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  1. SKC

    Launch: PSLV-CA C55 with TeLEOS-2, LUMILITE-4 (Singapore) and POEM-2 DOS, IIA & Indian private firms - 22 April 2023 14:19 IST

    They can simply hire any freelancer for this work. Adding a nice infographic would be quite cheaper online. And yes, Aesthetics matters a lot these days: Jo dikhta hai wo Bikta hai! I even hope they redo the color scheme and design of the PSLV series.
  2. SKC

    Launch: PSLV-CA C55 with TeLEOS-2, LUMILITE-4 (Singapore) and POEM-2 DOS, IIA & Indian private firms - 22 April 2023 14:19 IST

    Video quality has improved a lot but the Infographics and the Narration needs a complete makeover. Many YouTubers add better infographics and commentary on their channel over ISRO Live feed.
  3. SKC

    Launch: PSLV-CA C55 with TeLEOS-2, LUMILITE-4 (Singapore) and POEM-2 DOS, IIA & Indian private firms - 22 April 2023 14:19 IST

    Arre yeh Brahmos kahan launch kar diye!! Govt now has to put a bulletin that three missiles launched by mistake towards {pakistan}