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  1. Alamarathan

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    How is the skyroot-isro partnership structured? Do skyroot has to pay isro for using their facilities ?
  2. Alamarathan

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    Is it safe to say fuel rich rockets like CE-7.5 are more suitable for reusable launch vehicles?
  3. Alamarathan

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    @Indx TechStyle @Vamsi I have a doubt about the liquid engine, the nasa engines used in shuttle programs had small veins run through their nozzle to keep the extreme heat under control also it'll be warm when it reaches the compressor. This is my doubt,do all cryo engines need such (vein)system?
  4. Alamarathan

    Skyroot Aerospace - Updates & Activities

    Is this an conventional (non reusable) vehicle or partly reusable falcon 9 type vehicle?