The Terrible Cost of Presidential Racism(Nixon & Kissinger towards India).


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Nov 26, 2011
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I have some excerpts in 1971 war threat. Always felt Nixon was bitter about India being a soviet ally so him and Kissinger came up with policy to open China. The policy that has been a disaster and the downfall of USA and much of the world.
As a matter of fact US always had a soft corner of their hearts for China. Maybe there was blinded by the fact that old friendships could be rekindled.

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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America hated communists .
America hated Soviet/Russian race precisely than communists. China was made a tactical ally after 1970s to tackle USSR (the lucrative US deals and technology transfers in turn helped China to excel on world stage).
Sino American relationship in its time has been far warmer and effective than Indo American relationship ever was or will be.


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Feb 16, 2009
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America hated Soviet/Russian race precisely than communists. China was made a tactical ally after 1970s to tackle USSR (the lucrative US deals and technology transfers in turn helped China to excel on world stage).
Sino American relationship in its time has been far warmer and effective than Indo American relationship ever was or will be.
US was beaten into being cordial to the Chinese in Korea and Vietnam. China even when it was poor made it clear to USA who was the boss in the region. India never did any such thing, US and world respects might and India has yet to show any??

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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India never did any such thing, US and world respects might and India has yet to show any??
India had been made enemy from day 1 of independence when reunification drive was planned. Later, alliance with Soviets most certainly made west hostile.
It was never given enough room to expand strategic power like PRC. At first place, that history is the reason why India is so vary of west and even west doesn't trust India either. Historical grudges will always keep a distance.

Communist states being communist, internal politics and gestures shall always be anti imperialist regardless of their foreign policy.
USA changed policy to open trade rather than try to challenge China after2 defeats. Emotions don’t determine policy. .
If we have to say that US lost two proxy wars to China, it's not sensible to say that US would open trade and transfer technology to strengthen such an enemy even more.

Democrats cordial relations and bias towards China, China's lately hostility with Soviet Union and its potential to balance Soviet power, rise of Deng Xiaoping and creation of a lucrative consumer market, China's newly opened economy attracting global companies and obviously China as a new tactical friend as there was no sensible reason in quarreling with China, that all pushed towards leniency (even assistance in case of Clintons) from US.


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Feb 16, 2009
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If we have to say that US lost two proxy wars to China, it's not sensible to say that US would open trade and transfer technology to strengthen such an enemy even more.
very good ooint. It was not that USA willingly gave any technology. Chinese were very good at technology theft and buying US politicians.
Chinese also offered their market as a bribe where they would get the technology spin off in a separate company and give no business to th e Americans.
The Chinese were a good source of cheap labor while it lasted but now the labor is not cheap and markets and resources the west wanted are being challenged.


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May 6, 2013
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It is Churchill who was right, and Roosevelt, who was wrong, in these matters, said Kissinger.

`|`You mentioned India,' he [Churchill] growled to Roosevelt...

``The President's mind was back in the American War of Independence and he thought of the Indian problem in terms of thirteen colonies fighting George III at the end of the 18th century...''

but still come to feel its not that simple:

'Churchill may have thought I wasn't serious, last time. He'll find out, this time.' He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. 'How is it, where you are? How is it in Algeria?' he asked.

I told him it was the same story. Rich country, rich resources, natives desperately poor, a few white colonials that lived very well, a few native princes that lived very well, otherwise poverty, disease, ignorance. He nodded.

And then he went on to tell of what he thought should be done: France to be restored as a world power, then to be entrusted with her former colonies, as a trustee. As trustee, she was to report each year on the progress of her stewardship, how the literacy rate was improving, how the death rate declining, how disease being stamped out, how...

'Wait a minute,' I interrupted. 'Who's she going to report all this to?'

'The organization of the United Nations, when it's been set up,' answered Father. It was the first time I'd ever heard of this plan. 'How else?' I asked Father. 'The Big Four--ourselves, Britain, China, the Soviet Union--we'll be responsible for the peace of the world after....

'...It's already high time for us to be thinking of the future, building for it.... These great powers will have to assume the tasks of bringing education, raising the standards of living, improving the health conditions--of all the backward, depressed colonial areas of the world.

'And when they've had a chance to reach maturity, they must have the opportunity extended them of independence. After the United Nations as a whole have decided that they are prepared for it.

'If this isn't done, we might as well agree that we're in for another war.'

Racism? its much worse?


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
what Friendship??? Chinese defeated USA in korea and Vietnam . USA changed policy to open trade rather than try to challenge China after2 defeats. Emotions don’t determine policy. .
Korea was a stalemate. Anyway, America is a security gauranteeor for europe, who hates the russian race, that’s why Europeans are Chinese slaves.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Way back USA when we started reintegrating our status.
USA has been nuetral to India, asides from the 60s and 70s when it was openly hostile. However, I find it amusing when their think tanks lecture a thousand year old civilizational state like BHARAT

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Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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USA has been nuetral to India, asides from the 60s and 70s when it was openly hostile.
USA wasn't neutral at all until late 1990s and 2010s.
However, I find it amusing when their think tanks lecture a thousand year old civilizational state like BHARAT
What's amusing in it? India is a civilisation, not a civilizational state. Get the difference between two.

It's irrelevant though why someone should or shouldn't take a dig on a country whatever it is, artificial, civilizational, settled or successor of a royal state.


New Member
Jul 28, 2022
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Interesting decisions in 1970s

nixon 1971 policies:
1. sending US navy to support pakistan in 1971 war
2. removing gold standard from US dollar
3. pledge to send more troops to vietnam war

In 1970s US people loved war more than anything, and he knows that and cashed in. So can we also blame the people for his decisions!

Nixon popularity sky rocketed after 1971 and he won 49 out of 50 states in 1972. 🤯

1972 voters:
Screenshot (127).png

1968 voters:
Screenshot (128).png
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New Member
May 6, 2013
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went looking for the something ... no need to look anymore ? ha !!

is it racist to consider India and "Indians" to be ... but ...

why go to PRC ? to prepare to attack home ? ha !! really ?


why many preparing that they will be next (he will come with wealth and wisdom) ? before he comes home ? home he is coming. to his mother. and because of the preparation they undoubtedly admit they believe in dharma. why hide it ? its the tip ---------------->
