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  1. samsaptaka

    Can't Escape. R & AW is watching you. Untold stories of R & AW revenge.

    It has its value: 1. The leader's image is tarnished, what sort of invincible man blessed by Allah himself allows his members to be slaughtered like pigs in their own backyard ? 2. Due to 1 above, potential recruits may back off and have 2nd thoughts (atleast the smarter ones) abt joining the...
  2. samsaptaka

    Can't Escape. R & AW is watching you. Untold stories of R & AW revenge.

    Awesome if true, but how long till his master too meets the same fate ?
  3. samsaptaka

    Can't Escape. R & AW is watching you. Untold stories of R & AW revenge.

    Yeh darr accha hai... Dar ke aage Dard aur mrtyu hai.. And so on my lads ....:)
  4. samsaptaka

    Can't Escape. R & AW is watching you. Untold stories of R & AW revenge.

    Matter of utter disgrace and shame that this traitor became RAW chief. God knows how many assets he compromised and how many died because of him.
  5. samsaptaka

    Can't Escape. R & AW is watching you. Untold stories of R & AW revenge.

    Well the past 30 yrs we had sickular vajpayee and scamgress , pretty much porkie B team in power, what did you expect. Possible that only now they got the go ahead for such ops. Reality can be stranger than fiction