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  1. AnantS

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    Raptor is an engine used in much bigger Rocket. Above they are talking about Fuel Storage Tank pressure in above post I think. In psi terms it would 1212.416 psi
  2. AnantS

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities
  3. AnantS

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    carbon fibre - very expensive route. if they are going to work with cryogenics in future, then they will have to move to alloys.
  4. AnantS

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    Biggest investor is Government of Singapore Entity: Government of Singapore investment Corporation (GIC).
  5. AnantS

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    Not if its Government Backed Investment.
  6. AnantS

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    It Looks more like sounding rocket
  7. AnantS

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities