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  1. B

    What are you reading/learning right now?

    Agreed, Sabrimala is a very powerful centre. But those who can't go there due to whatever reason can also enjoy benefits of celibacy. I do not prescribe to any new age, western philosophy/ trend. I am too uneducated to know much about our dharma but I know a little n strive to learn more. Sure...
  2. B

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    I don't think I could put the impacts in words. Also, I believe its different for different people. My humble observation is that it works if done in a stretch of atleast 90 days.... no breaks. No cheat days.
  3. B

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    I guess the only way you could really find out is by trying out yourself
  4. B

    What are you reading/learning right now?

    Extremely powerful... 90 days is minimum if you want to start seeing effects. But include no alchohol, no non-veg in your list of abstinence too.
  5. B

    What are you reading/learning right now?

    The desirable skill question is interesting - I would say the following: Soft Skills then some more soft skills n then maybe a bit more of........... soft skills Also, if you can afford, get a good brand or two on your CV. What do I mean by that? It could be a strategy course at Harvard, or...
  6. B

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    I have heard that they have written some good philosophy. Also, I want to find out what they write about pre-Islamic Persia in the vernacular
  7. B

    What are you reading/learning right now?

    I would pick up Sanskrit Perhaps Persian too
  8. B

    What are you reading/learning right now?

    Autobiography of a Sadhu Aadhar - the story of India's 12 digit biometric identity