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  1. ezsasa

    Aryan Invasion Hypothesis

    in ashwa medha yagna which translates to "horse sacrifice" in english is not a bali(sacrifice), isn't it?
  2. ezsasa

    Aryan Invasion Hypothesis

    ensure conversation does not become abusive.
  3. ezsasa

    Aryan Invasion Hypothesis

    Commies will fight tooth and nail to prevent this syllabus from being adopted, maybe even take it till Supreme Court. By the way the Document is a draft. Meanwhile some NGO needs to start co-ordinating with existing “1000” universities to prep them for adopting this syllabus.
  4. ezsasa

    Aryan Invasion Hypothesis

    The comedy that is Aryan Invasion Theory
  5. ezsasa

    Aryan Invasion Hypothesis

    Massive migrations from Steppes to Bronze Age India was indeed a myth. We have gathered Ancient DNA evidence now. The findings will be out next year. Thanks to the great efforts of scientists from India, USA, UK and others. Warm Greetings for upcoming 2021!
  6. ezsasa

    Aryan Invasion Hypothesis

    Only way to stop this "aryan invasion" nautanki is by discrediting the supposed perceived superiority of "aryan race" itself.