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  1. asaffronladoftherisingsun

    The Sati Strategy: How Missionaries Used An Extinct Practice As A Rallying Point To Christianise India

    The Sati Strategy – Koenraad Elst reviews Meenakshi Jain's book The Sati Strategy – Koenraad Elst The missionaries are responsible for associating Hinduism with Sati much more prominently than would be fair. The missionary assault on Hinduism dramatized the practice of Sati, which had...
  2. asaffronladoftherisingsun

    The Sati Strategy: How Missionaries Used An Extinct Practice As A Rallying Point To Christianise India

    Revisiting Sati: Understanding the practice from a Dharmic perspective Author : NITHIN SRIDHAR What is missing in the contemporary narrative about Sati is an examination of the tenets of the practice on its own basis. To do this, we must first locate the place of Sati in the Dharmic worldview...