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  1. roma

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    @Ray @LETHALFORCE @Kunal @pmaitra 1) i asked for a national apex committee with representation from all concerned to oversee the progress of all projects of defence or national strategic interest . and to ensure that ISRO top management were included in that...
  2. roma

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    I feel that your on the right track there - the cryogenic is a powerful engine nad with a little ingenuity can be modified to power missiles to icbm status and that was one main reason it was and still is denied to India we didnt sign those discriminatory MTCR and NPT's etc...
  3. roma

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Like i said before ----- please, please swallow pride and for the sake of the nation, hand drdo, hal , kaveri development over to these men and women The sooner we realise and act on that, the better for the nation.. At the very least, form a national committee to oversee and comment on the...
  4. roma

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    firstly many thanks to rahul for an interesting and most pertinent topic , secondly thanks to arnab and rahul for info on launch dates cryogenic engine or not, mk3 looks very impressive from parameters and as long as major components are indigenous, then cryo can come when it's ready !!
  5. roma

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    rahul - isnt one of the gslv's supposed to liftoff sometime this month ? - is this a delay or a different MK ?