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  1. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Not likely because, I believe, the safety zone is a no-go area for ships and aircraft. So the descent might have happened far from any visually tractable area. The recovery vessels must have been stationed outside the zone.
  2. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Unlikely because where would the camera be? It cannot be anywhere protruding from surface of the crew module because then it would be burnt to cinder.
  3. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Thank you for posting the pix. Any pix on recovering it... like hauling it aboard vessel?
  4. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Have they recovered the CARE module?
  5. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Congrats all scientists and technicians of ISRO!!
  6. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    All the best ISRO! Hope the launch routine goes without a hitch. Countdown begins
  7. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    The giant out for a stroll!!
  8. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    The sky in the background looks cloudy. Hope it clears in the next few days so that it will be a percect launch day.
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    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Yes the big boy is out to play.
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    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Wonder if budgetary constraints back then led to focus on one programme to the exclusion of the other. There are reasons to believe that the financial constraints were very real for the nation at that time.
  11. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Great news... GSLV-Mk3 in 45 days' time... that should be early December. It would be a nice Yuletide gift for the country! Hope matters go according to plan this time for GSLV-Mk3 programme. It was indeed a good occasion to declare this megaevent while acknowledging the success of another one...
  12. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Success of both missions is important for India. Anyways let us keep our fingers crossed.
  13. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    I woudn't mind a delay if they finally get it right in the first launch itself because Mk3 is a new vehicle and getting it right first time would be a big morale booster. Assuming what you say is true, my only complaint would be about ISRO not giving out the real reason.. the delay could be...
  14. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    ISRO needs a budget boost to handle multiple tasks in parallel fashion.
  15. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Hope that test finally puts an end to our cry over the cryo.
  16. T

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Is it true that GSLV Mk3 will be flying without the cryogenic engine? Does it mean ISRO is not yet confident about the success of the indigenous cryogenic engine?