Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 15, 2009
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Is it possible for guys from paramilitary commando units to get enrolled into Special Forces like PARA or MARCOS or SFF??
Why paramilitary personell are barred from joing SAG of NSG?Why only assistance job in ops are given to SRG?


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Sep 13, 2010
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Is it possible for guys from paramilitary commando units to get enrolled into Special Forces like PARA or MARCOS or SFF??
No chance. This is not how any professional SF works.
Why paramilitary personell are barred from joing SAG of NSG?Why only assistance job in ops are given to SRG?
IMHO the NSG should be made up purely of CAPF/IPS personel, there's no need for them to draw from the IA at all. I mean are you really telling me that a country with how many millions of CAPF and Police officers can't draw up an entirely civilian counter-terror force? I understand the need for the NSG to have been staffed by IA soldiers in the early days when the expertise wasn't there but now things are different and the NSG could do just as well without the army men on deputation. I also think the SAG needs to be separated from the SRG with the latter forming some sort of federal protection agency and the former being made up purely of CT operators with 100% of its attention on this task. The SAG had needn't be larger than 1000 "shooters" with maybe a few thousand support staff. For a country like India this is NOTHING.

As it is the SRG is nothing but a drain on resources and vvip protection is not at all what the NSG was raised for nor needs to be doing. It is purely as a result of the babu/vip culture in India.

The only thing that can be said is THANK GOD some one had sense to raise the SRG and not have the SAG doing VVIP protection duties.


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Sep 15, 2009
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No chance. This is not how any professional SF works.

IMHO the NSG should be made up purely of CAPF/IPS personel, there's no need for them to draw from the IA at all. I mean are you really telling me that a country with how many millions of CAPF and Police officers can't draw up an entirely civilian counter-terror force? I understand the need for the NSG to have been staffed by IA soldiers in the early days when the expertise wasn't there but now things are different and the NSG could do just as well without the army men on deputation. I also think the SAG needs to be separated from the SRG with the latter forming some sort of federal protection agency and the former being made up purely of CT operators with 100% of its attention on this task. The SAG had needn't be larger than 1000 "shooters" with maybe a few thousand support staff. For a country like India this is NOTHING.

As it is the SRG is nothing but a drain on resources and vvip protection is not at all what the NSG was raised for nor needs to be doing. It is purely as a result of the babu/vip culture in India.

The only thing that can be said is THANK GOD some one had sense to raise the SRG and not have the SAG doing VVIP protection duties.
why not India make an exclusive command for SF like SOCOM where men from paramilitary ,and all branches of military could work together,
Also what is the need of NSG to give protection for VVIPs?Also the descrimination of para miliatry personell from entering SAG is unjustified as most of the SAG personell are drawn from regular infantry regiments who has the same training which had been provided to the crpf guys.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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why not India make an exclusive command for SF like SOCOM where men from paramilitary ,and all branches of military could work together,

Such a joint command is being raised in India but rightfully only the 3 true SFs (and maybe SAG) will be part of it.
Also what is the need of NSG to give protection for VVIPs?
No need whatsoever. It just became the "done thing" by needy and egotistical politicians soon after the NSG was seen to be elite.

personell are drawn from regular infantry regiments who has the same training which had been provided to the crpf guys.
It's something I wonder myself. There's nothing really stopping this as the NSG's training is what makes these guys what they are- not the IA's.
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