Russia's T-95 MBT : To enter service 'after 2010'


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia's new main battle tank to enter service 'after 2010'

NIZHNY TAGIL (Urals), July 10 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's armed forces will start receiving new-generation tanks superior to the famed T-90 main battle tank (MBT) "after 2010," a government official said on Thursday.
At present, there are over 25,000 MBTs in service with the Russian Ground Forces. However, relatively modern T-80 and T-90 models account for only 30 percent of the current fleet of tanks and even these tanks require constant upgrades to incorporate modern weaponry, protection and electronics systems.
"The T-90 MBT will be the backbone of the armored units until 2025. T-72's and T-80's will not be modernized and will be eventually replaced by new-generation tanks, which will start entering service after 2010," Sergei Mayev, head of the Federal Service for Defense Contracts (Rosoboronzakaz) told a news conference.
The new-generation MBT, which still does not have a designation, will feature better firepower, maneuverability, electronics and armor protection than the T-90 MBT.
Its speed will increase from 30-50 kph to 50-65 kph (19-31 mph to 31-40 mph).
According to some sources, the new tank may be equipped with a 152-mm smoothbore gun capable of firing guided missiles with a range of 6,000-7,000 meters.
In comparison, the T-90 MBT has a 125-mm 2A46M smoothbore gun, which can fire AT-11 Sniper anti-tank guided missiles with a range of 4,000 meters.

Russia's new main battle tank to enter service 'after 2010' | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Is India Partner in this?
as their were news Joint Development of Futurstic MBT by India & Russia!

[mod]Brahmos, you have been using 'Breaking News' prefix for all the threads you are opening. Not every news that you post is 'Breaking News' worthy. Please use this option wisely not just for the sake of it. I hope you heed the advice and take care of this.[/mod]


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
can you tell me which one is the official model for T-95?



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Mar 21, 2009
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it still does not have any official designation.
now a days Russia is is doing every thing in secrecy.
above Black Eagle was just a prototype.
the other Images are PS.
the T-95 original pic will only appear after introduction.
same as PAKFA.


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Mar 21, 2009
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another news says its second trail is on its way.

В 2008 году ОАО «НПО «Электромашина» проводились опытно-конструкторские и научно исследовательские работы в области спецтехники по заказам головных предприятий по следующим темам:
Опытно-конструкторские работы «Совершенствование-88», головной исполнитель ОАО «Уральское конструкторское бюро транспортного машиностроения», г. Н. Тагил.
По данной теме предприятием были выполнены работы по участию в приемо-сдаточные испытания объекта 195 №2 в части электрооборудования (ИУС-Д, 1ЭЦ41-1, АПКН-А, РСА-1, 1ЭЦ69, 3ЭЦ18, БТШУ1-2Б и др.) для проведения второго этапа государственного испытания. Общество принимало участие в Государственных испытаниях объекта 195 и проводило автономные межведомственные испытания опытных образцов. Завершены с положительными результатами межведомственные испытания следующих составных частей: ПУТ, ПУМ, БУВО, РСА-1, 1ЭЦ69, БГД32-1, ЭД-66А, ЭДМ-66, ЭД-43, 3ЭЦ18, АЗ195-1.

In 2008 joint stock company “OF [NPO] “electric machine” were conducted experimental design and scientifically research works in the region specials-technician on the orders of main enterprises for the following themes: Experimental design works “improvement -88”, the chief implementing agency of joint stock company “Ural design bureau of transport machine building”, g. [N]. [Tagil]. On this theme enterprise executed works for participation in the acceptance tests of the object of 195 №2 in the part of electrical equipment ([IUS]- D, 1[ETs]41-1, [APKN]- A, [RSA]-1, 1[ETs]69, 3[ETs]18, [BTSHU]1-2 and others) for conducting the second stage official test. Society participated in official tests of object 195 and conducted autonomous interdepartmental preproduction tests. The interdepartmental tests of the following component parts are completed with the positive results: FETTERS, PUM, [BUVO], [RSA]-1, 1[ETs]69, [BGD]32-1, ED-66[a], EDM -66, ED-43, 3[ETs]18, [AZ]195-1.

its a open source no link with me...

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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I remember reading few news articles a year back which had claimed that Russians have invited India to participate in the development of T-95(labelled as future tank). Any information on that? Also, there was a buzz on Indian Army's 2020 MBT plan. Any information regarding?



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Dec 17, 2009
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At the rate the Russians are going, their new military will be full of alliance hardware. They can't seem to develop anything on time.


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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The last pic is a new gen. tank model, so it me be only:tank:
The last picture does not depict the T-95, the T-95 is being developed by the Uralvagonzavod plant , the picture shown is of the Chiorny oriol or black eagle tank this was developed by the Leningrad kirov plant (LKZ)in the late 80's.LKZ has since been closed and all projects including the Chiorny oriol have been transferred to the Omsk plant.other than this the T-95 is supposed to have a 152mm gun in an unmanned turret, while the Black eagle utilizes a 125mm 2A46M smoothbore gun with provision for installing other systems up to 152mm in a manned turret with autoloader.also the chiorny oriol project is designated "object 640" as aginst the T-95's "Object 195"
the pictures below are of the real working prototype of the chiorny oriol with the 125mm gun as demostrated in Omsk 97.
P.S- i have it as my avatar image:D



DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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the only known pictures of the real T-95

Supposedly pictures of the T-95 being carried on a truck



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Dec 17, 2009
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the pictures below are of the real working prototype of the chiorny oriol with the 125mm gun as demostrated in Omsk 97.
Those pictures are of a T-80U with camo-nets thrown over the turret, empty ERA bricks, and ugly side skirts. There never was a working prototype of the Black Eagle.


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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I remember reading few news articles a year back which had claimed that Russians have invited India to participate in the development of T-95(labelled as future tank). Any information on that? Also, there was a buzz on Indian Army's 2020 MBT plan. Any information regarding?


Date:21/07/2008 URL: The Hindu : National : India, Russia plan to build futuristic main battle tank


India, Russia plan to build futuristic main battle tank

Vladimir Radyuhin

Russian defence industry team coming


“Will consolidate edge over Pakistan’s T-80 MBT”

It will feature higher speed and better firepower


MOSCOW: Encouraged by the remarkable success of their pilot co-development defence project, the BrahMos missile, India and Russia are planning to design and build a futuristic main battle tank.

Defence industry experts will discuss the new project when a delegation of the Russian Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) tank-building factory visits India this week to participate in an international seminar on the Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT) organised by the Army along with the Confederation of Indian Industry.

The two sides have already had preliminary discussions on the issue, according to UVZ Director General Nikolai Malykh.

Similar proposal

“We put forward this idea [of a joint tank project] at the turn of the 21st century,” he told journalists in Moscow. “The Indian side has now come up with a similar proposal. We will take the first step when our experts go to India to attend a conference on the future tank and prospects for the tank-building industry.”

A leading Russian defence expert says it makes good sense for India and Russia to join hands in building a futuristic tank.

“The new tank will consolidate India’s edge over the Pakistani Army armed with Ukraine’s potent T-80 MBT and the Al-Khalid MBT built jointly with China and Ukraine,” Ruslan Pukhov, Director, Centre for Analysis and Technologies, said.

“Russia’s Uralvagonzavod would be the best partner for India in designing and building the new tank given a long history of its cooperation with the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi in the production of T-72 and T-90S MBTs.”

India has purchased over 1,600 T-90S MBTs built by the UVZ of which 1,000 will be manufactured at the Avadi plant.

The Indo-Russian MBT is likely to incorporate the best features of prototype tanks developed at Russia’s leading tank-building plants — UVZ and Omsk Transport Machine-Building Plant — which are now being merged into a single corporation.

Armour protection

According to the Moscow Defence Brief magazine, the new tank will mark a great step forward in armour technology. It will feature higher speed, better firepower, sophisticated armour protection and a low silhouette. An armour-protected crew compartment will be sealed from the unmanned turret equipped with an automatic loader.

The crew will be provided with a virtual-reality command information system linked to reconnaissance aircraft and will enjoy a smoother ride thanks to a new hydro-pneumatic suspension.

The new tank is likely to have a new main gun of up to 152 mm calibre and a new hunter-killer fire control system with target acquisition in optical, thermal, infrared and radar spectrums that will be accessible both to the gunner and tank commander, the Moscow Defence Brief said.

© Copyright 2000 - 2009 The Hindu
that was the last news reprot on the same now the below is no news report but it comes from igorr djadan of "defunct humanity" who is pretty reliable with indo-russian affairs
Igor Djadan said...
to anon October 16, 2009 1:20 PM:

Only few tech details are known about this joint project. As I can understand from a different sources info crossover, the sides still seek for common POV on the FMBT. The designation T-420 is only a rumor. I can only say (with great caution) that the Indians are not 100% satisfied from the current T-95 UVZ project, as a basis for FMBT. So the Russians now try to involve some technological and engineering results which were spun-off from Omsk's 'Black Eagle' MBT project, like the extra-corporal auto-loader. Of course, the Indians want to implement their own working-outs like the hydro-pneumatic suspension, designed previously for Arjun MBT.

October 16, 2009 1:41 PM


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Dec 17, 2009
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If Russia needs India for joint development of T-95 that should be a dead giveaway as to where the project currently resides... on the drawing board.


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Mar 21, 2009
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India, Russia to jointly develop futuristic 'smart tank'

I remember reading few news articles a year back which had claimed that Russians have invited India to participate in the development of T-95(labelled as future tank). Any information on that? Also, there was a buzz on Indian Army's 2020 MBT plan. Any information regarding?

India, Russia to jointly develop futuristic 'smart tank'

India and Russia are planning to jointly develop a futuristic 'smart' battle tank, having higher speed and better firepower, reports quoting Nikolai Malykh, director general of Russia's biggest battle factory Uralvagonzavod (UVZ), as saying.

The two sides had preliminary discussions on the issue and defence ministry experts in India will discuss the new project when a delegation of the (UVZ) tank-building factory visits India this week to participate in an international seminar on the future main battle tank (FMBT) organised by the Army along with the Confederation of Indian Industry, according to Malykh.

''We put forward this idea (of developing the tank) at the turn of the 21st century. The Indian side has now come up with a similar proposal," the Moscow Defence Brief (MDB) magazine quoted Malykh as saying.

''We will take the first step when our experts go to India to attend a conference on the future tank and prospects for the tank-building industry," Malykh said on the sidelines of a defence expo.

The new tank will have higher speed, better firepower, sophisticated armour protection and a smoother ride and improved armour protection for crew, the report said.

Armour-protected crew compartment will be sealed from the unmanned turret equipped with an automatic loader, to ensure the survivability of highly trained human assets, it said.

Information for the crew will be networked using a virtual-reality command information system linked to reconnaissance aircraft and satellites.

The move comes even as the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) had suggested a joint assessment with the Indian Army to save the main battle tank (MBT) Arjun and keep the project alive.

The rmy, however, has rejected by the idea. The army is also ambiguous on a suggestion by the DRDO that the tank be assessed head-to-head with the T-90 MBTs the army currently operates.

A leading Russian defence expert says it makes good sense for India and Russia to join hands in building a futuristic tank.

India has purchased over 1,600 T-90S MBTs from the UVZ of which 1,000 will be manufactured at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi. Uralvagonzavod has for a long time been cooperating with the Avadi plant in the production of T-72 and T-90S MBTs.


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Mar 21, 2009
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sorry this doesnt have comparrision with Futurstic Tank. T-95 is different may Upgradiation

the above news is from Atul he did not have any link in his thread.
another news with link.

India, Russia Plan Joint Development Of 'Smart' Tank

MOSCOW, July 22 (Bernama) -- Buoyed by the remarkable success of supersonic BrahMos cruise missiles, India and Russia are now mulling the joint development of a futuristic 'smart' battle tank, featuring higher speed and better firepower, Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

"We put forward this idea (of developing the tank) at the turn of the 21st century. The Indian side has now come up with a similar proposal," Nikolai Malykh, Director General of Russia's biggest tank producer Uralvagonzavod (U.V.Z.) said.

Malykh said preliminary discussions have already taken place and U.V.Z. experts are now going to India to carry forward the issue on the margins of international seminar on Future Main Battle Tank (F.M.B.T.) organised by the Indian Army and C.I.I.

"We will take the first step when our experts go to India to attend a conference on the future tank and prospects for the tank-building industry," Malykh told reporters on the sidelines of a defence expo.

Moscow Defence Brief (M.D.B.) magazine said the new tank featuring higher speed, better firepower, sophisticated armour protection and a smoother ride will mark 'a great step forward in armour technology'.

For the survivability of the highly trained human assets, armour-protected crew compartment will be sealed from the unmanned turret equipped with an automatic loader.

The crew will be networked with a virtual-reality command information system linked to reconnaissance aircraft and satellites.

Quoting sources the M.D.B. said the new tank is likely to have a new main gun of up to 152 mm calibre and a new hunter-killer fire control system with target acquisition in optical, thermal, infrared and radar spectrum that will be accessible both to the gunner and tank commander.

Deputy Director of the Centre for Analysis and Technologies Konstantin Makiyenko said the new tank will consolidate India's edge over the Pakistani Army.

"If the projects takes off, the new tank will consolidate India's edge over the Pakistani Army armed with Ukraine's potent T-80 M.B.T. and the Al-Khalid M.B.T. built jointly with China and Ukraine," he told PTI.

Makiyenko noted that with the highest level of political trust and vast experience of interaction between Indian and Russian defence experts and engineers accumulated since the Soviet times, India is the 'ideal' partner for the post-Communist Russia in developing futuristic weapons.

The expert said logically Russia's Uralvagonzavod would be the best partner for India in designing and building the new tank given a long history of its cooperation with Avadi-based heavy vehicles factory in the production of T-72 and T-90S main battle tanks.

BERNAMA - India, Russia Plan Joint Development Of 'Smart' Tank


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Those pictures are of a T-80U with camo-nets thrown over the turret, empty ERA bricks, and ugly side skirts. There never was a working prototype of the Black Eagle.
It was a design prototype built on a T-80U hull(the black eagle was supposed to be a development of the T-80 family anyway).though i concede that most actual systems had not been displayed . it was still the first full-scale example of the "Chiorny Oriol" turret design and yes the turret hydraulics worked , the gun was something that had not been seen before but the eagle can aslo use a working example of a production 125mm T-80gun . It still exists at the Omsk tank plant.The prototype was first shown to the public at the At the second VTTV-Omsk-97 International Exhibition of Armaments, Military Equipment and Conversion Products held in September '97 in Omsk, Siberia region, Russia.

the eagle at the Omsk plant today
pdf attached


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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some features the chiorny oriol was supposed to have

many of these features should find their way onto the T-95 as well


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Mar 21, 2009
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The Russian tank of the future

i dont know exactly but the Russian future tank may look like this.
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New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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The tanks in future

its just prediction
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Dec 17, 2009
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It was a design prototype built on a T-80U hull(the black eagle was supposed to be a development of the T-80 family anyway).though i concede that most actual systems had not been displayed . it was still the first full-scale example of the "Chiorny Oriol" turret design and yes the turret hydraulics worked , the gun was something that had not been seen before but the eagle can aslo use a working example of a production 125mm T-80gun . It still exists at the Omsk tank plant.The prototype was first shown to the public at the At the second VTTV-Omsk-97 International Exhibition of Armaments, Military Equipment and Conversion Products held in September '97 in Omsk, Siberia region, Russia.

the eagle at the Omsk plant today
pdf attached
Of course the turret worked, it was a T-80U used to mock-up a design that never left the drawing board. There is nothing on that tank that isn't on a T-80U that works.


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Of course the turret worked, it was a T-80U used to mock-up a design that never left the drawing board. There is nothing on that tank that isn't on a T-80U that works.
The turret was a new design, only the hull came from the T-80U.The engine was uprated to 1500hp from the T-80's 1000hp. Take note that most new russian tank designs have been developments of previous designs, in most cases older designs have been used to try out new systems before putting them on new hulls, the T-80 is itself a development of the T-64(The T-90 is a development of the T-72). The chiorny Oriol was a design poject for a future MBT to be based upon the T-80 , one working turet was built with all offensive systems and drivegear(other than the engine) beiing imported from it's predecessor. I for one wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the T-80/T-90 hull was used for a prototype of the T-95 turret.I have already ststed thet most new systems were not displayed and the Turret may have been empty as well, but the fact remains it was a Turret design that built , operated on a T-80U hull and for a time was considered seriously for a future russian FMBT.

This thread is meant to discuss the T-95 and other future russian MBT's let us not drag the black eagle here further, the project has since been shelved(well at least that's what open source reports say).

