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  1. AnantS

    Hypersonic Missiles

    I doubt their high speed, low flying- maneuvering target interception capability. you may get that capability via S 400. This weapon was late 80-90's. All Plans were awry. Its not that Soviets never had any hyper-sonic cruise missiles before. They had plenty. But its only now they are planning...
  2. AnantS

    Hypersonic Missiles

    There is a longer range Ramjet missile, also in works
  3. AnantS

    Hypersonic Missiles

    thats what i wrote, the brahmos will be used as first salvo to overcome defences, then followed by cheaper options.
  4. AnantS

    Hypersonic Missiles

    Brahmos usp is speed. DO you(China) have anything to counter it? India and Israel have called Barak 8. So does US in form of There is a reason, India Russia US and even China are spending some big amounts on Scramjets. Now If India has to bomb Chinese bases in Tibet(or vice versa): the choice...
  5. AnantS

    Hypersonic Missiles

    Why do you need tomahawk when Brahmos is needed to overcome defenses? When Brahmos can cover the immediate threat spectrum, again why do you need Tomhawk? Brahmos will be used to pound protected Chinese locations, followed by salvo of cheap Nirbhaya(if it comes out succesfully out of development...