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  1. Abhijat

    Has the CIA already stolen India's Aadhaar database?

    Nope not you but kool-aid one.
  2. Abhijat

    Has the CIA already stolen India's Aadhaar database?

    ^ Bhai have you even read the article posted on first page ? It's not that stored database is compromised , but even before that a company who at first stage takes enrollment task is compromised. So your biometric detail is going to CIA before it even reaches GoI. Also, the internet and...
  3. Abhijat

    Has the CIA already stolen India's Aadhaar database?

    ^ Sir, any GUI can be hacked. Better go old school and install every package from trusted source on linux by yourself( and not any fancy stuff like web browser(gui)) , if not anything else it would give one peace of mind. BTW, commercial systems are not built with security in mind , and even...
  4. Abhijat

    Has the CIA already stolen India's Aadhaar database?

    IMHO their are two separate issues , considering Aadhar and Internet Services. First , being "Profiling", which can be done by collecting , and analysing meta-data by man/machine. So , when we search a keyword or visit some webpage , we leave a trace of "our system"(mobile/p.c/I.o.T) on net ...