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  1. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Just like impotents are known to beat their wives to show their manliness, these idiots probably run at the first sign of Russian's going at it. These are no houthis nor Indian army to stand their ground. Ukrainian army will probably do the fighting but no neo nazis would especially with their...
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    Civil war in Ukraine

    Not even close, you don't seem to know what you are talking about.
  3. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Bharat is anti-hindu systematically speaking in every area perhaps the military only exception starting with education but anyway this is Ukraine topic and its easy to set it off topic with this course. I see your point though
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    Civil war in Ukraine

    It went kaput as soon as fucking communist system bellied up. Only very few cultures have core to it....chinese, russian, Indian, Japanese and Western being one (pests like Islamic ones are more resilient). They will survive more likely but Ukraine is too new and their leaders destabilized it...
  5. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Lol. problem with Ukraine is they don't seem to have any pro-ukrainian leaders that have a vision to build the 2nd largest country in Europe. They are either pimping and prostituting for west or Russia. Ukraine can say the samething to people of Bharat, why hindus are against hindu culture...
  6. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    American's can fight until recently atleast but with their military becoming more political with rainbow flags and what not, traditional rural white america lost its motivation. Russian's could always fight and so can Japanese. Taiwan won't happen and Russia probably factored that odds are very...
  7. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Well, they have to secure water supplies to Crimea, so there is that objective. Rivers make good natural boundaries and cut off the sea access to remaining Ukraine but it wont happen immediately. They will continue to see Ukraine remains a fire pit one way or other and that is why he issued a...
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    Civil war in Ukraine

    Chinese will not be able to do that with force, they have not a war efficiently forever and no combat experience....they might get Taiwan with their economic bribery if they keep rising buying out Taiwanese leadership with US losing its relevance steadily. Japan won't stand by either.....
  9. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Your puppet leaders are the scum who are putting the existence of your country at risk. Instead of playing their own game, they got pimped out by one or other. I think finally world is catching up to the level of Bharat's political pimpsthat sold us to various bidders to this day. Only Santhan...
  10. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    He has just thrown down the gauntlet and put them on notice....he would not have been more clear about the intent. Basically questioned the existence of Ukraine. West is becoming victim of their greed to own everything and everyone. Outcome of that is very clear....historically
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    Civil war in Ukraine

    I wish our leaders are half as man as Putin, he makes calculations that might come off as mistakes to others in hindsight but all our scriptures also say not to go to war without understanding your enemy and their strength, he is finally in a position to play hard ball. In my opinion Russia is...
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    Civil war in Ukraine

    He did not say all that for nothing, I think they wanted to be "civilized" but he would take Ukraine and thats clear or get legal guarantees from their lords.
  13. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Just objectively looking at the data in front of our eyes: West/EU/US: Killed millions in Iraq/Syria/Libya Russia: Razed chechenya in retaliation China: Opressing Uighyrs and Tibetans Ukraine: Civil war on its own people, debatable but part of your country simply does not want to align with...
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    Civil war in Ukraine

    Lol, I saw the video, looks like they had a reporter from British Bullshit Corporation ready to report on the planned provacation....also I saw a "thing or it" with bun, these days you can't tell the gender so perhaps their crew really lost the bearings, west seems to be experts in gender...
  15. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    He He, tell that to Kashmiri pundits and other folks that are mercilessly killed by these are not going to find sympathy from people of India as we have experienced too much brutality from "religion of peace" and still goes on and no I do not advocate killing or violence on any...
  16. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Lol, your definition of Chechenya winning is very funny....if anyone needs to fight turkic rag tags then fight like Moscow, they literally razed the city and brought them to knees and took revenge on every thug that is involved in killing civilians overseas and in Russia. I can just hope India...
  17. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    You are correct, its waste of my time....
  18. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Argument was not pro or anti russia for was about joining EU and getting ruled by supra national unelected idiots from Brussels.....Russia is a matter of time as they have considerable amount of turkic population already and only their birth rates are going up for the most part...
  19. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Claim was debunked by "leftists" they are on their way in most northern and western european countries.
  20. O

    Civil war in Ukraine

    Russians and Ukrainians can go fuck themselves or fuck each other for all I care....for that matter whole EU or West as no asian country really gives a shit