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  1. E

    Hypersonic Missiles

    Didn't know that... thanks... but I guess that doesn't deter from the fact that shooting down a cruise missile is much more difficult... especially for our neighbours...
  2. E

    Hypersonic Missiles

    For me personally, I'm looking forward to the Hypersonic Brahmos which I hope will be unveiled soon... why I'm so excited is the amount of kinetic energy that the missile will generate... I mean, of course there's the warhead for detonation on the target, but the Kinetic Energy of something...
  3. E

    Hypersonic Missiles

    To react with an ABM system, the enemy needs to track a missile on their ABM radar... in the case of cruise missiles, they fly at very low altitudes (generally about tree-top height) and hence getting them on the radar scopes of ABM systems is very difficult. So, in conclusion, you can't...
  4. E

    Hypersonic Missiles

    Even a simple subsonic cruise missile like the Tomahawk can evade most missile defence systems as it is difficult to get it on a radar to shoot it down... and, this one is hypersonic as well... It ought to be DEADLY :):):)