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  1. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    I believed worse. Now no turks in Russia land scape. Russia is biggest land in world of area. Citizen in Russia is close into Brazil. Very funny. Russia can lunch Turkey to Turkey dinear with nukes. :laugh:
  2. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    I am A outland hoe never are against Nazi's. It is the vice versa outlands hoe are against Nazi's in my village. Strange for me. Hoe go wrong with them ??
  3. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    Serbia, Russia and Cuba is worse. But no russians hurt me behind me. Only the outlands in my city. They will hurt me I am one Nazi but I have write here I am only racist so they can no hurt me. This outlands do nothing close to racist like me.
  4. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    You change your mind ?? :laugh:
  5. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    He call Sweden for to bad so I will war India vs Sweden.
  6. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    Little much communists in Sweden I know but heres also Nazi, Racism, Fascism and one eastern raise Americas nigers are the mouslims at least 1.1 million of Islam in Sweden plus the swedish Hip Hopers hoe like mouslims plus one konkurrent to communists the Christian people hoe are at least 3...
  7. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    If Turkish Air Force will destroy more from Russia we will se ass hole by nukes in Turkey. Russia has biggest nuclear arsenal in world. :sad:
  8. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    Skin Heads are powerful. A little bit of them in my nation. :sweden:
  9. J.A.

    Turkey shot down Russian Su 24

    Su-30 and the Navy's 34's is more powerful. Iraq have old Su-25 and will buy Su-30 or 35's in future. Of course the wars in Iraq must stop so the can buy Russia's. Iraq have no Air Force or much down since 2014 in 2015 wars vs ISIS.