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  1. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    urban warfare is a whole different demon. Mil. tactics will only include spraying bullets..thats all. china created another Afghanistan in Myanmar.
  2. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    Myanmar mil. has gone full retard. never go full retard!
  3. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    So far so good. MEA issued statement that such projects wont have any impact by the coup. may be there is an understanding with the military.
  4. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    China Denies Sending Equipment, Experts to Myanmar to Control Internet if there is a chinese name connected to any fuckup across the world.. that probably is true.
  5. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    Myanmar's army chief challenges Biden, and bets big on China NAYPYIDAW (BLOOMBERG) - By seizing power on Monday (Feb 1), Myanmar's generals are providing US President Joe Biden with an early test of his efforts to counter the appeal of China's authoritarian model in Asia. Army chief Min Aung...
  6. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    Myanmar army pledges new elections, power transfer after one-year state of emergency If they put an air space restriction siding with china..we will have to fly a long way around
  7. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    cant take it for granted. with a state like Myanmar where Militray can have a coup that easy.....i think all the CCP plans would have the silent blessing of its military. Myanmar navy getting training from India is cuz we are one of the best to train people when it comes to many things. We are...
  8. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    Myanmar military television said on Monday morning that the military was taking control of the country for one year and Suu Kyi and others had been detained. The actions came on the day Myanmar's Parliament was to convene with new members taking oath following November elections...
  9. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    china wants to make a nepal out of Myanmar despite being dharmiks
  10. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    their democratic govt cannot do anything against India..;.obama or not. Myanmar doesnt have the pull for it. but their military can stop cooperating with Indian army and create issues for IA by siding with chinese sponsored terrorists"
  11. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    Exactly what china wants. that way china will have another ally in Asia when it attacks Taiwan. china is systematically destroying democracies one by one or installing one in their favor. In another few months or years we can see a pattern of protest..takeovers and purges sponsored by china...
  12. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    India was doing it otherwise too. Under the democractic govt of Myanmar..India has led many operations over there killing chinese sponsoted terrorists
  13. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    India can save the democracy in Myanmar!
  14. sorcerer

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    its china... creating favorable ecosystem before they attack Taiwan! be it biden or Myanmar