby.
Trump: Stop funding Pakistan. Let India deal with them.
CIA: We can't do that.
Trump: So what?
CIA: India will cut Balochistan out of Pak.
Trump: I don't care.
CIA: India will have peace in Kashmir. They will stop buying our weapons.
They will become a superpower. We have to fund Pakistan to keep India busy
in Kashmir.
Trump: But you have to destroy the Taliban.
CIA: Sir, we can't do that. We created the Taliban to keep Russia in check
during the 80s. Now they are keeping Pakistan busy and away from their
Trump: We have to destroy terror sponsoring regimes in the Middle East. Let
us start with the Saudis.
Pentagon: Sir, we can't do that. We created those regimes because we wanted
their oil. We can't have democracy there, otherwise their people will get
that oil - and we cannot let their people own it.
Trump: Then, let us invade Iran.
Pentagon: We cannot do that either, sir.
Trump: Why not?
CIA: We are talking to them, sir.
Trump: What? Why?
CIA: We want our stealth drone back. If we attack them, Russia will
obliterate us as they did to our buddy ISIS in Syria. Besides we need Iran
to keep Israel in check.
Trump: Then let us invade Iraq again.
CIA: Sir, our friends (ISIS) are already occupying 1/3rd of Iraq.
Trump: Why not the whole of Iraq?
CIA: We need the Shi'ite gov't of Iraq to keep ISIS in check.
Trump: I am banning Muslims from entering US.
FBI: We can't do that.
Trump: Why not?
FBI: Then our own population will become fearless.
Trump: I am deporting all illegal immigrants to south of the border.
Border patrol: You can't do that, sir.
Trump: Why not?
Border patrol: If they're gone, who will build the wall?
Trump: I am banning H1Bs.
USCIS: You cannot do that.
Trump: Why?
Chief of staff: If you do so we'll have to outsource White House operations
to Bangalore. Which is in India.
Trump: What the hell should I do???

CIA: Enjoy the White House, sir! We will take care of the rest!!!

@Abhijat @A chauhan @Alien @alphacentury @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @blueblood @brational @Bangalorean @Blackwater @Bornubus @bose @cobra commando @DingDong @DFI_COAS @ersakthivel @gpawar @guru-dutt @hit&run @Indx TechStyle @jackprince @Kharavela @Illusive @I_PLAY_BAD @LETHALFORCE @Lions Of Punjab @maomao @Mad Indian @OneGrimPilgrim @Peter @pmaitra @Razor @raja696 @Rowdy @Sakal Gharelu Ustad @saty @sydsnyper @Srinivas_K @Screambowl @sorcerer @Simple_Guy @Sylex21 @wickedone @tarunraju @TrueSpirit2 @thethinker @VIP @Vishwarupa @VIP @Varahamihira @roma

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
Senior Member
Oct 3, 2009
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See this one if TRUMP becomes Prez... :rofl:


Trump's first day at the Oval Office. First briefing by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI:

Trump: We must destroy ISIS immediately.

CIA: We cannot do that, sir. We created them along with Russia, Iran&Israel.
Trump: The Democrats created them.
CIA: We created ISIS, sir. You need them or else you would lose funding
from the natural gas lobby.
Trump: Stop funding Pakistan. Let India deal with them.
CIA: We can't do that.
Trump: So what?
CIA: India will cut Balochistan out of Pak.
Trump: I don't care.
CIA: India will have peace in Kashmir. They will stop buying our weapons.
They will become a superpower. We have to fund Pakistan to keep India busy
in Kashmir.
Trump: But you have to destroy the Taliban.
CIA: Sir, we can't do that. We created the Taliban to keep Russia in check
during the 80s. Now they are keeping Pakistan busy and away from their
Trump: We have to destroy terror sponsoring regimes in the Middle East. Let
us start with the Saudis.
Pentagon: Sir, we can't do that. We created those regimes because we wanted
their oil. We can't have democracy there, otherwise their people will get
that oil - and we cannot let their people own it.
Trump: Then, let us invade Iran.
Pentagon: We cannot do that either, sir.
Trump: Why not?
CIA: We are talking to them, sir.
Trump: What? Why?
CIA: We want our stealth drone back. If we attack them, Russia will
obliterate us as they did to our buddy ISIS in Syria. Besides we need Iran
to keep Israel in check.
Trump: Then let us invade Iraq again.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Arnold Schwarzenegger On Donald Trump, The Republican Party And 2016 | Meet The Press | NBC News


Regular Member
Sep 2, 2014
Furious GOP donors stew over Trump
At an exclusive Park City retreat, some of the Republican Party's top financiers lashed out at their nominee.

By Alex Isenstadt

PARK CITY, Utah — Donald Trump is trying to win over a skeptical Republican donor class, but they’ve closed their wallets — and they’re angry.

On Friday afternoon, at an exclusive Republican donor retreat here hosted by Mitt Romney, frustration boiled over. During an off-the-record question-and-answer session with House Speaker Paul Ryan, Meg Whitman, the billionaire Hewlett Packard chief executive officer, confronted the speaker over his endorsement of Trump. Whitman, a major GOP giver who ran for California governor in 2010, compared Trump to historical demagogues like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and wanted to know how the speaker could get behind him.

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