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    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    Interesting fact that separates the most evil communist candidates from the other evil ones. The communists killed their own people in masses while the others were known for killing other people.

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    Sukumar Muralidharan: Churchill as Mass Murderer Churchill as Mass Murderer Madhushree Mukerjee, Churchill's Secret War, The British Empire and the Ravaging of India During World War II, Tranquebar, Chennai, 2010, pp xxxvi + 352, Rs 495 Since completing a doctorate at the University of...

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    There is still a point before ww2 that helped Germans to rebuild that involved UK. Why did Britain agree that Nazi Germany could break the terms of Versailles? It seemed that Britain was even supporting Germany's breaking of the Treaty of Versailles stated what Germany's navy should be - no...

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    How did the Germans build their military industrial infrastructure so fast after ww1?

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    guys keep the discussion friendly and impersonal

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    It was really a battle of wills during ww2. Hitler and Churchill wanted to reign supreme over Europe(and more). Churchill was ruthless in achievieng his goal of defeating the Germans at any cost A brilliant plan of stretching the Germans on 2 fronts. But a victory which came at very high cost...

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    Many Historians claim Churchill could have avoided ww2 if he had chosen? Churchill, Hitler, and “The Unnecessary War” | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty Book Review - Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt into World War II The Rome-Berlin Axis, signed by Mussolini and...

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    why Because Churchill passes Hitler's number?

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    cross posted Churchill's Crimes From Indian Holocaust To Palestinian Genocide In WW2 Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death, continued to foster Muslim-Hindu antipathy that led to the horrors of Indian Partition and persuaded his War Cabinet on racist Partition of...

    Who is the most Evil individual from the 20th century ?

    3 million Indians died for mother England in ww2 on both fronts. There has never been any official acknowledgement by UK. So I would pick Churchill only for this reason; as far as opinion in UK he is one of their beloved leaders. And in many ways he takes more credit then he deserves that...