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  1. D

    India Malaysia Relations

    Yassin will be no different from other Malay(Moslem) politicians when it comes to dealing with Malasia's two ethnic minorities - Chinese(24%,Buddhist/Christians) and Indians(7%,Tamil Hindus).Chinese are numerically and financially more powerful than Indians who usually are more frequently at the...
  2. D

    India Malaysia Relations

    Thanks to Congress,India's military could never come to aid of Indian minorites overseas.Uganda is a good example.We will never know how many died when Idi Amin expelled them.IG led GOI just turned a blind eye. Only those holding Indian nationality were allowed in.Most of second and third...
  3. D

    India Malaysia Relations

    The new axis of evil - Erdogan,Mahathir and Imran.All these countries are worst violators of human rights.Turkey's treatment of Kurds living in Turkish Occupied Kurdistan is far worse than that of any minority in India.Lets not forget the Armenian Genocide.Pakistan military's 1971 genocide of...