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  1. Super Flanker

    Indian Airforce News and Discussion

    To be fair I was only disappointed about the Following things. The SU-30 MKI on 27th February should have fired couple of Missiles that day but I guess they had a Disadvantage in Altitude and hence they didn't fire their BVR Missiles that day. We could have easily knocked down their JF 17s and...
  2. Super Flanker

    Indian Airforce News and Discussion

    That means that its not Confirmed that DA-20 was deployed by PAF? I am so confused now, all this while I thought these Pakistanis had indeed used this Aircraft for EW(Electronic WarFare) against Indian Airforce. Even many Indians were also saying that PAF had deployed their DA-20. So I guess it...
  3. Super Flanker

    Indian Airforce News and Discussion

    I am aware that both are sides had Jammers and had employed some kind of EW(Electronic WarFare) That day against each other. I believe only two of our Aircrafts of our were using Jammers: The MIG-21 and the SU-30 MKI. They were Both having ELL-8212/ELL-8222Self Protection Jamming Pod (israeli...
  4. Super Flanker

    Indian Airforce News and Discussion

    I have a question. Sorry if this was already Posted in the past and has been already answered. So here is my question. -Did Pakistan have complete Superiority in terms of EW(Electronic Warfare) against Indian Airforce on 27th February? -Did Pakistan jam our SU-30 MKIs and Mirage 2000s and were...