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  1. R

    United Kingdom Domestic Politics - News, Updates and Discussion

    Part of this also has to do with our independent stand on the Ukraine conflict me thinks where West doesn't like that we aren't toeing their line. You will see these being dialled up if we don't respond in kind. Dont forget the collective Anglo Saxon indifference resulted in the Kanishka...
  2. R

    United Kingdom Domestic Politics - News, Updates and Discussion

    Britshit rw was whining about 'hindutva fascism' even during the Leicester riots ala Churchill. They don't mind Islam as much if it wasnt about their women being groomed and the obvious demographic replacement on the horizon. Some animuses don't die that of the single book religion for...
  3. R

    United Kingdom Domestic Politics - News, Updates and Discussion

    Latter is a literal Rothschild banker. You don't rise to these positions unless you are well vetted and can be reasonably expected to color within the lines. If we don't feel the need to celebrate Camel toe Harris no need to celebrate Murthys son in law becoming PM of Britishitistan coz he seems...