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  1. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    And china has to censor anyone asking about casualties. Hundreds of chinese killed like cockroaches in laddakh. And entire china is under censorship to hide this. Two great enemies usa and russia both agree on chinese death toll . Yet pla is hiding it . This is why chinese are extremely...
  2. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    Than bring authentic facts to discussion. Problem is lots of fighter jets are unknown products as of now. Not much actual verifiable information about j20 or su57 out there. And Indian jets are in development stage so lot of speculation about what might be. But when you look at things...
  3. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    J20 falls way short by china's own standard. It's definitively engine is no where is sight . It's underpowered . It's canards are anti stealth unless they don't move at all which is ridiculous. It only has limited frontal stealth and rear rcs is huge. Even that frontal aspect is compromised...
  4. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    Neither does gripen NG in any meaningful way. Just broucher specs.
  5. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    It can't . All it can do is go supersonic then close afterburner and cruise for a while still being over Mach numbers.(1.1M) But it can't carry any useful weaponry for that. Saab marketing is bogus. Rafale can Supercruise at 1.4 M with a drop tank and 4 air to air missiles. That's a...
  6. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    Tejas uses f404 , gripen NG uses f414 , mwf will use f414 and will supercruise in name only just like gripen NG.
  7. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    What does TVC changes in regards to j20 stealth. It's still underpowered , still without stealth engine , still has huge canards moving all over.
  8. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    Absolutely.. There is a reason why f22 f35 and su57 none of them have canards. And proposed European design fcas and tempest don't have canards either. And neither does kfx or amca have canards. Chinese don't want to admit it. But j20 is half assed compromise. Its stealth is at best marginal.
  9. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    Who are you trying to convince with spacious argument and counter attack. Yes India is importing the kind of planes it is not producing itself. China is importing kind of planes that it is producing itself.
  10. IndianHawk

    J20 Stealth Fighter

    None !! First of all they might have received su35 just recently. Anyway engine can't be re-engineered just like that. Otherwise china would have been independent in this field long ago. Also buying su35 itself shows how much confidence china has in j20 and likes.