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  1. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    I know that Bioware wanted to quash the indoctrination theory. But I just think the franchise is better with it stilll lingering around:biggrin2: that's all. Btw for your armor explanation. In ME2 when Normandy disintegrates, Shepherd will be in full armor (helmet included) but will get fcuked...
  2. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Ooooh Kay, just one among the many questions though. In the very first DLC ending cut scene itself. How does shepherd breathe in space without any aid when talking to the child(catalyst)???? I know Bio ware wanted to defund it in leviathan DLC but they didn't do a foolproof job :) besides, I...
  3. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Uh, if you close in on 5k, you will unlock the scenario where everyone survives (ofcourse excluding Mordin depending on your earlier choice) and shepherd making it alive in addition to the destruction of the reapers. 4500 was the max I managed. Although YT has vids of players hitting 5k and...
  4. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    I am a strong believer in the shepherd indoctrinaion theory. You got indoctrinated Out of curiosity, what was the max war assets you managed to collect? Did you manage over 4500?
  5. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Mass effect FTW... reapers will kill us all anyway
  6. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    How did you come to that conclusion?
  7. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Of course we don't know. We have barely scratched the surface of out universe. Btw, Travelling at light speed is as science fiction-ey as Travelling using a worm hole, we are no closer or farther to using either of the methods. Both are equally distant from complete human understanding. I'd...
  8. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Speed of light won't help as much as wormholes and concepts like warp drive. Even if we were to travel at 99.9999999......% (theoretical limit allowed for conventional definition of speed)speed of light it would still take over 4.5 years just to reach our nearest star without considering...
  9. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Well this is exciting news for those who are interested in astronomy :) . Because even though the number of confirmed exoplanets so far is over 3500 (most of which are single planets orbiting a star) and over 600 of them were multiple planetary systems, this is the first time 7 earth sized...
  10. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Point seconded. The scenario of a Super intelligent species observing us and using us as labrats comes a close second for me. OT, have you tried the game mass effect? It's plot runs along similar lines with an alpha race showing up to the galaxy every 100000 after life evolves to wipe...
  11. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    SETI already informed US congress categorically that they have plenty of evidence that other intelligent lives exists. and congress laughed it off. But I'm sure Organisations at the forefront of space explorations have their secrets...
  12. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    I don't think we will ever reach even type 1. I think the human civilisation will destroy itself Long LONG before it even reached type 1. I think you were talking about the Drake equation in your answer. Nice insight though! I think it's impossible that our (observable) universe doesn't have...
  13. Krusty

    7 new Earth-like exoplanets discovered, NASA announces

    Question for everyone. Do you think existence of alien life is possible? Or do you think earth is alone in having intelligent life. I am very specific about intelligent life. Offourse the level of intelligence varies, so let's stick to Capability of asking the question "are we alone in this...