1962 India China War


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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I know what the facts are and I dont need to refer to anyone else. So stop being a jerk who thinks knows all,
Firstly there was no clear border between India and China, The MacMohan line is basically what English put, was it accepted by the Chinese also? The Indian troops were sent on "aggressive patrols in strength" behind enemy lines. The Terrain inhospitable, Nehru did not know dick about war or fighting and just was influenced by how a band of men could keep an entire army occoupied. But he forgot the most important rule, Supply.
He had no plan to actually supply them, and wanted them to live off the land using Chinese supplies.

The War with China was a big mistake initiated by Nehru,

Here is some interesting thing for you

Tyagi famously criticised Nehru's statement in the Indian Parliament in the prelude to the Sino-Indian War: Nehru commented that "Not a blade of grass grows in Aksai Chin", attempting to explain that Aksai Chin was a barren, inhospitable land and the nation had lost little by its occupation by China. Tyagi retorted, pointing to his own bald head: "Nothing grows here ..should it be cut off or given away to somebody else?". A tense situation that had been developing in the House on the subject of the border conflict was averted as the House dissolved in laughter in which Nehru also joined.

You should get your facts straight. Congress and Gandhi family has helped india lose a lot than it gianed

hope you read well, what @pmaitra said

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Scans for brainstorming ..

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New Member
Aug 12, 2017
The narrative around the India-China war delves a lot into India not using the Air Force, with many critics citing that as the reason for India’s defeat. The one-month long war was fought only by the Indian Armed Forces.

He further asserts that Indian Army had provided viable military options to the government of India. He writes that while Lt Gen SSP Thorat showed a set of plans about requirements on the border to Krishna Menon, he dismissed them as alarmist and never showed them to Nehru. Nehru is known to have, in the aftermath of the war, taken a look at the plans when he called Thorat to meet him, but it was obviously too late.


New Member
Nov 24, 2017
China and India are two big powers in the region. They should develop a strong friendship, together they can be a world power.

we should get over 1962 war. Together we should develop the economic center of the world in this area.


New Member
Nov 3, 2017
China and India are two big powers in the region. They should develop a strong friendship, together they can be a world power.

we should get over 1962 war. Together we should develop the economic center of the world in this area.
Chinkies following in US footsteps of world domination and sees us as an irritant in its way. With a comparatively superior military and about 5 times greater economy, they won't deal with us an equal basis. They also boast of themselves inside PRC as culturally and historically superior race and Han Indians. We can only deal with them once reaching close to or at par with them economically and militarily.


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May 8, 2017
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Chinkies following in US footsteps of world domination and sees us as an irritant in its way. With a comparatively superior military and about 5 times greater economy, they won't deal with us an equal basis. They also boast of themselves inside PRC as culturally and historically superior race and Han Indians. We can only deal with them once reaching close to or at par with them economically and militarily.
Plus CCP considers us as natural enemies for being democratic....


New Member
Nov 24, 2017
Chinkies following in US footsteps of world domination and sees us as an irritant in its way. With a comparatively superior military and about 5 times greater economy, they won't deal with us an equal basis. They also boast of themselves inside PRC as culturally and historically superior race and Han Indians. We can only deal with them once reaching close to or at par with them economically and militarily.
The dynamics of relationship could be regional development and prosperity. We can be like Canada and USA.


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Oct 11, 2010
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One thing I learned from reading 1962 history. A bad leader can destroy a whole nation quicker than a hostile nation with a bigger army. I wish Nehru was not so brainwashed about the idea of peace. I wish Nehru could consider the reality rather than focusing on his so-called idealistic approach.

This was not the war, this was a betrayal NOT from China but from our leaders who didn't do what they should. This is a lesson that people should not choose those as their leader who is not realistic and practical.


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Oct 11, 2010
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Why do you think Nehru was brainwashed with the idea of peace. There is solid evidence that before 1962 war, Nehru said he never trust chinese. Don't forgot the "forward policy". Indian think they want Macmahoon line to be the border, and they should have the right to decide where the border is, even if the border is north side of the MacMahoon line. They think they are the god of the universe and every other country must respect their decision. When somebody refused to give in, they feel betrayed. Do they know who they are????

If they have a little bit interest into the reality. They can easily find that the 1962 war is a drama designed by the united states. U.S. told Nehru they have solid intelligence that chinese will dare not to resist. That is why Nehru ignored all the protest from military officers, and warning from military intelligence, because he trusted Americans have more reliable informaiton from chinese. He was cheated. American also cheated him for not using air force. CIA has a very powerful intelligence network in china at that time. It is easy to know that after chinese splitted with russia, chinese air force had no quality to fly their jet planes at that time. There was no way chinese can bomb Calkata. The only reason U.S. cheated india is due to the long tradition they inherited from Britain: split and rule. To remain the dominant power of the world, they must let other potential challangers to hate and fight each other. china and india are potential challangers. So, they have to find ways to let them fight and hate each other. That is why in 1971 war between india and pakistan, U.S. (Kisinger) told chinese government that if china wants to attack india and help pakistan, U.S. would have no problem with that. Chinese government was not as naive as Nehru, and U.S. thanks, but NO, thanks.

I really doubt indian can be ever smart enough to not be fooled by Anglo people. British and american (Anglo) know the national character of indian very well. They know what they like and how they think. By showing them a small bait they will cooperate. Indians extremely lack stragetic way of thinking, because they want everything they want. They don't know they have to lose something to gain something else. Mentally they are like a toddler, spoiled. That is what american like them to remain to be. :) :)
I agree with some of your points like Nehru did make a mistake to push forward policy under US influence. Any policy should be made only if that aligns with the interests of the nation and that's where Nehru failed to see the reality. I believe on some evidence where Nehru pushes the further Sino-Indian border and intrude into the Chinese side.

However, with all due respect, I disagree with the justification of the Chinese attack on India in 1962. There is the piece of pieces of evidence available that suggested that Chinese assault was motivated by the will to 'Teach India a lesson'. Chinese army infiltrate several times inside the Indian border and India can take it as aggression. The situation is similar like it was at the time of Nehru except roles being changed. Now China is pushing Indian forces. Despite what would you accept any justification if India launches any assault by surprise? That can never be justified anyway.

Regarding Indians are smart or not, I don't know on what context you are talking about but, I believe Indians are equally as smart as any other like Chinese or US or European. That is the reason US is making VISA rules harder for Indian's and Chinese right?


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Aug 18, 2009
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I learned that Bollywood is gonna launch two movies about the sino India conflicts in 1962 and 1967, "Subedar Joginder Singh" and "Paltan".


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May 8, 2017
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There is the piece of pieces of evidence available that suggested that Chinese assault was motivated by the will to 'Teach India a lesson'.
India allowed CIA air plane to cross Indian soil to drop weapons to ethnic tibetan rebellers in China's Sichuan province even back to 1956, and many times after that. Indian airplane even flew many times to Lhasa and other area of tibetan a few years before 1962. Is there anything wrong for china to teach india a lesson for the above aggressions?
However, what exact action china will take to teach india a lesson?? It does not necessarily mean militarily attack india in 1962. There can be many ways to teach a lesson, for example, china can support rebellers in india, or give weapons to pakistan, or killed all invaded indian soliders in the next border conflict.
The way happened in Oct 1962 is a result of many things. After all, before Oct 1962, chinese government kneed down and pleaded Nehru to stop invasion and resolve border issue by negotation, and Nehru refused. If you were chinese leader, what you will do when indian soliders crossed the macmahong line???

Chinese army infiltrate several times inside the Indian border and India can take it as aggression.
Chinese infiltrate into indian soil?? When, and where????
There were many skirmishs before 1962. However, china never recognized macmahong line. There is nothing wrong for china to go to the south side of machong line because it is a disputed area. But india go across machong is a viloation international law because that is not a disputed area. Machong line is a india claimed line. The north side of that line is china. you have no right to go across it.
in short, south side of machong line is a disputed area, north side is not, it is china. So, china never go into a non-disputed indian soil. India did go into nondisputed chinese soil.
You guys got lucky by attacking us sneakingly but ended up losing 700+ soldiers, next time it won't be that easy cuz now we are aware of your trecherous nature.


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May 6, 2013
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Always wondered:

A) Why PRC returned and retreated in the east after coming inside. Bloody nose? was it something else

B) Why didn't PRC do the same in the west (i.e. Aksai Chin) - on what grounds was that - access and connection to other parts?

The above have wide and broad interpretations and still valid today. It is also known what happens when anyone tries to invade and attack bharat - a point of thought ... but another point of thought is the area is connected to bharat ... and finally is the point of thought on the actual history of PRC before 1962 and after. the one before 1962 many says was much closer and better. was it ... and there comes the gentleman in india that arrived the dalai lama who benefited - and finally is the areas in tibet open to access and something else ... not today but for generations (if i was PRC i dare not build a house and permanent structure there)


New Member
Oct 11, 2010
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There is the piece of pieces of evidence available that suggested that Chinese assault was motivated by the will to 'Teach India a lesson'.
India allowed CIA air plane to cross Indian soil to drop weapons to ethnic tibetan rebellers in China's Sichuan province even back to 1956, and many times after that. Indian airplane even flew many times to Lhasa and other area of tibetan a few years before 1962. Is there anything wrong for china to teach india a lesson for the above aggressions?
However, what exact action china will take to teach india a lesson?? It does not necessarily mean militarily attack india in 1962. There can be many ways to teach a lesson, for example, china can support rebellers in india, or give weapons to pakistan, or killed all invaded indian soliders in the next border conflict.
The way happened in Oct 1962 is a result of many things. After all, before Oct 1962, chinese government kneed down and pleaded Nehru to stop invasion and resolve border issue by negotation, and Nehru refused. If you were chinese leader, what you will do when indian soliders crossed the macmahong line???

Chinese army infiltrate several times inside the Indian border and India can take it as aggression.
Chinese infiltrate into indian soil?? When, and where????
There were many skirmishs before 1962. However, china never recognized macmahong line. There is nothing wrong for china to go to the south side of machong line because it is a disputed area. But india go across machong is a viloation international law because that is not a disputed area. Machong line is a india claimed line. The north side of that line is china. you have no right to go across it.
in short, south side of machong line is a disputed area, north side is not, it is china. So, china never go into a non-disputed indian soil. India did go into nondisputed chinese soil.
First of all let me clear one thing, Tibet was not the part of China and fact cannot be denied that China forcefully occupied Tibet. In such instances US CIA involvement and India's support to that is legitimate cause Chinese are now on Indian border and attack on Tibet proved Chinese hostile behavior. Any nation will take measure to safeguard it's soil. Nothing wrong in that.

Now you are saying that China doesn't recognize the MacMahon line hence, China can infiltrate to Indian side by claiming it is their land but, India cannot because India recognizes MacMahon line. This is the conflicting situation when you do not recognize the line then how can you expect others to respect that line?

Regarding prof, there are a lot of pieces of evidence that proves Chinese incursion in Indian side. It doesn't matter if you recognize border, it doesn't matter if you recognize MacMahon line or not but if you enter into Indian side, you will not be welcomed and sent back to your place politely or forcefully.

No justification can be given for incursion. Tomorrow India can claim any Chinese territorry and then petrol troops then wouldn't it be incursion?

