2016 US Presidential Elections


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Apr 13, 2013
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Towards Trumpistan
As American voters begin to speak up this week in Iowa and the next in New Hampshire, India must wake up to potential shifts in America’s domestic politics and their consequences for the global balance of power. The prospect for a significant American reorientation should be of considerable concern for policymakers in New Delhi, businessmen in Mumbai, high-tech executives in Bangalore, and potential migrants from Chennai to Chandigarh and Hyderabad to Kolkata.

Consider the current political scene in America for a moment: Donald Trump, a real estate tycoon and a former Democrat with outlandish views on Muslims and Mexicans is likely to come out on top in Iowa and New Hampshire. He is set to deepen the turmoil in the Republican Party by winning the third primary in South Carolina. Meanwhile, a self-proclaimed “socialist” — a rare political species in America — Bernie Sanders is holding up the coronation of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate.

Given the growing intensity and complexity of India’s relationship with America, Delhi must look beyond the old questions that animated it: Who is good for India, Democrats or Republicans? The party system in America is very different from that in European and Asian democracies. National policies are not debated along party lines. In any event, over the last decade and a half, Delhi has enjoyed strong bipartisan support over in Washington.

Delhi must also begin to go beyond issues like Pakistan and H-1B visas to appreciate the changing politics in America. The ups and downs in America’s ties with Pakistan and China, and the new president’s approach to Afghanistan and migration are, of course, very important for Delhi. India’s expanding stakes in the United States, however, demand a less instrumental and more strategic view of American politics.

In the middle of last year, it looked like America was set for a comforting reprise of Clinton-versus-Bush and all the predictability it meant for US engagement with the world. The conventional wisdom was that Hillary Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton, and Jeb Bush, the son of former president George H.W. Bush and brother of George W., would simply be crowned as the candidates of the Democratic and Republican Parties respectively this year.

That Clinton looks shaky amid the surge of Sanders and Bush finds himself at the bottom of the Republican heap demonstrates the volatility of American politics at the current juncture. Sanders on the left and Trump on the right have altered the political discourse this election season by challenging the broad bipartisan consensus on market liberalism at home and internationalism abroad.
Leftwing insurgencies in the Democratic Party are not new and have generally been contained in recent decades. Unlike Sanders, who might not survive the extended war against Clinton, Trump is shaking the Republican political establishment to the core.

Trump’s abrasive personal style and outlandish political views — for example, his proposal for a temporary ban on the entry of Muslims into America — are more than an embarrassment for the political elites. Trump is indeed contesting all the core assumptions of the Republican establishment — small government, tax breaks for the rich, more migration and a large international role for America.

There have been candidates in the past who had questioned one or two of these assumptions. Trump is challenging all of them at the same time and finding resonance with the voters. Trump is railing against the excesses of Wall Street, attacking multinational corporations for moving jobs overseas and criticising free-trade treaties. He wants to tax the rich and wants the government to do more for the average Joe.

Trump has rejected the notion that America has the permanent responsibility to police the world or that the American taxpayer must pay for nation-building abroad. While he has talked tough about bombing those who attack America, Trump has vehemently opposed deploying American troops abroad. He also insists that America’s allies in Europe and Asia must do more to defend themselves instead of taking advantage of the US.

All this is very different from the traditional discourse on American foreign policy. To be sure, many of Trump’s positions are likely to evolve in the coming weeks and months as he moves necessarily to the centre space.

Whether they survive the primaries or not, Trump and Sanders reflect the growing American unease with the postwar consensus in Washington on the terms of US engagement with the world. Even a limited American retrenchment from that consensus will pose extraordinary challenges to the world, especially emerging powers like India that must now take up the slack in shaping and managing the global order.

While China is preparing to take larger international responsibilities, crafting new regional and global institutions, India’s discourse on global affairs remains rooted in the past. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s idea of India as a “leading power” has generated widespread interest, but is yet to be fleshed out by Delhi’s permanent establishment.

The writer is director, Carnegie India, and consulting editor on foreign affairs for ‘The Indian Express’


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Too early to say anything. But good start Trump. Some wannabe Yankees in India are starting to have that all to familiar dry feeling in their mouths.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Unofficially, this means that Ammeer Qhan will now have to look towards immigrating to Pakistan or Germany. Only those two countries still welcome Muzzi immigrants with open arms. One has a history of liquidating their minorities and another a history of sending them all over the world as jihadis, to their deaths.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Too early to say anything. But good start Trump. Some wannabe Yankees in India are starting to have that all to familiar dry feeling in their mouths.
Why? He is not against immigration as long as it is legal. If you have noticed, he has attacked China, Mexico, Japan, but not India. Correct me if I am wrong.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Why? He is not against immigration as long as it is legal. If you have noticed, he has attacked China, Mexico, Japan, but not India. Correct me if I am wrong.
He acknowledged the misuse of H1Bs. That my friend, is a one way ticket of Yankeehood for most people in the consulting business.
Furthermore, Trump against outsourcing. Thumbs up, I say. Outsourcing ruined American job scene and made a group of mediocre people rich 'software engineers' in Bharat.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
He acknowledged the misuse of H1Bs. That my friend, is a one way ticket of Yankeehood for most people in the consulting business.
Furthermore, Trump against outsourcing. Thumbs up, I say. Outsourcing ruined American job scene and made a group of mediocre people rich 'software engineers' in Bharat.
When would you start thinking about India? So now you care more about even americans!!

Those mediocres send home a lot of money.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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When would you start thinking about India? So now you care more about even americans!!

Those mediocres send home a lot of money.
Before answering your question which i surely will, let me ask you, are you by any chance acquainted or related to Indian outsourcing industry?

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Before answering your question which i surely will, let me ask you, are you by any chance acquainted or related to Indian outsourcing industry?

Your rants are becoming more and more illogical everyday. But I forgot you are another of those Soviet fanboys!!

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I seriously wish anti emigration/immigration morons die from their stupidity. All they do is wank about some pseudo economic shit on why immigration/emigration is bad without understanding anything

Immigration /emigration js part and parcel of tech transfer. Do these retards think tech transfer happens by transfer of dossiers/books? No. Working in a foreign country on a advanced field itself is part of tech transfer.

How do you think heart transplant, liver transplant etc came to India?

It came with the people who initially learnt it in USA for their selfish reasons, who later came back to India for their selfish reasons, then opened up technical centers here to teach their Jr doctors on the same techniques they learnt in the educational institutes they open for their selfish reason. If we had followed the pseudo intellectual/patriot @spikey360 's brilliant plans for preventing emigration, we would never have had heart transplantation/liver transplantation etc in India today. Those surgeons who learnt that skills/techs would have been sucking as govt docs on a remote phc useful for noone except a bunch of villagers.

The same is the case with IT too. My cousin is working in UK now. But from the exp he got from the work, be has also started doing service for local consumers at 1/10 the cost UK services would provide for them.

Fuck take Apollo hospitals and see how many USA returnees are working there, who bring lot of medical tourism to India, who bring the tech from working in USA here. But clowns with half baked understanding can only see that they are not working atm for India. Seriously please take your pseudo intellectual/patriotic crap up your ass people. It's sickening for people like me who understand the importance of immigration/emigration to see:rolleyes:

@Sakal Gharelu Ustad I think we should open a thread on this issue to educate the pseudo patriotic morons here on why they are stupid on H1B1 visa

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
I seriously wish anti emigration/immigration morons die from their stupidity. All they do is wank about some pseudo economic shit on why immigration/emigration is bad without understanding anything

Immigration /emigration js part and parcel of tech transfer. Do these retards think tech transfer happens by transfer of dossiers/books? No. Working in a foreign country on a advanced field itself is part of tech transfer.

How do you think heart transplant, liver transplant etc came to India?

It came with the people who initially learnt it in USA for their selfish reasons, who later came back to India for their selfish reasons, then opened up technical centers here to teach their Jr doctors on the same techniques they learnt in the educational institutes they open for their selfish reason. If we had followed the pseudo intellectual/patriot @spikey360 's brilliant plans for preventing emigration, we would never have had heart transplantation/liver transplantation etc in India today. Those surgeons who learnt that skills/techs would have been sucking as govt docs on a remote phc useful for noone except a bunch of villagers.

The same is the case with IT too. My cousin is working in UK now. But from the exp he got from the work, be has also started doing service for local consumers at 1/10 the cost UK services would provide for them.

Fuck take Apollo hospitals and see how many USA returnees are working there, who bring lot of medical tourism to India, who bring the tech from working in USA here. But clowns with half baked understanding can only see that they are not working atm for India. Seriously please take your pseudo intellectual/patriotic crap up your ass people. It's sickening for people like me who understand the importance of immigration/emigration to see:rolleyes:

@Sakal Gharelu Ustad I think we should open a thread on this issue to educate the pseudo patriotic morons here on why they are stupid on H1B1 visa
My stand is clear on the issue:

1) US is a sovereign country and can decide who they want to invite/not invite
2) Common Indians gain by working there(both in terms of learning stuff+remittances)

As an Indian, I only care about 2. But there are some folks whose loyalty you cannot determine!!


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Ok, then let's delve into the phenomenon of mediocres sending home "a lot of money". First of all, the mediocres I was talking of are those of in India, who write poor glue code 24 hours a day and work without skill, without spine, without innovation. There are lakhs of them in every city and are worth a dime a dozen. There work is of poor quality, they give Indian software development a bad name, since they are the most visible group. Note, the "software giant" India is yet to produce a well known shrink wrapped product. Mainly because these mediocres rule everywhere due to their sheer numbers and stifle innovative thinking and approach in almost every company. But note, there are exceptions, some people have still kept their dream alive in many small companies. But these high paid good for nothing people and their dominance ensures the focus and the money is always with 'yet another' same old computer programme.
Next, talking of those who really abuse the system of USA (serves USA right!), they again give India and Indian developers a bad name by showing their mediocrity there. As a result no one hires Indian devs for the really serious work, except for some run-of-the-mill ERP stuff and all.
However, I must say, this will all sound Hebrew to most people not in touch with software industry.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Ok, then let's delve into the phenomenon of mediocres sending home "a lot of money". First of all, the mediocres I was talking of are those of in India, who write poor glue code 24 hours a day and work without skill, without spine, without innovation. There are lakhs of them in every city and are worth a dime a dozen. There work is of poor quality, they give Indian software development a bad name, since they are the most visible group. Note, the "software giant" India is yet to produce a well known shrink wrapped product. Mainly because these mediocres rule everywhere due to their sheer numbers and stifle innovative thinking and approach in almost every company. But note, there are exceptions, some people have still kept their dream alive in many small companies. But these high paid good for nothing people and their dominance ensures the focus and the money is always with 'yet another' same old computer programme.
Next, talking of those who really abuse the system of USA (serves USA right!), they again give India and Indian developers a bad name by showing their mediocrity there. As a result no one hires Indian devs for the really serious work, except for some run-of-the-mill ERP stuff and all.
However, I must say, this will all sound Hebrew to most people not in touch with software industry.
Good rant!!

There is no reason even pointing faults in your analysis. I am patient but then sometimes I give up--both on certain issues and certain people!!


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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The same is the case with IT too. My cousin is working in UK now. But from the exp he got from the work, be has also started doing service for local consumers at 1/10 the cost UK services would provide for them.
And that makes your cousin a ...?

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
@spikey360 --people like you with zero knowledge of economics are the bane of this country.

Nehru was like you when he directed all investment to heavy industry and killed private investment in small industries judging it useless. Making soaps and scooters are no great things afterall.

Sadly all these small factories provide capital and savings to investment in big industries. Why am I even trying to explain it to you!!


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Nehru was like you when he directed all investment to heavy industry and killed private investment in small industries judging it useless. Making soaps and scooters are no great things afterall.
Like I said, it was all Hebrew to you. Read what I wrote and you will understand which industry I favour, big or small.

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