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  1. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    In my view US is happy with the Fratricidal Shia Sunni war going on in Syria Once US removes Assad ; the Biggest Gainer will be AL Qaeda and the Saudi Wahabis / Salafis What will USA GAIN ?
  2. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    ^^^ Do they expect Syria to be hiding some Nukes ie dirty bombs from Iran which might be tossed up on Israel
  3. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Any interventon in Syria will lead to a lot of blood shed Plus hezbollah and Syrian rockets will come down on Israel I believe West FIRST wants Iran to be sorted out Syria will suffer due to this civil war and economic collapse Plus you also need a substantial part of Syrian...
  4. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Af pak will be solved by the 3 LAKH Afghan Army which is getting better and stronger USA will maintain 20 / 30 thousand troops; drones and bombers in Afghanistan And the Paki economy is in so bad shape that they can be sanctioned into submission
  5. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Iran will have to COMPROMISE on this Nuke thing or face disaster Either way the Iran clergy is gone
  6. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    That is a totally false premise Iran is on borrowed time Sunni Saudi is Pumping so much oil so as to make Iran collapse AND Saudis are happy with 80 dollar a barrel Oil price in order to make Iran Collapse
  7. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    There cannot be a nationalist government even after this clergy is thrown out West will ENSURE that they get a PUPPET like Iraqi PM Nouri Al Maliki or a Hamid Karzai
  8. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Iran's clergy is perhaps the MOST stupid in this world Their hatred for USA has made them blind What is really FUNNY is that Iran hates the " Nudity loving Americans " but SOMEHOW they WERE very FRIENDLY with the EUROPEANS till this Nuke thing blew up in Iran's FACE...
  9. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Actually USA has been looking to take out Iran's A$$ ever since 1979 They never got the direct oppurtunity but this Nuke thing will bring down the Iranian clergy like nothing else can
  10. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    No now it is too late for the Iranian clergy they are caught between the Devil ie Israel US and Saudi combine AND the deep sea ie their OWN internal power structure ie HOW the Iranian Clergy rules Iran Iranian clergy thought that they would be able to get nukes surreptiously...
  11. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Iran has always wanted a Shia Crescent which it has now got after Sunni Saddam was ousted Suddenly the Shias feel powerful as they have a more oil now in their control ie Iraqi and Iranian and Baharin which is seeing internal turmoil has a majority of Shia population but...
  12. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Good Question What changed was US policy to hurt Iran ; as a revenge for the hostage crisis of 1979 ; using Sunni Saddam as a tool during the Iran Iraq war SO Iran HAD to drive a wedge between USA and its puppet the Saudis How could it do it Use the Palestine issue Because...
  13. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    The planning must have begun in pentagon Assad has shown his blood thirsty side He will kill all his opponents even if the figure runs into a several million The only way is targetted assasination of Assad family which will then lead to a coup Military action is inevitable
  14. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    And I prefer democracy to one family one party one community rule ie Assad family , Baath Party and Alawite community PLUS Assad is the BIGGEST roadblock to Israel palestinian talks and is the biggest supporter of Hamas
  15. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    Iran Saudi rivalry started with Iran Iraq war of the 80 s Saudi had hoped that that Saddam who was A Sunni would defeat Shia Iran But that did nt happen And ever SInce Iran defeated Iraq- Saudi aggression ; Saudi fears retribution from Iran That is why Saudi supported...
  16. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    @ Messiah You must be smoking something really nice According to you Shia Iran is our friend and Wahabi Saudi Arabia supports Pakistan So that makes ALL wahabis as our enemies and all Shias as our friends BUt the fact is that Iran is our friend because Pakistan offers NOTHING in...
  17. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    The Syrian massacre will be even bigger than Rawanda US will have to go in if Saudis implore them to do so
  18. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    At present we hardly have any contracts in Syria And Though the 75 % of population of Sunni Wahabis will come to power they will try to improve their own lives with the oil wealth of Syria rather than indulge in charity to Pakistan PAkistan has been FINANCIALLY dumped by even...
  19. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    No Sir It makes no difference to us At least Wahabi Saudi Arabia does not call for wiping out Israel from the map of the world And infact it is ALLEGED that Syria is HOLDING up the Israel Palestinian peace process because Syrian Alawite Mr Assad is the biggest supporter of Hamas
  20. P

    The Syrian Crisis

    There is a principle involved here That is why I called Assad as Hitler I hate all dictators and dictatorship that is why I want this Assad to go What right does any dictator have to rule over millions of people NOW even Egypt also has gone down the Muslim Brother hood path ie...