Understanding white supremacy/nationalism

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Thought this was really relevant to extremists in general, most right wingers actually.


A Reformed White Nationalist Speaks Out On Charlottesville

I think ultimately people become extremists not necessarily because of the ideology. I think that the ideology is simply a vehicle to be violent. I believe that people become radicalized, or extremist, because they're searching for three very fundamental human needs: identity, community and a sense of purpose.

If underneath that fundamental search is something that's broken — I call them potholes — is there abuse or trauma or mental illness or addiction? In my case, many years ago, it was abandonment. I felt abandoned, and that led me to this community. But what happens is, because there are so many marginalized young people, so many disenfranchised young people today with not a lot to believe in, with not a lot of hope, they tend to search for very simple black-and-white answers.

Because of the Internet, we now have this propaganda machine that is flooding the Internet with conspiracy theory propaganda from the far right — disinformation — and when a young person who feels disenchanted, or disaffected, goes online, where most of them live, they're able to find that identity online.

Charlottesville Victim Heather Heyer 'Stood Up' Against What She Felt Was Wro

They're able to find that community, and they're able to find that purpose that's being fed to them by savvy recruiters who understand how to target vulnerable young people. And they go for this solution because, frankly, it promises paradise. And it requires very little work except for dedicating your life to that purpose.

But I can say that they're all being fooled, because the people at the very top have an agenda. And it's a broken ideology that can never work, that in fact, is destroying people's lives more than the promise that they were given of helping the world or saving the white race.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Thought this was really relevant to extremists in general, most right wingers actually.


A Reformed White Nationalist Speaks Out On Charlottesville

I think ultimately people become extremists not necessarily because of the ideology. I think that the ideology is simply a vehicle to be violent. I believe that people become radicalized, or extremist, because they're searching for three very fundamental human needs: identity, community and a sense of purpose.

If underneath that fundamental search is something that's broken — I call them potholes — is there abuse or trauma or mental illness or addiction? In my case, many years ago, it was abandonment. I felt abandoned, and that led me to this community. But what happens is, because there are so many marginalized young people, so many disenfranchised young people today with not a lot to believe in, with not a lot of hope, they tend to search for very simple black-and-white answers.

Because of the Internet, we now have this propaganda machine that is flooding the Internet with conspiracy theory propaganda from the far right — disinformation — and when a young person who feels disenchanted, or disaffected, goes online, where most of them live, they're able to find that identity online.


Charlottesville Victim Heather Heyer 'Stood Up' Against What She Felt Was Wro
They're able to find that community, and they're able to find that purpose that's being fed to them by savvy recruiters who understand how to target vulnerable young people. And they go for this solution because, frankly, it promises paradise. And it requires very little work except for dedicating your life to that purpose.

But I can say that they're all being fooled, because the people at the very top have an agenda. And it's a broken ideology that can never work, that in fact, is destroying people's lives more than the promise that they were given of helping the world or saving the white race.

There is a german movie , Die Welle http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1063669/, which depicts very accurately how above described events happen.
Below is the trailer.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Most white people are not Neo Nazis as of today. So no, they can't really expel anybody. If they tried, they would just be shot down by law enforcement
views of majority is not important ..............only views of their leadership is Important .......they control the law enforcement agencies & all the Government policies .

With regards to becoming wealthy again, I have my doubts that they would succeed without the support of Jews. However, they do have a lot of advantages. Technology is just the product of good civic sense, cultural ruthlessness and colonialism.
these White Nationalists have all those qualities .............and they can do it .


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2017
True.Though i must say i praise white community for their hard work that brought various scientific and mathematical advancements and their classical western music,they're responsible for various problems that whole world is facing,racism towards non-white community being first,another is exploitation of planet earth.
racism towards non white? Hold on there the problem with the white demography is that the govt should treat them as first class citizen,after all they are rightful heirs to the civilization,and by this I mean there should be strict laws when its comes to immigration,India can never be a first world,we have too many low IQ people here who are incapable of understanding basic common sense,don't go MUH IQ is a meme,look at countries sub par with first world stat them with IQ and you will see the pattern.

Eugenics is the only way out you can't just expect sub IQ of 80 people to flood the country and maintain the same standard as those of high intelligence who value things like privacy,cleanliness.

A pure ethnic state is needed and that's why we had kingdom having official religion,a maratha king would only favor the maratha people,he will always prefer development of maratha over telegu,now living in a cosmopolitan city of India you will see this kind of discrimination and you can't legislate it,you have to put 100 laws for snowflakes who get butthurt over it.

Multiculturalism is cancer,and is plaguing what's left of the society,wherever you go there is a fucking group,gangs in office where a particular guy gets a promotion,and the skilled one doesn't.

Whites have literally invented everything we own,even India will work if we somewhat follow the Republic model of US,but given the democracy right now,we will keep electing chaupat rajas till oblivion,inb4 MODI,yeah we have better candidates than modi,atleast in theocracy we can get a guarantee that the king might be a crook or a good guy but in democracy its always the crook.


Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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^^ Coconut has arrived. :sad: :sad:
His post about banks in another thread was partially correct. However he is showing fullblown white worshiping slave mentality here.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2013
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White nationalists do have a point. I would be worried if I see other races overpopulating my country and the indigenous population is slowing becoming a minority. (Although whites are not indigenous to US)

But they need to be smart. Accept those who bring talent, expertise. Reject those who bring nothing but reproduce by the dozens. Also those who peddle drugs and engage in organised crime like the Latinos.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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White nationalists do have a point. I would be worried if I see other races overpopulating my country and the indigenous population is slowing becoming a minority. (Although whites are not indigenous to US)
It is not their country to begin with :) They can GTFO and take their whiteness with them. Europe beckons.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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they control the law enforcement agencies & all the Government policies .
No they don't. Jews control the government and policies, even Muslims have more influence than white nationalists in the form of Saudi Arabia. :playball:



Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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His post about banks in another thread was partially correct. However he is showing fullblown white worshiping slave mentality here.
He seems like someone who hasn't left his house for half of his existence. This world view is very prevalent among certain kind of people whose only social contact is on anonymous message boards. They consume certain kinds of media, frequent certain kinds of echo chambers and have a single-dimensional fictionalized world view lacking any nuance. Anyone who talks of eugenics and IQ unironically does not belong in healthy discussion.


Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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racism towards non white? Hold on there the problem with the white demography is that the govt should treat them as first class citizen,after all they are rightful heirs to the civilization,and by this I mean there should be strict laws when its comes to immigration,India can never be a first world,we have too many low IQ people here who are incapable of understanding basic common sense,don't go MUH IQ is a meme,look at countries sub par with first world stat them with IQ and you will see the pattern.

Eugenics is the only way out you can't just expect sub IQ of 80 people to flood the country and maintain the same standard as those of high intelligence who value things like privacy,cleanliness.

A pure ethnic state is needed and that's why we had kingdom having official religion,a maratha king would only favor the maratha people,he will always prefer development of maratha over telegu,now living in a cosmopolitan city of India you will see this kind of discrimination and you can't legislate it,you have to put 100 laws for snowflakes who get butthurt over it.

Multiculturalism is cancer,and is plaguing what's left of the society,wherever you go there is a fucking group,gangs in office where a particular guy gets a promotion,and the skilled one doesn't.

Whites have literally invented everything we own,even India will work if we somewhat follow the Republic model of US,but given the democracy right now,we will keep electing chaupat rajas till oblivion,inb4 MODI,yeah we have better candidates than modi,atleast in theocracy we can get a guarantee that the king might be a crook or a good guy but in democracy its always the crook.
Whites invented everything only after they adopted the Age of Rationalism and discarded their orthodox christian beliefs. They adopted a secular constitution,accepted everyone into their fold and also adopted democracy. Your points seem racist. Also not all Whites believed in Eugenics,only some like Hitler did. Everyone in the white society contributed to their scientific progress because they were wealthy eg weavers,millers,farmers could send their sons to schools. Also they did not regard ethnicity or nationalism as a factor. Science does not have a race,gender,ethnicity or creed bias to it.

Multiculturalism and social mobility was an accepted thing in the West. The famous De Moivre was a Frenchman who came to England contributed to development of probability and complex numbers. Newton was a farmer who redefined the laws of physics. Also England had a parliament and a Constitutional monarchy.

India itself has to be multicultural if we want to stay as a integrated,strong nation. Also Indians have low IQ(about 80) because of germs and poor nutrition.(Bell himself had said that in the worst case all human populations would have 100 IQ if proper facilities were given to them.)

However I do concede one point that Secularism does not bode well with illiterate Muslim populace. They tend to misuse secularism for their own benefit. The West did not have to deal with poorly educated Muslims before.

India should start a mass literacy drive to eradicate illiteracy, otherwise India will never progress.

P.S. Btw if you believe in Eugenics so much then you should start by exterminating yourself. Hitler only believed in lebenstraum for blonde hair,blue eyed Aryans. He only peddled lies to our Netaji by calling our common aryan heritage so he would hurt the British. One wonders what would have happened if the Nazis had won.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Hold on there the problem with the white demography is that the govt should treat them as first class citizen,after all they are rightful heirs to the civilization,
No, you hold on. What right does one race have to grab an entire frickin continent and claim exclusivity? Whites are 61% of the population in the country and soon won't even be the majority based on reproduction rates etc. They are welcome to GTFO of my country if they don't like the framework which has been created by the elected officials for them to live in.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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He seems like someone who hasn't left his house for half of his existence. This world view is very prevalent among certain kind of people whose only social contact is on anonymous message boards. They consume certain kinds of media, frequent certain kinds of echo chambers and have a single-dimensional fictionalized world view lacking any nuance. Anyone who talks of eugenics and IQ unironically does not belong in healthy discussion.

He is the perfect Indian for 4 chan. Obedient white boot licking coolie.



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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It is not their country to begin with :) They can GTFO and take their whiteness with them. Europe beckons.
all these Argument are useless .

only the powerful people can Make & enforce Rules .........even if they are European Invaders they have all the Powers and If they started behaving Like Nazi Germany then what these Hispanic or Blacks can do ??

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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all these Argument are useless .

only the powerful people can Make & enforce Rules .........even if they are European Invaders they have all the Powers and If they started behaving Like Nazi Germany then what these Hispanic or Blacks can do ??

Most of the Right Wingers Join Army and if they have Political support they can do many things .
with the Help of CIA they can Kill Millions of People and Nobody will blame them .
You're selectively ignoring my posts broski. They (white supremacists/separatists/alt-righters) have almost zero political power as of today. They are not the core element of the Republican party but a fringe minority. That could change in the future.

Hispanics are not powerless. They have all the weight of the DNC behind them who recognizes their fast growing demographics. They are the ones who will control everything in the future in America.

Anyway, leave it. This discussion is pointless. The point of the thread is to post about philosophy and viewpoints of the white supremacists. Not morals, potential power etc.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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I am ambivalent in this matter or lets say confused :confused1:

I think of it as very natural opposition to maintain the status quo in political affairs from white. With immigration & changing demography, you import both good and bad of immigration population & its belief system. Slowly but surely their political say will be eroded and its unnatural for any community to simply give away that advantage without resistance.

One can simply say the same about changing demographic situation in India. Politically and culturally a lot is at stake(we know that). Hindus must suck up & accept all secular sponsored mass conversions without any resistance??
Simply at the end of the day, its just about who has bigger stick:pound:.We should have bigger stick :biggrin2: and everything is fair game after that.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Hispanics are not powerless. They have all the weight of the DNC behind them who recognizes their fast growing demographics. They are the ones who will control everything in the future in America.

Jews have very small population but they are very powerful ...........why because they are extremely Rich & owners of Big corporations .

to control things You dont need demographics You just need Lots of Money & influence ...............Jews & white Men are controlling all the America why they will give away their powers to Hispanics or any other community ??

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Jews have very small population but they are very powerful ...........why because they are extremely Rich & owners of Big corporations .

to control things You dont need demographics You just need Lots of Money & influence ...............Jews & white Men are controlling all the America why they will give away their powers to Hispanics or any other community ??
They are not giving their powers away. On the contrary, liberals cement their power by pandering to the masses and giving them free stuff. In exchange they exert control and get votes. Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic and will overtake whites sometime in the near future. When that happens, Democrats are virtually guaranteed to win. The Republicans are being idiots and sacrificing the big picture for short term gains. Actually they counted on being able to pass immigration reform to bring in highly educated, skilled immigrants in favor of hispanics but the way the American Congress is setup they won't get that passed.

Anyway, TLDR the hispanic community is one of the most powerful because they have the numbers. Which other community would be able to get the President to give them temporary work and residence permits after being here illegally?

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