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  1. Shuturmurg

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    This is not color revolution.
  2. Shuturmurg

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    No. Junta is really unpopular. They are even unpopular with Bamar majority. Also, Junta is quite friendly with China as well. India doesn't want to be seen to helping a really unpopular dictatorship and make itself a enemy of their people. Also, its not as straightforward as Buddhists fighting...
  3. Shuturmurg

    Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India

    Chin issue has been going on for long, even before this current coup. US want to support a full fledged civil war, but US is limited, because neither China, nor India nor Thailand (all bordering countries) support them in this. Heck even Japan tries to maintain good relations with junta. You...