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  1. B

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    Its not an article, its a book. Please download it. It is one the greatest books on the history of Indian indigenous education system I have ever read.
  2. B

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    From gandhian dharmapal's A BEAUTIFUL TREE...
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    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    ^^ Yeah, sakal does appear to be a gushing admirer of the British empire, inspite of being an Indian , whose ancestors were exploited and tortured by the British. A rather disturbing observation. Appears to be an example of Stockholm syndrome.
  4. B

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    England, or should I say British Empire has a record in converting the planet's 2nd richest country to the world's poorest. So, yes, that indeed is quite an achievement alright! Bravo! Congrats!!
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    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    Starvation in India due to famines was a trademark of the British rule, it has stopped as soon as Indians have attained freedom. Starvation deaths was a signature of British Raj . 1878 great famine was by far the deadliest in 5000 years of Indian history. Great Famine of 1876 British...
  6. B

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    I believe it was Churchill who said at least something to the spirit of the above quote. He hated India with a passion. During his rule, there was a widespread economic depression in India from the 1930's to the end of the second world war. That period is said to be the longest depression in...
  7. B

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    ^^^ British rule is synonymous with famine, starvation and death of Indians to the tune of millions. Madhusree mukherjee's book on Churchill shows the gory details of how the Raj actively prevented intervention of powers like USA ,and even Netaji from alleviating the hunger of those poor...